Uses of Interface

Packages that use Path
org.apache.jackrabbit.core Contains the core classes that provide the implementation of the JCR API. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.spi Defines the interfaces of the JCR SPI (Service Provider Interface). 

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core that return Path
 Path HierarchyManagerImpl.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.
 Path HierarchyManager.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.
 Path CachingHierarchyManager.getPath(ItemId id)
          Returns the path to the given item.
 Path SessionImpl.getPath(String identifier)
 Path NodeImpl.getPrimaryPath()
          Returns the primary path to this Item.
 Path ItemImpl.getPrimaryPath()
          Returns the primary path to this Item.
 Path SessionImpl.getQPath(String path)
 Path SessionImpl.getQPath(String path, boolean normalizeIdentifier)

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core with parameters of type Path
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.clone(Path srcPath, Path destPath)
          Clones the subtree at the node srcAbsPath in to the new location at destAbsPath.
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.copy(Path srcPath, ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, HierarchyManager srcHierMgr, AccessManager srcAccessMgr, Path destPath, int flag)
          Copies the tree at srcPath retrieved using the specified srcStateMgr to the new location at destPath.
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.copy(Path srcPath, Path destPath, int flag)
          Copies the tree at srcPath to the new location at destPath.
 ItemImpl ItemManager.getItem(Path path)
          Deprecated. As of JSR 283, a Path doesn't anymore uniquely identify an Item, therefore ItemManager.getNode(Path) and ItemManager.getProperty(Path) should be used instead.
 String SessionImpl.getJCRPath(Path path)
 NodeImpl ItemManager.getNode(Path path)
protected  NodeState BatchedItemOperations.getNodeState(ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, HierarchyManager srcHierMgr, Path nodePath)
          Retrieves the state of the node at nodePath using the given item state manager.
 NodeState BatchedItemOperations.getNodeState(Path nodePath)
          Retrieves the state of the node at the given path.
 PropertyImpl ItemManager.getProperty(Path path)
 boolean ItemManager.itemExists(Path path)
          Deprecated. As of JSR 283, a Path doesn't anymore uniquely identify an Item, therefore ItemManager.nodeExists(Path) and ItemManager.propertyExists(Path) should be used instead.
 NodeId BatchedItemOperations.move(Path srcPath, Path destPath)
          Moves the tree at srcPath to the new location at destPath.
 boolean ItemManager.nodeExists(Path path)
          Checks whether a node exists at the specified path.
 boolean ItemManager.propertyExists(Path path)
          Checks whether a property exists at the specified path.
 void BatchedItemOperations.removeNode(Path nodePath)
          Removes the specified node, recursively removing its properties and child nodes.
 NodeId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolveNodePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into a node id.
 NodeId HierarchyManager.resolveNodePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into a node id.
 ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into an item id.
 ItemId HierarchyManager.resolvePath(Path path)
          Deprecated. As of JSR 283, a Path doesn't anymore uniquely identify an Item, therefore HierarchyManager.resolveNodePath(Path) and HierarchyManager.resolvePropertyPath(Path) should be used instead.
protected  ItemId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path path, int typesAllowed)
          Internal implementation of HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path) that will either resolve to a node or a property.
protected  ItemId CachingHierarchyManager.resolvePath(Path path, int typesAllowed)
          Internal implementation of HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePath(Path) that will either resolve to a node or a property.
 PropertyId HierarchyManagerImpl.resolvePropertyPath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into a property id.
 PropertyId HierarchyManager.resolvePropertyPath(Path path)
          Resolves a path into a property id.
 String ItemValidator.safeGetJCRPath(Path path)
          Failsafe conversion of internal Path to JCR path for use in error messages etc.
 void BatchedItemOperations.verifyCanRead(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath can be read.
 void BatchedItemOperations.verifyCanWrite(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath is writable.
protected  void BatchedItemOperations.verifyCheckedOut(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath is checked-out; throws a VersionException if that's not the case.
protected  void BatchedItemOperations.verifyNotProtected(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath is not protected.
protected  void BatchedItemOperations.verifyUnlocked(Path nodePath)
          Verifies that the node at nodePath is not locked by somebody else than the current session.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal that return Path
 Path Record.readPath()
          Read a Path from the underlying stream.
 Path AbstractRecord.readPath()
          Read a Path from the underlying stream.
 Path Record.readPathElement()
          Read a named path element from the underlying stream.
 Path AbstractRecord.readPathElement()
          Read a named path element from the underlying stream.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.journal with parameters of type Path
 void Record.writePath(Path path)
          Write a Path to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writePath(Path path)
          Write a Path to the underlying stream.
 void Record.writePathElement(Path element)
          Write a Path.Element to the underlying stream.
 void AbstractRecord.writePathElement(Path path)
          Write a Path.Element to the underlying stream.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.lock with parameters of type Path
 void XALockManager.checkLock(Path path, Session session)
          Check whether the path given is locked by somebody else than the session described.
 void LockManagerImpl.checkLock(Path path, Session session)
          Check whether the path given is locked by somebody else than the session described.
 void LockManager.checkLock(Path path, Session session)
          Check whether the path given is locked by somebody else than the session described.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation that return Path
 Path EventState.getChildRelPath()
          Returns the relative Path of the child Item associated with this event.
 Path EventState.getParentPath()
          Returns the path of the parent node.
 Path EventStateCollection.getPathPrefix()
          Returns the path prefix for this event state collection or null if no path prefix was set in the constructor of this collection.
 Path EventImpl.getQPath()
          Returns the Path of this event.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type Path
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.childNodeRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.NODE_REMOVED.
 EventStateCollection DelegatingObservationDispatcher.createEventStateCollection(SessionImpl session, Path pathPrefix)
          Creates an EventStateCollection tied to the session given as argument.
 void DelegatingObservationDispatcher.dispatch(List eventList, SessionImpl session, Path pathPrefix, String userData)
          Dispatchers a list of events to all registered dispatchers.
static EventState EventState.nodeMoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type NODE_MOVED.
static EventState EventState.nodeMovedWithInfo(NodeId parentId, Path destPath, NodeId childId, Path srcPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type NODE_MOVED.
static EventState EventState.nodeReordered(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, NodeId childId, Path destChildPath, Path srcChildPath, Path beforeChildPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type NODE_MOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyAdded(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_ADDED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.
static EventState EventState.propertyChanged(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_CHANGED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.
static EventState EventState.propertyRemoved(NodeId parentId, Path parentPath, Path childPath, Name nodeType, Set<Name> mixins, Session session, boolean external)
          Creates a new Event of type Event.PROPERTY_REMOVED.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation with parameters of type Path
EventStateCollection(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation.EventDispatcher dispatcher, SessionImpl session, Path pathPrefix)
          Creates a new empty EventStateCollection.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query with parameters of type Path
abstract  void OnWorkspaceInconsistency.handleMissingChildNode(NoSuchItemStateException exception, QueryHandler handler, Path path, NodeState node, ChildNodeEntry child)
          Handle a missing child node state.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene

Fields in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene declared as Path
protected static Path SearchIndex.JCR_SYSTEM_PATH
          The path /jcr:system.
protected  Path[] SingleColumnQueryResult.orderProps
          The relative paths of properties to use for ordering the result set.
protected static Path SearchIndex.ROOT_PATH
          The path of the root node.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene that return Path
protected  Path SearchIndex.getRelativePath(NodeState nodeState, PropertyState propState)
          Returns the relative path from nodeState to propState.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type Path
protected[] SearchIndex.createSortFields(Path[] orderProps, boolean[] orderSpecs)
          Creates the SortFields for the order properties.
 MultiColumnQueryHits SearchIndex.executeQuery(SessionImpl session, AbstractQueryImpl queryImpl, query, Path[] orderProps, boolean[] orderSpecs, long resultFetchHint)
          Executes the query on the search index.
 String NamespaceMappings.translatePath(Path path)
          Translates a path into a search index private namespace mapping.
 String AbstractNamespaceMappings.translatePath(Path path)
          Translates a path into a search index private namespace mapping.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene with parameters of type Path
SingleColumnQueryResult(SearchIndex index, SessionContext sessionContext, AbstractQueryImpl queryImpl, query, org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.SpellSuggestion spellSuggestion, ColumnImpl[] columns, Path[] orderProps, boolean[] orderSpecs, boolean documentOrder, long offset, long limit)

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.join

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.query.lucene.join with parameters of type Path
AncestorPathNodeJoin(MultiColumnQueryHits context, Name contextSelectorName, Path relPath, HierarchyManager hmgr)
          Creates an ancestor path node join.
DescendantPathNodeJoin(MultiColumnQueryHits context, Name contextSelectorName, Path relPath, HierarchyManager hmgr)
          Creates a new descendant path node join condition.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.retention

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.retention with parameters of type Path
 boolean RetentionRegistryImpl.hasEffectiveHold(Path nodePath, boolean checkParent)
 boolean RetentionRegistry.hasEffectiveHold(Path nodePath, boolean checkParent)
 boolean RetentionRegistryImpl.hasEffectiveRetention(Path nodePath, boolean checkParent)
 boolean RetentionRegistry.hasEffectiveRetention(Path nodePath, boolean checkParent)

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 boolean SimpleJBossAccessManager.canRead(Path itemPath, ItemId itemId)
 boolean DefaultAccessManager.canRead(Path itemPath, ItemId itemId)
 boolean AccessManager.canRead(Path itemPath, ItemId itemId)
          Determines whether the item with the specified itemPath or itemId can be read.
 void SimpleJBossAccessManager.checkPermission(Path absPath, int permissions)
 void DefaultAccessManager.checkPermission(Path absPath, int permissions)
 void AccessManager.checkPermission(Path absPath, int permissions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on the item with the specified id (i.e. the target item).
 boolean SimpleJBossAccessManager.isGranted(Path absPath, int permissions)
 boolean DefaultAccessManager.isGranted(Path absPath, int permissions)
 boolean AccessManager.isGranted(Path absPath, int permissions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on the item with the specified absPath (i.e. the target item, that may or may not yet exist).
 boolean SimpleJBossAccessManager.isGranted(Path parentPath, Name childName, int permissions)
 boolean DefaultAccessManager.isGranted(Path parentPath, Name childName, int permissions)
 boolean AccessManager.isGranted(Path parentPath, Name childName, int permissions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on an item represented by the combination of the given parentPath and childName (i.e. the target item, that may or may not yet exist).

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
protected abstract  AbstractCompiledPermissions.Result AbstractCompiledPermissions.buildResult(Path absPath)
 boolean CompiledPermissions.canRead(Path itemPath, ItemId itemId)
          Returns true if READ permission is granted for the existing item with the given Path and/or ItemId.
 AccessControlPolicy[] AccessControlProvider.getEffectivePolicies(Path absPath, CompiledPermissions permissions)
          Returns the effective policies for the node at the given absPath.
 int CompiledPermissions.getPrivileges(Path absPath)
          Returns the Privilege bits granted by the underlying policy if the given absPath denotes an existing Node, otherwise it returns zero.
 int AbstractCompiledPermissions.getPrivileges(Path absPath)
 AbstractCompiledPermissions.Result AbstractCompiledPermissions.getResult(Path absPath)
 boolean CompiledPermissions.grants(Path absPath, int permissions)
          Returns true if the specified permissions are granted on the item identified by the given path.
 boolean AbstractCompiledPermissions.grants(Path absPath, int permissions)
 boolean AccessControlUtils.isAcItem(Path absPath)
          Test if the specified path points to an item that defines AC information.
 boolean AbstractAccessControlProvider.isAcItem(Path absPath)

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 AccessControlPolicy[] ACLProvider.getEffectivePolicies(Path absPath, CompiledPermissions permissions)

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 AccessControlPolicy[] CombinedProvider.getEffectivePolicies(Path absPath, CompiledPermissions permissions)
 boolean CombinedProvider.isAcItem(Path absPath)

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 AccessControlPolicy[] ACLProvider.getEffectivePolicies(Path absPath, CompiledPermissions permissions)

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 boolean SimpleAccessManager.canRead(Path itemPath, ItemId itemId)
 void SimpleAccessManager.checkPermission(Path absPath, int permissions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on the item with the specified id (i.e. the target item).
 boolean SimpleAccessManager.isGranted(Path absPath, int permissions)
 boolean SimpleAccessManager.isGranted(Path parentPath, Name childName, int permissions)

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 AccessControlPolicy[] UserAccessControlProvider.getEffectivePolicies(Path absPath, CompiledPermissions permissions)
 boolean UserAccessControlProvider.isAcItem(Path absPath)
          Always returns false, since this ac provider does not use content stored in items to evaluate AC information.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session that return Path
 Path SessionContext.getQPath(String path)
 Path SessionContext.getQPath(String path, boolean normalizeIdentifier)

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session with parameters of type Path
 String SessionContext.getJCRPath(Path path)
protected abstract  T SessionItemOperation.perform(ItemManager manager, Path path)
          Performs this operation using the given item manager.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value with parameters of type Path
 QValue InternalValueFactory.create(Path value)
static InternalValue InternalValue.create(Path value)

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.xml with parameters of type Path
WorkspaceImporter(Path parentPath, WorkspaceImpl wsp, SessionContext sessionContext, int uuidBehavior)
          Creates a new WorkspaceImporter instance.
WorkspaceImporter(Path parentPath, WorkspaceImpl wsp, SessionContext sessionContext, int uuidBehavior, ImportConfig config)
          Creates a new WorkspaceImporter instance.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi with parameters of type Path
 EventFilter WorkspaceManager.createEventFilter(int eventTypes, Path path, boolean isDeep, String[] uuids, Name[] nodeTypes, boolean noLocal)
          Creates an event filter based on the parameters available in ObservationManager.addEventListener(javax.jcr.observation.EventListener, int, java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.String[], java.lang.String[], boolean).
 Node ItemManagerImpl.getNode(Path path)
 Node ItemManager.getNode(Path path)
 Property ItemManagerImpl.getProperty(Path path)
 Property ItemManager.getProperty(Path path)
 boolean WorkspaceManager.isGranted(NodeState parentState, Path relPath, String[] actions)
 boolean ItemManagerImpl.nodeExists(Path path)
 boolean ItemManager.nodeExists(Path path)
          Checks if the node with the given path exists.
 boolean ItemManagerImpl.propertyExists(Path path)
 boolean ItemManager.propertyExists(Path path)
          Checks if the property with the given path exists.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.hierarchy

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.hierarchy that return Path
 Path HierarchyEntry.getPath()
 Path HierarchyEntry.getWorkspacePath()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.hierarchy with parameters of type Path
 NodeEntry NodeEntryImpl.getDeepNodeEntry(Path path)
 NodeEntry NodeEntry.getDeepNodeEntry(Path path)
          Traverse the tree below this entry and return the child entry matching the given path.
 PropertyEntry NodeEntryImpl.getDeepPropertyEntry(Path path)
 PropertyEntry NodeEntry.getDeepPropertyEntry(Path path)
          Traverse the tree below this entry and return the child entry matching the given path.
 NodeEntry HierarchyManagerImpl.getNodeEntry(Path qPath)
 NodeEntry HierarchyManager.getNodeEntry(Path qPath)
          Resolves a path into a NodeEntry.
 NodeState HierarchyManagerImpl.getNodeState(Path qPath)
 NodeState HierarchyManager.getNodeState(Path qPath)
          Retrieves the NodeEntry corresponding to the given path and resolves it to the underlying NodeState.
 PropertyEntry HierarchyManagerImpl.getPropertyEntry(Path qPath)
 PropertyEntry HierarchyManager.getPropertyEntry(Path qPath)
          Resolves a path into a PropertyEntry.
 PropertyState HierarchyManagerImpl.getPropertyState(Path qPath)
 PropertyState HierarchyManager.getPropertyState(Path qPath)
          Retrieves the PropertyEntry corresponding to the given path and resolves it to the underlying PropertyState.
 HierarchyEntry HierarchyManagerImpl.lookup(Path workspacePath)
 HierarchyEntry HierarchyManager.lookup(Path workspacePath)
          Lookup of HierarchyEntry by its workspace path that may be different if a entry (or any of its ancestors) has been transiently moved or reordered.
 HierarchyEntry NodeEntryImpl.lookupDeepEntry(Path workspacePath)
 HierarchyEntry NodeEntry.lookupDeepEntry(Path workspacePath)
          Traverse the tree below this entry and return the child entry matching the given 'workspacePath', i.e. transient modifications and new entries are ignored.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation that return Path
 Path Restore.getRelativePath()
          Relative path to the non-existing restore target or null if the state identified by Restore.getNodeId() is the target.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.operation with parameters of type Path
static Operation Restore.create(NodeState nodeState, Path relQPath, NodeState versionState, boolean removeExisting)
static Operation ReorderNodes.create(NodeState parentState, Path srcPath, Path beforePath)
static Operation Move.create(Path srcPath, Path destPath, HierarchyManager hierMgr, PathResolver resolver, boolean sessionMove)
static Operation Clone.create(Path srcPath, Path destPath, String srcWorkspaceName, boolean removeExisting, ManagerProvider srcMgrProvider, ManagerProvider destMgrProvider)
static Operation Copy.create(Path srcPath, Path destPath, String srcWorkspaceName, ManagerProvider srcMgrProvider, ManagerProvider destMgrProvider)
protected static NodeState AbstractOperation.getNodeState(Path nodePath, HierarchyManager hierMgr)

Uses of Path in

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 boolean AccessManager.isGranted(NodeState parentState, Path relPath, String[] actions)
          Determines whether the specified permissions are granted on the item with the specified path.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.state

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.state that return Path
 Path ItemState.getPath()
          Utility method: Returns the path of this item state.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.util

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.util with parameters of type Path
static String LogUtil.safeGetJCRPath(Path qPath, PathResolver pathResolver)
          Failsafe conversion of internal Path to JCR path for use in error messages etc.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.version with parameters of type Path
 void VersionManagerImpl.restore(NodeState nodeState, Path relativePath, NodeState versionState, boolean removeExisting)
 void VersionManager.restore(NodeState nodeState, Path relativePath, NodeState versionState, boolean removeExisting)

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.xml

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.jcr2spi.xml with parameters of type Path
SessionImporter(Path parentPath, SessionImpl session, SessionItemStateManager stateManager, int uuidBehavior)
          Creates a new WorkspaceImporter instance.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi that return Path
 Path Path.computeRelativePath(Path other)
          Computes the relative path from this absolute path to other.
 Path PathFactory.create(Name name)
          Creates a relative path based on a Name.
 Path PathFactory.create(Name name, int index)
          Creates a relative path based on a Name and a normalized index.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path.Element element)
          Creates a path from the given element.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path.Element[] elements)
          Create a new Path from the given elements.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parent, Name name, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parent, Name name, int index, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name and normalized index.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
          Return a new Path out of the given parent path and the given relative path.
 Path PathFactory.create(String pathString)
          Returns a Path holding the value of the specified string.
 Path Path.getAncestor(int degree)
          Normalizes this path and returns the ancestor path of the specified relative degree.
 Path Path.getCanonicalPath()
          Returns the canonical path representation of this path.
 Path Path.getFirstElements()
          Returns a path that consists of all but the last element of this path.
 Path Path.getLastElement()
          Returns a path that consists of only the last element of this path.
 Path Path.getNormalizedPath()
          Returns the normalized path representation of this path.
 Path QValue.getPath()
          Returns a Path representation of this value.
 Path ItemInfo.getPath()
          Returns the Path of the item represented by this ItemInfo.
 Path ItemId.getPath()
 Path Event.getPath()
 Path PathFactory.getRootPath()
          Return the Path of the root node.
 Path Path.resolve(Path.Element element)
          Resolves the given path element against this path.
 Path Path.resolve(Path relative)
          Resolves the given path against this path.
 Path Path.subPath(int from, int to)
          Returns a new Path consisting of those Path.Element objects between the given from, inclusive, and the given to, exclusive.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi with parameters of type Path
 Path Path.computeRelativePath(Path other)
          Computes the relative path from this absolute path to other.
 QValue QValueFactory.create(Path value)
          Create a new QValue with type PropertyType.PATH.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parent, Name name, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parent, Name name, int index, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name and normalized index.
 Path PathFactory.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
          Return a new Path out of the given parent path and the given relative path.
 EventFilter RepositoryService.createEventFilter(SessionInfo sessionInfo, int eventTypes, Path absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuid, Name[] nodeTypeName, boolean noLocal)
          Creates an event filter.
 NodeId IdFactory.createNodeId(NodeId parentId, Path path)
          Creates a new NodeId from the given parent id and the given Path object.
 NodeId IdFactory.createNodeId(String uniqueID, Path path)
          Creates a new NodeId from the given unique id (which identifies an ancestor Node) and the given Path object.
 boolean Path.isAncestorOf(Path other)
          Determines if this path is an ancestor of the specified path, based on their (absolute or relative) hierarchy level as returned by getDepth().
 boolean Path.isDescendantOf(Path other)
          Determines if this path is a descendant of the specified path, based on their (absolute or relative) hierarchy level as returned by getDepth().
 boolean Path.isEquivalentTo(Path other)
          Determines if the the other path would be equal to this path if both of them are normalized.
 Path Path.resolve(Path relative)
          Resolves the given path against this path.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons that return Path
 Path EventFilterImpl.getAbsPath()
 Path ItemInfoImpl.getPath()
          Returns the Path of the item represented by this ItemInfo.
 Path EventImpl.getPath()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons with parameters of type Path
 ItemInfoBuilder.PropertyInfoBuilder ItemInfoBuilder.PropertyInfoBuilder.addValue(Path value)
          Add a PropertyType.PATH value to this property.
 EventFilter AbstractRepositoryService.createEventFilter(SessionInfo sessionInfo, int eventTypes, Path absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuid, Name[] nodeTypeName, boolean noLocal)

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons with parameters of type Path
EventFilterImpl(int eventTypes, Path absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuids, Set<Name> nodeTypeNames, boolean noLocal)
          Creates a new EventFilterImpl.
EventImpl(int type, Path path, ItemId itemId, NodeId parentId, Name primaryNodeTypeName, Name[] mixinTypeNames, String userId)
EventImpl(int type, Path path, ItemId itemId, NodeId parentId, Name primaryNodeTypeName, Name[] mixinTypeNames, String userId, String userData, long timestamp, Map<Name,QValue> info)
          Creates a new serializable event.
ItemInfoImpl(NodeId parentId, Name name, Path path, boolean isNode)
          Deprecated. Use ItemInfoImpl.ItemInfoImpl(Path, boolean) instead. The parentId is not used any more and the corresponding getter has been removed.
ItemInfoImpl(Path path, boolean isNode)
          Creates a new item info from the given name, path and boolean flag.
NodeInfoImpl(NodeId parentId, Name name, Path path, NodeId id, int index, Name primaryTypeName, Name[] mixinNames, Iterator<PropertyId> references, Iterator<PropertyId> propertyIds, Iterator<ChildInfo> childInfos)
          Deprecated. Use NodeInfoImpl.NodeInfoImpl(Path, NodeId, int, Name, Name[], Iterator, Iterator, Iterator) instead. The parentId is not used any more.
NodeInfoImpl(Path path, NodeId id, int index, Name primaryTypeName, Name[] mixinNames, Iterator<PropertyId> references, Iterator<PropertyId> propertyIds, Iterator<ChildInfo> childInfos)
          Creates a new node info from the given parameters.
PropertyInfoImpl(NodeId parentId, Name name, Path path, PropertyId id, int type, boolean isMultiValued, QValue[] values)
          Deprecated. Use PropertyInfoImpl.PropertyInfoImpl(Path, PropertyId, int, boolean, QValue[]) instead. The parentId is not used any more.
PropertyInfoImpl(Path path, PropertyId id, int type, boolean isMultiValued, QValue[] values)
          Creates a new property info for the given parameters.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.batch

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.batch that return Path
protected static Path ConsolidatingChangeLog.getPath(ItemId itemId)
          Determine the Path from an ItemId.
protected static Path ConsolidatingChangeLog.getPath(NodeId parentId, Name name)
          Create a Path from the NodeId of a parent and the Name of a child.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion that return Path
 Path IdentifierResolver.getPath(String identifier)
 Path PathResolver.getQPath(String path)
          Returns the path object for the given JCR path string.
 Path ParsingPathResolver.getQPath(String jcrPath)
          Parses the given JCR path into a Path object.
 Path DefaultNamePathResolver.getQPath(String path)
 Path CachingPathResolver.getQPath(String path)
          Returns the Path object for the given JCR path String.
 Path PathResolver.getQPath(String path, boolean normalizeIdentifier)
          Returns the path object for the given JCR path string.
 Path ParsingPathResolver.getQPath(String jcrPath, boolean normalizeIdentifier)
          Calls PathParser.parse(String, NameResolver, IdentifierResolver, org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.PathFactory) from the given jcrPath.
 Path DefaultNamePathResolver.getQPath(String path, boolean normalizeIdentifier)
 Path CachingPathResolver.getQPath(String path, boolean normalizeIdentifier)
static Path PathParser.parse(Path parent, String jcrPath, NameResolver nameResolver, IdentifierResolver identifierResolver, PathFactory factory)
          Parses the given jcrPath and returns a Path.
static Path PathParser.parse(Path parent, String jcrPath, NameResolver resolver, PathFactory factory)
          Parses the given jcrPath and returns a Path.
static Path PathParser.parse(String jcrPath, NameResolver nameResolver, IdentifierResolver identifierResolver, PathFactory factory)
          Parses jcrPath into a Path object using resolver to convert prefixes into namespace URI's.
static Path PathParser.parse(String jcrPath, NameResolver nameResolver, IdentifierResolver identifierResolver, PathFactory factory, boolean normalizeIdentifier)
          Parses jcrPath into a Path object using resolver to convert prefixes into namespace URI's.
static Path PathParser.parse(String jcrPath, NameResolver resolver, PathFactory factory)
          Parses jcrPath into a Path object using resolver to convert prefixes into namespace URI's.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion with parameters of type Path
 String PathResolver.getJCRPath(Path path)
          Returns the given JCR path string for the given path object.
 String ParsingPathResolver.getJCRPath(Path path)
          Returns the JCR path representation for the given Path object.
 String DefaultNamePathResolver.getJCRPath(Path path)
 String CachingPathResolver.getJCRPath(Path path)
          Returns the JCR path String for the given Path.
static Path PathParser.parse(Path parent, String jcrPath, NameResolver nameResolver, IdentifierResolver identifierResolver, PathFactory factory)
          Parses the given jcrPath and returns a Path.
static Path PathParser.parse(Path parent, String jcrPath, NameResolver resolver, PathFactory factory)
          Parses the given jcrPath and returns a Path.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.identifier

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.identifier with parameters of type Path
 NodeId AbstractIdFactory.createNodeId(NodeId parentId, Path path)
          Creates a new NodeId from the given parent id and the given Path object.
 NodeId AbstractIdFactory.createNodeId(String uniqueID, Path path)
          Creates a new NodeId from the given unique id (which identifies an ancestor Node) and the given Path object.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.logging

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.logging that return Path
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Name name)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Name name, int index)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Path.Element element)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Path.Element[] elements)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Path parent, Name name, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Path parent, Name name, int index, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(String pathString)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.getRootPath()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.logging with parameters of type Path
 QValue QValueFactoryLogger.create(Path value)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Path parent, Name name, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Path parent, Name name, int index, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryLogger.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
 EventFilter RepositoryServiceLogger.createEventFilter(SessionInfo sessionInfo, int eventTypes, Path absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuid, Name[] qnodeTypeName, boolean noLocal)
 NodeId IdFactoryLogger.createNodeId(NodeId parentId, Path path)
 NodeId IdFactoryLogger.createNodeId(String uniqueID, Path path)

Uses of Path in

Methods in that return Path
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Name name)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Name name, int index)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Path.Element element)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Path.Element[] elements)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Path parent, Name name, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Path parent, Name name, int index, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(String pathString)
 Path MatchResult.getMatch()
          Returns the path which was matched by the Pattern.
 Path PathMap.Element.getPath()
          Return the path of this element.
 Path PathBuilder.getPath()
          Assembles the built path and returns a new Path.
 Path MatchResult.getRemainder()
          Returns the remaining path after the matching part.
 Path PathFactoryImpl.getRootPath()
static Path Matcher.match(Pattern pattern, Path input)
          Match a pattern against an input path and return the remaining path.

Methods in with parameters of type Path
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Path parent, Name name, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Path parent, Name name, int index, boolean normalize)
 Path PathFactoryImpl.create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
static MatchResult Matcher.findMatch(Pattern pattern, Path input)
          Find the first match of a pattern in a path.
static MatchResult Matcher.findMatch(Pattern pattern, Path input, int pos)
          Find the first match of a pattern in a path starting at a given position.
 PathMap.Element<T> PathMap.Element.getDescendant(Path relPath, boolean exact)
          Map a relPath starting at this Element.
 boolean PathMap.Element.hasPath(Path path)
          Checks whether this element has the specified path.
 PathMap.Element<T> path, boolean exact)
          Map a path to a child.
 MatchResult Pattern.match(Path input)
          Matches this pattern against the input.
static Path Matcher.match(Pattern pattern, Path input)
          Match a pattern against an input path and return the remaining path.
static boolean Matcher.matches(Pattern pattern, Path input)
          Checks whether a pattern matches an input path.
static Pattern Pattern.path(Path path)
          Construct a new pattern which matches an exact path
 PathMap.Element<T> PathMap.put(Path path)
          Create an empty child given by its path.
 void PathMap.put(Path path, PathMap.Element<T> element)
          Put an element given by its path.
 PathMap.Element<T> PathMap.put(Path path, T obj)
          Create an element given by its path.

Constructors in with parameters of type Path
PathBuilder(Path parent)
          Creates a new PathBuilder and initialized it with elements of the given path.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query that return Path
 Path OrderQueryNode.OrderSpec.getPropertyPath()
          Returns the relative path of the property.
 Path TextsearchQueryNode.getRelativePath()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query with parameters of type Path
 void OrderQueryNode.addOrderSpec(Path property, boolean ascending)
          Adds an order specification to this query node.
 void TextsearchQueryNode.setRelativePath(Path relPath)
          Sets the relative path to the item where the textsearch is performed.
 void RelationQueryNode.setRelativePath(Path relPath)
          Sets the relative path to the property in this relation.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query with parameters of type Path
OrderQueryNode.OrderSpec(Path property, boolean ascending)
          Creates a new OrderSpec for property.

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom that return Path
 Path DescendantNodeImpl.getQPath()
          Gets the absolute path.
 Path ChildNodeImpl.getQPath()
          Gets the absolute path.
 Path SameNodeJoinConditionImpl.getSelector2QPath()
          Gets the path relative to the second selector.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.query.qom with parameters of type Path
protected  String AbstractQOMNode.getJCRPath(Path path)
          Returns the JCR path String for the given Path object or null if path is null.
protected  String AbstractQOMNode.quote(Path path)

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.value

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.value that return Path
 Path AbstractQValue.getPath()

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.value with parameters of type Path
 QValue AbstractQValueFactory.create(Path value)

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.value with parameters of type Path
AbstractQValue(Path value)
          Create a new AbstractQValue.
DefaultQValue(Path value)

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2dav

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2dav with parameters of type Path
 EventFilter RepositoryServiceImpl.createEventFilter(SessionInfo sessionInfo, int eventTypes, Path absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuids, Name[] nodeTypeNames, boolean noLocal)

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2dav with parameters of type Path
EventImpl(ItemId eventId, Path eventPath, NodeId parentId, int eventType, Element eventElement, NamePathResolver resolver, QValueFactory qvFactory)
PropertyInfoImpl(PropertyId id, Path path, int type, boolean isMultiValued, QValue[] values)

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2davex

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2davex that return Path
 Path ItemInfoImpl.getPath()
          Returns the Path of the item represented by this ItemInfo.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2davex with parameters of type Path
 int BatchReadConfig.getDepth(Path path, PathResolver resolver)
          Return the depth for the given path.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2davex with parameters of type Path
ItemInfoImpl(Path path, boolean isNode)
          Creates a new ItemInfo.
NodeInfoImpl(NodeId id, Path path)
          Creates a new NodeInfo.
PropertyInfoImpl(PropertyId id, Path path, int propertyType, QValue value)
PropertyInfoImpl(PropertyId id, Path path, int propertyType, QValue[] values)

Uses of Path in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2jcr

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.spi2jcr with parameters of type Path
 EventFilter RepositoryServiceImpl.createEventFilter(SessionInfo sessionInfo, int eventTypes, Path absPath, boolean isDeep, String[] uuid, Name[] nodeTypeName, boolean noLocal)
          Creates an event filter.

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