Class PathFactoryLogger

  extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.logging.AbstractLogger
      extended by org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.logging.PathFactoryLogger
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PathFactoryLogger
extends AbstractLogger
implements PathFactory

Log wrapper for a PathFactory.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.logging.AbstractLogger
AbstractLogger.Callable, AbstractLogger.SafeCallable
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.logging.AbstractLogger
Constructor Summary
PathFactoryLogger(PathFactory pathFactory, LogWriter writer)
          Create a new instance for the given pathFactory which uses writer for persisting log messages.
Method Summary
 Path create(Name name)
          Creates a relative path based on a Name.
 Path create(Name name, int index)
          Creates a relative path based on a Name and a normalized index.
 Path create(Path.Element element)
          Creates a path from the given element.
 Path create(Path.Element[] elements)
          Create a new Path from the given elements.
 Path create(Path parent, Name name, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name.
 Path create(Path parent, Name name, int index, boolean normalize)
          Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name and normalized index.
 Path create(Path parent, Path relPath, boolean normalize)
          Return a new Path out of the given parent path and the given relative path.
 Path create(String pathString)
          Returns a Path holding the value of the specified string.
 Path.Element createElement(Name name)
          Creates a path element from the given name.
 Path.Element createElement(Name name, int index)
          Same as PathFactory.createElement(Name) except that an explicit index can be specified.
 Path.Element createElement(String identifier)
          Creates a path element from the given identifier.
 Path.Element getCurrentElement()
          Return the current element.
 Path.Element getParentElement()
          Return the parent element.
 PathFactory getPathFactory()
 Path.Element getRootElement()
          Return the root element.
 Path getRootPath()
          Return the Path of the root node.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.logging.AbstractLogger
execute, execute
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public PathFactoryLogger(PathFactory pathFactory,
                         LogWriter writer)
Create a new instance for the given pathFactory which uses writer for persisting log messages.

pathFactory -
writer -
Method Detail


public PathFactory getPathFactory()
the wrapped PathFactory


public Path create(Path parent,
                   Path relPath,
                   boolean normalize)
            throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Return a new Path out of the given parent path and the given relative path. If normalize is true, the returned path will be normalized (or canonicalized, if the parent path is absolute).

Specified by:
create in interface PathFactory
RepositoryException - If the normalized is true and the resulting path cannot be normalized.


public Path create(Path parent,
                   Name name,
                   boolean normalize)
            throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name. If normalize is true, the returned path will be normalized (or canonicalized, if the parent path is absolute). Use PathFactory.create(Path, Name, int, boolean) in order to build a Path having an index with his name element.

Specified by:
create in interface PathFactory
parent - the parent path
name - the name of the new path element.
normalize - If true the Path is normalized before being returned.
RepositoryException - If the normalized is true and the resulting path cannot be normalized.


public Path create(Path parent,
                   Name name,
                   int index,
                   boolean normalize)
            throws RepositoryException
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Creates a new Path out of the given parent path and the give name and normalized index. See also PathFactory.create(Path, Name, boolean).

Specified by:
create in interface PathFactory
parent - the parent path.
name - the name of the new path element.
index - the index of the new path element.
normalize - If true the Path is normalized before being returned.
RepositoryException - If the normalized is true and the resulting path cannot be normalized.


public Path create(Name name)
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Creates a relative path based on a Name.

Specified by:
create in interface PathFactory
name - single Name for this relative path.
the relative path created from name.


public Path create(Name name,
                   int index)
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Creates a relative path based on a Name and a normalized index. Same as PathFactory.create(Name) but allows to explicitely specify an index.

Specified by:
create in interface PathFactory
name - single Name for this relative path.
index - index of the single name element.
the relative path created from name and normalizedIndex.


public Path create(Path.Element element)
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Creates a path from the given element.

Specified by:
create in interface PathFactory
element - path element
the created path


public Path create(Path.Element[] elements)
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Create a new Path from the given elements.

Specified by:
create in interface PathFactory
the Path created from the elements.


public Path create(String pathString)
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Returns a Path holding the value of the specified string. The string must be in the format returned by the Path.getString() method.

Specified by:
create in interface PathFactory
pathString - a String containing the Path representation to be parsed.
the Path represented by the argument
See Also:
Path.getString(), Path.DELIMITER


public Path.Element createElement(Name name)
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Creates a path element from the given name. The created path element does not contain an explicit index.

If the specified name denotes a special path element (either PathFactory.getParentElement(), PathFactory.getCurrentElement() or PathFactory.getRootElement()) then the associated constant is returned.

Specified by:
createElement in interface PathFactory
name - the name of the element
a path element


public Path.Element createElement(Name name,
                                  int index)
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Same as PathFactory.createElement(Name) except that an explicit index can be specified.

Note that an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown if the specified name denotes a special path element (either PathFactory.getParentElement(), PathFactory.getCurrentElement() or PathFactory.getRootElement()) since an explicit index is not allowed in this context.

Specified by:
createElement in interface PathFactory
name - the name of the element
index - the index if the element.
a path element


public Path.Element createElement(String identifier)
                           throws IllegalArgumentException
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Creates a path element from the given identifier.

Specified by:
createElement in interface PathFactory
identifier - Node identifier for which the path element should be created.
a path element.
IllegalArgumentException - If the identifier is null.


public Path.Element getCurrentElement()
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Return the current element.

Specified by:
getCurrentElement in interface PathFactory
the current element.


public Path.Element getParentElement()
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Return the parent element.

Specified by:
getParentElement in interface PathFactory
the parent element.


public Path.Element getRootElement()
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Return the root element.

Specified by:
getRootElement in interface PathFactory
the root element.


public Path getRootPath()
Description copied from interface: PathFactory
Return the Path of the root node.

Specified by:
getRootPath in interface PathFactory
the Path of the root node.

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