Uses of Class

Packages that use DavException
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock Provides interfaces and classes for locking related issues. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation Contains interfaces and classes related to observation, which is not covered by the WebDAV protocol. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering Contains interfaces and classes used to cover the functionality defined by the RFC 3648: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Ordered Collections Protocol Contains interfaces and classes used to cover the functionality defined by the Internet Draft WebDAV Search
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction Contains interfaces and classes related to transaction locks. 
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version Interfaces and classes used to cover functionality defined by RFC 3253: Versioning Extensions to WebDAV Report interface and inplementation for default reports defined by RFC 3253. 

Uses of DavException in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav with parameters of type DavException
 void DavServletResponse.sendError(DavException error)
          Send a response body given more detailed information about the error occured.
 void WebdavResponseImpl.sendError(DavException exception)
          If the specifid exception provides an error condition an Xml response body is sent providing more detailed information about the error.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav that throw DavException
 int DavServletRequest.getPropFindType()
          Return the type of PROPFIND request as indicated by the PROPFIND request body.
 DavPropertyNameSet DavServletRequest.getPropFindProperties()
          Return the set of properties the client requested with a PROPFIND request or an empty set if the type of PROPFIND request was DavConstants.PROPFIND_ALL_PROP or DavConstants.PROPFIND_PROPERTY_NAMES.
 DavPropertySet DavServletRequest.getPropPatchSetProperties()
          Return the set of properties the client wanted to modify / create with a PROPPATCH request, i.e.
 DavPropertyNameSet DavServletRequest.getPropPatchRemoveProperties()
          Return the set of property names the client wanted to remove with a PROPPATCH request, i.e.
 LockInfo DavServletRequest.getLockInfo()
          Return the parsed 'lockinfo' request body, the Timeout header and the Depth header of a LOCK request as LockInfo object.
 DavResource DavResourceFactory.createResource(DavResourceLocator locator, DavServletRequest request, DavServletResponse response)
          Create a DavResource object from the given locator, request and response objects.
 DavResource DavResourceFactory.createResource(DavResourceLocator locator, DavSession session)
          Create a new DavResource object from the given locator and session.
 boolean DavSessionProvider.attachSession(WebdavRequest request)
          Acquires a DavSession.
 void DavResource.setProperty(DavProperty property)
          Add/Set the specified property on this resource.
 void DavResource.removeProperty(DavPropertyName propertyName)
          Remove the specified property from this resource.
 MultiStatusResponse DavResource.alterProperties(DavPropertySet setProperties, DavPropertyNameSet removePropertyNames)
          Set/add the specified properties and remove the properties with the given names from this resource respectively.
 void DavResource.addMember(DavResource resource, InputContext inputContext)
          Add the given resource as an internal member to this resource.
 void DavResource.removeMember(DavResource member)
          Removes the specified member from this resource.
 void DavResource.move(DavResource destination)
          Move this DavResource to the given destination resource
 void DavResource.copy(DavResource destination, boolean shallow)
          Copy this DavResource to the given destination resource
 ActiveLock DavResource.lock(LockInfo reqLockInfo)
          Lock this webdav resource with the information retrieve from the request and return the resulting lockdiscovery object.
 ActiveLock DavResource.refreshLock(LockInfo reqLockInfo, String lockToken)
          Refresh an existing lock by resetting the timeout.
 void DavResource.unlock(String lockToken)
          Remove the lock indentified by the included lock token from this resource.
 int WebdavRequestImpl.getPropFindType()
          Returns the type of PROPFIND as indicated by the request body.
 DavPropertyNameSet WebdavRequestImpl.getPropFindProperties()
          Returns the set of properties requested by the PROPFIND body or an empty set if the type is either 'allprop' or 'propname'.
 DavPropertySet WebdavRequestImpl.getPropPatchSetProperties()
          Return the list of 'set' entries in the PROPPATCH request body.
 DavPropertyNameSet WebdavRequestImpl.getPropPatchRemoveProperties()
          Return the list of 'remove' entries in the PROPPATCH request body.
 LockInfo WebdavRequestImpl.getLockInfo()
          LockInfo object encapsulating the information passed with a LOCK request if the LOCK request body was valid.
 TransactionInfo WebdavRequestImpl.getTransactionInfo()
 SubscriptionInfo WebdavRequestImpl.getSubscriptionInfo()
 OrderPatch WebdavRequestImpl.getOrderPatch()
 LabelInfo WebdavRequestImpl.getLabelInfo()
 MergeInfo WebdavRequestImpl.getMergeInfo()
 UpdateInfo WebdavRequestImpl.getUpdateInfo()
 ReportInfo WebdavRequestImpl.getReportInfo()
 OptionsInfo WebdavRequestImpl.getOptionsInfo()

Uses of DavException in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock that throw DavException
 ActiveLock SimpleLockManager.createLock(LockInfo lockInfo, DavResource resource)
          Adds the lock for the given resource, replacing any existing lock.
 ActiveLock SimpleLockManager.refreshLock(LockInfo lockInfo, String lockToken, DavResource resource)
 void SimpleLockManager.releaseLock(String lockToken, DavResource resource)
          Remove the lock hold by the given resource.
 ActiveLock LockManager.createLock(LockInfo lockInfo, DavResource resource)
          Create a new lock for the given resource.
 ActiveLock LockManager.refreshLock(LockInfo lockInfo, String lockToken, DavResource resource)
          Refresh the lock identified by the given lockToken and initially created on the specified resouce.
 void LockManager.releaseLock(String lockToken, DavResource resource)
          Release the lock identified by the given lockToken and initially created on the specified resouce.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.lock that throw DavException
LockInfo(Element liElement, long timeout, boolean isDeep)
          Create a new LockInfo object from the given information.

Uses of DavException in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation that throw DavException
 SubscriptionInfo ObservationDavServletRequest.getSubscriptionInfo()
          Return a SubscriptionInfo object representing the subscription info present in the SUBSCRIBE request body or null if retrieving the subscription info fails.
 Subscription ObservationResource.subscribe(SubscriptionInfo info, String subscriptionId)
          Subscribe this resource for event listening defined by the specified subscription info.
 void ObservationResource.unsubscribe(String subscriptionId)
          Unsubscribe the event listener with the given SubscriptionId.
 EventDiscovery ObservationResource.poll(String subscriptionId)
          Retrieve the list of events that where recorded for the event listener with the given SubscriptionId.
 Subscription SubscriptionManager.subscribe(SubscriptionInfo info, String subscriptionId, ObservationResource resource)
          Create a new Subscription or update an existing Subscription..
 void SubscriptionManager.unsubscribe(String subscriptionId, ObservationResource resource)
          Unsubscribe the Subscription with the given id.
 EventDiscovery SubscriptionManager.poll(String subscriptionId, ObservationResource resource)
          Retrieve the list of events that occured since the last poll.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation that throw DavException
SubscriptionInfo(Element reqInfo, long timeout, boolean isDeep)
          Create a new SubscriptionInfo

Uses of DavException in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.ordering that throw DavException
static OrderPatch OrderPatch.createFromXml(Element orderPatchElement)
          Create a new OrderPath object.
 OrderPatch OrderingDavServletRequest.getOrderPatch()
          Return a OrderPatch object encapsulating the request body of an ORDERPATCH request or null if the request body was either missing or could not be parsed.
 void OrderingResource.orderMembers(OrderPatch orderPatch)
          Reorders the internal members of this resource according to the instructions present in the specified OrderPatch object.

Uses of DavException in

Methods in that throw DavException
 MultiStatus sInfo)
          Runs a search with the language and query defined in the SearchInfo object specified and returns a MultiStatus object listing the results.
static SearchInfo SearchInfo.createFromXml(Element searchRequest)
          Create a new SearchInfo from the specifying document retrieved from the request body.

Uses of DavException in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction that throw DavException
 TransactionInfo TransactionDavServletRequest.getTransactionInfo()
          Retrieve the 'transactioninfo' request body that must be included with the UNLOCK request of a transaction lock.
 void TxLockManager.releaseLock(TransactionInfo lockInfo, String lockToken, TransactionResource resource)
          Release the lock identified by the given lock token.
 void TransactionResource.unlock(String lockToken, TransactionInfo info)
          Overloads the unlock method of the DavResource interface.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.transaction that throw DavException
TransactionInfo(Element transactionInfo)
          Creates a TransactionInfo object from the given 'transactionInfo' element.

Uses of DavException in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version that throw DavException
 void VersionResource.label(LabelInfo labelInfo)
          Modify the labels of this version resource.
 VersionHistoryResource VersionResource.getVersionHistory()
          Returns the VersionHistoryResource, that is referenced in the DAV:version-history property.
 Report DeltaVResource.getReport(ReportInfo reportInfo)
          Runs the report specified by the given ReportInfo.
 void DeltaVResource.addWorkspace(DavResource workspace)
          Add a new member to this resource, that represents a workspace.
Please note that no resource must exist at the location of the new workspace.
 DavResource[] DeltaVResource.getReferenceResources(DavPropertyName hrefPropertyName)
          Returns an array of DavResource objects that are referenced by the HrefProperty with the specified name.
 String VersionControlledResource.checkin()
          Perform a checkin on the version controlled resource.
 void VersionControlledResource.checkout()
          Perform a checkout on the version controlled resource.
 void VersionControlledResource.uncheckout()
          Perform an uncheckout on the version controlled resource.
 MultiStatus VersionControlledResource.update(UpdateInfo updateInfo)
          Perform an update on this resource using the specified UpdateInfo.
 MultiStatus VersionControlledResource.merge(MergeInfo mergeInfo)
          Perform a merge on this resource using the specified MergeInfo.
 void VersionControlledResource.label(LabelInfo labelInfo)
          Modify the labels of the version referenced by the DAV:checked-in property of this checked-in version-controlled resource.
 VersionHistoryResource VersionControlledResource.getVersionHistory()
          Returns the VersionHistoryResource, that is referenced in the 'version-history' property.
 void VersionableResource.addVersionControl()
          Converts this versionable resource into a version-controlled resource.
 VersionResource[] VersionHistoryResource.getVersions()
          Returns an array of VersionResources containing all versions that are a member of this resource.
static OptionsInfo OptionsInfo.createFromXml(Element optionsElement)
          Build an OptionsInfo object from the root element present in the request body.
 LabelInfo DeltaVServletRequest.getLabelInfo()
          Return the request body as LabelInfo object or null if parsing the request body or the creation of the label info failed.
 MergeInfo DeltaVServletRequest.getMergeInfo()
          Return the request body as MergeInfo object or null if the creation failed due to invalid format.
 UpdateInfo DeltaVServletRequest.getUpdateInfo()
          Parses the UPDATE request body a build the corresponding UpdateInfo object.
 ReportInfo DeltaVServletRequest.getReportInfo()
          Returns the request body and the Depth header as ReportInfo object.
 OptionsInfo DeltaVServletRequest.getOptionsInfo()
          Returns the OptionsInfo present with the request or null.

Constructors in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.version that throw DavException
UpdateInfo(Element updateElement)
          Create a new UpdateInfo object.
LabelInfo(Element labelElement, int depth)
          Create a new LabelInfo from the given element and depth integer.
LabelInfo(Element labelElement)
          Create a new LabelInfo from the given element.
MergeInfo(Element mergeElement)
          Create a new MergeInfo

Uses of DavException in

Methods in that throw DavException
 void VersionTreeReport.init(DavResource resource, ReportInfo info)
          Validates the specified resource and info objects.
 void LocateByHistoryReport.init(DavResource resource, ReportInfo info)
 void ExpandPropertyReport.init(DavResource resource, ReportInfo info)
 void Report.init(DavResource resource, ReportInfo info)
          Set the DeltaVResource for which this report was requested and the ReportInfo as specified by the REPORT request body, that defines the details for this report.
Please note that this methods should perform basic validation checks in order to prevent execeptional situations during the xml serialization.
 Report ReportType.createReport(DeltaVResource resource, ReportInfo info)
          Creates a new Report with this type.

Constructors in that throw DavException
ReportInfo(Element reportElement, int depth)
          Create a new ReportInfo object from the given Xml element.

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