
Class Summary
MembershipCache MembershipCache...
UserAccessControlProvider Implementation of the AccessControlProvider interface that is used to protected the 'security workspace' containing the user and group data.
UserImpl UserImpl
UserImporter UserImporter implements a DefaultProtectedPropertyImporter that is able to deal with user/group content as defined by the default user related node types present with jackrabbit-core.
UserImporter.ImportBehavior Inner class defining the treatment of membership or impersonator values pointing to non-existing authorizables.
UserManagerImpl Default implementation of the UserManager interface with the following characteristics: Users and Groups are stored in the repository as JCR nodes.
UserPerWorkspaceUserManager Derived UserManager implementation that allows to switch between autosaving and transient change mode.
XPathQueryEvaluator This evaluator for Querys use XPath and some minimal client side filtering.

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