Interface NHttpResponseTrigger

Deprecated. (4.2) use HttpAsyncExchange

public interface NHttpResponseTrigger

Callback interface to submit HTTP responses asynchronously.

The NHttpRequestHandler.handle(org.apache.http.HttpRequest, HttpResponse, NHttpResponseTrigger, org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext) method does not have to submit a response immediately. It can defer transmission of the HTTP response back to the client without blocking the I/O thread by delegating the process of handling the HTTP request to a worker thread. The worker thread in its turn can use the instance of NHttpResponseTrigger passed as a parameter to submit a response as at a later point of time once the response becomes available.


Method Summary
 void handleException(HttpException ex)
          Deprecated. Reports a protocol exception thrown while processing the request.
 void handleException(IOException ex)
          Deprecated. Report an IOException thrown while processing the request.
 void submitResponse(HttpResponse response)
          Deprecated. Submits a response to be sent back to the client as a result of processing of the request.

Method Detail


void submitResponse(HttpResponse response)
Submits a response to be sent back to the client as a result of processing of the request.


void handleException(HttpException ex)
Reports a protocol exception thrown while processing the request.


void handleException(IOException ex)
Report an IOException thrown while processing the request.

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