Interface HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler

All Superinterfaces:
Cancellable, Closeable
All Known Implementing Classes:
BasicAsyncClientExchangeHandler, PipeliningClientExchangeHandler

public interface HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler
extends Closeable, Cancellable

HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler represents a callback interface whose methods get invoked when executing one or multiple HTTP message exchanges on the client side.

Individual HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandler are expected to make use of a HttpProcessor to generate mandatory protocol headers for all outgoing messages and apply common, cross-cutting message transformations to all incoming and outgoing messages. HttpAsyncClientExchangeHandlers can delegate implementation of application specific content generation and processing to a HttpAsyncRequestProducer and a HttpAsyncResponseConsumer.


Method Summary
 void consumeContent(ContentDecoder decoder, IOControl ioControl)
          Invoked to process a chunk of content from the ContentDecoder.
 void failed(Exception ex)
          Invoked to signal that the response processing terminated abnormally.
 HttpRequest generateRequest()
          Invoked to generate a HTTP request message head.
 void inputTerminated()
          Invoked to signal that the connection has been terminated prematurely by the opposite end.
 boolean isDone()
          Determines whether or not the response processing completed.
 void produceContent(ContentEncoder encoder, IOControl ioControl)
          Invoked to write out a chunk of content to the ContentEncoder.
 void requestCompleted()
          Invoked to signal that the request has been fully written out.
 void responseCompleted()
          Invoked to signal that the response has been fully processed.
 void responseReceived(HttpResponse response)
          Invoked when a HTTP response message is received.
Methods inherited from interface
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.http.concurrent.Cancellable

Method Detail


HttpRequest generateRequest()
                            throws IOException,
Invoked to generate a HTTP request message head. The message is expected to implement the HttpEntityEnclosingRequest interface if it is to enclose a content entity. The produceContent(ContentEncoder, IOControl) method will not be invoked if HttpEntityEnclosingRequest.getEntity() returns null.

HTTP request message.
HttpException - in case of HTTP protocol violation
IOException - in case of an I/O error


void produceContent(ContentEncoder encoder,
                    IOControl ioControl)
                    throws IOException
Invoked to write out a chunk of content to the ContentEncoder. The IOControl interface can be used to suspend output event notifications if the producer is temporarily unable to produce more content.

When all content is finished, the producer MUST call ContentEncoder.complete(). Failure to do so may cause the entity to be incorrectly delimited.

Please note that the ContentEncoder object is not thread-safe and should only be used within the context of this method call. The IOControl object can be shared and used on other thread to resume output event notifications when more content is made available.

encoder - content encoder.
ioControl - I/O control of the underlying connection.
IOException - in case of an I/O error


void requestCompleted()
Invoked to signal that the request has been fully written out.


void responseReceived(HttpResponse response)
                      throws IOException,
Invoked when a HTTP response message is received. Please note that the consumeContent(ContentDecoder, IOControl) method will be invoked only if the response messages has a content entity enclosed.

response - HTTP response message.
HttpException - in case of HTTP protocol violation
IOException - in case of an I/O error


void consumeContent(ContentDecoder decoder,
                    IOControl ioControl)
                    throws IOException
Invoked to process a chunk of content from the ContentDecoder. The IOControl interface can be used to suspend input event notifications if the consumer is temporarily unable to process content.

The consumer can use the ContentDecoder.isCompleted() method to find out whether or not the message content has been fully consumed.

Please note that the ContentDecoder object is not thread-safe and should only be used within the context of this method call. The IOControl object can be shared and used on other thread to resume input event notifications when the consumer is capable of processing more content.

decoder - content decoder.
ioControl - I/O control of the underlying connection.
IOException - in case of an I/O error


void responseCompleted()
                       throws IOException,
Invoked to signal that the response has been fully processed.



void inputTerminated()
Invoked to signal that the connection has been terminated prematurely by the opposite end.


void failed(Exception ex)
Invoked to signal that the response processing terminated abnormally.

ex - exception


boolean isDone()
Determines whether or not the response processing completed.

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