Package org.apache.http.nio.protocol

Core HTTP protocol execution framework and HTTP protocol handlers for asynchronous, event driven communication.


Interface Summary
EventListener Deprecated. (4.2) do not use
HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler represents a callback interface whose methods get invoked when executing one or multiple HTTP message exchanges on the client side.
HttpAsyncExchange HttpAsyncExchange represents a server-side HTTP message exchange where an HTTP response can be deferred without blocking the I/O event thread and triggered asynchronously at a later point of later time.
HttpAsyncExpectationVerifier HttpAsyncExpectationVerifier defines a strategy to verify whether or not an incoming HTTP request meets the target server's expectations.
HttpAsyncRequestConsumer<T> HttpAsyncRequestConsumer is a callback interface whose methods get invoked to process an HTTP request message and to stream message content from a non-blocking HTTP connection on the server side.
HttpAsyncRequestExecutionHandler<T> Deprecated. use HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler
HttpAsyncRequestHandler<T> HttpAsyncRequestHandler represents a routine for asynchronous processing of a specific group of non-blocking HTTP requests.
HttpAsyncRequestHandlerMapper HttpAsyncRequestHandlerMapper can be used to resolve an instance of HttpAsyncRequestHandler matching a particular HttpRequest.
HttpAsyncRequestHandlerResolver Deprecated. see HttpAsyncRequestHandlerMapper
HttpAsyncRequestProducer HttpAsyncRequestProducer is a callback interface whose methods get invoked to generate an HTTP request message and to stream message content to a non-blocking HTTP connection.
HttpAsyncResponseConsumer<T> HttpAsyncResponseConsumer is a callback interface whose methods get invoked to process an HTTP response message and to stream message content from a non-blocking HTTP connection on the client side.
HttpAsyncResponseProducer HttpAsyncResponseProducer is a callback interface whose methods get invoked to generate an HTTP response message and to stream message content to a non-blocking HTTP connection on the server side.
HttpRequestExecutionHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncRequestExecutor and HttpAsyncRequester
NHttpRequestExecutionHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncRequestExecutor and HttpAsyncRequester
NHttpRequestHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncRequestHandler
NHttpRequestHandlerResolver Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncRequestHandlerResolver
NHttpResponseTrigger Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncExchange

Class Summary
AbstractAsyncRequestConsumer<T> Abstract HttpAsyncRequestConsumer implementation that relieves its subclasses from having to manage internal state and provides a number of protected event methods that they need to implement.
AbstractAsyncResponseConsumer<T> Abstract HttpAsyncResponseConsumer implementation that relieves its subclasses from having to manage internal state and provides a number of protected event methods that they need to implement.
AsyncNHttpClientHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncRequestExecutor and HttpAsyncRequester
AsyncNHttpServiceHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncService
BasicAsyncClientExchangeHandler<T> Basic implementation of HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler that executes a single HTTP request / response exchange.
BasicAsyncRequestConsumer Basic implementation of HttpAsyncRequestConsumer.
BasicAsyncRequestExecutionHandler<T> Deprecated. (4.3) use BasicAsyncClientExchangeHandler.
BasicAsyncRequestHandler Basic implementation of HttpAsyncRequestHandler that delegates the process of request handling to a HttpRequestHandler.
BasicAsyncRequestProducer Basic implementation of HttpAsyncRequestProducer.
BasicAsyncResponseConsumer Basic implementation of HttpAsyncResponseConsumer.
BasicAsyncResponseProducer Basic implementation of HttpAsyncResponseProducer.
BufferingHttpClientHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncRequestExecutor and HttpAsyncRequester
BufferingHttpServiceHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncService
ErrorResponseProducer This class changed from package private to public in version 4.4.8.
HttpAsyncRequester HttpAsyncRequester is a utility class that can be used in conjunction with HttpAsyncRequestExecutor to initiate execution of asynchronous HTTP requests.
HttpAsyncRequestExecutor HttpAsyncRequestExecutor is a fully asynchronous HTTP client side protocol handler based on the NIO (non-blocking) I/O model.
HttpAsyncRequestHandlerRegistry Deprecated. (4.3) use UriHttpAsyncRequestHandlerMapper
HttpAsyncService HttpAsyncService is a fully asynchronous HTTP server side protocol handler based on the non-blocking (NIO) I/O model.
NHttpHandlerBase Deprecated. (4.2) do not use
NHttpRequestHandlerRegistry Deprecated. (4.2) use UriHttpAsyncRequestHandlerMapper
PipeliningClientExchangeHandler<T> Pipelining implementation of HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler that executes a series of pipelined HTTP requests.
SimpleNHttpRequestHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use BasicAsyncRequestHandler
ThrottlingHttpClientHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncRequestExecutor and HttpAsyncRequester
ThrottlingHttpServiceHandler Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncService
UriHttpAsyncRequestHandlerMapper Maintains a map of HTTP request handlers keyed by a request URI pattern.

Annotation Types Summary

Package org.apache.http.nio.protocol Description

Core HTTP protocol execution framework and HTTP protocol handlers for asynchronous, event driven communication.

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