Uses of Interface

Packages that use HttpAsyncContentProducer
org.apache.http.nio.entity Core HTTP entity implementations with support for asynchronous, event driven communication. 
org.apache.http.nio.protocol Core HTTP protocol execution framework and HTTP protocol handlers for asynchronous, event driven communication. 

Uses of HttpAsyncContentProducer in org.apache.http.nio.entity

Classes in org.apache.http.nio.entity that implement HttpAsyncContentProducer
 class EntityAsyncContentProducer
          Basic implementation of HttpAsyncContentProducer that relies on inefficient and potentially blocking I/O operation redirection through Channels.newChannel(
 class NByteArrayEntity
          A simple self contained, repeatable non-blocking entity that retrieves its content from a byte array.
 class NFileEntity
          A self contained, repeatable non-blocking entity that retrieves its content from a file.
 class NStringEntity
          A simple, self contained, repeatable non-blocking entity that retrieves its content from a String object.

Uses of HttpAsyncContentProducer in org.apache.http.nio.protocol

Constructors in org.apache.http.nio.protocol with parameters of type HttpAsyncContentProducer
BasicAsyncRequestProducer(HttpHost target, HttpEntityEnclosingRequest request, HttpAsyncContentProducer producer)
          Creates a producer that can be used to transmit the given request message.
BasicAsyncResponseProducer(HttpResponse response, HttpAsyncContentProducer producer)
          Creates a producer that can be used to transmit the given response message.

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