Interface EventFilter

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public interface EventFilter
extends Serializable

An EventFilter is applied to the events as generated on the repository server. Event filter instances can be created with RepositoryService.createEventFilter(SessionInfo, int, Path, boolean, String[], Name[], boolean). Some repository implementations may also support event filters that are directly instantiated by the client.

Method Summary
 boolean accept(Event event, boolean isLocal)
          If an implementation returns true the event will be included in the event bundle returned by RepositoryService.getEvents(Subscription, long).

Method Detail


boolean accept(Event event,
               boolean isLocal)
If an implementation returns true the event will be included in the event bundle returned by RepositoryService.getEvents(Subscription, long). A return value of false indicates that the client is not interested in the event.

event - the event in question.
isLocal - flag indicating whether this is a local event.
true if the event is accepted by the filter; false otherwise.

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