Class AsyncNHttpClientHandler

  extended by org.apache.http.nio.protocol.NHttpHandlerBase
      extended by org.apache.http.nio.protocol.AsyncNHttpClientHandler
All Implemented Interfaces:

Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncRequestExecutor and HttpAsyncRequester

public class AsyncNHttpClientHandler
extends NHttpHandlerBase
implements NHttpClientHandler

Fully asynchronous HTTP client side protocol handler that implements the essential requirements of the HTTP protocol for the server side message processing as described by RFC 2616. It is capable of executing HTTP requests with nearly constant memory footprint. Only HTTP message heads are stored in memory, while content of message bodies is streamed directly from the entity to the underlying channel (and vice versa) using ConsumingNHttpEntity and ProducingNHttpEntity interfaces. When using this implementation, it is important to ensure that entities supplied for writing implement ProducingNHttpEntity. Doing so will allow the entity to be written out asynchronously. If entities supplied for writing do not implement the ProducingNHttpEntity interface, a delegate is added that buffers the entire contents in memory. Additionally, the buffering might take place in the I/O dispatch thread, which could cause I/O to block temporarily. For best results, one must ensure that all entities set on HttpRequests from NHttpRequestExecutionHandler implement ProducingNHttpEntity. If incoming responses enclose a content entity, NHttpRequestExecutionHandler are expected to return a ConsumingNHttpEntity for reading the content. After the entity is finished reading the data, NHttpRequestExecutionHandler.handleResponse(HttpResponse, HttpContext) method is called to process the response.

The following parameters can be used to customize the behavior of this class:


Nested Class Summary
protected static class AsyncNHttpClientHandler.ClientConnState
Field Summary
protected  NHttpRequestExecutionHandler execHandler
Fields inherited from class org.apache.http.nio.protocol.NHttpHandlerBase
allocator, CONN_STATE, connStrategy, eventListener, httpProcessor, params
Constructor Summary
AsyncNHttpClientHandler(HttpProcessor httpProcessor, NHttpRequestExecutionHandler execHandler, ConnectionReuseStrategy connStrategy, ByteBufferAllocator allocator, HttpParams params)
AsyncNHttpClientHandler(HttpProcessor httpProcessor, NHttpRequestExecutionHandler execHandler, ConnectionReuseStrategy connStrategy, HttpParams params)
Method Summary
 void closed(NHttpClientConnection conn)
          Deprecated. Triggered when the connection is closed.
 void connected(NHttpClientConnection conn, Object attachment)
          Deprecated. Triggered when a new outgoing connection is created.
 void exception(NHttpClientConnection conn, HttpException ex)
          Deprecated. Triggered when an HTTP protocol violation occurs while receiving an HTTP response.
 void exception(NHttpClientConnection conn, IOException ex)
          Deprecated. Triggered when an I/O error occurs while reading from or writing to the underlying channel.
 void inputReady(NHttpClientConnection conn, ContentDecoder decoder)
          Deprecated. Triggered when the underlying channel is ready for reading a new portion of the response entity through the corresponding content decoder.
 void outputReady(NHttpClientConnection conn, ContentEncoder encoder)
          Deprecated. Triggered when the underlying channel is ready for writing a next portion of the request entity through the corresponding content encoder.
 void requestReady(NHttpClientConnection conn)
          Deprecated. Triggered when the connection is ready to accept a new HTTP request.
 void responseReceived(NHttpClientConnection conn)
          Deprecated. Triggered when an HTTP response is received.
 void timeout(NHttpClientConnection conn)
          Deprecated. Triggered when no input is detected on this connection over the maximum period of inactivity.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.http.nio.protocol.NHttpHandlerBase
canResponseHaveBody, closeConnection, getParams, handleTimeout, setEventListener, shutdownConnection
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected NHttpRequestExecutionHandler execHandler
Constructor Detail


public AsyncNHttpClientHandler(HttpProcessor httpProcessor,
                               NHttpRequestExecutionHandler execHandler,
                               ConnectionReuseStrategy connStrategy,
                               ByteBufferAllocator allocator,
                               HttpParams params)


public AsyncNHttpClientHandler(HttpProcessor httpProcessor,
                               NHttpRequestExecutionHandler execHandler,
                               ConnectionReuseStrategy connStrategy,
                               HttpParams params)
Method Detail


public void connected(NHttpClientConnection conn,
                      Object attachment)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when a new outgoing connection is created.

Specified by:
connected in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - new outgoing HTTP connection.
attachment - an object that was attached to the session request


public void closed(NHttpClientConnection conn)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when the connection is closed.

Specified by:
closed in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - closed HTTP connection.


public void exception(NHttpClientConnection conn,
                      HttpException ex)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when an HTTP protocol violation occurs while receiving an HTTP response.

Specified by:
exception in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - HTTP connection that caused an HTTP protocol violation
ex - HTTP protocol violation exception


public void exception(NHttpClientConnection conn,
                      IOException ex)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when an I/O error occurs while reading from or writing to the underlying channel.

Specified by:
exception in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - HTTP connection that caused an I/O error
ex - I/O exception


public void requestReady(NHttpClientConnection conn)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when the connection is ready to accept a new HTTP request. The protocol handler does not have to submit a request if it is not ready.

Specified by:
requestReady in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - HTTP connection that is ready to accept a new HTTP request.
See Also:


public void inputReady(NHttpClientConnection conn,
                       ContentDecoder decoder)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when the underlying channel is ready for reading a new portion of the response entity through the corresponding content decoder.

If the content consumer is unable to process the incoming content, input event notifications can be temporarily suspended using IOControl interface.

Specified by:
inputReady in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - HTTP connection that can produce a new portion of the incoming response content.
decoder - The content decoder to use to read content.
See Also:
NHttpClientConnection, ContentDecoder, IOControl


public void outputReady(NHttpClientConnection conn,
                        ContentEncoder encoder)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when the underlying channel is ready for writing a next portion of the request entity through the corresponding content encoder.

If the content producer is unable to generate the outgoing content, output event notifications can be temporarily suspended using IOControl interface.

Specified by:
outputReady in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - HTTP connection that can accommodate a new portion of the outgoing request content.
encoder - The content encoder to use to write content.
See Also:
NHttpClientConnection, ContentEncoder, IOControl


public void responseReceived(NHttpClientConnection conn)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when an HTTP response is received. The connection passed as a parameter to this method is guaranteed to return a valid HTTP response object.

If the response received encloses a response entity this method will be followed by a series of NHttpClientHandler.inputReady(NHttpClientConnection, ContentDecoder) calls to transfer the response content.

Specified by:
responseReceived in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - HTTP connection that contains an HTTP response
See Also:


public void timeout(NHttpClientConnection conn)
Description copied from interface: NHttpClientHandler
Triggered when no input is detected on this connection over the maximum period of inactivity.

Specified by:
timeout in interface NHttpClientHandler
conn - HTTP connection that caused timeout condition.

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