Class SSLIOSession

  extended by org.apache.http.nio.reactor.ssl.SSLIOSession
All Implemented Interfaces:
IOSession, SessionBufferStatus, SocketAccessor
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SSLIOSession
extends Object
implements IOSession, SessionBufferStatus, SocketAccessor

SSLIOSession is a decorator class intended to transparently extend an IOSession with transport layer security capabilities based on the SSL/TLS protocol.

The resultant instance of SSLIOSession must be added to the original I/O session as an attribute with the SESSION_KEY key.

  SSLContext sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance("SSL");
  sslContext.init(null, null, null);
  SSLIOSession sslsession = new SSLIOSession(
      ioSession, SSLMode.CLIENT, sslContext, null);
  ioSession.setAttribute(SSLIOSession.SESSION_KEY, sslsession);


Field Summary
static String SESSION_KEY
          Name of the context attribute key, which can be used to obtain the SSL session.
Fields inherited from interface org.apache.http.nio.reactor.IOSession
Constructor Summary
SSLIOSession(IOSession session, SSLMode sslMode, HttpHost host, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler handler)
          Creates new instance of SSLIOSession class.
SSLIOSession(IOSession session, SSLMode sslMode, HttpHost host, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler handler, SSLBufferManagementStrategy bufferManagementStrategy)
          Creates new instance of SSLIOSession class.
SSLIOSession(IOSession session, SSLMode sslMode, SSLContext sslContext, SSLSetupHandler handler)
          Creates new instance of SSLIOSession class.
Method Summary
 ByteChannel channel()
          Returns the underlying I/O channel associated with this session.
 void clearEvent(int op)
          Clears interest in a particular I/O event type by updating the event mask associated with the session.
 void close()
          Terminates the session gracefully and closes the underlying I/O channel.
 Object getAttribute(String name)
          Returns the value of the attribute with the given name.
 int getEventMask()
          Returns mask of I/O evens this session declared interest in.
 SocketAddress getLocalAddress()
          Returns local address.
 SocketAddress getRemoteAddress()
          Returns address of the remote peer.
 Socket getSocket()
          Return the underlying socket
 int getSocketTimeout()
          Returns value of the socket timeout in milliseconds.
 SSLSession getSSLSession()
protected  SSLSetupHandler getSSLSetupHandler()
 int getStatus()
          Returns status of the session:
 boolean hasBufferedInput()
          Determines if the input buffer associated with the session contains data.
 boolean hasBufferedOutput()
          Determines if the output buffer associated with the session contains data.
 void inboundTransport()
          Executes inbound SSL transport operations.
 void initialize()
          Initializes the session.
 void initialize(SSLMode sslMode)
          Deprecated. (4.3) SSL mode must be set at construction time.
 boolean isAppInputReady()
          Reads encrypted data and returns whether the channel associated with this session has any decrypted inbound data available for reading.
 boolean isAppOutputReady()
          Returns whether the channel associated with this session is ready to accept outbound unecrypted data for writing.
 boolean isClosed()
          Determines if the session has been terminated.
 boolean isInboundDone()
          Returns whether the session will produce any more inbound data.
 boolean isInitialized()
          Returns true is the session has been fully initialized, false otherwise.
 boolean isOutboundDone()
          Returns whether the session will accept any more outbound data.
 void outboundTransport()
          Sends encrypted data and executes outbound SSL transport operations.
 Object removeAttribute(String name)
          Removes attribute with the given name.
 void setAttribute(String name, Object obj)
          This method can be used to associate a particular object with the session by the given attribute name.
 void setBufferStatus(SessionBufferStatus status)
          Quite often I/O sessions need to maintain internal I/O buffers in order to transform input / output data prior to returning it to the consumer or writing it to the underlying channel.
 void setEvent(int op)
          Declares interest in a particular I/O event type by updating the event mask associated with the session.
 void setEventMask(int ops)
          Declares interest in I/O event notifications by setting the event mask associated with the session
 void setSocketTimeout(int timeout)
          Sets value of the socket timeout in milliseconds.
 void shutdown()
          Terminates the session by shutting down the underlying I/O channel.
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String SESSION_KEY
Name of the context attribute key, which can be used to obtain the SSL session.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public SSLIOSession(IOSession session,
                    SSLMode sslMode,
                    HttpHost host,
                    SSLContext sslContext,
                    SSLSetupHandler handler)
Creates new instance of SSLIOSession class. The instances created uses a PermanentSSLBufferManagementStrategy to manage its buffers.

session - I/O session to be decorated with the TLS/SSL capabilities.
sslMode - SSL mode (client or server)
host - original host (applicable in client mode only)
sslContext - SSL context to use for this I/O session.
handler - optional SSL setup handler. May be null.


public SSLIOSession(IOSession session,
                    SSLMode sslMode,
                    HttpHost host,
                    SSLContext sslContext,
                    SSLSetupHandler handler,
                    SSLBufferManagementStrategy bufferManagementStrategy)
Creates new instance of SSLIOSession class.

session - I/O session to be decorated with the TLS/SSL capabilities.
sslMode - SSL mode (client or server)
host - original host (applicable in client mode only)
sslContext - SSL context to use for this I/O session.
handler - optional SSL setup handler. May be null.
bufferManagementStrategy - buffer management strategy


public SSLIOSession(IOSession session,
                    SSLMode sslMode,
                    SSLContext sslContext,
                    SSLSetupHandler handler)
Creates new instance of SSLIOSession class.

session - I/O session to be decorated with the TLS/SSL capabilities.
sslMode - SSL mode (client or server)
sslContext - SSL context to use for this I/O session.
handler - optional SSL setup handler. May be null.
Method Detail


protected SSLSetupHandler getSSLSetupHandler()


public boolean isInitialized()
Returns true is the session has been fully initialized, false otherwise.


public void initialize(SSLMode sslMode)
                throws SSLException
Deprecated. (4.3) SSL mode must be set at construction time.

Initializes the session in the given SSLMode. This method invokes the SSLSetupHandler.initalize(SSLEngine) callback if an instance of SSLSetupHandler was specified at the construction time.



public void initialize()
                throws SSLException
Initializes the session. This method invokes the SSLSetupHandler.initalize(SSLEngine) callback if an instance of SSLSetupHandler was specified at the construction time.

SSLException - in case of a SSL protocol exception.
IllegalStateException - if the session has already been initialized.


public SSLSession getSSLSession()


public boolean isAppInputReady()
                        throws IOException
Reads encrypted data and returns whether the channel associated with this session has any decrypted inbound data available for reading.

IOException - in case of an I/O error.


public boolean isAppOutputReady()
                         throws IOException
Returns whether the channel associated with this session is ready to accept outbound unecrypted data for writing.

IOException - - not thrown currently


public void inboundTransport()
                      throws IOException
Executes inbound SSL transport operations.

IOException - - not thrown currently


public void outboundTransport()
                       throws IOException
Sends encrypted data and executes outbound SSL transport operations.

IOException - in case of an I/O error.


public boolean isInboundDone()
Returns whether the session will produce any more inbound data.


public boolean isOutboundDone()
Returns whether the session will accept any more outbound data.


public void close()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Terminates the session gracefully and closes the underlying I/O channel. This method ensures that session termination handshake, such as the one used by the SSL/TLS protocol, is correctly carried out.

Specified by:
close in interface IOSession


public void shutdown()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Terminates the session by shutting down the underlying I/O channel.

Specified by:
shutdown in interface IOSession


public int getStatus()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Returns status of the session:

IOSession.ACTIVE: session is active.

IOSession.CLOSING: session is being closed.

IOSession.CLOSED: session has been terminated.

Specified by:
getStatus in interface IOSession
session status.


public boolean isClosed()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Determines if the session has been terminated.

Specified by:
isClosed in interface IOSession
true if the session has been terminated, false otherwise.


public ByteChannel channel()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Returns the underlying I/O channel associated with this session.

Specified by:
channel in interface IOSession
the I/O channel.


public SocketAddress getLocalAddress()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Returns local address.

Specified by:
getLocalAddress in interface IOSession
socket address.


public SocketAddress getRemoteAddress()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Returns address of the remote peer.

Specified by:
getRemoteAddress in interface IOSession
socket address.


public int getEventMask()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Returns mask of I/O evens this session declared interest in.

Specified by:
getEventMask in interface IOSession
I/O event mask.


public void setEventMask(int ops)
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Declares interest in I/O event notifications by setting the event mask associated with the session

Specified by:
setEventMask in interface IOSession
ops - new I/O event mask.


public void setEvent(int op)
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Declares interest in a particular I/O event type by updating the event mask associated with the session.

Specified by:
setEvent in interface IOSession
op - I/O event type.


public void clearEvent(int op)
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Clears interest in a particular I/O event type by updating the event mask associated with the session.

Specified by:
clearEvent in interface IOSession
op - I/O event type.


public int getSocketTimeout()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Returns value of the socket timeout in milliseconds. The value of 0 signifies the session cannot time out.

Specified by:
getSocketTimeout in interface IOSession
socket timeout.


public void setSocketTimeout(int timeout)
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Sets value of the socket timeout in milliseconds. The value of 0 signifies the session cannot time out.

Specified by:
setSocketTimeout in interface IOSession
timeout - socket timeout.


public boolean hasBufferedInput()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Determines if the input buffer associated with the session contains data.

Specified by:
hasBufferedInput in interface IOSession
Specified by:
hasBufferedInput in interface SessionBufferStatus
true if the session input buffer contains data, false otherwise.


public boolean hasBufferedOutput()
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Determines if the output buffer associated with the session contains data.

Specified by:
hasBufferedOutput in interface IOSession
Specified by:
hasBufferedOutput in interface SessionBufferStatus
true if the session output buffer contains data, false otherwise.


public void setBufferStatus(SessionBufferStatus status)
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Quite often I/O sessions need to maintain internal I/O buffers in order to transform input / output data prior to returning it to the consumer or writing it to the underlying channel. Memory management in HttpCore NIO is based on the fundamental principle that the data consumer can read only as much input data as it can process without having to allocate more memory. That means, quite often some input data may remain unread in one of the internal or external session buffers. The I/O reactor can query the status of these session buffers, and make sure the consumer gets notified correctly as more data gets stored in one of the session buffers, thus allowing the consumer to read the remaining data once it is able to process it

I/O sessions can be made aware of the status of external session buffers using the SessionBufferStatus interface.

Specified by:
setBufferStatus in interface IOSession


public Object getAttribute(String name)
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Returns the value of the attribute with the given name. The value can be null if not set.

The value of the session attachment object can be obtained using IOSession.ATTACHMENT_KEY name.

Specified by:
getAttribute in interface IOSession
name - name of the attribute.
value of the attribute.
See Also:
IOSession.setAttribute(String, Object)


public Object removeAttribute(String name)
Description copied from interface: IOSession
Removes attribute with the given name.

Specified by:
removeAttribute in interface IOSession
name - name of the attribute to be removed.
value of the removed attribute.
See Also:
IOSession.setAttribute(String, Object)


public void setAttribute(String name,
                         Object obj)
Description copied from interface: IOSession
This method can be used to associate a particular object with the session by the given attribute name.

I/O sessions are not bound to an execution thread, therefore one cannot use the context of the thread to store a session's state. All details about a particular session must be stored within the session itself.

Specified by:
setAttribute in interface IOSession
name - name of the attribute.
obj - value of the attribute.


public String toString()
toString in class Object


public Socket getSocket()
Description copied from interface: SocketAccessor
Return the underlying socket

Specified by:
getSocket in interface SocketAccessor
- the underlying Socket, may be null.

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