AbstractNumberField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Provides helper methods for localizing floating point numbers
AbstractNumberField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.AbstractNumberField
ACCEPT_LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
A constant for the HTTP Accept-Language header.
acceptClient(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Add an IP address to the list of accepted clients.
acceptClient(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Add an IP address to the list of accepted clients.
acceptClient(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Add an IP address to the list of accepted clients.
ACCESS_COUNTER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'perm storage' key name for the access counter.
AccessControlException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util.security
Thrown to indicate that the User attempted to perform an operation that was not permitted by the security settings.
AccessControlException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlException
Construct an AccessControlException with specified detail message.
AccessController - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions
This action doPerforms an Access Control List and places it into the RunData object, so it is easily available to modules.
AccessController() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.AccessController
AccessControlList - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.security
This interface describes a control class that makes it easy to find out if a particular User has a given Permission.
accountExists(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Check wether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Check wether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
accountExists(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Check whether a specified user's account exists.
ACL_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The default implementation of the Acl Interface (org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList)
ACL_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The key within services' properties for the ACL implementation classname (acl.class)
ACSYaafiComponentService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent
An implementation of Turbine service initializing the YAAFI container
ACSYaafiComponentService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Action - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
Generic Action class.
Action() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.Action
ACTION_ACCESS_CONTROLLER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for the access controller.
ACTION_ACCESS_CONTROLLER_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Action that performs Access control
ACTION_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The default size for the action cache
ACTION_CACHE_SIZE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Property for the size of the action cache if caching is on
ACTION_EVENTSUBMIT_NEEDSVALUE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for action.eventsubmit.needsvalue
ACTION_EVENTSUBMIT_NEEDSVALUE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Select whether an Action Event must have a non-zero value
ACTION_LOGIN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Value for login Action
ACTION_LOGIN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Action to perform when a user logs in.
ACTION_LOGOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Value for ACTION_LOGOUT
ACTION_LOGOUT_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Action to perform when a user logs out.
ACTION_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Prefix for action related classes and templates
ACTION_SESSION_VALIDATOR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for the session validator.
ACTION_SESSION_VALIDATOR_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Actions that performs session validation.
ACTION_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Predefined types for Turbine built-in assemblers: Actions
ActionEvent - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
This is an alternative to the Action class that allows you to do event based actions.
ActionEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
ActionLoader - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Action modules.
ActiveDirectoryUser - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap
ActiveDirectoryUser extends LDAPUser and cares for the different handling of DNs in Active Directory.
ActiveDirectoryUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.ActiveDirectoryUser
add(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
Add a job to the queue.
add(int, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. If the type is DynamicURI.PATH_INFO, then add name/value to the pathInfo.
add(int, ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Method for a quick way to add all the parameters in a ParameterParser.
add(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, Integer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Add an array of Strings for a key.
add(String, FileItem) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Add a FileItem object as a parameters.
add(String, FileItem) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParameterParser
Add a FileItem object as a parameters.
add(String, double) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, Integer) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, long) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Add a name/value pair into this object.
add(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Add an array of Strings for a key.
add(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Adds a Group to this GroupSet.
add(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Adds the Groups in a Collection to this GroupSet.
add(GroupSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Adds the Groups in another GroupSet to this GroupSet.
add(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Adds a Permission to this PermissionSet.
add(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Adds the Permissions in a Collection to this PermissionSet.
add(PermissionSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Adds the Permissions in another PermissionSet to this PermissionSet.
add(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Adds a Role to this RoleSet.
add(Collection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Adds the Roles in a Collection to this RoleSet.
add(RoleSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Adds the Roles in another RoleSet to this RoleSet.
add(int, ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Method for a quick way to add all the parameters in a ParameterParser.
add(int, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
If the type is PATH_INFO, then add name/value to the pathInfo hashtable.
add(int, ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Method for a quick way to add all the parameters in a ParameterParser.
add(int, List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Method for a quick way to add all the parameters in a List with URIParam objects.
addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Deprecated. Use addBodyAttribute instead.
addBodyAttribute(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Adds an attribute to the BODY tag.
addDefaultObjects(RunData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
Adds some convenience objects to the request.
addDefaultObjects(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJsp
Adds some convenience objects to the request.
addDefaultObjects(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
Adds some convenience objects to the request.
addField(Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
A utility function to create a new field from attrib and add it to this input group.
addField(XmlField) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Adds a new field to the fields list and set the parent group of the field to the current group
addGroup(Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
An utility method to add a new input group from an xml attribute.
addGroup(XmlGroup) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Add an input group to the vector and sets the AppData property to this AppData
addGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Creates a new group with specified attributes.
addGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Creates a new group with specified attributes.
addGroup(Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Creates a new group with specified attributes.
addGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Creates a new group with specified attributes.
addGroup(Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Creates a new group with specified attributes.
addGroupsToParameters(ValueParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
addJob(JobEntry) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
Add a new job to the queue.
addJob(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService
Add a new job to the queue.
addJob(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
Add a new job to the queue.
addJob(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Add a new job to the queue.
addLink(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Adds a generic external reference
addLink(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Adds a generic external reference
addLink(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Adds a generic external reference
addMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Adds the string to message.
addMessage(Element) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Adds the ECS element to message.
addMessage(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Adds the string to message.
addMessage(Element) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Adds the ECS element to message.
addObject(String, CachedObject) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.cache.GlobalCacheService
Adds an object to the cache.
addObject(String, CachedObject) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCache
Adds an object to the cache.
addObject(String, CachedObject) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Adds an object to the cache.
addOnce(List, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils
Deprecated. Use org.apache.commons.collections.SetUniqueList instead.
addParameter(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Adds a parameter to the MIME type.
addParameters(String[], String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Adds parameters to the MIME type.
addPathInfo(ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair for every entry in a ParameterParser object to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair for every entry in a ParameterParser object to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair for every entry in a ParameterParser object to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds an existing List of URIParam objects to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPathInfo(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the path_info string.
addPermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Creates a new permission with specified attributes.
addPermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Creates a new permission with specified attributes.
addPermission(Permission) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Creates a new permission with specified attributes.
addPermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Creates a new permission with specified attributes.
addPermission(Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Creates a new permission with specified attributes.
addQueryData(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Adds a name=value pair for every entry in a ParameterParser object to the query string.
addQueryData(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Adds a name=value pair for every entry in a ParameterParser object to the query string.
addQueryData(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair to the query string.
addQueryData(ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds a name=value pair for every entry in a ParameterParser object to the query string.
addQueryData(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Adds an existing List of URIParam objects to the query data.
addRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Creates a new role with specified attributes.
addRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Creates a new role with specified attributes.
addRole(Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Creates a new role with specified attributes.
addRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Creates a new role with specified attributes.
addRole(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Creates a new role with specified attributes.
addRule(Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
A utility function to create a new input parameter from attrib and add it to this property.
addRule(Rule) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Adds a new rule to the parameter Map and set the parent property of the Rule to this property
addScript(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Adds a script reference
addSelectColumns(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Add all the columns needed to create a new object
addSelectColumns(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
addSelectColumns(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
addSelectColumns(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
addSelectColumns(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
addSelectColumns(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
addSelectColumns(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
addSelectColumns(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Add all the columns needed to create a new object.
addSession(HttpSession) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
Adds a session to the current list.
addSession(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
Adds a session to the current list.
addSession(HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
Adds a session to the current list.
addSession(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Adds a session to the current list.
addStyle(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Adds a STYLE element to the HEAD of the page with the provided content.
addStyleSheet(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Adds a style sheet reference
addStyleSheet(String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Adds a style sheet reference
addTurbineRolePermission(TurbineRolePermission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Method called to associate a TurbineRolePermission object to this object through the TurbineRolePermission foreign key attribute
addTurbineRolePermission(TurbineRolePermission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Method called to associate a TurbineRolePermission object to this object through the TurbineRolePermission foreign key attribute
addTurbineUserGroupRole(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Method called to associate a TurbineUserGroupRole object to this object through the TurbineUserGroupRole foreign key attribute
addTurbineUserGroupRole(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Method called to associate a TurbineUserGroupRole object to this object through the TurbineUserGroupRole foreign key attribute
addTurbineUserGroupRole(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Method called to associate a TurbineUserGroupRole object to this object through the TurbineUserGroupRole foreign key attribute
addUser(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Creates new user account with specified attributes.
addUser(User, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Creates new user account with specified attributes.
addUser(User, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Creates new user account with specified attributes.
AGE_DELETE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
AGE_SESSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
alwaysRequired - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Is this field always required? This is only set through the XML file
AMPM_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Suffix for am/pm parameter.
AppData - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel
A class for holding application data structures.
AppData() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Default Constructor
append(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. Use add(name, value) instead.
append(String, FileItem) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Deprecated. Use add(String name, FileItem item)
append(String, FileItem) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParameterParser
Deprecated. Use add(String name, FileItem item) instead.
append(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. Use add(name, value) instead.
appendHtmlFormInput(StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
A xhtml valid hidden input field that notifies intake of the group's presence.
APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_POSTSCRIPT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_ROOT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Value for the Path to the TurbineResources.properties File
APPLICATION_ROOT_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Key for the Path to the TurbineResources.properties File
APPLICATION_X_JAVA_AGENT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
APPLICATION_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
applicationRoot - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Application root path as set by the parent application.
ApplicationTool - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.pull
Tools that go into the Toolbox should implement this interface.
ArrayCtorRecyclable - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.pool
An interface for objects that can be pooled and recycled several times by different clients.
Assembler - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
This is an interface that defines what an Assembler is.
Assembler() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.Assembler
AssemblerBrokerService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker
An interface the Turbine Assembler service.
AssemblerFactory - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util
Interface for AssemblerFactory's
assertInitialized() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Verifies that one of the init() methods has been called
assertValidity(Field) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Determine whether a field meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String, Locale) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BooleanValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(Field) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateRangeValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String, Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateRangeValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(Field) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Determine whether a field meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(Field) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Determine whether a field meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String, Locale) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(FileItem) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FileValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(Field) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Determine whether a field meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String, Locale) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(Field) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String, Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.LongValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
Deprecated. Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ShortValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(Field) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
Determine whether a field meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
assertValidity(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
attributes - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Servlet container (or emulator) attributes.
authenticate(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Authenticate an User with the specified password.
authenticate(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Authenticate a User with the specified password.
authenticate(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Authenticate an User with the specified password.
authenticate(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Authenticate an User with the specified password.
authenticate(User, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Authenticate an User with the specified password.
AuthenticatedFileHandler - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service. This class shouldn't be part of Turbine but of an addon application.
AuthenticatedFileHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.AuthenticatedFileHandler
Deprecated. Default Constructor
AUTHORIZED_TOOL - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Property Key for the authorized tools
AUTOMATIC_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The default value of 'automatic' property (false).
AUTOMATIC_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The key in UploadService properties in TurbineResources.properties 'automatic' property.
AVALON_LOG_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
Where we write the Avalon Logger messages
AvalonComponentService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent
This service allows access to avalon components.


BASEDIR_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
The base directory key
BaseInitable - Class in org.apache.turbine.services
This class provides a generic implementation of Initable.
BaseInitable() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Default constructor of BaseInitable.
BaseInitableBroker - Class in org.apache.turbine.services
A generic implementation of InitableBroker.
BaseInitableBroker() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitableBroker
Default constructor of InitableBroker.
BaseJobEntry - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:19 EST 2007] You should not use this class directly.
BaseJobEntry() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
BaseJobEntryPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:19 EST 2007]
BaseJobEntryPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
BaseJspNavigation - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations
Base JSP navigation that should be subclassed by Navigation that want to use JSP.
BaseJspNavigation() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.BaseJspNavigation
BaseJspScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
Base JSP Screen that should be subclassed by screens that want to use JSP.
BaseJspScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.BaseJspScreen
BaseMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
A base class for the various mappers which contains common code.
BaseMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Default C'tor.
BaseSecurityService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security
This is a common subset of SecurityService implementation.
BaseSecurityService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
BaseService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services
This class is a generic implementation of Service.
BaseService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
BaseServiceBroker - Class in org.apache.turbine.services
A generic implementation of a ServiceBroker which provides: Maintaining service name to class name mapping, allowing plugable service implementations. Providing Services with a configuration based on system wide configuration mechanism.
BaseServiceBroker() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Default constructor, protected as to only be useable by subclasses.
BaseTemplateEngineService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template
The base implementation of Turbine TemplateEngineService.
BaseTemplateEngineService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.BaseTemplateEngineService
BaseTemplateMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
This is a mapper like the BaseMapper but it returns its results with the extension of the template names passed or (if no extension is passed), the default extension.
BaseTemplateMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseTemplateMapper
Default C'tor.
BaseTurbineGroup - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should not use this class directly.
BaseTurbineGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
BaseTurbineGroupPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
BaseTurbineGroupPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
BaseTurbinePermission - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should not use this class directly.
BaseTurbinePermission() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
BaseTurbinePermissionPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
BaseTurbinePermissionPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
BaseTurbineRole - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should not use this class directly.
BaseTurbineRole() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
BaseTurbineRolePeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
BaseTurbineRolePeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
BaseTurbineRolePermission - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should not use this class directly.
BaseTurbineRolePermission() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
BaseTurbineUser - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should not use this class directly.
BaseTurbineUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
BaseTurbineUserGroupRole - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should not use this class directly.
BaseTurbineUserGroupRole() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
BaseTurbineUserPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
BaseTurbineUserPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
BaseUnicastRemoteService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services
A base implementation of an UnicastRemoteObject as a Turbine Service.
BaseUnicastRemoteService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
BaseUploadService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.upload
This class is a base implementation of UploadService.
BaseUploadService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.BaseUploadService
BaseURI - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.uri
This is the base class for all dynamic URIs in the Turbine System.
BaseURI() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Empty C'tor.
BaseURI(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Constructor with a RunData object
BaseURI(RunData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Constructor, set explicit redirection
BaseURI(ServerData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Constructor with a ServerData object
BaseURI(ServerData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Constructor, set explicit redirection
BaseValueParser - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
BaseValueParser is a base class for classes that need to parse name/value Parameters, for example GET/POST data or Cookies (DefaultParameterParser and DefaultCookieParser).
BaseValueParser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Default constructor
BaseValueParser(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Constructor that takes a character encoding
batchLoad(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
Batch load jobs.
BigDecimalField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
BigDecimalField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BigDecimalField
BigDecimalValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates BigDecimals with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
BigDecimalValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
BigDecimalValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Default Constructor
bind(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Creates an initial context.
bindAsAdmin() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Bind as the admin user.
BooleanField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Processor for boolean fields.
BooleanField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BooleanField
BooleanValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validator for boolean field types.

Values are validated by attemting to match the value to a list of strings for true and false values.
BooleanValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BooleanValidator
Default Constructor
BooleanValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BooleanValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
booleanValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BooleanField
Gets the boolean value of the field.
BoundedBuffer - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.pool
Efficient array-based bounded buffer class.
BoundedBuffer(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
Creates a buffer with the given capacity.
BoundedBuffer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
Creates a buffer with the default capacity
BrowserDetector - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
This class parses the user agent string and sets javasciptOK and cssOK following the rules described below.
BrowserDetector(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
Constructor used to initialize this class.
BrowserDetector(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
Constructor used to initialize this class.
buffer - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JSONScreen
BUFFER_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
Default Value for Jsp Page Buffer Size
BUFFER_SIZE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
Property for Jsp Page Buffer Size
build(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Layout
Subclasses can override this method to add additional functionality.
build(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Navigation
Subclasses can override this method to add additional functionality.
build(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Page
Subclasses can override this method to add additional functionality.
build(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Screen
Subclasses can override this method to add additional functionality.
buildBooleans(Object[], Object[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
Pass in an array of selected items and the entire set of items and it will determine which items in the selected set are also in the entireset and then build a boolean[] up that is the same size as the entireSet with markings to tell whether or not the items are marked or not.
buildCriteria(Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. Builds a criteria object based upon an Group object
buildCriteria(Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Builds a criteria object based upon an Permission object
buildCriteria(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. Builds a criteria object based upon an Role object
buildCriteria(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Builds a criteria object based upon an User object.
buildCriteria(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Build a Criteria object from an ObjectKey
buildCriteria(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer
buildCriteria(Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Calls buildCriteria(Group group) in the configured GroupPeer.
buildCriteria(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Build a Criteria object from an ObjectKey
buildCriteria(TurbineGroup) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer
buildCriteria(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Build a Criteria object from an ObjectKey
buildCriteria(TurbinePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer
buildCriteria(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Build a Criteria object from an ObjectKey
buildCriteria(TurbineRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer
buildCriteria(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Build a Criteria object from an ObjectKey
buildCriteria(TurbineRolePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer
buildCriteria(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Build a Criteria object from an ObjectKey
buildCriteria(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer
buildCriteria(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Build a Criteria object from an ObjectKey
buildCriteria(TurbineUser) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer
buildCriteria(Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Calls buildCriteria(Permission permission) in the configured PermissionPeer.
buildCriteria(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Calls buildCriteria(Role role) in the configured RolePeer.
buildCriteria(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Calls buildCriteria(User user) in the configured UserPeer.
buildSelectCriteria(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer, skipping all binary columns
buildSelectCriteria(TurbineGroup) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer, skipping all binary columns
buildSelectCriteria(TurbinePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer, skipping all binary columns
buildSelectCriteria(TurbineRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer, skipping all binary columns
buildSelectCriteria(TurbineRolePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer, skipping all binary columns
buildSelectCriteria(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer, skipping all binary columns
buildSelectCriteria(TurbineUser) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Build a Criteria object from the data object for this peer, skipping all binary columns
buildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.BaseJspNavigation
Method that sets up beans and forward the request to the JSP.
buildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.TemplateNavigation
This Builds the WebMacro/FreeMarker/etc template.
buildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.VelocityNavigation
This Builds the Velocity template.
buildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.BaseJspScreen
Method that sets up beans and forward the request to the JSP.
buildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
This method should be implemented by Base template classes.
buildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityDirectScreen
This builds the Velocity template.
buildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityScreen
This builds the Velocity template.
BUTTON - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
The name of the button to look for.
BUTTON_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
The length of the button to look for.


cache() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.GenericLoader
If set to true, then cache the Loader objects.
CACHE_CHECK_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
The property for the Cache check frequency
CachedObject - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.cache
Wrapper for an object you want to store in a cache for a period of time.
CachedObject(Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Constructor; sets the object to expire in the default time (30 minutes).
CachedObject(Object, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
caching - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Property to control the caching of StyleSheetRoots.
calcRunTime() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
Calculate how long before the next runtime.
The runtime determines it's position in the job queue.
canonicalizeDecimalInput(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.AbstractNumberField
Canonicalizes an user-inputted BigDecimal string to the system's internal format.
capacity() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
Returns the capacity of the buffer.
CATCH_ERRORS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Default: Yes
CATCH_ERRORS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Shall we catch Velocity Errors and report them?
CGI_ACTION_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
CGI parameter for action name
CGI_PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.LoginUser
CGI Parameter for the password
CGI_SCREEN_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
CGI parameter for screen name
CGI_TEMPLATE_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
CGI parameter for template name
CGI_USERNAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.LoginUser
CGI Parameter for the user name
changePassword(User, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Change the password for an User.
changePassword(User, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Change the password for an User.
changePassword(User, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
This method is not yet implemented Change the password for an User.
changePassword(User, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Change the password for an User.
changePassword(User, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Change the password for an User.
changePassword(User, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Change the password for an User.
changePassword(User, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Change the password for an User.
changePassword(User, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Change the password for an User.
characters(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
Handles the character data, which we are using to specify the error message.
CHARSET_RESOURCE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
The name for charset mapper resources.
CharSetMap - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util
This class maintains a set of mappers defining mappings between locales and the corresponding charsets.
CharSetMap() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Constructs a new charset map with default mappers.
CharSetMap(Properties) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Contructs a charset map from properties.
CharSetMap(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Contructs a charset map read from a stream.
CharSetMap(File) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Contructs a charset map read from a property file.
CharSetMap(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Contructs a charset map read from a property file path.
CHARSETS - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
The charset file property.
checkExists(Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. Checks if a Group is defined in the system.
checkExists(Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Checks if a Permission is defined in the system.
checkExists(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. Checks if a Role is defined in the system.
checkExists(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Checks if a User is defined in the system.
checkExists(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Determines if the Group exists in the security system.
checkExists(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Determines if the Role exists in the security system.
checkExists(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Determines if the Permission exists in the security system.
checkExists(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Determines if the Role exists in the security system.
checkExists(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Determines if the Group exists in the security system.
checkExists(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Determines if the Permission exists in the security system.
checkExists(Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Checks if a Group is defined in the system.
checkExists(Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Checks if a Permission is defined in the system.
checkExists(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Checks if a Role is defined in the system.
checkExists(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Determines if the Group exists in the security system.
checkExists(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Determines if the Role exists in the security system.
checkExists(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Determines if the Permission exists in the security system.
checkExists(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Checks if a User is defined in the system.
checkLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Check that the user has logged in.
checkPassword(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Checks if a supplied password matches the encrypted password
checkPassword(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Checks if a supplied password matches the encrypted password when using the current encryption algorithm
checkPassword(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Checks if a supplied password matches the encrypted password
checkReferences(List, CompareCallback, Object, Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Check the parsed value against the referenced fields
CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASS_LOADERS - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
The property specifying a set of additional class loaders.
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.map.JobEntryMapBuilder
The name of this class
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineGroupMapBuilder
The name of this class
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbinePermissionMapBuilder
The name of this class
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRoleMapBuilder
The name of this class
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRolePermissionMapBuilder
The name of this class
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserGroupRoleMapBuilder
The name of this class
CLASS_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserMapBuilder
The name of this class
ClassMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
This mapper tries to map Template names to class names.
ClassMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.ClassMapper
Default C'tor.
CLASSNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASSNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASSNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASSNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASSNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASSNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASSNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
A class that can be returned by this peer.
CLASSNAME_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
A Service property determining its implementing class name .
clear() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.SessionData
Clears all data
clear() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Clear all name/value pairs out of this object.
clear() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Clear all name/value pairs out of this object.
clear() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Removes all Objects from this Set.
clearAction() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Clears the action= value for this URL.
clearBridge(HttpSession) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.JsonRpcService
clearBridge(HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpc
clearBridge(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpcService
clearCache() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Iterate through the cache and remove or refresh stale objects.
ClearCrypt - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider
This is a dummy for "cleartext" encryption.
ClearCrypt() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.ClearCrypt
clearPool(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Clears instances of a named class from the pool.
clearPool() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Clears all instances from the pool.
clearPool(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Clears instances of a named class from the pool.
clearPool() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Clears all instances from the pool.
clearResponse() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
Content Tool wants to be able to turn the encoding of the servlet container off.
clearResponse() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Template Link and friends want to be able to turn the encoding of the servlet container off.
clearScreen() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Clears the screen= value for this URL.
clearTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Clears the template= value for this URL.
clone() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
generates a new Object with the same values as this one.
collTurbineRolePermissions - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Collection to store aggregation of collTurbineRolePermissions
collTurbineRolePermissions - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Collection to store aggregation of collTurbineRolePermissions
collTurbineUserGroupRoles - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Collection to store aggregation of collTurbineUserGroupRoles
collTurbineUserGroupRoles - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Collection to store aggregation of collTurbineUserGroupRoles
collTurbineUserGroupRoles - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Collection to store aggregation of collTurbineUserGroupRoles
columnNames - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The names of the columns.
ComboKeyField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
ComboKeyField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ComboKeyField
COMPARE_GT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Integer value for ">" comparison
COMPARE_GTE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Integer value for ">=" comparison
COMPARE_LT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Integer value for "<" comparison
COMPARE_LTE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Integer value for "<=" comparison
CompareCallback - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Interface to define the compare operation betwen two field values
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Used for ordering SecurityObjects.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
Used for ordering Jobentries Note: this comparator imposes orderings that are inconsistent with equals.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Used for ordering TorqueObjects.
compareValues(int, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.CompareCallback
Compare the given values using the compare operation provided
compileTemplates(URL) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Compile Templates from an input URL.
COMPONENT_APP_ROOT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
Key used in the context for defining the application root
COMPONENT_CONFIG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
property specifing file name of the component config file
COMPONENT_CONFIG_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
property specifing file name of the component config file
COMPONENT_LOOKUP_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
property for the Components to look up
COMPONENT_PARAMETERS_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
property to lookup the properties file
COMPONENT_PARAMETERS_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
the default value for the parameter file
COMPONENT_ROLE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
property specifing file name of the component role file
COMPONENT_ROLE_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
property specifing file name of the component role file
CONFIG_NAMESPACE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The prefix used to denote the namespace reserved for and used by Turbine-specific configuration parameters (such as those passed in via servlet container's config file (server.xml), or the web app deployment descriptor (web.xml).
configuration - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
The configuration for this service
configuration - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Configuration for the services broker.
configuration - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
CONFIGURATION_PATH_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Servlet initialization parameter name for the path to TurbineConfiguration.xml file used by Turbine
CONFIRM_DATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. This is the value that is stored in the database for confirmed users.
CONFIRM_DATA - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
This is the value that is stored in the database for confirmed users
CONFIRM_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the confirm_value field.
CONFIRM_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'perm storage' key for the confirm_value field.
CONFIRM_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the CONFIRM_VALUE field
considerKey(String, ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
Checks whether the selected key really is a valid event.
Constraint - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
A constraint has a name and a value and an optional message.
CONTAINER_CONFIGURATION_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
property to lookup the container configuration file
CONTAINER_CONFIGURATION_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
the default value for the container configuration file
contains(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Checks whether this GroupSet contains a Group.
contains(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Checks whether this PermissionSet contains a Permission.
contains(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Checks whether this RoleSet contains a Role.
contains(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Deprecated. Use containsName(groupName) instead.
containsDateSelectorKeys(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Check for existence of key_day, key_month and key_year parameters (as returned by DateSelector generated HTML).
containsDateSelectorKeys(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Check for existence of key_day, key_month and key_year parameters (as returned by DateSelector generated HTML).
containsField(XmlField) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Returns true if the input group contains a spesified field
containsField(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Returns true if the input group contains a specified field
containsId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Searches if an Object with a given Id is in the Set
containsKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.SessionData
Determines is a given key is stored.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Determine whether a given key has been inserted.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Determine whether a given key has been inserted.
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Determine whether a given key has been inserted.
containsName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Searches if an Object with a given name is in the Set
containsTimeSelectorKeys(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Check for existence of key_hour, key_minute and key_second parameters (as returned by TimeSelector generated HTML).
CONTENT_DISPOSITION - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
HTTP header.
CONTENT_TOOL_ENCODING_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
CONTENT_TOOL_ENCODING_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
Should this tool add Container Encoding to the URIs returned? True might cause trouble e.g.
CONTENT_TOOL_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
Prefix for Parameters for this tool
CONTENT_TOOL_RELATIVE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
CONTENT_TOOL_RELATIVE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
Should this tool return relative URIs or absolute? Default: Absolute.
CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
HTTP header.
ContentTool - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools
Terribly simple tool to translate URIs into Turbine Links.
ContentTool() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
CONTEXT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Key for storing the Context in the RunData object
convert(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Trims the string data and applies the conversion specified in the property given by URL_CASE_FOLDING.
convert(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Trims the string data and applies the conversion specified in the property given by URL_CASE_FOLDING.
convertAndTrim(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. Use ParserUtils.convertAndTrim(value).
convertAndTrim(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
Convert a String value according to the url.case.folding property.
convertAndTrim(String, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
A static version of the convert method, which trims the string data and applies the conversion specified in the property given by URL_CASE_FOLDING.
COOKIE_PARSER - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService
Deprecated. Use RunDataService.COOKIE_PARSER_KEY
COOKIE_PARSER_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService
The property for the implemention of the CookieParser.
CookieParser - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
CookieParser is an interface to a utility to to get and set values of Cookies on the Client Browser.
cookies - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
A reference to a cookie parser.
copy() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Makes a copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Makes a copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Makes a copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Makes a copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Makes a copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Makes a copy of this object.
copy() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Makes a copy of this object.
copyInto(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
copyInto(TurbineGroup) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
copyInto(TurbinePermission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
copyInto(TurbineRole) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
copyInto(TurbineRolePermission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
copyInto(TurbineUser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
copyInto(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
correctBooleans(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
changes the boolean values in the criteria to the appropriate type, whenever a booleanchar or booleanint column is involved.
correctBooleans(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
changes the boolean values in the criteria to the appropriate type, whenever a booleanchar or booleanint column is involved.
correctBooleans(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
changes the boolean values in the criteria to the appropriate type, whenever a booleanchar or booleanint column is involved.
correctBooleans(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
changes the boolean values in the criteria to the appropriate type, whenever a booleanchar or booleanint column is involved.
correctBooleans(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
changes the boolean values in the criteria to the appropriate type, whenever a booleanchar or booleanint column is involved.
correctBooleans(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
changes the boolean values in the criteria to the appropriate type, whenever a booleanchar or booleanint column is involved.
correctBooleans(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
changes the boolean values in the criteria to the appropriate type, whenever a booleanchar or booleanint column is involved.
counter - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
create(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Creates a new Role in the system.
create(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Creates a new Role in the system.
create(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Deprecated. Please use the createGroup method in TurbineSecurity now.
create(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Deprecated. Please use the createPermission method in TurbineSecurity.
create(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Creates a new Role in the system.
createAccount(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Creates new user account with specified attributes.
createAccount(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Creates new user account with specified attributes.
createAccount(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Creates new user account with specified attributes.
createAccount(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Creates new user account with specified attributes.
createAccount(User, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Creates new user account with specified attributes.
createAvalonLogger(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Create the Avalon logger to be passed to YAAFI
CREATED - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the created field.
created - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
When created.
CREATED - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the CREATED field
createGroup(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Creates a new Group in the system.
createPermission(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Creates a new Permission in the system.
createRole(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Creates a new Role in the system.
createServiceContainerConfiguration(Configuration, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Create a ServiceContainerConfiguration based on the Turbine configuration
createVelocityProperties(Configuration) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
This method generates the Extended Properties object necessary for the initialization of Velocity.
criteriaKeys - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The keys for the criteria.
CryptoAlgorithm - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.crypto
This interface describes the various Crypto Algorithms that are handed out by the Crypto Service.
CryptoService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.crypto
The Crypto Service manages the availability of various crypto sources.
CSVParser - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
CSVParser is used to parse a stream with comma-separated values and generate ParameterParser objects which can be used to extract the values in the desired type.
CSVParser(Reader) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CSVParser
Create a new CSVParser instance.
CSVParser(Reader, List) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CSVParser
Create a new CSVParser instance.
CSVParser(Reader, List, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CSVParser
Create a new CSVParser instance.


data - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. The RunData object.
DataBackendException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util.security
Thrown to indicate that there was an error accessing the data backend of the SecurityService.
DataBackendException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.DataBackendException
Construct an DataBackendException with specified detail message.
DataBackendException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.DataBackendException
Construct an DataBackendException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the default database name for this class
DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
the default database name for this class
DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
the default database name for this class
DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
the default database name for this class
DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
the default database name for this class
DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
the default database name for this class
DATABASE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the default database name for this class
DataStreamParser - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
DataStreamParser is used to parse a stream with a fixed format and generate ValueParser objects which can be used to extract the values in the desired type.
DataStreamParser(Reader, List, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
Create a new DataStreamParser instance.
DataURI - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.uri
This class can convert a simple link into a turbine relative URL.
DataURI() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
Empty C'tor.
DataURI(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
Constructor with a RunData object
DataURI(RunData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
Constructor, set explicit redirection
DataURI(ServerData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
Constructor with a ServerData object
DataURI(ServerData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
Constructor, set explicit redirection
DateFormatter - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util
This pull tool is used to format date objects into strings.
DateFormatter() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.DateFormatter
DateRangeValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates a DateString field in dependency on another DateString field.
DateRangeValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateRangeValidator
DateRangeValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateRangeValidator
Default constructor
DateSelector - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
DateSelector is a utility class to handle the creation of a set of date popup menus.
DateSelector() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Constructor defaults to current date and uses the default prefix:
DateSelector(String, Calendar) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Constructor, uses the date set in a calendar that has been already passed in (with the date set correctly).
DateSelector(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Constructor defaults to current date.
DateStringField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Field for date inputs as free form text.
DateStringField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DateStringField
DateStringValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates numbers with the following constraints in addition to those listed in DefaultValidator.
DateStringValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
DateStringValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Default Constructor
DAY_OF_MONTH - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the DAY_OF_MONTH field
DAY_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Suffix for day parameter.
dbMap - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
The database map.
DBSecurityService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.db
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
DBSecurityService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
DBUserManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.db
Deprecated. Use TorqueUserManager instead.
DBUserManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
declareDirectResponse() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Declares that output will be direct to the response stream, even though getOut() may never be called.
declareDirectResponse() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Declares that output will be direct to the response stream, even though getOut() may never be called.
declareGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
A convenience method to write out the hidden form fields that notify intake of the group.
declareGroup(Group, StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
xhtml valid hidden input field(s) that notifies intake of the group's presence.
declareGroups() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
A convenience method to write out the hidden form fields that notify intake of the relevant groups.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Cache the object with the Default TTL
DEFAULT_CACHE_CHECK_FREQUENCY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Cache check frequency in Millis (1000 Millis = 1 second).
DEFAULT_CAPACITY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
The default capacity.
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
The default charset when nothing else is applicable.
DEFAULT_CIPHER - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.JavaCrypt
The default cipher
DEFAULT_CIPHER - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.OldJavaCrypt
The default cipher
DEFAULT_CONFIG - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService
The default parser configuration key.
DEFAULT_CONTEXT_PATH_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default contextPath for ServerData
DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default document type.
DEFAULT_ERROR_SCREEN - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_EXTENSION_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Default Extension for the template names.
DEFAULT_EXTENSION_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Default value of the Turbine Module Caching
DEFAULT_HTML_DOCTYPE_IDENTIFIER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Doctype dtd value
DEFAULT_HTML_DOCTYPE_IDENTIFIER_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default doctype dtd.
DEFAULT_HTML_DOCTYPE_ROOT_ELEMENT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for the doctype root element
DEFAULT_HTML_DOCTYPE_ROOT_ELEMENT_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default doctype root element.
DEFAULT_HTML_DOCTYPE_URI_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default doctype url value.
DEFAULT_HTML_DOCTYPE_URI_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default doctype url.
DEFAULT_INITIAL_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Initial size of hash table Value must be > 0.
DEFAULT_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Constant for default key
DEFAULT_LAYOUT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_LAYOUT_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_LOGGER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
This is the default log file to be used for logging
DEFAULT_MIMETYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
The default MIME type when nothing else is applicable.
DEFAULT_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
"Default" name for Classes and Templates
DEFAULT_NAVIGATION - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_PAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_POOL_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
The default pool capacity.
DEFAULT_POOL_CAPACITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
The default pool capacity.
DEFAULT_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Prefix for date names.
DEFAULT_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Prefix for time names.
DEFAULT_SCREEN - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_SCREEN_TEMPLATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_SCRIPT_NAME_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default scriptName for ServerData
DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default serverName for ServerData
DEFAULT_SERVER_PORT_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default serverPort for ServerData
DEFAULT_SERVER_SCHEME_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default serverScheme for ServerData
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Default Template Name.
DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Default value for the Template Name
DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
The default MIME type as a string.
DefaultAction - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions
This is a Default Action module that doesn't do much.
DefaultAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.DefaultAction
DefaultBottomNavigation - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations
Deprecated. The use of ECS for the view is deprecated. Use a templating solution.
DefaultBottomNavigation() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.DefaultBottomNavigation
DefaultCookieParser - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
CookieParser is used to get and set values of Cookies on the Client Browser.
DefaultCookieParser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Constructs a new CookieParser.
defaultFieldPackage - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Default Field Package
DefaultLayout - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts
Deprecated. The use of ECS for the view is deprecated. Use a templating solution.
DefaultLayout() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.DefaultLayout
DefaultPage - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.pages
When building sites using templates, Screens need only be defined for templates which require dynamic (database or object) data.
DefaultPage() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.DefaultPage
DefaultParameterParser - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
DefaultParameterParser is a utility object to handle parsing and retrieving the data passed via the GET/POST/PATH_INFO arguments.
DefaultParameterParser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Create a new empty instance of ParameterParser.
DefaultParameterParser(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Create a new empty instance of ParameterParser.
defaultProperty - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
The name of the default property to pull from the Template Engine Service if the default is requested
DefaultSessionValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator
The SessionValidator attempts to retrieve the User object from the Servlet API session that is associated with the request.
DefaultSessionValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.DefaultSessionValidator
DefaultTopNavigation - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations
Deprecated. The use of ECS for the view is deprecated. Use a templating solution.
DefaultTopNavigation() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.DefaultTopNavigation
DefaultTurbineRunData - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.rundata
DefaultTurbineRunData is the default implementation of the TurbineRunData interface, which is distributed by the Turbine RunData service, if another implementation is not defined in the default or specified RunData configuration.
DefaultTurbineRunData() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Constructs a run data object.
DefaultValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
DefaultValidator that will compare a testValue against the following constraints: NameValid ValuesDefault Value requiredtrue|falsefalse maskregexp  minLengthinteger0 maxLengthinteger  This validator can serve as the base class for more specific validators
DefaultValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
DefaultValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Default constructor
defaultValidatorPackage - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Default Validator Package
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Default value of the field
deletePermission(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePermissionPeer
Deprecated. Deletes the mappings for a permission_id.
deleteRole(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePermissionPeer
Deprecated. Deletes the mappings for a role_id.
denyClient(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Add an IP address to the list of denied clients.
denyClient(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Add an IP address to the list of denied clients.
denyClient(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Add an IP address to the list of denied clients.
deserialize(byte[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils
Deserializes a single object from an array of bytes.
destroy() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
The Servlet destroy method.
DirectMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
The most primitive mapper.
DirectMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.DirectMapper
Default C'tor.
DirectResponseLayout - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts
This layout allows an action to manipulate the ServletOutputStream directly.
DirectResponseLayout() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.DirectResponseLayout
DirectTemplateMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
The most primitive templating mapper.
DirectTemplateMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.DirectTemplateMapper
Default C'tor.
displayName - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Display name of the field to be used on data entry forms...
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
Disposes the object after use.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Disposes of the container and releases resources
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.TurbineAvalonComponentService
Disposes of the container and releases resources
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Disposes the object after use.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Disposes the object after use.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Disposes a run data object.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Disposes the parser.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Disposes the parser.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Disposes the parser.
dispose() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.pool.Recyclable
Disposes the object after use.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.RecyclableSupport
Disposes the object by setting its disposed flag.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Shutdown the Turbine System, lifecycle style
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Layout
A subclass must override this method to build itself.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.DefaultLayout
Deprecated. Build the layout.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.DirectResponseLayout
Ensures that a direct response has been declared.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.JspLayout
Method called by LayoutLoader.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityDirectLayout
Method called by LayoutLoader.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityECSLayout
Deprecated. Build the layout.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityOnlyLayout
Build the layout.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityXslLayout
Build the layout.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Navigation
A subclass must override this method to build itself.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.DefaultBottomNavigation
Deprecated. Build the Navigation.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.DefaultTopNavigation
Deprecated. Build the Navigation.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.TemplateNavigation
Calls doBuildTemplate() and then buildTemplate().
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Page
A subclass must override this method to build itself.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.DefaultPage
Builds the Page.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Screen
A subclass must override this method to build itself.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.Error
Build screen.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.error.InvalidState
Build the Screen.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.RawScreen
Build the Screen.
doBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
This method is called by the Screenloader to construct the Screen.
doBuild() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.map.JobEntryMapBuilder
The doBuild() method builds the DatabaseMap
doBuild() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineGroupMapBuilder
The doBuild() method builds the DatabaseMap
doBuild() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbinePermissionMapBuilder
The doBuild() method builds the DatabaseMap
doBuild() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRoleMapBuilder
The doBuild() method builds the DatabaseMap
doBuild() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRolePermissionMapBuilder
The doBuild() method builds the DatabaseMap
doBuild() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserGroupRoleMapBuilder
The doBuild() method builds the DatabaseMap
doBuild() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserMapBuilder
The doBuild() method builds the DatabaseMap
doBuild() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Build up the databasemapping.
doBuildAfterAction(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.DefaultPage
Can be overridden by template Pages to set up data needed to process a template.
doBuildAfterAction(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.TemplatePage
Works with TemplateService to set up default templates and corresponding class modules.
doBuildBeforeAction(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.DefaultPage
Can be used by template Pages to stuff the Context into the RunData so that it is available to the Action module and the Screen module via getContext().
doBuildBeforeAction(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.JspPage
Stuffs some useful objects into the request so that it is available to the Action module and the Screen module
doBuildBeforeAction(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.VelocityPage
Stuffs the Context into the RunData so that it is available to the Action module and the Screen module via getContext().
doBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.BaseJspNavigation
Method to be overidden by subclasses to include data in beans, etc.
doBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.TemplateNavigation
WebMacro Navigations extending this class should overide this method to perform any particular business logic and add information to the context.
doBuildTemplate(RunData, Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.VelocityNavigation
Velocity Navigations extending this class should overide this method to perform any particular business logic and add information to the context.
doBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.VelocityNavigation
Needs to be implemented to make TemplateNavigation like us.
doBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.BaseJspScreen
Method to be overidden by subclasses to include data in beans, etc.
doBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JspErrorScreen
doBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
This method should be overidden by subclasses that wish to add specific business logic.
doBuildTemplate(RunData, Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityErrorScreen
Implement this to add information to the context.
doBuildTemplate(RunData, Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityScreen
Velocity Screens extending this class should overide this method to perform any particular business logic and add information to the context.
doBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityScreen
Needs to be implemented to make TemplateScreen like us.
doBuildTemplate(RunData, Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocitySecureScreen
Implement this to add information to the context.
doBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocitySecureScreen
This method overrides the method in VelocityScreen to perform a security check first.
DOCUMENT_TYPE_HTML40FRAMESET - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Html 4.0 Frameset
DOCUMENT_TYPE_HTML40STRICT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Html 4.0 Strict
DOCUMENT_TYPE_HTML40TRANSITIONAL - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Html 4.0 Transitional
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
doDelete(JobEntry, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Invokes doDelete(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(TurbineGroup) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
doDelete(TurbineGroup, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(TurbinePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
doDelete(TurbinePermission, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(TurbineRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
doDelete(TurbineRole, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(TurbineRolePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
doDelete(TurbineRolePermission, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
doDelete(TurbineUserGroupRole, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(TurbineUser) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
doDelete(TurbineUser, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do deletes.
doDelete(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to delete.
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Invokes doDelete(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Invokes doDelete(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doDelete(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes doDelete(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doDispose() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.RecyclableSupport
A convenience method allowing a clever recyclable object to put itself into a pool for recycling.
doGet(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
The primary method invoked when the Turbine servlet is executed.
doInit(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do inserts
doInsert(JobEntry, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Invokes doInsert(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(TurbineGroup) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do inserts
doInsert(TurbineGroup, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(TurbinePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do inserts
doInsert(TurbinePermission, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(TurbineRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do inserts
doInsert(TurbineRole, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(TurbineRolePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do inserts
doInsert(TurbineRolePermission, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do inserts
doInsert(TurbineUserGroupRole, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(TurbineUser) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do inserts
doInsert(TurbineUser, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do inserts.
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Invokes doInsert(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Invokes doInsert(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doInsert(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes doInsert(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doMapping(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
The actual mapping implementation class.
doMapping(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.ClassMapper
Strip off a possible extension, replace all "," with "." Look through the given package path until a match is found.
doMapping(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.DirectMapper
Strip off a possible extension, replace all "," with "." about,directions,Driving.vm --> about.directions.Driving
doMapping(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.DirectTemplateMapper
Replace all "," with ".", but keep the extension.
doMapping(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.LayoutTemplateMapper
Look for a given Template, then try the defaults until we hit the root.
doMapping(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.ScreenDefaultTemplateMapper
Look for a given Template, then try the default.
doMapping(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.ScreenTemplateMapper
Check, whether the provided name exists.
doOutput(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JSONScreen
Output the dynamic content.
doOutput(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JSONSecureScreen
This method overrides the method in JSONScreen to perform a security check prior to producing the output.
doOutput(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.RawScreen
Actually output the dynamic content.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Action
A subclass must override this method to perform itself.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
You need to implement this in your classes that extend this class.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.AccessController
If there is a user and the user is logged in, doPerform will set the RunData ACL.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.DefaultAction
Execute the action.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.InitContextsAction
This action will place the contexts defined in the TurbineResources instance (if any) into the data.contexts Hashtable.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.LoginUser
Updates the user's LastLogin timestamp, sets their state to "logged in" and calls RunData.setUser() .
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.LogoutUser
Clears the RunData user object back to an anonymous status not logged in, and with a null ACL.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.DefaultSessionValidator
Execute the action.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSecureSessionValidator
doPerform is virtually identical to DefaultSessionValidator except that it calls template methods instead of bare screen methods.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator
Execute the action.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocityAction
You SHOULD NOT override this method and implement it in your action.
doPerform(RunData, Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocityAction
You SHOULD override this method and implement it in your action.
doPerform(RunData, Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocitySecureAction
Implement this to add information to the context.
doPerform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityActionEvent
You need to implement this in your classes that extend this class.
doPost(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
In this application doGet and doPost are the same thing.
doPostBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.DefaultPage
Can be overridden to perform actions when the request is fully processed.
doPostBuild(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.VelocityPage
Allows the VelocityService to peform post-request actions.
doPostBuildTemplate(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
This method can be overridden to write code that executes when the template has been built (called from a finally clause, so executes regardless of whether an exception is thrown or not)
doRedirect(RunData, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
You can call this within a Screen to cause an internal redirect to happen.
doRedirect(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
You can call this within a Screen to cause an internal redirect to happen.
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. Issues a select based on a criteria.
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Issues a select based on a criteria.
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. Issues a select based on a criteria.
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Issues a select based on a criteria.
doSelect(Criteria, User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Issues a select based on a criteria.
doSelect(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Issues a select based on a criteria.
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do selects.
doSelect(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do selects within a transaction.
doSelect(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do selects
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Invokes doSelect(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do selects.
doSelect(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do selects within a transaction.
doSelect(TurbineGroup) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do selects
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do selects.
doSelect(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do selects within a transaction.
doSelect(TurbinePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do selects
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do selects.
doSelect(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do selects within a transaction.
doSelect(TurbineRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do selects
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do selects.
doSelect(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do selects within a transaction.
doSelect(TurbineRolePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do selects
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do selects.
doSelect(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do selects within a transaction.
doSelect(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do selects
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do selects.
doSelect(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do selects within a transaction.
doSelect(TurbineUser) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do selects
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Invokes doSelect(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Invokes doSelect(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doSelect(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes doSelect(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doSelectJoinAllExceptTurbineGroup(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with all related objects.
doSelectJoinAllExceptTurbineGroup(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with all related objects.
doSelectJoinAllExceptTurbineRole(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with all related objects.
doSelectJoinAllExceptTurbineRole(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with all related objects.
doSelectJoinAllExceptTurbineUser(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with all related objects.
doSelectJoinAllExceptTurbineUser(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with all related objects.
doSelectJoinTurbineGroup(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with their TurbineGroup objects.
doSelectJoinTurbineGroup(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with their TurbineGroup objects.
doSelectJoinTurbinePermission(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
selects a collection of TurbineRolePermission objects pre-filled with their TurbinePermission objects.
doSelectJoinTurbinePermission(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
selects a collection of TurbineRolePermission objects pre-filled with their TurbinePermission objects.
doSelectJoinTurbineRole(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
selects a collection of TurbineRolePermission objects pre-filled with their TurbineRole objects.
doSelectJoinTurbineRole(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
selects a collection of TurbineRolePermission objects pre-filled with their TurbineRole objects.
doSelectJoinTurbineRole(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with their TurbineRole objects.
doSelectJoinTurbineRole(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with their TurbineRole objects.
doSelectJoinTurbineUser(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with their TurbineUser objects.
doSelectJoinTurbineUser(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
selects a collection of TurbineUserGroupRole objects pre-filled with their TurbineUser objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSelectVillageRecords(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Grabs the raw Village records to be formed into objects.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BigDecimalField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BooleanField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ComboKeyField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DateStringField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DoubleField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue(ValueParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Deprecated. Use doSetValue() instead (with no parameters).
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FileItemField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FloatField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.IntegerField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.LongField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.NumberKeyField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ShortField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringField
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
doSetValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringKeyField
Deprecated. Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
DoubleField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Creates Double Field objects.
DoubleField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DoubleField
DoubleValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates Doubles with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
DoubleValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
DoubleValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Default Constructor
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. Issues an update based on a criteria.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Issues an update based on a criteria.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. Issues an update based on a criteria.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Issues an update based on a criteria.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
doUpdate(JobEntry, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Method to do update.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Invokes doUpdate(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(TurbineGroup) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
doUpdate(TurbineGroup, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Method to do update.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(TurbinePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
doUpdate(TurbinePermission, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Method to do update.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(TurbineRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
doUpdate(TurbineRole, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Method to do update.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(TurbineRolePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
doUpdate(TurbineRolePermission, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Method to do update.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(TurbineUserGroupRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
doUpdate(TurbineUserGroupRole, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Method to do update.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(Criteria, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do updates.
doUpdate(TurbineUser) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
doUpdate(TurbineUser, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Method to do update.
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Invokes doUpdate(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Invokes doUpdate(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
doUpdate(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes doUpdate(Criteria c) on the configured Peer Object
DTDResolver - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform
A resolver to get the database.dtd file for the XML parser from the jar.
DTDResolver() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.DTDResolver
DynamicURI - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
Deprecated. Use TurbineURI instead.
DynamicURI(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Constructor sets up some variables.
DynamicURI() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Default constructor - one of the init methods must be called before use.
DynamicURI(RunData, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Constructor sets up some variables.
DynamicURI(RunData, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Constructor sets up some variables.
DynamicURI(RunData, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Constructor sets up some variables.
DynamicURI(RunData, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Constructor sets up some variables.
DynamicURI(RunData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Constructor sets up some variables.
DynamicURI(ServerData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Main constructor for DynamicURI.
DynamicURI(ServerData, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Main constructor for DynamicURI.
DynamicURI(ServerData, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Main constructor for DynamicURI.
DynamicURI(ServerData, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Main constructor for DynamicURI.
DynamicURI(ServerData, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Main constructor for DynamicURI.
DynamicURI(ServerData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Main constructor for DynamicURI.


ecsOutput() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
ecsOutput() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return an ECS container with the select objects inside.
elements() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Deprecated. Use iterator() instead.
EMAIL - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the email field.
EMAIL - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'perm storage' key for the email field.
EMAIL - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the EMAIL field
EMAIL - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the EMAIL field
embed(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Embed a file in the mail.
EMPTY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
EMPTYFIELDNAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
The constant for empty fields
emptySlots - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
emptyValue - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Value of the field to use if the mapped parameter is empty or non-existant
encodeResponse(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Encodes a Response Uri according to the Servlet Container.
encrypt(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.CryptoAlgorithm
Performs the actual encryption.
encrypt(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.ClearCrypt
encrypt the supplied string with the requested cipher
encrypt(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.JavaCrypt
encrypt the supplied string with the requested cipher
encrypt(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.OldJavaCrypt
Encrypt the supplied string with the requested cipher
encrypt(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.UnixCrypt
encrypt the supplied string with the requested cipher
encryptPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
This method provides client-side encryption of passwords.
encryptPassword(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
This method provides client-side encryption of passwords.
encryptPassword(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
This method provides client-side encryption mechanism for passwords.
encryptPassword(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
This method provides client-side encryption mechanism for passwords.
encryptPassword(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
This method provides client-side encryption of passwords.
encryptPassword(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
This method provides client-side encryption of passwords.
endElement(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
Handles closing Elements of the XML file
EntityExistsException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util.security
Thrown upon an attempt to create an User,Role,Group or Permission that already exists.
EntityExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.EntityExistsException
Construct an EntityExistsException with specified detail message.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Compares this with another BaseObject instance.
equals(TorqueObject) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Compares the primary key of this instance with the key of another.
equals(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils
Deprecated. Use org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils.equals()
Error - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
This is a sample Error Screen module.
Error() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.Error
error(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
Callback function for the xml parser to give errors.
errorMessage - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Error message pertaining to Rule that was broken
eval(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.NavigationLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external Navigation.
eval(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScreenLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external Screen.
EVENT_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
prefix for event names
exec(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external action.
exec(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.GenericLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external action that has been set.
exec(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.LayoutLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external layout.
exec(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.NavigationLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external Navigation.
exec(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.PageLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external page.
exec(JobEntry, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScheduledJobLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external ScheduledJob.
exec(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScheduledJobLoader
Attempts to load and execute the external ScheduledJob.
exec(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScreenLoader
Attempts to load and execute the Screen.
exec() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util.JspScreenPlaceholder
builds the output of the navigation template
execute(String, Vector, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.AuthenticatedFileHandler
Deprecated. Handles all requests for an Authenticated file transfer.
executeAuthenticatedRpc(URL, String, String, String, Vector) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Execute a remote procedure call taht requires authentication
executeAuthenticatedRpc(URL, String, String, String, Vector) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Client's Authenticated interface to XML-RPC.
executeAuthenticatedRpc(URL, String, String, String, Vector) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Execute a remote procedure call taht requires authentication.
executeEvents(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
This method should be called to execute the event based system.
executeEvents(RunData, Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityActionEvent
This method should be called to execute the event based system.
executeRpc(URL, String, Vector) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Execute a remote procedure call.
executeRpc(URL, String, Vector) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Client's interface to XML-RPC.
executeRpc(URL, String, Vector) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Execute a remote procedure call.
expandRelative(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Expands a string that points to a relative path or path list, leaving it as an absolute path based on the servlet context.
expandRelative(ServletConfig, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServletUtils
Expands a string that points to a relative path or path list, leaving it as an absolute path based on the servlet context.
EXT_CHTML - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_GIF - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_HDM - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_HDML - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_HTM - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_HTML - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Common MIME type extensions.
EXT_JPEG - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_JPG - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_TEXT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_WBMP - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXT_WML - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
EXTENSION_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Character that separates a Template Name from the Extension
extensionMimeTypes - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper


Factory - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.factory
Factory is an interface for object factories.
FactoryService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.factory
The Factory Service instantiates objects using either default class loaders or a specified one.
fatalError(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
Callback function for the xml parser to give fatalErrors.
Field - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Base class for Intake generated input processing classes.
Field(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Constructs a field based on data in the xml specification and assigns it to a Group.
FieldFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Creates Field objects.
FieldFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FieldFactory
FieldReference - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Helper Class to manage relations between fields.
FieldReference() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
fields - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
A map of the fields in this group mapped by field name.
fieldsArray - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
An array of fields in this group.
FileHandler - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service. This class shouldn't be part of Turbine but of an addon application.
FileHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileHandler
Deprecated. Default Constructor
FileItemField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
This Intake field is intended to represent a File input element in a HTML form.
FileItemField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FileItemField
FileTransfer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service. This class shouldn't be part of Turbine but of an addon application.
FileTransfer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileTransfer
fileUpload - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
A File Upload object for the actual uploading
FileValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
A validator that will compare a FileItem testValue against the following constraints in addition to those listed in DefaultValidator.
FileValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FileValidator
FileValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FileValidator
Default constructor
findInitParameter(ServletContext, ServletConfig, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Finds the specified servlet configuration/initialization parameter, looking first for a servlet-specific parameter, then for a global parameter, and using the provided default if not found.
FIRST_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the first name field.
FIRST_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'perm storage' key name for the first name.
FIRST_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the FIRST_NAME field
FLEXIBLE_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"flexible" Rule, used in DateFormat Validator
FloatField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Creates Float Field objects.
FloatField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FloatField
FloatValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates Floats with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
FloatValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
FloatValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Default Constructor
flushCache() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.cache.GlobalCacheService
Flush the cache of all objects.
flushCache() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Flush the cache of all objects.
forcePassword(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Forcibly sets new password for an User.
forcePassword(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Forcibly sets new password for an User.
forcePassword(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
This method is not yet implemented Forcibly sets new password for an User.
forcePassword(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Forcibly sets new password for an User.
forcePassword(User, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Forcibly sets new password for an User.
forcePassword(User, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Forcibly sets new password for an User.
forcePassword(User, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Forcibly sets new password for an User.
forcePassword(User, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Forcibly sets new password for an User.
FOREVER - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Do not expire the object
FORM_DATA - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
HTTP header base type modifier.
format(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Formats a date into a String.
format(String, Locale, String, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Formats a localized value using the provided object.
format(String, Locale, String, Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Formats a localized value using the provided objects.
format(String, Locale, String, Object[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Formats a localized value using the provided objects.
format(String, Locale, String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Formats a localized value using the provided object.
format(String, Locale, String, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Formats a localized value using the provided objects.
format(String, Locale, String, Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Formats a localized value using the provided objects.
format(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
Formats a localized value using the provided object.
format(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
Formats a localized value using the provided objects.
format(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
Formats a localized value using the provided objects.
format(String, List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
Formats a localized value using the provided objects.
format(String, Locale, String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Formats a localized value using the provided object.
format(String, Locale, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Formats a localized value using the provided objects.
format(String, Locale, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Looks up the value for key in the ResourceBundle referenced by bundleName, then formats that value for the specified Locale using args.
format(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.DateFormatter
Formats the given date as a String using the default date format.
format(Date, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.DateFormatter
Formats the given date as a String.
format(long, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.DateFormatter
Formats the given date as a String.
FORMAT_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"format" Rule, used in DateFormat Validator
formatHttpDate(Date) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.HttpUtils
Formats a java Date according to rfc 1123, the rfc standard for dates in http.
formatString(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
This method does the conversion of the lowercase method name into the proper case.
FormMessage - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
A message class for holding information about a message that relates to a specific form and field.
FormMessage() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
FormMessage(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
FormMessage(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
FormMessage(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
FormMessages - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
Used for adding and accessing messages that relate to a specific form and field.
FormMessages() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessages
FTP_PORT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServletUtils
Deprecated. use URIConstants.FTP_PORT
FTP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
FTP Default Control Port


GenerateUniqueId - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
This class generates a unique 10+ character id.
GenerateUniqueId() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.GenerateUniqueId
GenericLoader - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
This is the base class for the loaders.
GenericLoader() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.GenericLoader
Basic constructor for creating a loader.
GenericLoader(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.GenericLoader
Basic constructor for creating a loader.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
get(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
get a specific group
get(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Get a specific group
get(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Get a specific group by name and key.
get(String, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Get a specific group by name and key.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Get the Field .
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
Performs text lookups for localization.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve a skin property.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.SessionData
Gets the data stored under the key.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.get(String key) instead.
get(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Retrieve a skin property from the named skin.
get(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Retrieve a skin property from the default skin for the webapp.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Retrieve a skin property from the named skin.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Retrieve a skin property from the default skin for the webapp.
get(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Retrieve a skin property from the named skin.
get(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Retrieve a skin property from the default skin for the webapp.
get(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
get(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
get(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
get(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
get(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileHandler
Deprecated. The client has indicated that it would like to get a file from the server.
get(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileTransfer
Deprecated. Method to allow a client to get a file to a server.
get(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileTransfer
Deprecated. Method to allow a client to get a file from a server that requires a user name and password.
get(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
get(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
get(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a String for the given name.
get(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a String for the given name.
getA(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Create an anchor object.
getAbsoluteLink() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Builds the URL with all of the data URL-encoded as well as encoded using HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl().
getAbsoluteLink() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
Builds the URL with all of the data URL-encoded as well as encoded using HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl().
getAbsoluteLink() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Builds the URL with all of the data URL-encoded as well as encoded using HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl().
getAbsoluteLink(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIUtils
Convert a given Path into a Turbine Data URI.
getAbsolutePathToResourcesDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Return the absolute path of the resources directory used by application tools.
getAbsolutePathToResourcesDirectory() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Return the absolute path of the resources directory used by application tools.
getAbsolutePathToResourcesDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
Return the absolute path to the resources directory used by the application tools.
getAbsoluteURI(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
Returns the Turbine URI of a given Path.
getAbsoluteURI() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Returns the absolute URI leaving the source intact.
getAccessCounter() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Gets the access counter for a user from perm storage.
getAccessCounter() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Gets the access counter for a user from perm storage.
getAccessCounter() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Gets the access counter for a user from perm storage.
getAccessCounter() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Gets the access counter for a user from perm storage.
getAccessCounterForSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Gets the access counter for a user during a session.
getAccessCounterForSession() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Gets the access counter for a user during a session.
getAccessCounterForSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Gets the access counter for a user during a session.
getAccessCounterForSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Gets the access counter for a user during a session.
getACL() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the access control list.
getACL(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Constructs an AccessControlList for a specific user.
getACL(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Constructs an AccessControlList for a specific user.
getACL(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Constructs an AccessControlList for a specific user.
getACL(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Constructs an AccessControlList for a specific user.
getACL(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Constructs an AccessControlList for a specific user.
getACL() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the access control list.
getAclClass() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Return a Class object representing the system's chosen implementation of of ACL interface.
getAclClass() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Returns the Class object for the implementation of AccessControlList interface used by the system.
getAclInstance(Map, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a new ACL object.
getAclInstance(Map, Map) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a new ACL object.
getAction() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the action.
getAction() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the action.
getActiveSessions() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
Gets all active sessions
getActiveSessions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
Gets a list of the active sessions
getActiveSessions() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
Gets a list of the active sessions
getActiveSessions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Gets a list of the active sessions.
getActiveUsers() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
Gets a collection of all user objects representing the users currently logged in.
getActiveUsers() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
Gets a collection of all user objects representing the users currently logged in.
getActiveUsers() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
Gets a collection of all user objects representing the users currently logged in.
getActiveUsers() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Gets a collection of all user objects representing the users currently logged in.
getAdminPassword() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the property for the administration password.
getAdminUsername() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the property for the administration username.
getAllGroups() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieves all groups defined in the system.
getAllGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieves all groups defined in the system.
getAllGroups() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieves all groups defined in the system.
getAllGroups() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Returns all groups definded in the system.
getAllGroups() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Returns all groups definded in the system.
getAllPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieves all permissions defined in the system.
getAllPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieves all permissions defined in the system.
getAllPermissions() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieves all permissions defined in the system.
getAllRoles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieves all roles defined in the system.
getAllRoles() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieves all roles defined in the system.
getAllRoles() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieves all roles defined in the system.
getAMPMSelector(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return an am/pm selector.
getAMPMSelector(String, Calendar) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return an am/pm selector.
getAnonymousUser() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Constructs an User object to represent an anonymous user of the application.
getAnonymousUser() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Constructs an User object to represent an anonymous user of the application.
getAnonymousUser() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Constructs an User object to represent an anonymous user of the application.
getAppData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Get the parent of the input group
getApplicationRoot() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Get the application root as set by the parent application.
getApplicationRoot() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Get the application root for this Turbine webapp.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.LayoutLoader
Pulls out an instance of the object by name.
getAssembler(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.modules.Loader
Pulls out an instance of an Assembler Object by name.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.NavigationLoader
Pulls out an instance of the object by name.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.PageLoader
Pulls out an instance of the object by name.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScreenLoader
Pulls out an instance of the object by name.
getAssembler(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Attempts to load an Assembler of a type with a given name
getAssembler(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBroker
Return an Assembler for a given type and object name.
getAssembler(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService
Attempt to retrieve an Assembler of a given type with a name.
getAssembler(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.AssemblerFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaActionFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaBaseFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaLayoutFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaNavigationFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaPageFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaScheduledJobFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaScreenFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonActionFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonBaseFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonLayoutFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonNavigationFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonPageFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssembler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonScreenFactory
Get an Assembler.
getAssociatedFileExtensions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.BaseTemplateEngineService
getAssociatedFileExtensions() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
Supplies the file extension to key this engine in TemplateService's registry with.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Retrieves the value of specific attribute of this object.
getAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Returns the servlet container attribute with the given name, or null if there is no attribute by that name.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Returns an Enumeration containing the attribute names available within this servlet context.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Returns a Map containing this object's attributes.
getAuthenticatedUser(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Authenticates an user, and constructs an User object to represent him/her.
getAuthenticatedUser(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Authenticates an user, and constructs an User object to represent him/her.
getAuthenticatedUser(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Authenticates an user, and constructs an User object to represent him/her.
getAutomatic() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.BaseUploadService
Retrieves the value of the 'automatic' property of UploadService.
getAutomatic() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
Retrieves the value of the 'automatic' property of UploadService.
getAutomatic() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
Retrieves the value of the 'automatic' property of UploadService.
getAutomatic() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
Retrieves the value of 'automatic' property of UploadService.
getBasePackage() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.GenericLoader
Gets the base package where Turbine should find its default modules.
getBasePackage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Get the base package String that will be appended to any mapToObjects
getBaseSearch() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get value of the property for the Base Search.
getBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a BigDecimal for the given name.
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a BigDecimal for the given name.
getBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a BigDecimal for the given name.
getBigDecimal(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a BigDecimal for the given name.
getBigDecimals(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of BigDecimals for the given name.
getBigDecimals(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of BigDecimals for the given name.
getBodyAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Returns the map of body attributes
getBool(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. use BaseValueParser.getBooleanObject(java.lang.String) instead
getBool(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. use BaseValueParser.getBooleanObject(String) instead
getBool(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. use ValueParser.getBooleanObject(java.lang.String) instead
getBool(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. use ValueParser.getBooleanObject(java.lang.String) instead
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a boolean for the given name.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a boolean for the given name.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a boolean for the given name.
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a boolean for the given name.
getBooleanObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Returns a Boolean object for the given name.
getBooleanObject(String, Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Returns a Boolean object for the given name.
getBooleanObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Returns a Boolean object for the given name.
getBooleanObject(String, Boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Returns a Boolean object for the given name.
getBridge(HttpSession) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.JsonRpcService
getBridge(HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpc
getBridge(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpcService
getBrowserName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
The browser name specified in the user agent string.
getBrowserPlatform() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
The browser platform specified in the user agent string.
getBrowserVersion() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
The browser version specified in the user agent string.
getBundle(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on name.
getBundle(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on name and HTTP Accept-Language header.
getBundle(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on name and HTTP Accept-Language header in HttpServletRequest.
getBundle(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on name and HTTP Accept-Language header in HttpServletRequest.
getBundle(String, Locale) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on name and Locale.
getBundle(String, RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Deprecated. Call getBundle(bundleName, data.getRequest()) instead.
getBundle() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Convenience method to get a default ResourceBundle.
getBundle(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Returns a ResourceBundle given the bundle name and the default locale information supplied by the configuration.
getBundle(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on name and HTTP Accept-Language header.
getBundle(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on HTTP Accept-Language header in HttpServletRequest.
getBundle(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on name and HTTP Accept-Language header in HttpServletRequest.
getBundle(String, Locale) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Convenience method to get a ResourceBundle based on name and Locale.
getBundle() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method returns a ResourceBundle given the bundle name "DEFAULT" and the default Locale information supplied in TurbineProperties.
getBundle(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method returns a ResourceBundle given the bundle name and the default Locale information supplied in TurbineProperties.
getBundle(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method returns a ResourceBundle given the bundle name and the Locale information supplied in the HTTP "Accept-Language" header.
getBundle(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method returns a ResourceBundle given the Locale information supplied in the HTTP "Accept-Language" header which is stored in HttpServletRequest.
getBundle(String, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method returns a ResourceBundle given the bundle name and the Locale information supplied in the HTTP "Accept-Language" header which is stored in HttpServletRequest.
getBundle(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method returns a ResourceBundle given the Locale information supplied in the HTTP "Accept-Language" header which is stored in RunData.
getBundle(String, RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method returns a ResourceBundle given the bundle name and the Locale information supplied in the HTTP "Accept-Language" header which is stored in RunData.
getBundle(String, Locale) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method returns a ResourceBundle for the given bundle name and the given Locale.
getBundleName(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
The return value of this method is used to set the name of the bundle used by this tool.
getBundleNames() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Retrieves the list of names of bundles to search by default for ResourceBundle keys (as specified in the config file).
getBundleNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
getByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByPeerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByPeerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByPeerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByPeerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByPeerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByPeerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByPeerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Retrieves a field from the object by name passed in as a String.
getByPosition(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.
getByPosition(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.
getByPosition(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.
getByPosition(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.
getByPosition(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.
getByPosition(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.
getByPosition(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Retrieves a field from the object by Position as specified in the xml schema.
getByte(String, byte) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a byte for the given name.
getByte(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a byte for the given name.
getByte(String, byte) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a byte for the given name.
getByte(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a byte for the given name.
getByteObject(String, Byte) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a byte for the given name.
getByteObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a byte for the given name.
getByteObject(String, Byte) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a byte for the given name.
getByteObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a byte for the given name.
getBytes(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of bytes for the given name.
getBytes(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of bytes for the given name.
getCacheSize() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.cache.GlobalCacheService
Returns the current size of the cache.
getCacheSize() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCache
Returns the current size of the cache.
getCacheSize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Returns the current size of the cache.
getCacheSize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Get the CacheSize value.
getCacheSize() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Get the CacheSize value.
getCapacity(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Gets the capacity of the pool for a named class.
getCapacity(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Gets the capacity of the pool for a named class.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Get the character encoding that will be used by this ValueParser.
getCharacterEncoding() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Get the character encoding that will be used by this ValueParser.
getCharSet(Locale) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the charset for a locale.
getCharSet(Locale, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the charset for a locale with a variant.
getCharSet(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the charset for a specified key.
getCharSet(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the charset for a specified key.
getCharSet(Locale) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the charset for a locale.
getCharSet(Locale, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the charset for a locale with a variant.
getCharSet(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the charset for a specified key.
getCharSet(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the charset for a specified key.
getCharSet(Locale) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the charset for a locale.
getCharSet(Locale, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the charset for a locale with a variant.
getCharSet(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the charset for a specified key.
getCharSet(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the charset for a specified key.
getCharSet(Locale) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Gets the charset for a locale.
getCharSet(Locale, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Gets the charset for a locale with a variant.
getCharSet(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Gets the charset for a specified key.
getCharSet(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Gets the charset for a specified key.
getCharSet() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the charset.
getCharSet() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the charset.
getCid(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Get the cid of an embedded file.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserGroupRolePeer
Deprecated. Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the full name of a column.
getColumnNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
get the list of column names.
getCompare() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
getCompareType(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Map the comparison strings to their numeric counterparts
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
Returns the configuration of this Service.
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Get the configuration for this service manager.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Returns the configuration for the specified service.
getConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
Returns the configuration of this service.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Service
Returns the Configuration of this Service.
getConfiguration(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceBroker
Returns the configuration of a specific service.
getConfiguration() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceManager
Get the configuration for this service manager.
getConfiguration() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Return the current configuration with all keys included
getConfirmColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Confirm Column for a role
getConfirmed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Gets the confirmation value.
getConfirmed() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Gets the confirmation value.
getConfirmed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Returns the value of Confirmed variable
getConfirmed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the Confirmed
getConfirmed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the confirm value of the user
getConfirmValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to store the user's confirmation flag.
getContents() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Returns the cached object.
getContentType(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JSONScreen
getContentType(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.RawScreen
Set the content type.
getContentType(File) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a file as a string.
getContentType(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a named file as a string.
getContentType(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a file name extension as a string.
getContentType(File) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the MIME content type for a file as a string.
getContentType(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the MIME content type for a named file as a string.
getContentType(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the MIME content type for a file name extension as a string.
getContentType(File) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a file as a string.
getContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a named file as a string.
getContentType(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a file name extension as a string.
getContentType(File) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Gets the MIME content type for a file as a string.
getContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Gets the MIME content type for a named file as a string.
getContentType(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Gets the MIME content type for a file name extension as a string.
getContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Gets a MIME content type corresponding to a specified file name extension.
getContentType() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the HTTP content type to return.
getContentType() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the HTTP content type to return.
getContext(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocityAction
Return the Context needed by Velocity.
getContext(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityScreen
Deprecated. Use TurbineVelocity.getContext(data)
getContext(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.naming.NamingService
Return the Context with the specified name.
getContext(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.naming.TurbineNamingService
Return the Context with the specified name.
getContext(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
This returns a Context that you can pass into handleRequest once you have populated it with information that the template will know about.
getContext() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
This method returns a blank Context object, which also contains the global context object.
getContext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Create a Context object that also contains the globalContext.
getContext(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Create a Context from the RunData object.
getContext() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Create an empty WebContext object.
getContext(RunData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Create a Context from the RunData object.
getContext(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
getContext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
Get the context object that will be merged with the template.
getContextAndScript(StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Append the Context Path and Script Name to the passed String Buffer.
getContextPath() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the cached context path.
getContextPath() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Returns the context path for this Turbine application.
getContextPath() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Returns the context path for this Turbine application.
getContextPath() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Returns the context path for this Turbine application.
getContextPath() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Return the context path.
getContextPath() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Gets the context path
getContextPath() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the cached context path.
getContextPath() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Get the context path.
getContextPath() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Gets the context path.
getContextPath() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URI
Gets the context path.
getCookieParser() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the cookie parser without parsing the cookies.
getCookieParser() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Gets the cookie parser without parsing the cookies.
getCookiePath() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Get the Path where cookies will be stored
getCookiePath() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Get the Path where cookies will be stored
getCookies() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the cookies.
getCookies() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the cookies.
getCreated() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Returns the creation time for the object.
getCreated() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to store the user's record cration time.
getCreateDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Gets the create date for this User.
getCreateDate() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Gets the create date for this User.
getCreateDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Gets the create date for this User.
getCreateDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the CreateDate
getCreateDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the creation date of the user
getCreateDateColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the CreateDate Column for a role
getCryptoAlgorithm(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.CryptoService
Returns a CryptoAlgorithm Object which represents the requested crypto algorithm.
getCryptoAlgorithm(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.TurbineCrypto
Returns a CryptoAlgorithm Object which represents the requested crypto algorithm.
getCryptoAlgorithm(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.TurbineCryptoService
Returns a CryptoAlgorithm Object which represents the requested crypto algorithm.
getDatabaseMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.map.JobEntryMapBuilder
Gets the databasemap this map builder built.
getDatabaseMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineGroupMapBuilder
Gets the databasemap this map builder built.
getDatabaseMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbinePermissionMapBuilder
Gets the databasemap this map builder built.
getDatabaseMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRoleMapBuilder
Gets the databasemap this map builder built.
getDatabaseMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRolePermissionMapBuilder
Gets the databasemap this map builder built.
getDatabaseMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserGroupRoleMapBuilder
Gets the databasemap this map builder built.
getDatabaseMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserMapBuilder
Gets the databasemap this map builder built.
getDatabaseMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Gets the databasemap this map builder built.
getDate(String, DateFormat, Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Returns a Date object.
getDate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Returns a Date object.
getDate(String, DateFormat) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Returns a Date object.
getDate(String, DateFormat, Date) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Returns a java.util.Date object.
getDate(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Returns a java.util.Date object.
getDate(String, DateFormat) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Returns a java.util.Date object.
getDateFormatMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Get the value of minLengthMessage.
getDateFormats() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Get the value of dateFormats.
getDayOfMonth() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the DayOfMonth
getDaySelector(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Return a day selector.
getDaySelector(String, Calendar) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Return a day selector.
getDebugVariables() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets a Map of debug variables.
getDebugVariables() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets a Map of debug variables.
getDefault() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool.PullHelper
Populates the object with the default values from the XML File
getDefault() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Loads the default value from the object
getDefaultBufferSize() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
Returns the default buffer size of the JspService
getDefaultBufferSize() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJsp
Returns the default buffer size of the JspService
getDefaultBufferSize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
Returns the default buffer size of the JspService
getDefaultBundleName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
getDefaultBundleName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Retrieves the name of the default bundle (as specified in the config file), or the first in the list if there are more than one.
getDefaultBundleName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Retrieves the name of the default bundle (as specified in the config file).
getDefaultCharSet() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the default charset defined by a property named "locale.default.charset" or by the specified locale.
getDefaultCountry() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Retrieves the default country (as specified in the config file).
getDefaultCountry() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Retrieves the default country (specified in the config file).
getDefaultDoctype() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Retrieve the default Doctype as configured by the TurbineResources.peoperties default.doctype.root.element, default.doctype.identifier and default.doctype.url properties (defaults are "HTML", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" and "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-html401-19991224/loose.dtd" respectively).
getDefaultExtension(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the default file name extension for a MIME type.
getDefaultExtension(MimeType) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the default file name extension for a MIME type.
getDefaultExtension(MimeType) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the default file name extension for a MIME type.
getDefaultExtension(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the default file name extension for a MIME type.
getDefaultExtension(MimeType) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the default file name extension for a MIME type.
getDefaultExtension(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Gets the default file name extension for a MIME type.
getDefaultExtension(MimeType) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Gets the default file name extension for a MIME type.
getDefaultExtension() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default template name extension specified in the template service properties.
getDefaultExtension() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default extension given in the properties file.
getDefaultExtension() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default template name extension specified in the template service properties.
getDefaultInvalidNumberMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
getDefaultLanguage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Retrieves the default language (as specified in the config file).
getDefaultLanguage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Retrieves the default language (specified in the config file).
getDefaultLayout() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default layout module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultLayout() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default layout module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultLayout() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default layout module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultLayoutName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default layout module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultLayoutName(RunData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Find the default layout module name for the given request.
getDefaultLayoutName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default layout module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultLayoutName(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Find the default layout module name for the given request.
getDefaultLayoutName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default layout module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultLayoutName(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Find the default layout module name for the given request.
getDefaultLayoutTemplate() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default layout template name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultLayoutTemplate() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default layout template given in the properties file.
getDefaultLayoutTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default layout template name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultLayoutTemplateName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default layout template name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultLayoutTemplateName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default layout template name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultLayoutTemplateName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default layout template name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultLocale() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the default locale defined by properties named "locale.default.lang" and "locale.default.country".
getDefaultName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Returns the default name for the passed Template.
getDefaultName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseTemplateMapper
Returns the default name for the passed Template.
getDefaultName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Returns the default name for the supplied template name.
getDefaultNavigation() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default navigation module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultNavigation() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default Navigation given in the properties file.
getDefaultNavigation() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default navigation module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultNavigationName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default navigation module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultNavigationName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default navigation module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultNavigationName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default navigation module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultPage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default page module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultPage() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default page module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultPage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default page module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultPageName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default page module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultPageName(RunData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Find the default page module name for the given request.
getDefaultPageName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default page module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultPageName(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Find the default page module name for the given request.
getDefaultPageName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default page module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultPageName(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Find the default page module name for the given request.
getDefaultProperty() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Get the DefaultProperty value.
getDefaultProperty() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Get the DefaultProperty value.
getDefaultScreen() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default screen module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultScreen() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the Screen template given in the properties file.
getDefaultScreen() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default screen module name of the template engine service corresponding to the default template name extension.
getDefaultScreenName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Get the default screen module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultScreenName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Get the default screen module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultScreenName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Get the default screen module name of the template engine service corresponding to the template name extension of the named template.
getDefaultServerData() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Return all the Turbine Servlet information (Server Name, Port, Scheme in a ServerData structure.
getDefaultTemplate() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Returns the Default Template Name with the Default Extension.
getDefaultTemplate() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Returns the Default Template Name with the Default Extension.
getDefaultTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Returns the Default Template Name with the Default Extension.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BigDecimalField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BooleanField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DateStringField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DoubleField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Produces the fully qualified class name of the default validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FileItemField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FloatField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.IntegerField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.LongField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.NumberKeyField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ShortField
A suitable validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringField
Produces the fully qualified class name of the default validator.
getDefaultValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringKeyField
Deprecated. Produces the fully qualified class name of the default validator.
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Get the default Value
getDefaultValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the default Value.
getDifference(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Pass in two Vector's of Permission Objects.
getDifference(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Pass in two Vector's of Permission Objects.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Get the display name of the field.
getDisplayName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the display name of the property
getDisplaySize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Gets the diplay size of the field.
getDisplaySize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Gets the display size of the field.
getDN() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.ActiveDirectoryUser
Gets the distinguished name (DN) of the User the AD-way.
getDN() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Gets the distinguished name (DN) of the User.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a double for the given name.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a double for the given name.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a double for the given name.
getDouble(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a double for the given name.
getDoubleObject(String, Double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a Double for the given name.
getDoubleObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a Double for the given name.
getDoubleObject(String, Double) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a Double for the given name.
getDoubleObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a Double for the given name.
getDoubleObjects(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of doubles for the given name.
getDoubleObjects(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of doubles for the given name.
getDoubles(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of doubles for the given name.
getDoubles(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of doubles for the given name.
getEmail() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Returns the email address for this user.
getEmail() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Returns the email address for this user.
getEmail() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the Email
getEmail() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Returns the Email for this user.
getEmail() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the Email
getEmail() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the email address of the user
getEmail() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to store the user's email.
getEmailAttribute() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the E-Mail Attribute.
getEmailColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Email Column for a role
getEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Get the Value to use if the field is empty
getEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the empty Value.
getExpires() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Returns the expiration time for the object.
getExtension(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Gets a file name extension corresponding to a specified MIME content type.
getExtension(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Return Extension for a supplied template
getExtension(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Return Extension for a supplied template
getExtension(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Return Extension for a supplied template
getFactory(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets a customized factory for a named class.
getFailScreen() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.SecurityCheck
Get the screen that should be displayed.
getFailScreen() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Get the value of failScreen.
getFailTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Get the value of failTemplate.
getField() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Get the parent Field of the rule
getField(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Returns a Specified field.
getFieldClass() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the value of fieldClass.
getFieldGetter(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
Gets the Method that can be used to get a property value.
getFieldGetter(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
Gets the Method that can be used to get a property value.
getFieldGetter(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Gets the Method that can be used to get a property value.
getFieldName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
getFieldNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Gets a list of the names of the fields stored in this object.
getFieldNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Generate a list of field names.
getFieldNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Generate a list of field names.
getFieldNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Generate a list of field names.
getFieldNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Generate a list of field names.
getFieldNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Generate a list of field names.
getFieldNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Generate a list of field names.
getFieldNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Generate a list of field names.
getFieldNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
Return the field names.
getFields() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Returns a collection of fields in this input group
getFieldSetter(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
Gets the Method that can be used to set a property.
getFieldSetter(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
Gets the Method that can be used to set a property.
getFieldSetter(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Gets the Method that can be used to set a property.
getFileItem(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Return a FileItem object for the given name.
getFileItem(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParameterParser
Return a FileItem object for the given name.
getFileItemParam(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
fetches a key from the parameters map.
getFileItems(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Return an array of FileItem objects for the given name.
getFileItems(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParameterParser
Return an array of FileItem objects for the given name.
getFirstName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Returns the first name for this user.
getFirstName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Returns the first name for this user.
getFirstName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Returns the first name for this user.
getFirstName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the FirstName
getFirstName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the first name of the User
getFirstName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to store the user's first name.
getFirstNameAttribute() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the Firstname Attribute.
getFirstNameColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the FirstName Column for a role
getFloat(String, float) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a float for the given name.
getFloat(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a float for the given name.
getFloat(String, float) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a float for the given name.
getFloat(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a float for the given name.
getFloatObject(String, Float) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a Float for the given name.
getFloatObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a float for the given name.
getFloatObject(String, Float) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a Float for the given name.
getFloatObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a float for the given name.
getFloatObjects(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of floats for the given name.
getFloatObjects(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of floats for the given name.
getFloats(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of floats for the given name.
getFloats(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of floats for the given name.
getFormMessages(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessages
Gets all form messages for a given form.
getFormMessages(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessages
Get form messages for a given form and field.
getFormName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
Return the form name.
getFullColumnName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Returns the full name of a column.
getFullColumnName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserPeer
Deprecated. Returns the full name of a column.
getFullColumnName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Deprecated. use getColumnName(String name)
getGID() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Get the part of the key used to specify the group.
getGlobalContext() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Get the context containing global tools that will be use as part of the Turbine Pull Model.
getGlobalContext() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Get the context containing global tools that will be use as part of the Turbine Pull Model.
getGlobalContext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
Return the Context which contains all global tools that are to be used in conjunction with the Turbine Pull Model.
getGlobalGroup() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Provides a reference to the Group object that represents the global group.
getGlobalGroup() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Provides a reference to the Group object that represents the global group.
getGlobalGroup() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Deprecated. Please use the method in TurbineSecurity now.
getGlobalGroup() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Provides a reference to the Group object that represents the global group.
getGroup(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
Gets an instance of a named group either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getGroup() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Returns the Group this field belongs to or null if unknown.
getGroup(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
Gets an instance of a named group either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Gets an instance of a named group either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Get a XmlGroup with the given name.
getGroup() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the parent XmlGroup of the property
getGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Deprecated. Use getGroupByName instead.
getGroup(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Deprecated. Use getGroupByName instead.
getGroup(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Deprecated. Use getGroupByName instead.
getGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Deprecated. Use getGroupByName instead.
getGroup_GroupId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for Group id.
getGroup_Name() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for Group name.
getGroup_ObjectData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for ObjectData column.
getGroupById(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieve a Group object with specified Id.
getGroupById(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a Group object with specified Id.
getGroupById(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a Group object with specified Id.
getGroupById(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Returns a Group with the given id, if it is contained in this GroupSet.
getGroupByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieve a Group object with specified name.
getGroupByName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a Group object with specified name.
getGroupByName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a Group object with specified name.
getGroupByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Returns a Group with the given name, if it is contained in this GroupSet.
getGroupClass() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Return a Class object representing the system's chosen implementation of of Group interface.
getGroupClass() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Returns the Class object for the implementation of Group interface used by the system.
getGroupClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Returns the Class object for the implementation of Group interface used by the system.
getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Get the GroupId
getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Get the GroupId
getGroupId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used for the id of the Group table.
getGroupInstance() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a blank Group object.
getGroupInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a blank Group object.
getGroupInstance() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a blank Group object.
getGroupInstance(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a blank Group object.
getGroupInstance(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Construct a blank Group object.
getGroupKey(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
Gets the key (usually a short identifier) for a group.
getGroupKey(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
Gets the key (usually a short identifier) for a group.
getGroupKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Gets the key (usually a short identifier) for a group.
getGroupName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
Gets the group name given its key.
getGroupName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
Gets the group name given its key.
getGroupName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Gets the group name given its key.
getGroupName(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Invokes getName() on the supplied base object
getGroupName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used for the name of a Group.
getGroupNames() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
Names of all the defined groups.
getGroupNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
Names of all the defined groups.
getGroupNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Names of all the defined groups.
getGroupPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Get the prefix String that will be used to qualify intake groups when using multiple XML files
getGroups() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Get a Map containing all the groups.
getGroups() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Return a collection of input sections (<group>).
getGroups(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Retrieve a set of Groups that meet the specified Criteria.
getGroups(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Retrieve a set of Groups that meet the specified Criteria.
getGroups(Criteria) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a set of Groups that meet the specified Criteria.
getGroups(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Retrieve a set of Groups that meet the specified Criteria.
getGroups(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a set of Groups that meet the specified Criteria.
getGroupsArray() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Returns an Array of Groups in this GroupSet.
getHostUrl(StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Appends the Host URL to the supplied StringBuffer.
getHour() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the Hour
getHourSelector(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return an 12 hour selector.
getHourSelector(String, Calendar) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return an 12 hour selector.
getHourSelector(String, Calendar, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return an hour selector (either 12hr or 24hr depending on format.
getHtmlFormInput() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
A xhtml valid hidden input field that notifies intake of the group's presence.
getHTMLString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Calls toString() on the object returned by getValue(), unless null; and then it returns "", the empty String.
getHttpEquivs() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Gets the map of http equiv tags
getId() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityEntity
Get the Id of the SecurityEntity.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Unused.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Not implemented.
getId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Gets the Id of this object
getId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Gets the Id of this object
getId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Gets the Id of this object
getId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Gets the Id of this object
getIdAsObj() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityEntity
Get the Id of the SecurityEntity as an Integer object.
getIdAsObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Unused.
getIdAsObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Not implemented.
getIdAsObj(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Invokes getId() on the supplied base object
getIdAsObj(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Invokes getId() on the supplied base object
getIdAsObj(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Invokes getId() on the supplied base object
getIdAsObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Gets the Id of this object
getIdAsObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Gets the Id of this object
getIdAsObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Gets the Id of this object
getIdAsObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Gets the Id of this object
getIdAsObj(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getId() on the supplied base object
getIdColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Id Column for a group
getIdColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Id Column for a permission
getIdColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Id Column for a role
getIdColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Id Column for a group
getIdentifier() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.GenerateUniqueId
Get the unique id.
getIdentifier(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.GenerateUniqueId
Get the unique id.
getIds() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Returns a set of Id values in this Object.
getIfRequiredMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the value of ifRequiredMessage.
getInit() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Returns initialization status.
getInit() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
getInit() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Initable
Returns initialization status of an Initable.
getInitable(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitableBroker
Provides an instance of Initable class ready to work.
getInitable(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.InitableBroker
Provides an instance of Initable class ready to work.
getInitableBroker() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Returns an InitableBroker reference.
getInitableBroker() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
getInitableInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitableBroker
Retrieves an instance of an Initable from the repository.
getInitialValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Get the value used as a default.
getInitParameter(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Retrieves an initialization parameter.
getInitParameterNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Retrieves an Enumeration of initialization parameter names.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader
Pulls out an instance of the object by name.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionLoader
The method through which this class is accessed.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.LayoutLoader
Pulls out an instance of the Layout by name.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.LayoutLoader
The method through which this class is accessed.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.NavigationLoader
Pulls out an instance of the Navigation by name.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.NavigationLoader
The method through which this class is accessed.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.PageLoader
Pulls out an instance of the page by name.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.PageLoader
The method through which this class is accessed.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScheduledJobLoader
Pulls out an instance of the object by name.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScheduledJobLoader
The method through which this class is accessed.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScreenLoader
Pulls out an instance of the Screen by name.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScreenLoader
The method through which this class is accessed.
getInstance(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.RetrieverFactory
Gets an object capable of retrieving objects of type "className"
getInstance() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.Factory
Gets an instance of a class.
getInstance(ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.Factory
Gets an instance of a class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(Object[], String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.Factory
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(ClassLoader, Object[], String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.Factory
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.FactoryService
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.FactoryService
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(String, Object[], String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.FactoryService
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader, Object[], String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.FactoryService
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactory
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactory
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(String, Object[], String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactory
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader, Object[], String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactory
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(String, Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader, Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(Class) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets an instance of a specified class.
getInstance(Class, Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets an instance of a specified class.
getInstance(XmlField, Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FieldFactory
Creates a Field object appropriate for the type specified in the xml file.
getInstance(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(String, Object[], String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Gets an instance of a named class.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader, Object[], String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Gets an instance of a named class using a specified class loader.
getInstance(Class) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
getInstance(Class, Object[], String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getInstance(String, Object[], String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader, Object[], String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getInstance(Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
getInstance(Class, Object[], String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
getInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getInstance(String, Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getInstance(String, ClassLoader, Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Gets an instance of a named class either from the pool or by calling the Factory Service if the pool is empty.
getInstance(Class) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
getInstance(Class, Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Gets an instance of a specified class either from the pool or by instatiating from the class if the pool is empty.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineServices
The method through which this class is accessed as a broker.
getInstanceId() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueId
Returs an identifer of this Turbine instance that is unique both on the server and worldwide.
getInstanceId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
Returns an identifier of this Turbine instance that is unique both on the server and worldwide.
getInstanceId() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.UniqueIdService
Returs an identifer of this Turbine instance that is unique both on the server and worldwide.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an int for the given name.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an int for the given name.
getInt(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an int for the given name.
getInt(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an int for the given name.
getIntakeGroupName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Return the name given to this group.
getInteger(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. use BaseValueParser.getIntObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) instead
getInteger(String, Integer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. use BaseValueParser.getIntObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) instead
getInteger(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. use BaseValueParser.getIntObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) instead
getInteger(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. use ValueParser.getIntObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) instead
getInteger(String, Integer) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. use ValueParser.getIntObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) instead
getInteger(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. use ValueParser.getIntObject(java.lang.String, java.lang.Integer) instead
getIntegers(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. use BaseValueParser.getIntObjects(java.lang.String) instead
getIntegers(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. use ValueParser.getIntObjects(java.lang.String) instead
getIntObject(String, Integer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an Integer for the given name.
getIntObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an Integer for the given name.
getIntObject(String, Integer) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an Integer for the given name.
getIntObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an Integer for the given name.
getIntObjects(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of Integers for the given name.
getIntObjects(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of Integers for the given name.
getInts(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of ints for the given name.
getInts(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of ints for the given name.
getJNDIContexts() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets JNDI Contexts.
getJNDIContexts() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets JNDI Contexts.
getJob(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
Return a specific job.
getJob(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.SchedulerTool
Gets the job identified by the jobId.
getJob(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
Get a specific Job from Storage.
getJob(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService
This method returns the job element from the internal queue.
getJob(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
Get a specific Job from Storage.
getJob(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Get a specific Job from Storage.
getJobId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the JobId
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Get the key used to identify the field.
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the parameter key of the property
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Get the key used to reference this group in input (form)
getKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIParam
Returns the key.
getKeys() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Returns all the available parameter names.
getKeys() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Returns all the available parameter names.
getLastAccessDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Gets the last access date for this User.
getLastAccessDate() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Gets the last access date for this User.
getLastAccessDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Gets the last access date for this User.
getLastAccessDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Gets the last access date for this User.
getLastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Get last login date/time for this user.
getLastLogin() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Returns the user's last login date.
getLastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Get last login date/time for this user.
getLastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the LastLogin
getLastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the date of the last login of the user
getLastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to record the last login time for visitor.
getLastLoginColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the LastLogin Column for a role
getLastName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Returns the last name for this user.
getLastName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Returns the last name for this user.
getLastName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Returns the last name for this user.
getLastName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the LastName
getLastName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the last name of the User
getLastName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to store the user's last name.
getLastNameAttribute() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the Lastname Attribute.
getLastNameColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the LastName Column for a role
getLayout(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Screen
If the Layout has not been defined by the Screen then set the layout to be "DefaultLayout".
getLayout(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.RawScreen
The layout must be set to null.
getLayout() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
If the Layout has not been defined by the screen then set the layout to be "DefaultLayout".
getLayout() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
If the Layout has not been defined by the screen then set the layout to be "DefaultLayout".
getLayoutName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Locate and return the name of the layout module to be used with the named layout template.
getLayoutName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Locate and return the name of the layout module to be used with the named layout template.
getLayoutName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Locate and return the name of the layout module to be used with the named layout template.
getLayoutTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Convenience method for a template info that returns the layout template being used.
getLayoutTemplate() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Convenience method for a template info that returns the layout template being used.
getLayoutTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Get the value of layout.
getLayoutTemplateName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Locate and return the name of the layout template corresponding to the given screen template name parameter.
getLayoutTemplateName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Locate and return the name of a layout template.
getLayoutTemplateName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Locate and return the name of the layout template corresponding to the given screen template name parameter.
getLDAPAttributes() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Get the JNDI Attributes used to store the user in LDAP.
getLDAPAuthentication() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the property for the Authentication mechanism.
getLDAPHost() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the property for the LDAP Host.
getLDAPPort() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the property for the LDAP Port.
getLDAPProvider() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the property for the LDAP Provider.
getLink() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Returns the URI.
getLinks() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Returns a collection of link URLs
getLoader() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.ClassMapper
Get the Loader value.
getLocale() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Returns the Locale used when localizing data for this field, or null if unknown.
getLocale(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleDetector
Deprecated. Attempts to pull the "Accept-Language" header out of the HttpServletRequest object and then parse it.
getLocale(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleDetector
Deprecated. This method parses the Accept-Language header and attempts to create a Locale out of it.
getLocale(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Attempts to pull the Accept-Language header out of the HttpServletRequest object and then parse it.
getLocale(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
This method parses the Accept-Language header and attempts to create a Locale out of it.
getLocale(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Attempts to pull the Accept-Language header out of the HttpServletRequest object and then parse it.
getLocale(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
This method parses the Accept-Language header and attempts to create a Locale out of it.
getLocale() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
Gets the current locale.
getLocale(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
getLocale(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
getLocale() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the locale.
getLocale() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the locale.
getLong(String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a long for the given name.
getLong(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a long for the given name.
getLong(String, long) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a long for the given name.
getLong(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a long for the given name.
getLongObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a Long for the given name.
getLongObject(String, Long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a Long for the given name.
getLongObject(String, Long) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a Long for the given name.
getLongObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a Long for the given name.
getLongObjects(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of Longs for the given name.
getLongObjects(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of Longs for the given name.
getLongs(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of longs for the given name.
getLongs(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of longs for the given name.
getMailServer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
Gets the host name of the outgoing mail server.
getMailServer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Gets the host name of the outgoing mail server.
getMajorVersion() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
getMapBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
getMapBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
getMapBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
getMapBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
getMapBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
getMapBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
getMapBuilder() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
getMappedName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Return the first match name for the given template name.
getMappedName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Return the first match name for the given template name.
getMapToObject() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the name of the object that takes this input
getMapToObjects() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
getMapToProperty() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the property method that takes this input
getMask() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
Get the value of mask.
getMaskMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
Get the value of maskMessage.
getMaxLength() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Get the value of maxLength.
getMaxLengthMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Get the value of maxLengthMessage.
getMaxSize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Gets the maximum size of the field.
getMaxValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Get the value of maxValue.
getMaxValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Get the value of maxValue.
getMaxValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Get the value of maxValue.
getMaxValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerValidator
Get the value of maxValue.
getMaxValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.LongValidator
Get the value of maxValue.
getMaxValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
Deprecated. Get the value of maxValue.
getMaxValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ShortValidator
Get the value of maxValue.
getMedia() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Gets the media for which the stylesheet should be applied.
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Get any error message resulting from invalid input.
getMessage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Constraint
Get the error message.
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Get the error message resulting from invalid input.
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
getMessage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
Get the last error message resulting from invalid input.
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Get the error message
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the results of an action or another message to be displayed as a string.
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
Return the message.
getMessage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the results of an action or another message to be displayed as a string.
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.SecurityCheck
Get the message that should be displayed.
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Get the message that should be displayed.
getMessageAsHTML() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the results of an action or another message to be displayed as an ECS string element.
getMessageAsHTML() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the results of an action or another message to be displayed as an ECS string element.
getMessages() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets a FormMessages object where all the messages to the user should be stored.
getMessages() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets a FormMessages object where all the messages to the user should be stored.
getMetaTags() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Gets the map of meta tags
getMimeContentType(File) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a file.
getMimeContentType(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a named file.
getMimeContentType(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a file name extension.
getMimeContentType(File) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the MIME content type for a file.
getMimeContentType(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the MIME content type for a named file.
getMimeContentType(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the MIME content type for a file name extension.
getMimeContentType(File) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a file.
getMimeContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a named file.
getMimeContentType(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Gets the MIME content type for a file name extension.
getMimeContentType(File) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Gets the MIME content type for a file.
getMimeContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Gets the MIME content type for a named file.
getMimeContentType(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Gets the MIME content type for a file name extension.
getMimeType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
getMinLength() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Get the value of minLength.
getMinLengthMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Get the value of minLengthMessage.
getMinorVersion() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
getMinute() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the Minute
getMinuteSelector(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return a minute selector.
getMinuteSelector(String, Calendar) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return a minute selector.
getMinuteSelector(String, Calendar, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return a minute selector.
getMinValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Get the value of minValue.
getMinValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Get the value of minValue.
getMinValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Get the value of minValue.
getMinValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerValidator
Get the value of minValue.
getMinValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.LongValidator
Get the value of minValue.
getMinValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
Deprecated. Get the value of minValue.
getMinValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ShortValidator
Get the value of minValue.
getModified() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the Modified
getModified() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to store the user's data modification time.
getMonthSelector(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Return a month selector.
getMonthSelector(String, Calendar) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Return a month selector.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityEntity
Get the Name of the SecurityEntity.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Returns the name of this object.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Returns the name of this user.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
Returns the name of this service.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Gets the name of the field.
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Constraint
Get the name of the constraint.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Get the name of the parameter
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the name of the property
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Get the name that handles this group
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Returns the username for this user.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Get the Name
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Get the Name
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Get the Name
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Returns the name of this object.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Returns the name of this object
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Returns the name of this object.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Returns the name of this role.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the name of this object.
getName(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getName() on the supplied base object
getName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Service
Returns the name of this Service.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Returns the name of this ACL.
getNameAttribute() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the Username Attribute.
getNameColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Name Column for a group
getNameColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Name Column for a permission
getNameColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Name Column for a role
getNameColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Name Column for a group
getNamedDispatcher(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
getNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Returns a set of Names in this Object.
getNavigationName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Locate and return the name of the navigation module to be used with the named navigation template.
getNavigationName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Locate and return the name of the navigation module to be used with the named navigation template.
getNavigationName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Locate and return the name of the navigation module to be used with the named navigation template.
getNavigationTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Get the value of navigationTemplate.
getNavigationTemplateName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Locate and return the name of the navigation template corresponding to the given template name parameter.
getNavigationTemplateName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Locate and return the name of a navigation template.
getNavigationTemplateName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Locate and return the name of the navigation template corresponding to the given template name parameter.
getNewContext() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
This method returns a new, empty Context object.
getNewContext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
This method returns a new, empty Context object.
getNewContext() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
This method returns a new, empty Context object.
getNewGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Deprecated. Use getGroupInstance(String name) instead.
getNewGroup(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Retrieves a new Group.
getNewGroup(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Deprecated. Use getGroupInstance(String name) instead.
getNewGroup(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Returns a new, configured Group Object with a supplied Persistent object at its core
getNewGroup(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Deprecated. Use getGroupInstance(String name) instead.
getNewPermission(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Deprecated. Use getPermissionInstance(String name) instead.
getNewPermission(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Retrieves a new Permission.
getNewPermission(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Deprecated. Use getPermissionInstance(String name) instead.
getNewPermission(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Returns a new, configured Permission Object with a supplied Persistent object at its core
getNewPermission(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Deprecated. Use getPermissionInstance(String name) instead.
getNewRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Deprecated. Use getRoleInstance(String name) instead.
getNewRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Retrieves a new Role.
getNewRole(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Deprecated. Use getRoleInstance(String name) instead.
getNewRole(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Returns a new, configured Role Object with a supplied Persistent object at its core
getNewRole(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Deprecated. Use getRoleInstance(String name) instead.
getNewUser(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns a new, configured User Object with a supplied Persistent object at its core
getNext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
Return the next job off the top of the queue, or null if there are no jobs in the queue.
getNextRunAsString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
Get the next runtime for this job as a String.
getNextRunDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
Gets the next runtime as a date
getNextRuntime() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
Get the next runtime for this job as a long.
getNumberKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. no replacement
getNumberKey(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. no replacement
getNumberOfObjects() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.cache.GlobalCacheService
Returns the number of objects in the cache.
getNumberOfObjects() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCache
Returns the number of objects in the cache.
getNumberOfObjects() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Returns the number of objects currently stored in the cache
getNumFields() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Utility method to get the number of fields in this input group
getObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.cache.GlobalCacheService
Gets a cached object given its id (a String).
getObject(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCache
Gets a cached object given its id (a String).
getObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Returns an item from the cache.
getObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an Object for the given name.
getObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an Object for the given name.
getObjectdata() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the Objectdata
getObjectdata() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the value of the objectdata for this user.
getObjectData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to record general visitor data from a hashmap.
getObjectdataColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the objectdata Column for a role
getObjectKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Concatenation of gid and oid.
getObjects(ValueParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Describe getObjects method here.
getObjects(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of Objects for the given name.
getObjects(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of Objects for the given name.
getOID() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Get the part of the key that distinguishes a group from others of the same name.
getOMClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The type of User this peer will instantiate.
getOMClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
The class that the Peer will make instances of.
getOMClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
The class that the Peer will make instances of.
getOMClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
The class that the Peer will make instances of.
getOMClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
The class that the Peer will make instances of.
getOMClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
The class that the Peer will make instances of.
getOMClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
The class that the Peer will make instances of.
getOMClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
The class that the Peer will make instances of.
getOut() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, response writer will not be cached
getOut() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, response writer will not be cached
getPage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Gets the template variable used by the Template Service.
getPage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, ECS is no longer a requirement
getPage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, ECS is no longer a requirement
getParam(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
fetches a key from the parameters map.
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Gets the value of a MIME type parameter.
getParameterParser() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the parameter parser without parsing the parameters.
getParameterParser() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Gets the parameter parser without parsing the parameters.
getParameters() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the parameters.
getParameters() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the parameters.
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Get password for this user.
getPassword() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Returns the user's password.
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Get password for this user.
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the Password
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the password of the User
getPassword() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to record the users password.
getPasswordAttribute() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the Password Attribute.
getPasswordColumn() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns the fully qualified name of the Column to use as the Password Column for a role
getPathInfo() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Gets the current Query Data List.
getPeer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
returns a peer instance associated with this om.
getPeer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
returns a peer instance associated with this om.
getPeer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
returns a peer instance associated with this om.
getPeer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
returns a peer instance associated with this om.
getPeer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
returns a peer instance associated with this om.
getPeer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
returns a peer instance associated with this om.
getPeer() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
returns a peer instance associated with this om.
getPerm(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Get an object from permanent storage.
getPerm(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Get an object from permanent storage; return default if value is null.
getPerm(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Get an object from permanent storage.
getPerm(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Get an object from permanent storage; return default if value is null.
getPerm(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Get an object from permanent storage.
getPerm(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Get an object from permanent storage; return default if value is null.
getPerm(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Get an object from permanent storage.
getPerm(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Get an object from permanent storage; return default if value is null.
getPermission(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Deprecated. Use getPermissionByName instead.
getPermission(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Deprecated. Use getPermissionByName instead.
getPermission(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Deprecated. Use getPermissionByName instead.
getPermission(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Deprecated. Use getPermissionByName instead.
getPermission_Name() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for Permission table name of the permission.
getPermission_ObjectData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for ObjectData column.
getPermission_PermissionId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for Permission table unique key.
getPermissionById(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieve a Permission object with specified Id.
getPermissionById(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a Permission object with specified Id.
getPermissionById(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a Permission object with specified Id.
getPermissionById(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Returns a Permission with the given id, if it is contained in this PermissionSet.
getPermissionByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieve a Permission object with specified name.
getPermissionByName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a Permission object with specified name.
getPermissionByName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a Permission object with specified name.
getPermissionByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Returns a Permission with the given name, if it is contained in this PermissionSet.
getPermissionClass() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Return a Class object representing the system's chosen implementation of of Permission interface.
getPermissionClass() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Returns the Class object for the implementation of Permission interface used by the system.
getPermissionClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Returns the Class object for the implementation of Permission interface used by the system.
getPermissionId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Get the PermissionId
getPermissionId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Get the PermissionId
getPermissionId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used for the id of the Permission table.
getPermissionInstance() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a blank Permission object.
getPermissionInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a blank Permission object.
getPermissionInstance() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a blank Permission object.
getPermissionInstance(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a blank Permission object.
getPermissionInstance(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Construct a blank Permission object.
getPermissionName(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Invokes getName() on the supplied base object
getPermissionName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used for the name of a Permission.
getPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Returns the set of Permissions associated with this Role.
getPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Returns the set of Permissions associated with this Role.
getPermissions(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Retrieve a set of Permissions that meet the specified Criteria.
getPermissions(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Retrieves all permissions associated with a role.
getPermissions(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Retrieve a set of Permissions that meet the specified Criteria.
getPermissions(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Retrieves all permissions associated with a role.
getPermissions(Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieves all permissions associated with a role.
getPermissions(Criteria) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a set of Permissions that meet the specified Criteria.
getPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Returns the set of Permissions associated with this Role.
getPermissions(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Retrieve a set of Permissions that meet the specified Criteria.
getPermissions(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Retrieves all permissions associated with a role.
getPermissions(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a set of Permissions that meet the specified Criteria.
getPermissions(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieves all permissions associated with a role.
getPermissions(Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Retrieves a set of Permissions an user is assigned in a Group.
getPermissions() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Retrieves a set of Permissions an user is assigned in the global Group.
getPermissions(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Retrieves a set of Permissions an user is assigned in a Group.
getPermissions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Retrieves a set of Permissions an user is assigned in the global Group.
getPermissionsArray() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Returns an Array of Permissions in this PermissionSet.
getPermStorage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
getPermStorage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
getPermStorage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
getPermStorage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the permanent storage.
getPersistentObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Returns the underlying Object for the Peer Used in the GroupPeerManager when building a new Criteria.
getPersistentObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Returns the underlying Object for the Peer
getPersistentObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Returns the underlying Object for the Peer Used in the PermissionPeerManager when building a new Criteria.
getPersistentObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Returns the underlying Object for the Peer Used in the RolePeerManager when building a new Criteria.
getPersistentObj() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the underlying Object for the Peer Used in the UserPeerManager when building a new Criteria.
getPoolCapacity() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Get the number of Group objects that will be pooled.
getPoolCapacity() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
The maximum number of classes specific to this group allowed at one time.
getPrefix() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseTemplateMapper
Get the Prefix value.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
returns an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
getPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
getter for the object primaryKey.
getPrimitiveClass(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets the class of a primitive type.
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
Returns the properties of this Service.
getProperties() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
getProperties(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Calls getter methods on objects that are known to Intake so that field values in forms can be initialized from the values contained in the intake tool.
getProperties() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get all the properties for the security service.
getProperties() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Service
Returns the Properties of this Service.
getProperty(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Loads the valid value from a bean
getProperty() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the Property
getProperty(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get a property from the LDAP security service.
getProperty(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get a property from the LDAP security service.
getPseudorandomId() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueId
Returns a unique identifier that looks like random data.
getPseudorandomId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
Returns a unique identifier that looks like random data.
getPseudorandomId() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.UniqueIdService
Returns a unique identifier that looks like random data.
getQueryData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Gets the current Query Data List.
getQueryKey() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.Retrievable
get an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
getRawName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the name of the property
getRealPath(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Returns the complete filesystem path for a given URI
getRealPath(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Returns the complete filesystem path for a given URI
getRealPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Returns the complete filesystem path for a given URI
getRealPath(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Used to get the real path of configuration and resource information.
getRealPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Translates a path relative to the web application root into an absolute path.
getRedirectURI() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the redirect URI.
getRedirectURI() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the redirect URI.
getReference() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Returns the current reference anchor.
getReference() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Gets the reference (#ref).
getReference() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Returns the current reference anchor.
getReference() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URI
Returns the current reference anchor.
getRelation() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Gets the relation type of the tag.
getRelativeLink() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Builds the URL with all of the data URL-encoded as well as encoded using HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl().
getRelativeLink() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
Builds the URL with all of the data URL-encoded as well as encoded using HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl().
getRelativeLink() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Builds the URL with all of the data URL-encoded as well as encoded using HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl().
getRelativeTemplateName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
Searchs for a template in the default.template path[s] and returns the template name with a relative path which is required by javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher
getRelativeTemplateName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJsp
Searchs for a template in the default.template path[s] and returns the template name with a relative path which is required by javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher
getRelativeTemplateName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
Searchs for a template in the default.template path[s] and returns the template name with a relative path which is required by javax.servlet.RequestDispatcher
getRelativeURI(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
Returns the Turbine URI of a given Path.
getRelativeURI() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Returns the relative URI leaving the source intact.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the IP address of the client that sent the request.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the IP address of the client that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the qualified name of the client that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the qualified name of the client that sent the request.
getRepository() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.BaseUploadService
Retrieves the value of the repository property of UploadService.
getRepository() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
Retrieves the value of the repository property of UploadService.
getRepository() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
Retrieves the value of the repository property of UploadService.
getRepository() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
Retrieves the value of the repository property of UploadService.
getRequest() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the servlet request.
getRequest() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Gets the Request Object for this parser.
getRequest() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Gets the Request Object for this parser.
getRequest() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Gets the parsed servlet request.
getRequest() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParameterParser
Gets the parsed servlet request.
getRequest() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the servlet request.
getRequestDispatcher(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
getRequiredMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Get the value of requiredMessage.
getResource(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Returns an URL object for a given URI string.
getResource(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Returns an URL object for a given URI string.
getResource(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Returns an URL object for a given URI string.
getResource(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Returns a URL to the resource that is mapped to a specified path.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Same as getResource except that it returns an InputStream
getResourceAsStream(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Same as getResource except that it returns an InputStream
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Same as getResource except that it returns an InputStream
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Returns the resource located at the named path as an InputStream object.
getResourcePaths(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
getResourcesDirectory() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Return the resources directory.
getResourcesDirectory() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Return the resources directory.
getResourcesDirectory() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
Return the resources directory.
getResponse() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the servlet response.
getResponse() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the servlet response.
getResponse() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Returns the Response Object from the Servlet Container.
getRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Deprecated. Use getRoleByName instead.
getRole(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Deprecated. Use getRoleByName instead.
getRole(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Deprecated. Use getRoleByName instead.
getRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Deprecated. Use getRoleByName instead.
getRole_Name() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for Role name.
getRole_ObjectData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for ObjectData column.
getRole_RoleId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for Role unique key.
getRoleById(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieve a Role object with specified Id.
getRoleById(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a Role object with specified Id.
getRoleById(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a Role object with specified Id.
getRoleById(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Returns a Role with the given id, if it is contained in this RoleSet.
getRoleByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieve a Role object with specified name.
getRoleByName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a Role object with specified name.
getRoleByName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a Role object with specified name.
getRoleByName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Returns a Role with the given name, if it is contained in this RoleSet.
getRoleClass() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Return a Class object representing the system's chosen implementation of of Role interface.
getRoleClass() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Returns the Class object for the implementation of Role interface used by the system.
getRoleClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Returns the Class object for the implementation of Role interface used by the system.
getRoleId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Get the RoleId
getRoleId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Get the RoleId
getRoleId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Get the RoleId
getRoleId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used for the unique id to a Role.
getRoleInstance() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a blank Role object.
getRoleInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a blank Role object.
getRoleInstance() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a blank Role object.
getRoleInstance(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a blank Role object.
getRoleInstance(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Construct a blank Role object.
getRoleName(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Invokes getName() on the supplied base object
getRoleName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used for the name of Role.
getRolePermission_PermissionId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for RolePermission permission id.
getRolePermission_RoleId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for RolePermission role id.
getRoles(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Retrieve a set of Roles that meet the specified Criteria.
getRoles(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Retrieve a set of Roles that meet the specified Criteria.
getRoles(Criteria) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a set of Roles that meet the specified Criteria.
getRoles(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Retrieve a set of Roles that meet the specified Criteria.
getRoles(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a set of Roles that meet the specified Criteria.
getRoles(Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Retrieves a set of Roles an user is assigned in a Group.
getRoles() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Retrieves a set of Roles an user is assigned in the global Group.
getRoles(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Retrieves a set of Roles an user is assigned in a Group.
getRoles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Retrieves a set of Roles an user is assigned in the global Group.
getRolesArray() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Returns an Array of Roles in this RoleSet.
getRuleMap() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
The collection of rules for this field keyed by parameter name.
getRules() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
The collection of rules for this field.
getRunData(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService
Gets a default RunData object.
getRunData(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService
Gets a RunData object from a specific configuration.
getRunData(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletConfig) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataFacade
Gets a default RunData object.
getRunData(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletConfig) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataFacade
Gets a RunData object from a specific configuration.
getRunData(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService
Gets a default RunData object.
getRunData(String, HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService
Gets a RunData instance from a specific configuration.
getRunData() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Gets the parsed RunData.
getRunData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Deprecated. Don't use the Run Data object. use getRequest().
getSafeEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BooleanField
Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke.
getSafeEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DoubleField
Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke.
getSafeEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke.
getSafeEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FloatField
Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke.
getSafeEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.IntegerField
Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke.
getSafeEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.LongField
Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke.
getSafeEmptyValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ShortField
Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke.
getScheduledJobs() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.SchedulerTool
Gets the list of scheduled jobs.
getSchemeAndPort(StringBuffer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Appends Scheme, Server and optionally the port to the supplied String Buffer.
getScreen() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the screen to execute.
getScreen() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the screen to execute.
getScreenName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Locate and return the name of the screen module to be used with the named screen template.
getScreenName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Locate and return the name of a Screen module.
getScreenName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Locate and return the name of the screen module to be used with the named screen template.
getScreenTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Convenience method for a template info that returns the name of the template being used.
getScreenTemplate() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Convenience method for a template info that returns the name of the template being used.
getScreenTemplate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Get the value of screen for the RunData parameters.
getScreenTemplateName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Locate and return the name of the screen template corresponding to the given template name parameter.
getScreenTemplateName(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Locate and return the name of a screen template.
getScreenTemplateName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Locate and return the name of the screen template corresponding to the given template name parameter.
getScript(String, RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of the skin.
getScript(String, ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of the skin.
getScript(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of the skin.
getScript(String, RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.getScript(String filename, RunData data) instead.
getScript(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.getScript(String filename) instead.
getScript(String, String, ServerData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of the skin.
getScript(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of the skin.
getScript(String, String, ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of a skin.
getScript(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of a skin.
getScript(String, String, ServerData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of a skin.
getScript(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of a skin.
getScriptName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the cached script name.
getScriptName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Get the script name.
getScriptName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Gets the script name (/servlets/Turbine).
getScriptName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the cached script name.
getScriptName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Get the script name
getScriptName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Gets the script name (/servlets/Turbine).
getScriptName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URI
Gets the script name (/servlets/Turbine).
getScripts() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Returns a collection of script URLs
getSecond() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the Second
getSecondSelector(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return a second selector.
getSecondSelector(String, Calendar) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return a second selector.
getSecondSelector(String, Calendar, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Return a second selector.
getSelName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Get the selector name prefix.
getSelName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Get the selector name prefix.
getSeparator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Get the Separator value.
getSeparator() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Get the Separator value.
getSequenceGroup() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
getSequencePermission() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
getSequenceRole() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
getSequenceUser() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
getServerData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the server data ofy the request.
getServerData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Returns the ServerData used to initialize this DynamicURI.
getServerData() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the server data used by the request.
getServerInfo() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
getServerName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the cached server name.
getServerName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Returns the server name that this Turbine application is running on.
getServerName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Returns the server name that this Turbine application is running on.
getServerName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Returns the server name that this Turbine application is running on.
getServerName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Return the server name.
getServerName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Gets the server name.
getServerName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the cached server name.
getServerName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Get the name of the server.
getServerName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Gets the server name.
getServerName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URI
Gets the server name.
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the cached server port.
getServerPort() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Returns the port that this Turbine application is running through on the server.
getServerPort() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Returns the port that this Turbine application is running through on the server.
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Returns the port that this Turbine application is running through on the server.
getServerPort() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Return the server port.
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Gets the server port.
getServerPort() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the cached server port.
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Get the server port.
getServerPort() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Gets the server port.
getServerPort() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URI
Gets the server port.
getServerScheme() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the cached server scheme.
getServerScheme() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Returns the server scheme for this Turbine application.
getServerScheme() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Returns the server scheme for this Turbine application.
getServerScheme() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Returns the server scheme for this Turbine application.
getServerScheme() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Return the server scheme.
getServerScheme() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Gets the server scheme (HTTP or HTTPS).
getServerScheme() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the cached server scheme.
getServerScheme() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Get the server scheme.
getServerScheme() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Returns the current Server Scheme
getServerScheme() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URI
Returns the current Server Scheme
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBroker
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Returns an instance of requested Service.
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCache
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.TurbineCrypto
Retrieves an implementation of the CryptoService, based on the settings in TurbineResources.
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactory
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpc
Returns system's configured implementation of JsonRpcService.
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJsp
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Gets the LocalizationService implementation.
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
Gets the MIME type service implementation.
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
Gets the pool service implementation.
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataFacade
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieves an implementation of SecurityService, base on the settings in TurbineResources.
getService(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceBroker
Returns an instance of requested Service.
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueId
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
Retrieves an instance of system's configured implementation of UploadService
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Returns system's configured implementation of XmlRpcService.
getService() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
Utility method for accessing the service implementation
getService() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Get the value of service.
getServiceBroker() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
Returns a ServiceBroker reference.
getServiceBroker() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
getServiceInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Retrieves an instance of a Service without triggering late initialization.
getServiceNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Returns an Iterator over all known service names.
getServiceNames(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Returns an Iterator over all known service names beginning with the provided prefix.
getServiceObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Get an application specific service object.
getServlet(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.1, with no direct replacement.
getServletConfig() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the servlet configuration used during servlet init.
getServletConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Returns the servlet config used by this Turbine web application.
getServletConfig() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Returns the servlet config used by this Turbine web application.
getServletConfig() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Returns the servlet config used by this Turbine web application.
getServletConfig() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the servlet configuration used during servlet init.
getServletContext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the servlet context used during servlet init.
getServletContext() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
Returns the servlet context used by this Turbine web application.
getServletContext() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
Returns the servlet context used by this Turbine web application.
getServletContext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Returns the servlet context used by this Turbine web application.
getServletContext() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the servlet context used during servlet init.
getServletContext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Returns a reference to the object cast onto ServletContext type.
getServletContextName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Returns the context name.
getServletInfo() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Return the servlet info.
getServletName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Returns the servlet name.
getServletNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.1, with no replacement.
getServlets() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Deprecated. As of Java Servlet API 2.0, with no replacement.
getSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the servlet session information.
getSession(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
Gets the HttpSession by the session identifier
getSession(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
Gets the HttpSession by the session identifier
getSession(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Gets the HttpSession by the session identifier
getSession() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the servlet session information.
getSessionsForUser(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
Get a collection of all session on which the given user is logged in.
getSessionsForUser(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
Get a collection of all session on which the given user is logged in.
getSessionsForUser(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
Get a collection of all session on which the given user is logged in.
getSessionsForUser(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Get a collection of all session on which the given user is logged in.
getSet() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Returns a set of security objects in this object.
getSignature(Class, Object[], String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.FactoryService
Gets the signature classes for parameters of a method of a class.
getSignature(Class, Object[], String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactory
Gets the signature classes for parameters of a method of a class.
getSignature(Class, Object[], String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Gets the signature classes for parameters of a method of a class.
getSize(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
Gets the current size of the pool for a named group.
getSize(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
Gets the current size of the pool for a named group.
getSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Gets the current size of the pool for a group.
getSize(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Gets the current size of the pool for a named class.
getSize(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Gets the current size of the pool for a named class.
getSizeMax() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.BaseUploadService
Retrieves the value of size.max property of the UploadService.
getSizeMax() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
Retrieves the value of 'size.max' property of UploadService.
getSizeMax() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
Retrieves the value of size.max property of the UploadService.
getSizeMax() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
Retrieves the value of size.max property of the UploadService.
getSizeThreshold() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.BaseUploadService
Retrieves the value of size.threshold property of UploadService.
getSizeThreshold() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
Retrieves the value of size.threshold property of UploadService.
getSizeThreshold() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
Retrieves the value of size.threshold property of UploadService.
getSizeThreshold() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
Retrieves the value of size.threshold property of UploadService.
getSkin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the skin name.
getSkin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.getSkin() instead.
getSkinNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Provide access to the list of available skin names.
getSkinNames() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Provide access to the list of available skin names.
getSkinNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Provide access to the list of available skin names.
getSkinNames() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Provide access to the list of available skin names.
getStackTrace() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the stack trace if set.
getStackTrace() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the stack trace if set.
getStackTraceException() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the stack trace exception if set.
getStackTraceException() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the stack trace exception if set.
getStale() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Get the stale status for the object.
getStatusCode() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the HTTP status code to return.
getStatusCode() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the HTTP status code to return.
getString(String, Locale, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Fetches the localized text from the specified bundle, ignoring any default bundles.
getString(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Pulls a string out of the LocalizationService with the default locale values of what is defined in the TurbineResources.properties file for the locale.default.language and locale.default.country property values.
getString(String, Locale) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
getString(String, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Pulls a string out of the LocalizationService and attempts to determine the Locale by the Accept-Language header.
getString(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Convenience method that pulls a localized string off the LocalizationService using the default ResourceBundle name defined in the TurbineResources.properties file and the specified language name in ISO format.
getString(RunData, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
Deprecated. Call getString(key, data.getRequest()) instead.
getString(String, Locale, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
Tries very hard to return a value, looking first in the specified bundle, then searching list of default bundles (giving precedence to earlier bundles over later bundles).
getString(String, Locale, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
getString(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a String for the given name.
getString(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return a String for the given name.
getString(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a String for the given name.
getString(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return a String for the given name.
getString(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Return a String from the temp hash map.
getStringArray(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Return a String[] from the temp hash map.
getStringKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. no replacement
getStringKey(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. no replacement
getStringOrNull(ResourceBundle, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Gets localized text from a bundle if it's there.
getStrings(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of Strings for the given name.
getStrings(String, String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Return an array of Strings for the given name.
getStrings(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of Strings for the given name.
getStrings(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Return an array of Strings for the given name.
getStringValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Gets the String representation of the Value.
getStylecss(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of the skin.
getStylecss(ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of the skin.
getStylecss() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of the skin.
getStylecss(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.getStylecss(RunData data) instead.
getStylecss() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.getStylecss() instead.
getStylecss(String, ServerData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin.
getStylecss(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin.
getStylecss(String, ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin.
getStylecss(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin.
getStylecss(String, ServerData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin.
getStylecss(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin.
getStyles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Returns a collection of styles
getStyleSheets() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Deprecated. use getLinks() instead
getSubtype() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Gets the subtype of the MIME type.
getSystemErrors() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets an array of system errors.
getSystemErrors() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets an array of system errors.
getTableGroup() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Get the Group table.
getTableMap() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Returns the TableMap related to this peer.
getTableMap() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Returns the TableMap related to this peer.
getTableMap() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Returns the TableMap related to this peer.
getTableMap() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Returns the TableMap related to this peer.
getTableMap() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Returns the TableMap related to this peer.
getTableMap() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Returns the TableMap related to this peer.
getTableMap() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Returns the TableMap related to this peer.
getTableMap() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Returns the TableMap related to this peer.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. Get the name of this table.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Get the name of this table.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. Get the name of this table.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Get the name of this table.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserGroupRolePeer
Deprecated. Get the name of this table.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Get the name of this table.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Get the name of this table.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Get the name of this table.
getTableName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Get the name of this table.
getTablePermission() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Get the Permission table.
getTableRole() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Get the UserRole table.
getTableRolePermission() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Get the RolePermission table.
getTableUser() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Get the User table.
getTableUserGroupRole() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Get the UserGroupRole table.
getTask() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the Task
getTemp(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Get an object from temporary storage; return null if the object can't be found.
getTemp(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Get an object from temporary storage; return default if value is null.
getTemp(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Get an object from temporary storage.
getTemp(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Get an object from temporary storage; return default if value is null.
getTemp(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Get an object from temporary storage.
getTemp(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Get an object from temporary storage; return default if value is null.
getTemp(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Get an object from temporary storage.
getTemp(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Get an object from temporary storage; return default if value is null.
getTemp(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Get an object from temporary storage.
getTemp(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Get an object from temporary storage, or a default value.
getTempKeys() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
getTemplateContext(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Get the value of Template context.
getTemplateEncoding() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the character encoding to use for reading template files.
getTemplateEncoding() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the character encoding to use for reading template files.
getTemplateEngineService(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
The TemplateEngineService associated with the specified template's file extension.
getTemplateEngineService(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
The TemplateEngineService associated with the specified template's file extension.
getTemplateEngineService(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
The TemplateEngineService associated with the specified template's file extension.
getTemplateEngineServiceConfiguration() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.BaseTemplateEngineService
getTemplateEngineServiceConfiguration() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
Return the configuration of the template engine in the form of a Hashtable.
getTemplateInfo() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the template info.
getTemplateInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the template info.
getTemplates(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Retrieves Templates.
getTempStorage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
getTempStorage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
getTempStorage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
getTempStorage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Returns the temporary storage.
getter - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Getter method in the mapped object used to populate the field
getTestValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Get the value input by a user that will be validated.
getThread() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Return the thread being used to process commands, or null if there is no such thread.
getTimeout() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
A User object can have a variable Timeout, which is defined in minutes.
getTitle() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the title of the page.
getTitle() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the title of the page.
getTitle() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Get the title in the page.
getTitle() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Gets the title of the style sheet
getTool(Context, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Helper method that allows you to easily get a tool from a Context.
getToStringParam(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
This method is only used in toString() and can be used by derived classes to add their local parameters to the toString()
getToStringParam(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
This method is only used in toString() and can be used by derived classes to add their local parameters to the toString()
getTTL() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.RefreshableCachedObject
Gets the timeToLive value.
getTurbineGroup() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Returns the associated TurbineGroup object.
getTurbineGroup(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Return the associated TurbineGroup object If it was not retrieved before, the object is retrieved from the database using the passed connection
getTurbinePermission() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Returns the associated TurbinePermission object.
getTurbinePermission(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Return the associated TurbinePermission object If it was not retrieved before, the object is retrieved from the database using the passed connection
getTurbineRole() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Returns the associated TurbineRole object.
getTurbineRole(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Return the associated TurbineRole object If it was not retrieved before, the object is retrieved from the database using the passed connection
getTurbineRole() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Returns the associated TurbineRole object.
getTurbineRole(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Return the associated TurbineRole object If it was not retrieved before, the object is retrieved from the database using the passed connection
getTurbineRolePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissions(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissions(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissions(Criteria, Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissions(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissions(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissions(Criteria, Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissionsJoinTurbinePermission(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissionsJoinTurbinePermission(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissionsJoinTurbineRole(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineRolePermissionsJoinTurbineRole(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineServletConfig() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Get the servlet config for this turbine webapp.
getTurbineServletContext() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Get the servlet context for this turbine webapp.
getTurbineUser() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Returns the associated TurbineUser object.
getTurbineUser(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Return the associated TurbineUser object If it was not retrieved before, the object is retrieved from the database using the passed connection
getTurbineUserGroupRoles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Criteria, Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Criteria, Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
If this collection has already been initialized, returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRoles(Criteria, Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineGroup(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineGroup(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineGroup(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineRole(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineRole(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineRole(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineUser(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineUser(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getTurbineUserGroupRolesJoinTurbineUser(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
If this collection has already been initialized with an identical criteria, it returns the collection.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the type of the property
getType() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Gets the main type of the MIME type.
getType() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Gets the content type of the style sheet
getTypes() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Gets the type and the subtype of the MIME type.
getUniqueId() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueId
Returns an identifier that is unique within this turbine instance, but does not have random-like apearance.
getUniqueId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
Returns an identifier that is unique within this turbine instance, but does not have random-like apearance.
getUniqueId() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.UniqueIdService
Returns an identifier that is unique within this turbine instance, but does not have random-like apearance.
getUploadData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Gets the uploadData byte[]
getUploadData() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParameterParser
Gets the uploadData byte[]
getURI(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
Returns the Turbine URI of a given Path
getURI() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Returns the relative URI leaving the source intact.
getUrl() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
getUrlFolding() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
Gets the folding value from the properties
getUser() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Gets the user.
getUser(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Constructs an User object to represent a registered user of the application.
getUser(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Constructs an User object to represent a registered user of the application.
getUser(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Constructs an User object to represent a registered user of the application.
getUser() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Gets the user.
getUser_ConfirmValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to store the user's confirmation flag.
getUser_Created() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to store the user's record cration time.
getUser_Email() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to store the user's email.
getUser_FirstName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to store the user's last name.
getUser_LastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to record the last login time for visitor.
getUser_LastName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to store the user's last name.
getUser_Modified() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to store the user's data modification time.
getUser_ObjectData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to record general visitor data from a hashmap.
getUser_Password() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to record the visitors password.
getUser_UserId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified Unique key to the visitor table.
getUser_Username() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column used to record the visitors username.
getUserAgent() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Get the user agent for the request.
getUserAgent() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Get the user agent for the request.
getUserAgentString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
The user agent string for this class.
getUserClass() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Return a Class object representing the system's chosen implementation of of User interface.
getUserClass() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Returns the Class object for the implementation of User interface used by the system.
getUserClass() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Returns the Class object for the implementation of User interface used by the system.
getUserConfirmed(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getConfirmed() on the supplied base object
getUserCreateDate(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getCreateDate() on the supplied base object
getUserEmail(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getEmail() on the supplied base object
getUserFirstName(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getFirstName() on the supplied base object
getUserFromSession(HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Attempts to get the User object from the session.
getUserFromSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Attempts to get the user from the session.
getUserFromSession(HttpSession) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
Gets the User object of the the specified HttpSession.
getUserFromSession(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
Gets the User object of the the specified HttpSession.
getUserFromSession(HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
Gets the User object of the the specified HttpSession.
getUserFromSession(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Gets the User object of the the specified HttpSession.
getUserFromSession() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Attempts to get the user from the session.
getUserGroupRole_GroupId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for UserGroupRole group id.
getUserGroupRole_RoleId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for UserGroupRole role id.
getUserGroupRole_UserId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Fully qualified column name for UserGroupRole visitor id.
getUserId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the UserId
getUserId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Get the UserId
getUserId() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Internal Unique key to the visitor table.
getUserIdAttribute() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Get the value of the User id Attribute.
getUserInstance() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a blank User object.
getUserInstance(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Construct a blank User object.
getUserInstance() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a blank User object.
getUserInstance(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Construct a blank User object.
getUserInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Construct a blank User object.
getUserLastLogin(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getLastLogin() on the supplied base object
getUserLastName(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getLastName() on the supplied base object
getUserList(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Retrieve a set of users that meet the specified criteria.
getUserList(Criteria) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Retrieve a set of users that meet the specified criteria.
getUserList(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a set of users that meet the specified criteria.
getUserManager() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Returns the configured UserManager.
getUserManager() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Returns the configured UserManager.
getUserManager() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Returns the configured UserManager.
getUserName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. use TurbineUser.getName() instead.
getUserName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Deprecated. This is the same as getName(), so use this.
getUserName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Deprecated. Use getName() instead
getUserName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Get the UserName
getUserName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Deprecated. Use getName() instead.
getUserName(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Deprecated. use getName(obj)
getUsername() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Column used to record the users username.
getUserNameAttribute() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Deprecated. Use getNameAttribute()
getUserObjectdata(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getObjectdata() on the supplied base object
getUserPassword(Persistent) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes getPassword() on the supplied base object
getUserPeerClass() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Returns the Class object for the implementation of UserPeer interface used by the system (defined in TR.properties)
getUserPeerInstance() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Construct a UserPeer object.
getUsers(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Deprecated. Use getUserList instead.
getUsers(Criteria) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Deprecated. Use retrieveList instead.
getUsers(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Retrieve a set of users that meet the specified criteria.
getValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Gets the Validator object for this field.
getValidator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Get the className of the validator
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Get the value of the field.
getValue() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Constraint
Get the value of the constraint.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Get the value of the parameter
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIParam
Returns the value.
getValueIfAbsent() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Use in a hidden field assign a default value in the event the field is absent from the query parameters.
getVarDebug() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Deprecated. use DefaultTurbineRunData.getDebugVariables() instead
getVarDebug() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Deprecated. use RunData.getDebugVariables() instead
getVariable() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Deprecated. No replacement
getVariable() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
A String which might be used as a variable of this class
getWebappSkinName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Get the name of the default skin name for the web application from the TurbineResources.properties file.
getWebappSkinName() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Get the name of the default skin name for the web application from the TurbineResources.properties file.
getWebappSkinName() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Get the name of the default skin name for the web application from the TurbineResources.properties file.
getWebappSkinName() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Get the name of the default skin name for the web application from the TurbineResources.properties file.
getWeekDay() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Get the WeekDay
getYearSelector(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Return a year selector.
getYearSelector(String, Calendar) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Return a year selector.
getYearSelector(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Return a year selector.
gid - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
The key used to represent this group in a parameter.
GLOBAL_GROUP_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Group
The name of the global group
GLOBAL_TOOL - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Property Key for the global tools
GlobalCacheService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.cache
GlobalCacheService interface.
grant(User, Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Group
Grants a Role in this Group to an User.
grant(User, RoleSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Group
Grants Roles in this Group to an User.
grant(Permission) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Grants a Permission to this Role.
grant(PermissionSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Grants Permissions from a PermissionSet to this Role.
grant(User, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Grants a Role in this Group to an User.
grant(User, RoleSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Grants Roles in this Group to an User.
grant(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Grants a Permission to this Role.
grant(PermissionSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Grants Permissions from a PermissionSet to this Role.
grant(User, Group, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Grant an User a Role in a Group.
grant(Role, Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Grants a Role a Permission
grant(User, Group, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Grant an User a Role in a Group.
grant(Role, Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Grants a Role a Permission
grant(User, Group, Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Grant an User a Role in a Group.
grant(Role, Permission) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Grants a Role a Permission
grant(User, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Grants a Role in this Group to an User.
grant(User, RoleSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Grants Roles in this Group to an User.
grant(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Grants a Permission to this Role.
grant(PermissionSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Grants Permissions from a PermissionSet to this Role.
grant(User, Group, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Grant an User a Role in a Group.
grant(Role, Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Grants a Role a Permission
grant(User, Group, Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Grant an User a Role in a Group.
grant(Role, Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Grants a Role a Permission
Group - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om.security
This class represents a Group of Users in the system that are associated with specific entity or resource.
group - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Group to which the field belongs
Group - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Holds a group of Fields
Group(XmlGroup) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Constructs a new Group based on the xml specification.
Group.GroupFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Group.GroupFactory(AppData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group.GroupFactory
GROUP_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The default implementation of the Group interface (org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup)
GROUP_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The key within services' properties for the GROUP implementation classname (group.class)
GROUP_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The key within the security service properties for the group class implementation
GROUP_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. The column name for the Group id field.
GROUP_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserGroupRolePeer
Deprecated. The column name for the group id field.
GROUP_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
the column name for the GROUP_ID field
GROUP_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
the column name for the GROUP_ID field
GROUP_ID_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the id field.
GROUP_ID_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the id field.
GROUP_ID_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the id field.
GROUP_ID_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the id field.
GROUP_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
the column name for the GROUP_NAME field
GROUP_NAME_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the login name field.
GROUP_NAME_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the login name field.
GROUP_NAME_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the login name field.
GROUP_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the login name field.
GROUP_PEER_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
Group peer default class
GROUP_PEER_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManagerConstants
The key within the security service properties for the group peer class implementation
GroupPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
GroupPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
GroupPeerManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
This class capsulates all direct Peer access for the Group entities.
GroupPeerManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
GroupPeerManagerConstants - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
Constants for configuring the various columns and bean properties for the used peer.
GroupSet - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.security
This class represents a set of Groups.
GroupSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Constructs an empty GroupSet
GroupSet(Collection) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Constructs a new GroupSet with specified contents.


handleRequest(RunData, String, boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
executes the JSP given by templateName.
handleRequest(RunData, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
executes the JSP given by templateName.
handleRequest(RunData, String, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJsp
executes the JSP given by templateName.
handleRequest(RunData, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJsp
executes the JSP given by templateName.
handleRequest(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
executes the JSP given by templateName.
handleRequest(RunData, String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
executes the JSP given by templateName.
handleRequest(Context, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
This allows you to pass in a context and a path to a template file and then grabs an instance of the velocity service and processes the template and returns the results as a String object.
handleRequest(Context, String, OutputStream) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
handleRequest(Context, String, Writer) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
handleRequest(Context, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
handleRequest(Context, String, OutputStream) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
handleRequest(Context, String, Writer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
handleRequest(Context, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
handleRequest(Context, String, OutputStream) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
handleRequest(Context, String, Writer) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Process the request and fill in the template with the values you set in the Context.
handleRequest(InputStream) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Handle an XML-RPC request using the encapsulated server.
handleRequest(InputStream, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Handle an XML-RPC request using the encapsulated server with user authentication.
handleRequest(InputStream) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Handle an XML-RPC request using the encapsulated server.
handleRequest(InputStream, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Handle an XML-RPC request using the encapsulated server with user authentication.
handleRequest(InputStream) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Handle an XML-RPC request using the encapsulated server.
handleRequest(InputStream, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Handle an XML-RPC request using the encapsulated server with user authentication.
HAS_LOGGED_IN - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'temp storage' key name for the 'has logged in' flag
hasAction() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Whether or not an action has been defined.
hasAction() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Whether or not an action has been defined.
hashCode() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
If the primary key is not null, return the hashcode of the primary key.
hasLoggedIn() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. The user is considered logged in if they have not timed out.
hasLoggedIn() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The user is considered logged in if they have not timed out.
hasLoggedIn() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
The user is considered logged in if they have not timed out.
hasLoggedIn() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
The user is considered logged in if they have not timed out.
hasMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Whether or not a message has been defined.
hasMessage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Whether or not a message has been defined.
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleTokenizer
hasNext() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
Determine whether a further row of values exists in the input.
hasNextRow() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
Determine whether a further row of values exists in the input.
hasParameter(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Checks whether the MIME type contains the specified parameter.
hasPathInfo - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Fast shortcut to determine if there is any data in the path info.
hasPathInfo() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Is Path Info data set in this URI?
hasPermission(Permission, Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the Group.
hasPermission(Permission, GroupSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in any of the given Groups
hasPermission(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the Group.
hasPermission(String, Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the Group.
hasPermission(String, GroupSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specifie Permission in any of the given Groups
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the global Group.
hasPermission(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the global Group.
hasPermission(Permission, Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the Group.
hasPermission(Permission, GroupSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in any of the given Groups
hasPermission(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the Group.
hasPermission(String, Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the Group.
hasPermission(String, GroupSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specifie Permission in any of the given Groups
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the global Group.
hasPermission(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Permission in the global Group.
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.SecurityCheck
Does the user have this permission?
hasPermission(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.SecurityCheck
Does the user have this permission? If initialze is set to true The permission will be created and granted to the first available Role of the user, that the SecurityCheck is running against.
hasPermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Does the User have this permission?
hasQueryData - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Fast shortcut to determine if there is any data in the query data.
hasQueryData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Is Query data set in this URI?
hasReference() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Does this URI contain an anchor? (#ref)
hasRole(Role, Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in the Group.
hasRole(Role, GroupSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in any of the given Groups
hasRole(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in the Group.
hasRole(String, GroupSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specifie Role in any of the given Groups
hasRole(Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in the global Group.
hasRole(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in the global Group.
hasRole(Role, Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in the Group.
hasRole(Role, GroupSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in any of the given Groups
hasRole(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in the Group.
hasRole(String, GroupSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specifie Role in any of the given Groups
hasRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in the global Group.
hasRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Checks if the user is assigned a specific Role in the global Group.
hasRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.SecurityCheck
Does the user have this role?
hasRole(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.SecurityCheck
Does the user have this role?
hasRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Does the User have this role?
hasScreen() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Whether or not a screen has been defined.
hasScreen() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Whether or not a screen has been defined.
hostURL(HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServletUtils
Deprecated. Use ServerData(req).getHostUrl()
hostURL(HttpServletRequest, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServletUtils
Deprecated. Use ServerData(req).getHostUrl()
HOUR - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the HOUR field
HOUR_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Suffix for hour parameter.
HtmlPageAttributes - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.template
Template context tool that can be used to set various attributes of a HTML page.
HtmlPageAttributes() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Default constructor.
HtmlPageAttributes(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Construct a new instance with the given RunData object.
HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.template
Helper class to hold data about a <link ...
HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Constructor requiring the URL and relation to be set
HTTP - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Use URIConstants.HTTP
HTTP - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
HTTP protocol.
HTTP_PORT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServletUtils
Deprecated. use URIConstants.HTTP_PORT
HTTP_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
HTTP Default Port
HTTPS - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Use URIConstants.HTTPS
HTTPS - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
HTTPS protocol.
HTTPS_PORT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServletUtils
Deprecated. use URIConstants.HTTPS_PORT
HTTPS_PORT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
HTTPS Default Port
HttpUtils - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
This class provides utilities for handling some semi-trivial HTTP stuff that would othterwise be handled elsewhere.
HttpUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.HttpUtils


idMap - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Map for "id" -> "security object"
ifRequiredMessage - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Error message set on the field if required and not set by parser
image(String, RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of the skin.
image(String, ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of the skin.
image(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of the skin.
image(String, RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.image(String imageId, RunData data) instead.
image(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.image(String imageId) instead.
image(String, String, ServerData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin.
image(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin.
image(String, String, ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin.
image(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin.
image(String, String, ServerData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin.
image(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin.
IMAGE_GIF - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
IMAGE_JPEG - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
IMAGE_WBMP - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
incrementAccessCounter() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Increments the permanent hit counter for the user.
incrementAccessCounter() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Increments the permanent hit counter for the user.
incrementAccessCounter() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Increments the permanent hit counter for the user.
incrementAccessCounter() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Increments the permanent hit counter for the user.
incrementAccessCounterForSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Increments the session hit counter for the user.
incrementAccessCounterForSession() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Increments the session hit counter for the user.
incrementAccessCounterForSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Increments the session hit counter for the user.
incrementAccessCounterForSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Increments the session hit counter for the user.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
Prepares tool for a single request
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService
Initializes the AssemblerBroker and loads the AssemblerFactory classes registered in TurbineResources.Properties.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Load all configured components and initialize them.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.TurbineAvalonComponentService
Load all configured components and initialize them.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Performs early initialization.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Performs late initializtion.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Initialize this service manager.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Called the first time the Service is used.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.TurbineCryptoService
There is not much to initialize here.
init(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.Factory
Initializes the factory.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Initializes the service by loading default class loaders and customized object factories.
init(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Initable
Performs early initailization of an Initable During the startup of the system, different objects may be passed to your class using this method.
init() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Initable
Performs late initialization of an Initable.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Prepares intake for a single request
init(ValueParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Method called when this field (the group it belongs to) is pulled from the pool.
init(Retrievable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Method called when this field or the group it belongs to is pulled from the pool.
init(ValueParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FileItemField
Method called when this field (the group it belongs to) is pulled from the pool.
init(ValueParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Initializes the default Group using parameters.
init(String, ValueParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Initializes the Group with parameters from RunData corresponding to key.
init(Retrievable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Initializes the group with properties from an object.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Called the first time the Service is used.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Deprecated. use init() instead.
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Method to initialise Object
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateRangeValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Extract the relevant parameters from the constraints listed in tags within the intake.xml file.
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Method to initialise Object
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Method to initialise Object
init(Map) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.InitableByConstraintMap
Extract the relevant parameters from the constraints listed in tags within the intake.xml file.
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerValidator
Method to initialise Object
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.LongValidator
Method to initialise Object
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ShortValidator
Method to initialise Object
init(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
Extract the relevant parameters from the constraints listed in tags within the intake.xml file.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
Load all configured components and initialize them.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
Deprecated. use init() instead.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
Sets the request to get the Accept-Language header from (reset on each request).
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Called the first time the Service is used.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Initializes the service.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.naming.TurbineNamingService
Called the first time the Service is used.
init(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.naming.TurbineNamingService
Deprecated. This should never have been here. No replacement.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Initializes the service by setting the pool capacity.
init(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.ApplicationTool
Initialize the application tool.
init(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.RunDataApplicationTool
Initialize the application tool.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
This will initialise a ContentTool object that was constructed with the default constructor (ApplicationTool method).
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
This will initialise a TemplateLink object that was constructed with the default constructor (ApplicationTool method).
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Initialize the UITool object.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
Called the first time the Service is used.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.DateFormatter
Initialize the application tool.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.SessionData
Initialize the application tool.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.init() instead.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService
Initializes the service by setting the pool capacity.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.SchedulerTool
Initialize the pull tool
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService
Called the first time the Service is used.
Load all the jobs from cold storage.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService
Deprecated. use init() instead.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Initializes the SchedulerService.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Deprecated. use init() instead.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Initializes the SecurityService, locating the apropriate UserManager This is a zero parameter variant which queries the Turbine Servlet for its config.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Deprecated. use init() instead.
init(Configuration) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Initializes the UserManager
init(Configuration) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Initializes the UserManager
init(Configuration) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Initializes the UserManager
init(Configuration) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Initializes the GroupPeerManager, loading the class object for the Peer used to retrieve Group objects
init(Configuration) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Initializes the PermissionPeerManager, loading the class object for the Peer used to retrieve Permission objects
init(Configuration) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Initializes the RolePeerManager, loading the class object for the Peer used to retrieve Role objects
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Initializes the TorqueSecurityService, loading the various class objects representing the security entity peer classes
init(Configuration) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Initializes the UserManager
init(Configuration) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Initializes the UserPeerManager, loading the class object for the Peer used to retrieve User objects
init(Configuration) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Initializes the UserManager
init() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceManager
Initialize this service manager.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Load all configured components and initialize them.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
Deprecated. use init() instead.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Initializes the service
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Initializes the Mapper.
init() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Mapper initialization.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Called the first time the Service is used.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineBaseService
Performs early initialization.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineBaseService
Deprecated. Use init() instead
init(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineBaseService
Performs early initialization.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineBaseService
Performs late initialization.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Initializes the service.
init(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
Deprecated. Use init() instead
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
Initializes the service upon first Turbine.doGet() invocation.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.BaseUploadService
Initializes the service.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
Initializes the service.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Load all configured components and initialize them.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Deprecated. use init() instead.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
This function initializes the XmlRpcService.This is a zero parameter variant which queries the Turbine Servlet for its config.
init(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Deprecated. Use init() instead.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Initialize the TurbineXSLT Service.
init() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
This init method will load the default resources from a properties file.
init(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Initializes the services which need RunData to initialize themselves (post startup).
init(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Initialize with a RunData object
init(ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Initialize with a ServerData object.
init(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.pool.InitableRecyclable
This method should be called after retrieving the object from the pool.
init(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Initialise this instance with the given RunData object.
init(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Initialization requiring a HTTP GET request.
Initable - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services
Classes that implement this interface need initialization before they can work.
initableBroker - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
InitableBroker that instantiatd this class.
InitableBroker - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services
Classes that implement this interface can act as a broker for Initable classes.
InitableByConstraintMap - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
This interface marks a bean/class that can have its properties set by values in a Map.
InitableRecyclable - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.pool
An interface for objects that can be pooled and recycled several times by different clients.
initables - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitableBroker
A repository of Initable instances.
initBundleNames(String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
Initialize list of default bundle names.
initClass(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitableBroker
Performs early initialization of an Initable class.
initClass(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.InitableBroker
Performs early initialization of an Initable class.
initConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.BaseTemplateEngineService
Initialize the Template Engine Service.
InitContextsAction - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions
Used to initialize JNDI contexts.
InitContextsAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.InitContextsAction
INITIAL_CACHE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
The property for the InitalCacheSize
InitializationException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.services
Thrown by Initable class in case of initialization problems.
InitializationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.InitializationException
Construct an InitializationException with specified detail message.
InitializationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.InitializationException
Construct an InitializationException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
initialize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Initializes the container
initialize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.TurbineAvalonComponentService
Initializes the container
initialize() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Causes this class to initialize itself which in turn initializes all of the Turbine Services that need to be initialized.
initialized - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Has the field has been set from the parser?
initMapping() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Creates a mapping between Service names and class names.
initParams - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Turbine servlet initialization parameters.
initService(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Performs early initialization of specified service.
initService(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceBroker
Performs early initialization of the specified service.
initServices() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Performs early initialization of all services.
initServices(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Performs early initialization of all services.
initTokenizer(StreamTokenizer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CSVParser
Initialize the StreamTokenizer instance used to read the lines from the input reader.
initTokenizer(StreamTokenizer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
Initialize the StreamTokenizer instance used to read the lines from the input reader.
initTokenizer(StreamTokenizer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.TSVParser
Initialize the StreamTokenizer instance used to read the lines from the input reader.
initTurbineRolePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Temporary storage of collTurbineRolePermissions to save a possible db hit in the event objects are add to the collection, but the complete collection is never requested.
initTurbineRolePermissions() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Temporary storage of collTurbineRolePermissions to save a possible db hit in the event objects are add to the collection, but the complete collection is never requested.
initTurbineUserGroupRoles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Temporary storage of collTurbineUserGroupRoles to save a possible db hit in the event objects are add to the collection, but the complete collection is never requested.
initTurbineUserGroupRoles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Temporary storage of collTurbineUserGroupRoles to save a possible db hit in the event objects are add to the collection, but the complete collection is never requested.
initTurbineUserGroupRoles() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Temporary storage of collTurbineUserGroupRoles to save a possible db hit in the event objects are add to the collection, but the complete collection is never requested.
InputFilterUtils - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
Some filter methods that have been orphaned in the Screen class.
InputFilterUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.InputFilterUtils
InstantiationException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.services
Thrown by InitableBroker and ServiceBroker classes to indicate problems with instatiation of requested objects.
InstantiationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.InstantiationException
Construct an InstantiationException with specified detail message.
InstantiationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.InstantiationException
Construct an InstantiatioException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
INTAKE_GRP - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Constant for the hidden fieldname
IntakeException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.services.intake
Base exception thrown by the Intake service.
IntakeException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeException
Constructs a new TurbineException without specified detail message.
IntakeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeException
Constructs a new TurbineException with specified detail message.
IntakeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeException
Constructs a new TurbineException with specified nested Throwable.
IntakeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeException
Constructs a new TurbineException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
IntakeService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.intake
This service provides access to input processing objects based on an XML specification.
IntakeTool - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake
The main class through which Intake is accessed.
IntakeTool() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
IntakeTool.PullHelper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake
Inner class to present a nice interface to the template designer
IntegerField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Processor for int fields.
IntegerField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.IntegerField
IntegerRangeValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates an int field in dependency on another int field.
IntegerRangeValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
IntegerRangeValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerRangeValidator
Default constructor
IntegerValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates Integers with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
IntegerValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
IntegerValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerValidator
Default Constructor
INTIALLY_ACTIVE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
TR.props key for intially activating the scheduler thread
INVALID_NUMBER_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"invalidNumber" Rule, used in the various Number Validators
InvalidMaskException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
An Exception indidate an invalid field mask.
InvalidMaskException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.InvalidMaskException
Creates a new InvalidMaskException instance.
InvalidMaskException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.InvalidMaskException
Creates a new InvalidMaskException instance.
InvalidState - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.error
Users will get this screen if the screen on their browser is in an invalid state.
InvalidState() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.error.InvalidState
isActive() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
Check to see if job is currently active/running
isAllValid() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Loops through all of the Groups and checks to see if the data within the Group is valid.
isAllValid() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Performs an AND between all the fields in this group.
isAnonymousUser(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Checks whether a passed user object matches the anonymous user pattern according to the configured user manager
isAnonymousUser(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Checks whether a passed user object matches the anonymous user pattern according to the configured user manager
isAnonymousUser(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Checks whether a passed user object matches the anonymous user pattern according to the configured service
isAuthorized(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocitySecureAction
Implement this method to perform the security check needed.
isAuthorized(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JSONSecureScreen
Override this method to perform the necessary security checks.
isAuthorized(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocitySecureScreen
Implement this method to perform the security check needed.
isAvailable() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
Checks whether an Upload Service is configured.
isBuilt() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.map.JobEntryMapBuilder
Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we don't have to re-build it every time.
isBuilt() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineGroupMapBuilder
Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we don't have to re-build it every time.
isBuilt() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbinePermissionMapBuilder
Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we don't have to re-build it every time.
isBuilt() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRoleMapBuilder
Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we don't have to re-build it every time.
isBuilt() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRolePermissionMapBuilder
Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we don't have to re-build it every time.
isBuilt() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserGroupRoleMapBuilder
Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we don't have to re-build it every time.
isBuilt() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserMapBuilder
Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we don't have to re-build it every time.
isBuilt() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
Tells us if this DatabaseMapBuilder is built so that we don't have to re-build it every time.
isCaching() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Returns true if the Template Service has caching activated
isCaching() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Returns true if the Template Service has caching activated
isCaching() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Returns true if the Template Service has caching activated
isConfirmed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. This method reports whether or not the user has been confirmed in the system by checking the User.CONFIRM_VALUE column in the users record to see if it is equal to User.CONFIRM_DATA.
isConfirmed() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
This method reports whether or not the user has been confirmed in the system by checking the TurbineUserPeer.CONFIRM_VALUE column to see if it is equal to CONFIRM_DATA.
isConfirmed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
This method reports whether or not the user has been confirmed in the system by checking the CONFIRM_VALUE column to see if it is equal to CONFIRM_DATA.
isConfirmed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
This method reports whether or not the user has been confirmed in the system by checking the User.CONFIRM_VALUE column in the users record to see if it is equal to User.CONFIRM_DATA.
isCssOK() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
Whether or not CSS works in this browser.
isDebugEnabled - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
isDeclared - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
A flag to help prevent duplicate hidden fields declaring this group.
isDisposed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
Checks whether the recyclable has been disposed.
isDisposed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Checks whether the recyclable has been disposed.
isDisposed() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.pool.Recyclable
Checks whether the recyclable has been disposed.
isDisposed() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.RecyclableSupport
Checks whether the object is disposed.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.SchedulerTool
Determines if the scheduler service is currently enabled.
isEnabled() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
Determines if the scheduler service is currently active.
isEnabled() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
Determines if the scheduler service is currently active.
isEnabled() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Determines if the scheduler service is currently enabled.
isFileUploadOK() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
Whether or not file upload works in this browser.
isFlexible() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Get the value of flexible.
isInitialized - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Initialization status of this class.
isJavascriptOK() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
Whether or not Javascript works in this browser.
isLoaderSupported() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.Factory
Tests if this object factory supports specified class loaders.
isLoaderSupported(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.FactoryService
Tests if specified class loaders are supported for a named class.
isLoaderSupported(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactory
Tests if specified class loaders are supported for a named class.
isLoaderSupported(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Tests if specified class loaders are supported for a named class.
isLoaderSupported(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Deprecated. Use TurbineFactory.isLoaderSupported(className)
isLoaderSupported(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Deprecated. Use TurbineFactory.isLoaderSupported(className);
isModernVersion - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Whether a version of Apache's XML-RPC library greater than 1.1 is available.
isModified() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Returns whether the object has been modified, since it was last retrieved from storage.
isMultiValued - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Does this field accept multiple values?
isMultiValued() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Flag to determine whether the field has been declared as multi-valued.
isMultiValued() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
can this field have several values?
isNew() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Returns whether the object has ever been saved.
isNull(Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils
Deprecated. Use org.apache.commons.lang.ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull()
isOutSet() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, response writer will not be cached
isOutSet() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, response writer will not be cached
isPageSet() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, ECS is no longer a requirement
isPageSet() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, ECS is no longer a requirement
isRedirect() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Returns the current value of the Redirect flag
isRegistered(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Determines whether a service is registered in the configured TurbineResources.properties.
isRegistered() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Checks whether this service has been registered.
isRegistered(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceBroker
Determines whether a service is registered in the configured TurbineResources.properties.
isRequired() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Flag to determine whether the field has been declared as required.
isRequired() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Get the value of required.
isSet() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Flag set to true, if the test value has been set by the parser (even to an empty value, so don't used this to determine if the field contains a non-empty value).
isStale() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Is the object stale?
isUntouched() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.RefreshableCachedObject
Returns true if the object hasn't been touched in the previous TTL period.
isUseCache() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Get the UseCache value.
isUseCache() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Get the UseCache value.
isUserLoggedIn(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
Determines if a given user is currently logged in.
isUserLoggedIn(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
Determines if a given user is currently logged in.
isUserLoggedIn(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
Determines if a given user is currently logged in.
isUserLoggedIn(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Determines if a given user is currently logged in.
isValid() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Flag set to true, if the test value met the constraints.
isValid(Field) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Determine whether a field meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
isValid(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Deprecated. use isValid(Field) instead
isValid(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
Determine whether a testValue meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
isValid(Field) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
Determine whether a field meets the criteria specified in the constraints defined for this validator
isValid(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
Deprecated. use isValid(Field) instead
isValidated() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Flag to determine whether the field has been validated.
itemFactory - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
A File Item Factory object for the actual uploading
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.SessionData
Gets a iterator for the keys.
iterator() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Returns an Iterator for Objects in this Set.


JavaActionFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java
An action factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the TurbineResource.properties.
JavaActionFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaActionFactory
JavaBaseFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the TurbineResource.properties.
JavaBaseFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaBaseFactory
JavaCrypt - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider
Implements the normal java.security.MessageDigest stream cipers.
JavaCrypt() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.JavaCrypt
JavaLayoutFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the TurbineResource.properties.
JavaLayoutFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaLayoutFactory
JavaNavigationFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the TurbineResource.properties.
JavaNavigationFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaNavigationFactory
JavaPageFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the TurbineResource.properties.
JavaPageFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaPageFactory
JavaScheduledJobFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the TurbineResource.properties.
JavaScheduledJobFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaScheduledJobFactory
JavaScreenFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java
A screen factory that attempts to load a java class from the module packages defined in the TurbineResource.properties.
JavaScreenFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaScreenFactory
JOB_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the JOB_ID field
JobEntry - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
This is a wrapper for a scheduled job.
JobEntry() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
default constructor
JobEntry(int, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
JobEntryMapBuilder - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.map
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:19 EST 2007]
JobEntryMapBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.map.JobEntryMapBuilder
JobEntryPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:19 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
JobEntryPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntryPeer
JobQueue - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
Queue for the scheduler.
JobQueue() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
Creates a new instance.
JSON_BRIDGE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpcService
The key used to store the bridge in the session.
JSONProcessor - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc
JSONProcessor() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.JSONProcessor
JSONRPC_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JSONScreen
JsonRpcService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc
The interface an JsonRpcService implements.
JSONScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
A Screen class for dealing with JSON-RPC requests.
JSONScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JSONScreen
JSONSecureScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
An extension to JSONScreen that performs a Security Check before invoking doBuildTemplate().
JSONSecureScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JSONSecureScreen
JSP_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
The default extension of JSPs
JspErrorScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
Directs errors at the Jsp error template defined in template.error.
JspErrorScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.JspErrorScreen
JspLayout - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts
This Layout module allows JSP templates to be used as layouts.
JspLayout() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.JspLayout
JspLink - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util
Deprecated. Use instead.
JspLink(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util.JspLink
Deprecated. Constructor
JspNavigation - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util
Returns output of a Navigation module.
JspNavigation(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util.JspNavigation
JspPage - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.pages
Extends TemplatePage to add some convenience objects to the request.
JspPage() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.JspPage
JspScreenPlaceholder - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util
Returns output of a Screen module.
JspScreenPlaceholder(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util.JspScreenPlaceholder
JspService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.jsp
Implementations of the JspService interface.


key - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Key used to identify the field in the parser
keys() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Deprecated. use BaseValueParser.keySet() instead.
keys() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. use ValueParser.keySet() instead.
keySet() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Gets the set of keys
keySet() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Gets the set of keys (FileItems and regular parameters)
keySet() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Gets the keys.


LAST_LOGIN - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the last_login field.
LAST_LOGIN - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'perm storage' key name for the last_login field.
LAST_LOGIN - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the LAST_LOGIN field
LAST_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the last name field.
LAST_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'perm storage' key name for the last name.
LAST_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the LAST_NAME field
Layout - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
This is the base class that defines what a Layout module is.
Layout() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.Layout
LAYOUT_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The default size for the layout cache
LAYOUT_CACHE_SIZE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Property for the size of the layout cache if caching is on
LAYOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default layout.
LAYOUT_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Layout Objects
LAYOUT_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Layout Objects
LAYOUT_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Prefix for layout related classes and templates
LAYOUT_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
LAYOUT_TEMPLATE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Layout Template Objects
LAYOUT_TEMPLATE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Layout Template Objects
LAYOUT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Predefined types for Turbine built-in assemblers: Layouts
LayoutLoader - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Layout modules.
LayoutTemplateMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
This mapper is responsible for the lookup of templates for the Layout It tries to look in various packages for a match: 1.
LayoutTemplateMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.LayoutTemplateMapper
Default C'tor.
LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_ADMIN_USERNAME_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_AUTH_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_AUTH_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_BASE_SEARCH_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_HOST_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_HOST_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_PORT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_PORT_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_PROVIDER_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_PROVIDER_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_USER_EMAIL_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_USER_EMAIL_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_USER_FIRSTNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_USER_FIRSTNAME_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_USER_LASTNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_USER_LASTNAME_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_USER_PASSWORD_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_USER_PASSWORD_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_USER_USERID_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_USER_USERID_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAP_USER_USERNAME_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property default value
LDAP_USER_USERNAME_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
Property key
LDAPSecurityConstants - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap
This is a static class for defining the default ldap confiquration keys used by core Turbine components.
LDAPSecurityConstants() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityConstants
LDAPSecurityService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap
An implementation of SecurityService that uses LDAP as a backend.
LDAPSecurityService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
LDAPUser - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap
LDAPUser implements User and provides access to a user who accesses the system via LDAP.
LDAPUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
LDAPUserManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap
A UserManager performs User object related tasks on behalf of the SecurityService.
LDAPUserManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
LENGTH - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
The length of the button to look for.
LINK - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
The key used to store an instance of JspLink in the request
list() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
List jobs in the queue.
listJobs() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
List jobs in the queue.
listJobs() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
List jobs in the queue.
listJobs() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
List jobs in the queue.
loadClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Loads the named class using the default class loader.
loadClass(String, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Loads the named class using a specified class loader.
Loader - Interface in org.apache.turbine.modules
A common interface for Screen, Layout and Navigation Loader
loadFile(File) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Loads mappings from a file.
loadFromXML(Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Imports the top level element from an XML specification
loadFromXML(Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Imports a column from an XML specification
loadFromXML(Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Imports a column from an XML specification
loadFromXML(Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Load the input group object from an xml tag.
loadPath(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Loads mappings from a file path.
loadPath(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Loads mappings from a file path.
loadResource(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Loads mappings from a resource.
loadResource(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Loads mappings from a resource.
loadStream(InputStream) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Loads mappings from a stream.
locale - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
The language and country information parsed from the request's Accept-Language header.
LOCALE_DEFAULT_CHARSET_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for Charset property
LOCALE_DEFAULT_CHARSET_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Charset property
LOCALE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for Country property
LOCALE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Country property
LOCALE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for Language property
LOCALE_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Language property
LocaleDetector - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.localization
Deprecated. Use LocaleTokenizer instead.
LocaleDetector() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleDetector
LocaleTokenizer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.localization
Parses the HTTP Accept-Language header as per section 14.4 of RFC 2068 (HTTP 1.1 header field definitions).
LocaleTokenizer(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleTokenizer
Parses the Accept-Language header.
Localization - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.localization
Wrapper around the TurbineLocalization Service that makes it easy to grab something from the service and make the code cleaner.
Localization() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
LocalizationService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.localization
Provides localization functionality using the interface provided by ResourceBundle, plus leverages a "search path" style traversal of the ResourceBundle objects named by the locale.default.bundles to discover a value for a given key.
LocalizationTool - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.localization
A pull tool which provides lookups for localized text by delegating to the configured LocalizationService.
LocalizationTool() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
Creates a new instance.
lockExclusive() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Acquire an exclusive lock on the security information repository.
lockShared() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Acquire a shared lock on the security information repository.
log - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
log - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.DefaultPage
log - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
log - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java.JavaBaseFactory
log - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
log - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
log - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
a local logger
log(Exception, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Deprecated. use log(String,Throwable) instead
log(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Logs a message.
log(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Logs an error message.
LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The key for the Log4J File
LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The default value for the Log4J File
LOGGER_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
TR.props key for the logger
LOGGING_ROOT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Value for the Logging Directory, relative to the webroot
LOGGING_ROOT_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The Key in the deployment descriptor for the Logging Directory
LOGIN_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Message to display when a user fails to login.
LOGIN_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Message to display upon successful login.
LOGIN_MESSAGE_NOSCREEN - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Message to display when screens variable invalid.
LOGIN_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the LOGIN_NAME field
LoginUser - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions
This is where we authenticate the user logging into the system against a user in the database.
LoginUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.LoginUser
LOGOUT_MESSAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Message to display when a user logs out.
LogoutUser - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions
This action removes a user from the session.
LogoutUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.LogoutUser
LongField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Processor for long fields.
LongField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.LongField
LongValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates Longs with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
LongValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.LongValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
LongValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.LongValidator
Default Constructor
lookup(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Returns an instance of the named component
lookup(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
Returns an instance of the named component
lookup(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.TurbineAvalonComponentService
Returns an instance of the named component


MACINTOSH - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
MAIL_SERVER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Value for he SMTP server that Turbine uses to send mail.
MAIL_SERVER_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The SMTP server Turbine uses to send mail.
MAIL_SMTP_FROM - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The Smtp sender address property
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.GenerateUniqueId
Simple test of the functionality.
mainLoop - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
The main loop for starting jobs.
makeObject(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group.GroupFactory
Creates an instance that can be returned by the pool.
Mapper - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
To separate out the various map and search policies for class names and template names, we use classes that implement this interface.
mapping - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Mapping of Service names to class names.
mapTo(Retrievable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool.PullHelper
maps an Intake Group to the values from a Retrievable object.
mapToObject - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Class name of the object to which the field is mapped
mapToObjectFields - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Map of the fields by mapToObject
MASK_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"mask" Rule, used in StringValidator
maskMessage - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
The message to report if the mask constraint is not satisfied
maskPattern - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
The compiled perl5 Regular expression from the ORO Perl5Compiler
maskString - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
The matching mask String as supplied by the XML input
match(MimeType) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Compares the specified MIME type to this one and returns a matching level: NO_MATCH=types do not match, MATCH_TYPE=types match, MATCH_SPECIFIC_TYPE=types match exactly, MATCH_SUBTYPE=types match, subtypes match too, MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE=types match, subtypes match exactly.
MATCH_SPECIFIC_SUBTYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
MATCH_SUBTYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
MATCH_TYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
MAX_HEADER_SIZE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.BaseUploadService
A maximum lenght of a single header line that will be parsed.
MAX_LENGTH_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"maxLength" Rule, used in all validators
MAX_VALUE_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"maxValue" Rule, used in the various Number Validators
maxLength - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
The maximum length of the field
maxLengthMessage - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
The message to show if field fails max-length test
maxRandomLen - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.GenerateUniqueId
maxSessionLifespanTics - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.GenerateUniqueId
message - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Error message, is any, resulting from validation
MESSAGE_HTTP - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
METHOD_NAME_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
The length of the method name.
METHOD_NAME_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
The prefix of the method name.
methodException(Class, String, Exception) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
MethodException Event Cartridge handler for Velocity.
MIME_TYPES - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
The MIME type file property.
MimeType - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util
This class is used to represent parsed MIME types.
MimeType(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Constructs a new MIME type by parsing a specification string.
MimeType(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Constructs a new MIME type by parsing a specification string.
MimeType(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Contructs a new MIME type from specified types.
MimeType(String, String, String[], String[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Contructs a new MIME type from specified parameters.
MIMETYPE_RESOURCE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
The name for MIME type mapper resources.
MimeTypeMap - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util
This class maintains a set of mappers defining mappings between MIME types and the corresponding file name extensions.
MimeTypeMap() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Constructs a new MIME type map with default mappers.
MimeTypeMap(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Contructs a MIME type map read from a stream.
MimeTypeMap(File) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Contructs a MIME type map read from a file.
MimeTypeMap(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Contructs a MIME type map read from a file path.
MimeTypeMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util
This class defines mappings between MIME types and the corresponding file name extensions.
MimeTypeMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Constructs an empty MIME type mapper.
MimeTypeMapper(InputStream) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Constructs a mapper reading from a stream.
MimeTypeMapper(File) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Constructs a mapper reading from a file.
MimeTypeMapper(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Constructs a mapper reading from a file path.
MimeTypeService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype
The MimeType Service maintains mappings between MIME types and the corresponding file name extensions, and between locales and character encodings.
MIN_LENGTH_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"minLength" Rule, used in all validators
MIN_VALUE_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"minValue" Rule, used in the various Number Validators
minLength - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
The minimum length of the field
minLengthMessage - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
The message to show if field fails min-length test
MINUTE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the MINUTE field
MINUTE_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Suffix for minute parameter.
MIXED - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
HTTP header base type modifier.
MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the modified field.
MODIFIED - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the MODIFIED field
modify(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
Modify a job on the queue.
MODULE_CACHE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value of the Turbine Module Caching
MODULE_CACHE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Property that controls whether Turbine modules are cached or not.
MODULE_PACKAGES - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The packages where Turbine will look for modules.
MONTH_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Suffix for month parameter.
MOZILLA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
MSIE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
MULTIPART - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
MULTIPART - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
HTTP header base type.
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
MULTIPART_FORM_DATA - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
HTTP header.
MULTIPART_MIXED - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
HTTP header.


NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. The column name for the name field.
NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. The column name for the name field.
NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. The column name for the name field.
name - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
The name of this Service.
name - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Name of the field.
name - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
The name used in templates and java code to refer to this group.
nameMap - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Map for "name" -> "security object"
NamingService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.naming
Implementations of the NamingService interface provide JNDI naming contexts.
Navigation - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
This is the base class that defines what a Navigation module is.
Navigation() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.Navigation
NAVIGATION_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The default size for the navigation cache
NAVIGATION_CACHE_SIZE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Property for the size of the navigation cache if caching is on
NAVIGATION_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Navigation Objects
NAVIGATION_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Navigation Objects
NAVIGATION_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Context Key for the navigation object placeholder in the various velocity layouts
NAVIGATION_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Prefix for navigation related classes and templates
NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Navigation Template Objects
NAVIGATION_TEMPLATE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Navigation Template Objects
NAVIGATION_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Predefined types for Turbine built-in assemblers: Navigations
NavigationLoader - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Navigation modules.
NEW - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
newForm() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
newPersistentInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Returns a new, empty object for the underlying peer.
newPersistentInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Returns a new, empty object for the underlying peer.
newPersistentInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Returns a new, empty object for the underlying peer.
newPersistentInstance() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns a new, empty object for the underlying peer.
next() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleTokenizer
Creates a Locale from the next element of the Accept-Language header.
next() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
Returns a ValueParser object containing the next row of values.
nextRow() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
Returns a ValueParser object containing the next row of values.
NO_FILE_EXT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
The default file extension used as a registry key when a template's file extension cannot be determined.
NO_MATCH - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
MIME type matching constants.
NumberKeyField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
NumberKeyField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.NumberKeyField
NumberKeyValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Deprecated. No replacement
NumberKeyValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
NumberKeyValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
numColumns - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
number of columns for this peer
numColumns - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
number of columns for this peer
numColumns - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
number of columns for this peer
numColumns - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
number of columns for this peer
numColumns - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
number of columns for this peer
numColumns - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
number of columns for this peer
numColumns - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
number of columns for this peer


obj - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
The underlying database Object which is proxied
OBJECT_DATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the object_data field.
OBJECT_FACTORY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
The property prefix specifying additional object factories.
OBJECTDATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. The column name for the ObjectData field
OBJECTDATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. The column name for the ObjectData field
OBJECTDATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. The column name for the ObjectData field
OBJECTDATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the OBJECTDATA field
ObjectExpiredException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.services.cache
Exception thrown when an item either does not exist or has expired from the GlobalCache.
ObjectExpiredException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.cache.ObjectExpiredException
ObjectInputStreamForContext - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.pool
A deserialization stream for a specific class loader context.
ObjectInputStreamForContext(InputStream, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.ObjectInputStreamForContext
Contructs a new object stream for a context.
ObjectUtils - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
This is where common Object manipulation routines should go.
ObjectUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils
offer(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
Puts an item in the buffer only if there is capacity available.
oid - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
The object id used to associate this group to a bean for one request cycle
OldJavaCrypt - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider
This is the Message Digest Implementation of Turbine 2.1.
OldJavaCrypt() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.OldJavaCrypt
OMTool - Class in org.apache.turbine.om
A Pull tool to make om objects available to a template
OMTool() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
onError - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Value of the field if an error occurs while getting the value from the mapped object
OPERA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
org.apache.turbine - package org.apache.turbine
Turbine Servlet and Constants.
org.apache.turbine.modules - package org.apache.turbine.modules
Modules (Action, Screen, Layout, Navigation, Page) classes for the Turbine view.
org.apache.turbine.modules.actions - package org.apache.turbine.modules.actions
Action class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator - package org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator
Session validator classes to be used with Turbine apps that use security.
org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts - package org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts
Layout class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations - package org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations
Navigation class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.pages - package org.apache.turbine.modules.pages
Page class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.screens - package org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
Screen class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.error - package org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.error
Error Screen classes.
org.apache.turbine.om - package org.apache.turbine.om
org.apache.turbine.om.security - package org.apache.turbine.om.security
Security object definitions for the Security Service.
org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer - package org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer
Hand rolled peers for the DB Security Service.
org.apache.turbine.services - package org.apache.turbine.services
Contains the Service framework for Turbine.
org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker - package org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker
Assemblerbroker Service looks for action, screen, page, layout classes based on class fragments.
org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util - package org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util
The various lookup factories for the Assemblerbroker service.
org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java - package org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java
Factories for the java class based view (all template views).
org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python - package org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python
Factory for the python / jython based view.
org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent - package org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent
Avalon based component service to provide access to avalon components for Turbine applications.
org.apache.turbine.services.cache - package org.apache.turbine.services.cache
Global caching service for java objects.
org.apache.turbine.services.crypto - package org.apache.turbine.services.crypto
Contains the Crypto Service providing you with a variety of Crypto algorithms.
org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider - package org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider
Algorithm providers for the Crypto Service.
org.apache.turbine.services.factory - package org.apache.turbine.services.factory
Contains a generic factory for generating new objects.
org.apache.turbine.services.intake - package org.apache.turbine.services.intake
The intake service can validate user input from HTML forms.
org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model - package org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform - package org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform
org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator - package org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validators for the various intake field types.
org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel - package org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel
org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc - package org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc
The JSON-RPC Service supports JavaScript to Java AJAX communications between browsers and Turbine applications.
org.apache.turbine.services.jsp - package org.apache.turbine.services.jsp
JSP Service is used to provide Turbine with a Java Server page (JSP) based view.
org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util - package org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util
org.apache.turbine.services.localization - package org.apache.turbine.services.localization
This service provides access and tools for multilingual applications in Turbine.
org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype - package org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype
Provides mapping between MIME types and their corresponding file extensions.
org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util - package org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util
org.apache.turbine.services.naming - package org.apache.turbine.services.naming
Naming Service provides access to JNDI naming contexts.
org.apache.turbine.services.pool - package org.apache.turbine.services.pool
The pool service can keep a stock of objects and recycle them.
org.apache.turbine.services.pull - package org.apache.turbine.services.pull
Provides application tools that are put into the context of a template view.
org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools - package org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools
Pull Tools to be used in a template based view.
org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util - package org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util
org.apache.turbine.services.rundata - package org.apache.turbine.services.rundata
Rundata Service provides a factory for the request cycle data objects.
org.apache.turbine.services.schedule - package org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
The scheduler service can run tasks in the background.
org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.map - package org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.map
org.apache.turbine.services.security - package org.apache.turbine.services.security
The security service can be used to authenticate users based on database information.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.db - package org.apache.turbine.services.security.db
A security service implementation that used an SQL database for authentication.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap - package org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap
An LDAP based security service implementation.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive - package org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive
Dummy Service to be used if no security is required.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque - package org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
A security service implementation based on Torque generated peer classes.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om - package org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map - package org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map
org.apache.turbine.services.servlet - package org.apache.turbine.services.servlet
Provides access to various resources from the web container.
org.apache.turbine.services.session - package org.apache.turbine.services.session
The session service allows you to access session information of the servlet container.
org.apache.turbine.services.template - package org.apache.turbine.services.template
Template Service maps template references to a view service and a template name.
org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper - package org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
The various mappers used by the Template service.
org.apache.turbine.services.ui - package org.apache.turbine.services.ui
Provides skinning facilities for a Turbine web application.
org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid - package org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid
Returns unique identifiers for session tracking, cookies etc.
org.apache.turbine.services.upload - package org.apache.turbine.services.upload
The upload service processes data uploaded by the user from the browser.
org.apache.turbine.services.velocity - package org.apache.turbine.services.velocity
Velocity Service is used to provide Turbine with a Velocity based view.
org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc - package org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc
The XML-RPC Service can be used to communicate with a remote application.
org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util - package org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util
org.apache.turbine.services.xslt - package org.apache.turbine.services.xslt
The XSLT Service can be used to translate XML documents into various output formats.
org.apache.turbine.util - package org.apache.turbine.util
Various utilities used in Turbine and for Turbine based applications.
org.apache.turbine.util.db.map - package org.apache.turbine.util.db.map
org.apache.turbine.util.parser - package org.apache.turbine.util.parser
Parser for CGI parameters and path info data.
org.apache.turbine.util.pool - package org.apache.turbine.util.pool
Some helper classes and interfaces for the Pool Service.
org.apache.turbine.util.security - package org.apache.turbine.util.security
Some helper classes and interfaces for the Security Service.
org.apache.turbine.util.template - package org.apache.turbine.util.template
Template related utilities.
org.apache.turbine.util.uri - package org.apache.turbine.util.uri
URI generation and processing from Turbine based applications.
org.apache.turbine.util.velocity - package org.apache.turbine.util.velocity
Velocity related utility code.
output() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Used to build the popupmenu in HTML.
output() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Used to build the popupmenu in HTML.


Page - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
This is the base class that defines what a Page module is.
Page() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.Page
PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The default size for the page cache
PAGE_CACHE_SIZE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Property for the size of the page cache if caching is on
PAGE_DEFAULT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for the Default Page
PAGE_DEFAULT_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default page.
PAGE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Page Objects
PAGE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Page Objects
PAGE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Prefix for page related classes and templates
PAGE_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Predefined types for Turbine built-in assemblers: Pages
PageLoader - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Page modules.
PARAMETER_ENCODING_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default Encoding for Parameter Parser
PARAMETER_ENCODING_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Encoding for Parameter Parser
PARAMETER_PARSER - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService
Deprecated. Use RunDataService.PARAMETER_PARSER_KEY
PARAMETER_PARSER_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService
The property for the implemention of the ParameterParser.
ParameterParser - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
ParameterParser is an interface to a utility to handle parsing and retrieving the data passed via the GET/POST/PATH_INFO arguments.
parse(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BooleanValidator
Parses a srting value into a Boolean object.
parse(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Parses the String s according to the rules/formats for this validator.
parse(BufferedReader) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Parses MIME type extensions.
parseFile(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
Parses a XML input file and returns a newly created and populated AppData structure.
parseMimeTypeExtension(String, Map, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Parses a MIME type extension.
parser - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
The object containing the field data.
parseRequest(HttpServletRequest, ParameterParser, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.BaseUploadService
Processes an RFC 1867 compliant multipart/form-data stream.
parseRequest(HttpServletRequest, ParameterParser) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
Performs parsing the request and storing files and form fields.
parseRequest(HttpServletRequest, ParameterParser, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
Performs parsing the request and storing files and form fields.
parseRequest(HttpServletRequest, ParameterParser, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
Processes an RFC 1867 compliant multipart/form-data stream.
parseRequest(HttpServletRequest, ParameterParser, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
This method performs parsing the request, and storing the acquired information in apropriate places.
ParserUtils - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
Static helpers for folding fields to upper or lower case
ParserUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
passivateObject(Object, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group.GroupFactory
Uninitialize an instance to be returned to the pool.
PassiveUserManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive
Void user manager can be used where no data storage is needed by the application.
PassiveUserManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
PASSWORD - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the password field.
PASSWORD - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'perm storage' key name for the password field.
PASSWORD_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the PASSWORD_VALUE field
PasswordMismatchException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util.security
Thrown to indicate that the password supplied by user was incorrect.
PasswordMismatchException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.PasswordMismatchException
Construct an PasswordMismatchException with specified detail message.
path - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Path to style sheets used for tranforming well-formed XML documents.
PATH_INFO - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. P = 0 for path info.
PATH_INFO - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
Path Info Data Marker
pathInfo - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. A List that contains all the path info if any.
peek() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
Peeks, but does not remove the top item from the buffer.
perform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Action
Subclasses can override this method to add additional functionality.
perform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ActionEvent
This overrides the default Action.perform() to execute the doEvent() method.
perform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocityAction
Sets up the context and then calls super.perform(); thus, subclasses don't have to worry about getting a context themselves!
perform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocitySecureAction
This method overrides the method in WebMacroSiteAction to perform a security check first.
perform(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityActionEvent
This overrides the default Action.perform() to execute the doEvent() method.
Permission - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om.security
This class represents the permissions that a Role has to access certain pages/functions within the system.
PERMISSION_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The default implementation of the Permissions interface (org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbinePermission)
PERMISSION_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The key within services' properties for the PERMISSION implementation classname (permission.class)
PERMISSION_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The key within the security service properties for the permission class implementation
PERMISSION_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. The column name for the permission id field.
PERMISSION_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePermissionPeer
Deprecated. The column name for the permission id field.
PERMISSION_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
the column name for the PERMISSION_ID field
PERMISSION_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
the column name for the PERMISSION_ID field
PERMISSION_ID_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the id field.
PERMISSION_ID_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the id field.
PERMISSION_ID_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the id field.
PERMISSION_ID_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the id field.
PERMISSION_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
the column name for the PERMISSION_NAME field
PERMISSION_NAME_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the login name field.
PERMISSION_NAME_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the login name field.
PERMISSION_NAME_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the login name field.
PERMISSION_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the login name field.
PERMISSION_PEER_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
Permission peer default class
PERMISSION_PEER_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManagerConstants
The key within the security service properties for the permission peer class implementation
PermissionPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
PermissionPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
PermissionPeerManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
This class capsulates all direct Peer access for the Permission entities.
PermissionPeerManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
PermissionPeerManagerConstants - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
Constants for configuring the various columns and bean properties for the used peer.
PermissionSet - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.security
This class represents a set of Permissions.
PermissionSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Constructs an empty PermissionSet
PermissionSet(Collection) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Constructs a new PermissionSet with specified contents.
PERSISTENT_TOOL - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Property Key for the persistent tools
poll() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
Polls and removes the top item from the buffer if one is available.
POOL_CAPACITY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
The name of the pool capacity property
POOL_DEBUG_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Default Value for debug mode
POOL_DEBUG_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Are we running in debug mode?
PoolService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.pool
The Pool Service extends the Factory Service by adding support for pooling instantiated objects.
populate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Pulls a user object from the session and increments the access counter and sets the last access date for the object.
populate() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Pulls a user object from the session and increments the access counter and sets the last access date for the object.
populateContext(Context, RunData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Populate the given context with all request, session, authorized and persistent scope tools (it is assumed that the context already wraps the global context, and thus already contains the global tools).
populateContext(Context, RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Populate the given context with all request, session and persistent scope tools (it is assumed that the context already wraps the global context, and thus already contains the global tools).
populateContext(Context, RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
Populate the given context with all request, session, authorized and persistent scope tools (it is assumed that the context already wraps the global context, and thus already contains the global tools).
populateObject(Record, int, User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
populateObject(Record, int, JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
populateObject(Record, int, TurbineGroup) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
populateObject(Record, int, TurbinePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
populateObject(Record, int, TurbineRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
populateObject(Record, int, TurbineRolePermission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
populateObject(Record, int, TurbineUserGroupRole) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
populateObject(Record, int, TurbineUser) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Populates an object from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
populateObjects(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
The returned List will contain objects of the default type or objects that inherit from the default.
populateObjects(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
The returned List will contain objects of the default type or objects that inherit from the default.
populateObjects(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
The returned List will contain objects of the default type or objects that inherit from the default.
populateObjects(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
The returned List will contain objects of the default type or objects that inherit from the default.
populateObjects(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
The returned List will contain objects of the default type or objects that inherit from the default.
populateObjects(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
The returned List will contain objects of the default type or objects that inherit from the default.
populateObjects(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
The returned List will contain objects of the default type or objects that inherit from the default.
port - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
The port to listen on.
pp - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
The object containing the request data
PP_URL_CASE_FOLDING - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Should the PP fold the case of everything.
prefix - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseTemplateMapper
A prefix which is used to separate the various template types (screen, layouts, navigation)
prepareText(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Navigation
Deprecated. Use InputFilterUtils.prepareText(String s)
prepareText(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Screen
Deprecated. Use InputFilterUtils.prepareText(String s)
prepareText(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.InputFilterUtils
This function can/should be used in any screen that will output User entered text.
prepareTextMinimum(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Screen
Deprecated. Use InputFilterUtils.prepareTextMinimum(String s)
prepareTextMinimum(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.InputFilterUtils
This function can/should be used in any screen that will output User entered text.
processCall(CharArrayWriter, JSONRPCBridge, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.JSONProcessor
processCall(CharArrayWriter, JSONRPCBridge, HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.JsonRpcService
processCall(CharArrayWriter, JSONRPCBridge, HttpServletRequest) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpc
processCall(CharArrayWriter, JSONRPCBridge, HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpcService
PROCESSING_EXCEPTION_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Context Key for the Processing Exception
PROPERTIES_PATH_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Default value of TurbineResources.properties file path (/WEB-INF/conf/TurbineResources.properties).
PROPERTIES_PATH_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Servlet initialization parameter name for the path to Turbine.properties file used by Turbine
PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the PROPERTY field
PullService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.pull
The Pull Service manages the creation of application tools that are available to all templates in a Turbine application.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.SessionData
Stores the data.
putFileItemParam(String, FileItem[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Puts a key into the parameters map.
putInstance(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Puts a used object back to the pool.
putInstance(Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
Puts a used object back to the pool.
putInstance(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Puts a used object back to the pool.
putParam(String, String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Puts a key into the parameters map.
putPtr - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
putRunData(RunData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService
Puts the used RunData object back to the factory for recycling.
putRunData(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataFacade
Puts the used RunData object back to the factory for recycling.
putRunData(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService
Puts the used RunData object back to the factory for recycling.
PYTHON_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonBaseFactory
Global config file.
PYTHON_PATH - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonBaseFactory
Key for the python path
PythonActionFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
PythonActionFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonActionFactory
PythonBaseFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python
A factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
PythonBaseFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonBaseFactory
PythonLayoutFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
PythonLayoutFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonLayoutFactory
PythonNavigationFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
PythonNavigationFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonNavigationFactory
PythonPageFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
PythonPageFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonPageFactory
PythonScreenFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python
A screen factory that attempts to load a python class in the JPython interpreter and execute it as a Turbine screen.
PythonScreenFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python.PythonScreenFactory


QUERY_DATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Q = 1 for query data.
QUERY_DATA - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
Query Data Marker
queryData - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. A List that contains all the query data if any.


RANGE_GT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Rule name for ">" comparison
RANGE_GTE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Rule name for ">=" comparison
RANGE_LT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Rule name for "<" comparison
RANGE_LTE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
Rule name for "<=" comparison
RawScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
Base class for writing Screens that output binary data.
RawScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.RawScreen
readColumnNames() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
Read the list of column names from the input reader using the tokenizer.
readFileContents(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileHandler
Deprecated. Return the content of file encoded for transfer
Recyclable - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.pool
An interface for objects that can be pooled and recycled several times by different clients.
Recyclable() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.RecyclableSupport
Constructs a new recyclable support and calls the default recycle method.
RecyclableSupport - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.pool
A support class for recyclable objects implementing default methods.
RecyclableSupport() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.RecyclableSupport
recycle() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
Recycles the object for a new client.
recycle() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Recycles the object for a new client.
recycle() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Recycles a run data object.
recycle(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Recycles the parser with a character encoding.
recycle(Object[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.pool.ArrayCtorRecyclable
Recycles the object for a new client.
recycle() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.pool.Recyclable
Recycles the object for a new client.
recycle() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.RecyclableSupport
Recycles the object by removing its disposed flag.
redirect - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Whether we want to redirect or not.
REDIRECTED_PATHINFO_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Name of path info parameter used to indicate the redirected stage of a given user's initial Turbine request
reference - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. #ref
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.OMTool
Implementation of ApplicationTool interface is not needed for this method as the tool is request scoped
refresh() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.cache.Refreshable
Refreshes the object.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.RefreshableCachedObject
Refresh the object and the created time.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Implementation of ApplicationTool interface is not needed for this tool as it is request scoped
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationTool
refresh() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.ApplicationTool
Refresh the application tool.
refresh(RunData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.RunDataApplicationTool
Refresh the application tool.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.ContentTool
Refresh method - does nothing
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Refresh method - does nothing
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Refresh the tool.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.DateFormatter
Refresh the application tool.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.SessionData
Refresh the application tool.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.refresh() instead.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.SchedulerTool
Does nothing
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
refresh() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Refresh all skins.
refresh(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
Refresh a particular skin.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Refresh the service by clearing all skins.
refresh(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Refresh a particular skin by clearing it.
refresh() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Refresh all skins.
refresh(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
Refresh a particular skin.
refresh() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Refresh method - does nothing
Refreshable - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.cache
This is the interface for objects you want to refresh themselves from the cache.
RefreshableCachedObject - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.cache
The idea of the RefreshableCachedObject is that, rather than removing items from the cache when they become stale, we'll tell them to refresh themselves instead.
RefreshableCachedObject(Refreshable) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.RefreshableCachedObject
Constructor; sets the object to expire in the default time (30 minutes).
RefreshableCachedObject(Refreshable, long) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.RefreshableCachedObject
refreshGlobalTools() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Deprecated. No longer needed as Pull and Velocity Service are now more separate.
refreshGlobalTools() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Deprecated. No longer needed as Pull and Velocity Service are now more separate.
refreshGlobalTools() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
Deprecated. Will be made private after 2.3
refreshToolsPerRequest() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Deprecated. No longer needed as Pull and Velocity Service are now more separate.
refreshToolsPerRequest() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Deprecated. No longer needed as Pull and Velocity Service are now more separate.
refreshToolsPerRequest() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
Deprecated. No longer needed as Pull and Velocity Service are now more separate.
registerConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.BaseTemplateEngineService
registerConfiguration(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
Initializes file extension associations and registers with the template service.
registerFactory(String, AssemblerFactory) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Register an AssemblerFactory class for a given type
registerFactory(String, AssemblerFactory) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBroker
Register a new Assembler factory with this service.
registerFactory(String, AssemblerFactory) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService
Register a new AssemblerFactory under a certain type
registerHandler(String, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Register an object as a handler for the XmlRpc Server part.
registerHandler(Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Register an object as a the default handler for the XmlRpc Server part.
registerHandler(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Register an Object as a default handler for the service.
registerHandler(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Register an Object as a handler for the service.
registerHandler(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
A helper method that tries to initialize a handler and register it.
registerHandler(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Register an object as a handler for the XmlRpc Server part.
registerHandler(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Register an object as a the default handler for the XmlRpc Server part.
registerObject(HttpSession, String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.JsonRpcService
registerObject(HttpSession, String, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpc
registerObject(HttpSession, String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpcService
registerObjectGlobal(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.JsonRpcService
registerObjectGlobal(String, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpc
registerObjectGlobal(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpcService
registerTemplateEngineService(TemplateEngineService) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Registers the provided template engine for use by the TemplateService.
registerTemplateEngineService(TemplateEngineService) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Registers the provided template engine for use by the TemplateService.
registerTemplateEngineService(TemplateEngineService) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Registers the provided template engine for use by the TemplateService.
release(Component) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Releases the component
release(Component) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
Releases the component
release(Component) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.TurbineAvalonComponentService
Releases the component
releaseGroup(Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
Puts a group back to the pool.
releaseGroup(Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
Puts a group back to the pool.
releaseGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
Puts a Group back to the pool.
releaseTools(Context) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Release tool instances from the given context to the object pool
releaseTools(Context) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
Release tool instances from the given context to the object pool
releaseTools(Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
Release the request-scope tool instances in the given Context back to the pool
reload() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.GenericLoader
Returns whether or not this external action is reload itself.
remove() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Group
Removes a group from the system.
remove() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Permission
Removes a permission from the system.
remove() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Removes a role from the system.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Removes a group from the system.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbinePermission
Deprecated. Removes a permission from the system.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Removes a role from the system.
remove(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Removes group.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocaleTokenizer
Not implemented.
remove(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
Remove a job from the queue.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Removes a group from the system.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Removes a permission from the system.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Removes a role from the system.
remove(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
remove(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
remove(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
remove(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
remove(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileHandler
Deprecated. Method to allow a client to remove a file from the server
remove(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileTransfer
Deprecated. Method to allow a client to remove a file from the server
remove(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileTransfer
Deprecated. Method to allow a client to remove a file from a server that requires a user name and password.
remove(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
remove(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
remove(int, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. If the type is DynamicURI.PATH_INFO, then remove name/value from the pathInfo.
remove(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Removes the named parameter from the contained hashtable.
remove() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
The optional Iterator.remove method is not supported.
remove(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Removes the named parameter from the contained hashtable.
remove(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Removes a Group from this GroupSet.
remove(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Removes a Permission from this PermissionSet.
remove(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Removes a Role from this RoleSet.
remove(int, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
If the type is P (0), then remove name/value from the pathInfo hashtable.
removeAccount(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Removes an user account from the system.
removeAccount(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Removes an user account from the system.
removeAccount(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Removes an user account from the system.
removeAccount(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Removes an user account from the system.
removeAccount(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Removes an user account from the system.
removeAll() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool
Removes all groups.
removeAttribute(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
removeFromRequest() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Removes references to this group and its fields from the query parameters
removeFromRequest() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Removes references to this group and its fields from the query parameters
removeGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Removes a Group from the system.
removeGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Removes a Group from the system.
removeGroup(Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Removes a Group from the system.
removeGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Removes a Group from the system.
removeGroup(Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Removes a Group from the system.
removeJob(JobEntry) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
Remove a job from the queue.
removeJob(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService
Remove a job from the queue.
removeJob(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
Remove a job from the queue.
removeJob(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Remove a job from the queue.
removeObject(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.cache.GlobalCacheService
Removes an object from the cache.
removeObject(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCache
Removes an object from the cache.
removeObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Removes an object from the cache.
removePathInfo() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Removes all the path info elements.
removePathInfo(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Removes a name=value pair from the path info.
removePathInfo() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Removes all the path info elements.
removePathInfo(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Removes a name=value pair from the path info.
removePathInfo() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Removes all the path info elements.
removePathInfo(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Removes a name=value pair from the path info.
removePermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Removes a Permission from the system.
removePermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Removes a Permission from the system.
removePermission(Permission) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Removes a Permission from the system.
removePermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Removes a Permission from the system.
removePermission(Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Removes a Permission from the system.
removeQueryData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Removes all the query string elements.
removeQueryData(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Removes a name=value pair from the query string.
removeQueryData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Removes all the query string elements.
removeQueryData(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Removes a name=value pair from the query string.
removeQueryData() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Removes all the query string elements.
removeQueryData(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Removes a name=value pair from the query string.
removeRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Removes a Role from the system.
removeRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Removes a Role from the system.
removeRole(Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Removes a Role from the system.
removeRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Removes a Role from the system.
removeRole(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Removes a Role from the system.
removeSession(HttpSession) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
Removes a session from the current list.
removeSession(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
Removes a session from the current list.
removeSession(HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
Removes a session from the current list.
removeSession(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Removes a session from the current list.
removeTemp(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Remove an object from temporary storage and return the object.
removeTemp(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Remove an object from temporary storage and return the object.
removeTemp(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Remove an object from temporary storage and return the object.
removeTemp(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Remove an object from temporary storage and return the object.
removeTemp(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Remove an object from the temporary storage.
removeUser(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Removes an user account from the system.
removeUser(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Removes an user account from the system.
removeUser(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Removes an user account from the system.
removeUserFromSession(HttpSession) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Allows one to invalidate the user in a session.
removeUserFromSession() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Allows one to invalidate the user in the default session.
removeUserFromSession() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Allows one to invalidate the user in the default session.
rename(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Group
Renames the role.
rename(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Permission
Renames the permission.
rename(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Renames the role.
rename(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Renames the role.
rename(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbinePermission
Deprecated. Renames the permission.
rename(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Renames the role.
rename(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Renames the role.
rename(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Renames the permission.
rename(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Renames the role.
renameGroup(Group, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Renames an existing Group.
renameGroup(Group, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Renames an existing Group.
renameGroup(Group, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Renames an existing Group.
renameGroup(Group, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Renames an existing Group.
renameGroup(Group, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Renames an existing Group.
renamePermission(Permission, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Renames an existing Permission.
renamePermission(Permission, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Renames an existing Permission.
renamePermission(Permission, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Renames an existing Permission.
renamePermission(Permission, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Renames an existing Permission.
renamePermission(Permission, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Renames an existing Permission.
renameRole(Role, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Renames an existing Role.
renameRole(Role, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Renames an existing Role.
renameRole(Role, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Renames an existing Role.
renameRole(Role, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Renames an existing Role.
renameRole(Role, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Renames an existing Role.
renderPathInfo(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. This method takes a List of key/value arrays and converts it into a URL encoded querystring format.
renderQueryString(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. This method takes a List of key/value arrays and converts it into a URL encoded querystring format.
REPOSITORY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The default value of 'repository' property (.).
REPOSITORY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The key in UploadService properties in TurbineResources.properties 'repository' property.
REPOSITORY_PARAMETER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The request parameter name for overriding 'repository' property (path).
REQUEST_TOOL - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Property Key for the request tools
requestFinished(Context) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
Performs post-request actions (releases context tools back to the object pool).
requestFinished(Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Performs post-request actions (releases context tools back to the object pool).
requestFinished(Context) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
Performs post-request actions (releases context tools back to the object pool).
required - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Does the field require a value?
required - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
A boolean value to signify if the field is definately required or not
REQUIRED_RULE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.Validator
"required" Rule, used in all validators
requiredMessage - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
The message to show if field fails required test
res - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Servlet response interface.
reset() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
Resets the internal state of the SelectorBox.
resetDeclared() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
To be used in the event this group is used within multiple forms within the same template.
resolveClass(ObjectStreamClass) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.ObjectInputStreamForContext
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.DTDResolver
called by the XML parser
resolveEntity(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
EntityResolver implementation.
restart() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Start (or restart) a thread to process commands, or wake up an existing thread if one is already running.
resultSet2Objects(ResultSet) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Get the list of objects for a ResultSet.
resultSet2Objects(ResultSet) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Get the list of objects for a ResultSet.
resultSet2Objects(ResultSet) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Get the list of objects for a ResultSet.
resultSet2Objects(ResultSet) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Get the list of objects for a ResultSet.
resultSet2Objects(ResultSet) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Get the list of objects for a ResultSet.
resultSet2Objects(ResultSet) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Get the list of objects for a ResultSet.
resultSet2Objects(ResultSet) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Get the list of objects for a ResultSet.
Retrievable - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om
This interface specifies methods for uniquely identifying an object.
retrievable - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Mapped object used to set the initial field value
retrieve(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.Retriever
Gets an object of the same type as the object implementing this method according to the key.
retrieve(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key.
retrieve(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Use retrieveList instead.
retrieve(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key, and authenticate the user.
retrieve(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key.
retrieve(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Deprecated. Use retrieveList instead.
retrieve(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key, and authenticate the user.
retrieve(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key.
retrieve(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Deprecated. Use retrieveList instead.
retrieve(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key, and authenticate the user.
retrieve(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key.
retrieve(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Deprecated. Use retrieveList instead.
retrieve(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key, and authenticate the user.
retrieve(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key.
retrieve(Criteria) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Deprecated. Use retrieveList(Criteria crit)
retrieve(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using username as the key, and authenticate the user.
retrieveById(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Retrieve a user from persistent storage using the primary key
retrieveById(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using the primary key
retrieveById(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using the primary key
retrieveById(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using the primary key
retrieveById(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Retrieve a user from persistent storage using the primary key
retrieveByPK(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
retrieve object using using pk values.
retrieveByPK(int, int, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
retrieve object using using pk values.
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
retrieve object using using pk values.
retrieveByPK(int, int, int, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
retrieve object using using pk values.
retrieveByPK(int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(int, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPK(ObjectKey, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Retrieve a single object by pk
retrieveByPKs(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveByPKs(List, Connection) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Retrieve a multiple objects by pk
retrieveList(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Retrieve a list of users that meet the specified criteria.
retrieveList(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Retrieve a list of users that meet the specified criteria.
retrieveList(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Retrieve a set of users that meet the specified criteria.
retrieveList(Criteria) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Retrieve a list of users that meet the specified criteria.
retrieveList(Criteria) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Retrieve a list of users that meet the specified criteria.
Retriever - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om
This interface marks a class that has a retrieve(String) method.
RetrieverFactory - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om
retrieveSet() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. Retrieves/assembles a GroupSet of all of the Groups.
retrieveSet(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.GroupPeer
Deprecated. Retrieves/assembles a GroupSet based on the Criteria passed in
retrieveSet(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Retrieves/assembles a PermissionSet
retrieveSet(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.PermissionPeer
Deprecated. Retrieves a set of Permissions associated with a particular Role.
retrieveSet(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. Retrieves/assembles a RoleSet based on the Criteria passed in
retrieveSet(User, Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. Retrieves a set of Roles that an User was assigned in a Group
retrieveSet() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Retrieves/assembles a GroupSet of all of the Groups.
retrieveSet(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Retrieves/assembles a GroupSet based on the Criteria passed in
retrieveSet(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Retrieves/assembles a PermissionSet
retrieveSet(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Retrieves a set of Permissions associated with a particular Role.
retrieveSet(Criteria) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Retrieves/assembles a RoleSet based on the Criteria passed in
retrieveSet(User, Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Retrieves a set of Roles that an User was assigned in a Group
revoke(User, Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Group
Revokes a Role in this Group from an User.
revoke(User, RoleSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Group
Revokes Roles in this group from an User.
revoke(Permission) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Revokes a Permission from this Role.
revoke(PermissionSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Revokes Permissions from a PermissionSet from this Role.
revoke(User, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Revokes a Role in this Group from an User.
revoke(User, RoleSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Revokes Roles in this group from an User.
revoke(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Revokes a Permission from this Role.
revoke(PermissionSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Revokes Permissions from a PermissionSet from this Role.
revoke(User, Group, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Revoke a Role in a Group from an User.
revoke(Role, Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Revokes a Permission from a Role.
revoke(User, Group, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Revoke a Role in a Group from an User.
revoke(Role, Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Revokes a Permission from a Role.
revoke(User, Group, Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Revoke a Role in a Group from an User.
revoke(Role, Permission) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Revokes a Permission from a Role.
revoke(User, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Revokes a Role in this Group from an User.
revoke(User, RoleSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Revokes Roles in this group from an User.
revoke(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Revokes a Permission from this Role.
revoke(PermissionSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Revokes Permissions from a PermissionSet from this Role.
revoke(User, Group, Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Revoke a Role in a Group from an User.
revoke(Role, Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Revokes a Permission from a Role.
revoke(User, Group, Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Revoke a Role in a Group from an User.
revoke(Role, Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Revokes a Permission from a Role.
revokeAll(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Revokes all roles from an User.
revokeAll(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Revokes all permissions from a Role.
revokeAll(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Revoke all the roles to a user
revokeAll(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Revoke all the permissions to a role.
revokeAll(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Revoke all the roles to a group.
revokeAll(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Revokes all roles from an User.
revokeAll(Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Revokes all permissions from a Role.
revokeAll(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Revokes all roles from an User.
revokeAll(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Revokes all permissions from a Role.
revokeAll(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Revokes all roles from an User.
revokeAll(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Revokes all permissions from a Role.
Role - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om.security
This class represents a role played by the User associated with the current Session.
ROLE_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The default implementation of the Role Interface (org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole)
ROLE_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The key within services' properties for the ROLE implementation classname (role.class)
ROLE_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The key within the security service properties for the role class implementation
ROLE_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
Deprecated. The column name for the role id field.
ROLE_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePermissionPeer
Deprecated. The column name for the role id field.
ROLE_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserGroupRolePeer
Deprecated. The column name for the role id field.
ROLE_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
the column name for the ROLE_ID field
ROLE_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
the column name for the ROLE_ID field
ROLE_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
the column name for the ROLE_ID field
ROLE_ID_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the id field.
ROLE_ID_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The column name for the id field.
ROLE_ID_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the id field.
ROLE_ID_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the id field.
ROLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
the column name for the ROLE_NAME field
ROLE_NAME_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the login name field.
ROLE_NAME_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The column name for the login name field.
ROLE_NAME_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the login name field.
ROLE_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the login name field.
ROLE_PEER_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
Role peer default class
ROLE_PEER_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManagerConstants
The key within the security service properties for the role peer class implementation
RolePeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
RolePeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePeer
RolePeerManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
This class capsulates all direct Peer access for the Role entities.
RolePeerManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
RolePeerManagerConstants - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
Constants for configuring the various columns and bean properties for the used peer.
RolePermissionPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
RolePermissionPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePermissionPeer
RoleSet - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.security
This class represents a set of Roles.
RoleSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Constructs an empty RoleSet
RoleSet(Collection) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Constructs a new RoleSet with specified contents.
root - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Filenames are looked up in this directory.
row2Object(Record, int, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Implementss torque peers' method.
row2Object(Record, int, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
row2Object(Record, int, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
row2Object(Record, int, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
row2Object(Record, int, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
row2Object(Record, int, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
row2Object(Record, int, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
row2Object(Record, int, Class) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
Create a new object of type cls from a resultset row starting from a specified offset.
Rule - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel
A Class for holding data about a constraint on a property.
Rule() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Default Constructor
run(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScheduledJob
Run the Jobentry from the scheduler queue.
run() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
Circle through the cache and remove stale objects.
run() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService.MainLoop
Method to run the class.
run() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.WorkerThread
Run the job.
RUN_DATA - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService
Deprecated. Use RunDataService.RUN_DATA_KEY
RUN_DATA_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService
The property for the implemention of the RunData object
RUNDATA - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
The key used to store an instance of RunData in the request
RunData - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util
RunData is an interface to run-time information that is passed within Turbine.
RUNDATA_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
The Key for storing the RunData Object in the Context
RunDataApplicationTool - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.pull
Tools in the Toolbox that need a Rundata Object on every refresh should implement this interface.
RunDataService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.rundata
The RunData Service provides the implementations for RunData and related interfaces required by request processing.


safeAddToHashtable(Hashtable, Object, Object) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils
Deprecated. No replacement
save() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Group
Makes changes made to the Group attributes permanent.
save() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Permission
Makes changes made to the Permission attributes permanent.
save() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Makes changes made to the Role attributes permanent.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Makes changes made to the Group attributes permanent.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. not implemented
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. not implemented
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbinePermission
Deprecated. Makes changes made to the Permission attributes permanent.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbinePermission
Deprecated. not implemented
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbinePermission
Deprecated. not implemented
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Makes changes made to the Role attributes permanent.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. not implemented
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. not implemented
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Saves this object to the data store.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. not implemented
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. not implemented
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Saves a user object into the session.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Stores the object in the database.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Saves this object to the data store.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
not implemented
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
not implemented
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Stores the object in the database.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Stores the object in the database.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Stores the object in the database.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Stores the object in the database.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Stores the object in the database.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Stores the object in the database.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Makes changes made to the Group attributes permanent.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Makes changes made to the TorqueObject permanent.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Makes changes made to the Permission attributes permanent.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Makes changes made to the Role attributes permanent.
save(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Stores the object in the database.
save(Connection) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Stores the object in the database.
save() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Makes changes made to the User attributes permanent.
save() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Saves a user object into the session.
saveGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Stores Group's attributes.
saveGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Stores Group's attributes.
saveGroup(Group) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Stores Group's attributes.
saveGroup(Group) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Stores Group's attributes.
saveGroup(Group) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Stores Group's attributes.
saveOnSessionUnbind(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Saves User data when the session is unbound.
saveOnSessionUnbind(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Saves User data when the session is unbound.
saveOnSessionUnbind(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
This method is not yet implemented.
saveOnSessionUnbind(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Saves User data when the session is unbound.
saveOnSessionUnbind(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Saves User data when the session is unbound.
saveOnSessionUnbind(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Saves User data when the session is unbound.
saveOnSessionUnbind(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Saves User data when the session is unbound.
saveOnSessionUnbind(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Saves User data when the session is unbound.
savePermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Stores Permission's attributes.
savePermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Stores Permission's attributes.
savePermission(Permission) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Stores Permission's attributes.
savePermission(Permission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Stores Permission's attributes.
savePermission(Permission) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Stores Permission's attributes.
saveRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. Stores Role's attributes.
saveRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPSecurityService
Stores Role's attributes.
saveRole(Role) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Stores Role's attributes.
saveRole(Role) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
Stores Role's attributes.
saveRole(Role) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Stores Role's attributes.
saveServletInfo(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Save some information about this servlet so that it can be utilized by object instances that do not have direct access to RunData.
saveUser(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Saves User's data in the permanent storage.
saveUser(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Saves User's data in the permanent storage.
saveUser(User) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Saves User's data in the permanent storage.
SCHEDULED_JOB_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The default size of the schedulder job cache if module caching is on.
SCHEDULED_JOB_CACHE_SIZE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The key for the schedulder job cache size if module caching is on.
ScheduledJob - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
All Scheduled jobs should extend this.
ScheduledJob() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.ScheduledJob
SCHEDULEDJOB_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Prefix for scheduler job related classes
SCHEDULEDJOB_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Predefined types for Turbine built-in assemblers: Scheduler Jobs
ScheduledJobLoader - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
ScheduledJobs loader class.
scheduleQueue - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
The queue
SCHEDULER_LOG_FACILITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The logging facility which captures output from the SchedulerService.
SchedulerTool - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
This tool is used to retrieve information about the job scheduler.
SchedulerTool() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.SchedulerTool
ScheduleService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
ScheduleService interface.
Screen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
This is the base class which defines the Screen modules.
Screen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.Screen
SCREEN_CACHE_SIZE_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
The default size for the screen cache
SCREEN_CACHE_SIZE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Property for the size of the screen cache if caching is on
SCREEN_DEFAULT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for the Default Screen
SCREEN_ERROR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for Login Screen
SCREEN_ERROR_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Login error screen.
SCREEN_HOMEPAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Home page screen.
SCREEN_INVALID_STATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Report Screen for invalid state in the application
SCREEN_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Screen Objects
SCREEN_LOGIN - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Login screen.
SCREEN_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Screen Objects
SCREEN_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Context Key for the screen placeholder in the various velocity layouts
SCREEN_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Prefix for screen related classes and templates
SCREEN_TEMPLATE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Screen Template Objects
SCREEN_TEMPLATE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Represents Screen Template Objects
SCREEN_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Predefined types for Turbine built-in assemblers: Screens
ScreenDefaultTemplateMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
This is a pretty simple mapper which returns template pathes for a supplied template name.
ScreenDefaultTemplateMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.ScreenDefaultTemplateMapper
Default C'tor.
ScreenLoader - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules
The purpose of this class is to allow one to load and execute Screen modules.
ScreenTemplateMapper - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper
This is a pretty simple mapper which returns template pathes for a supplied template name.
ScreenTemplateMapper() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.ScreenTemplateMapper
Default C'tor.
sd - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. The ServerData object.
SECOND - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the SECOND field
SECOND_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Suffix for second parameter.
SECURE_PASSWORDS_ALGORITHM_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
the default algorithm for password encryption (SHA)
SECURE_PASSWORDS_ALGORITHM_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
the key within services's properties for secure passwords algorithm (secure.passwords.algorithm)
SECURE_PASSWORDS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
the value of secure passwords flag (false)
SECURE_PASSWORDS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
the key within services's properties for secure passwords flag (secure.passwords)
SecurityCheck - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
Utility for doing security checks in Screens and Actions.
SecurityCheck(RunData, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.SecurityCheck
SecurityCheck(RunData, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.SecurityCheck
SecurityEntity - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om.security
This class represents a Group of Users in the system that are associated with specific entity or resource.
SecurityObject - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
SecurityObject() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Constructs a new SecurityObject
SecurityObject(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Constructs a new SecurityObject with the specified name.
SecurityService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.security
The Security Service manages Users, Groups Roles and Permissions in the system.
SecuritySet - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.security
This class represents a set of Security Entities.
SecuritySet() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Constructs an empty Set
selectAllConfirmedUsers() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Returns a vector of all confirmed User objects.
selectAllConfirmedUsers() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns a List of all confirmed User objects.
selectAllUsers() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. Returns a vector of all User objects.
selectAllUsers() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Returns a List of all User objects.
SelectorBox - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.template
This class is for generating a SelectorBox.
SelectorBox(String, Object[], Object[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
Generic constructor, builds a select box with a default size of 1 and no selected items.
SelectorBox(String, Object[], Object[], int) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
Generic constructor builds a select box.
SelectorBox(String, Object[], Object[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
Generic constructor builds a select box.
SelectorBox(String, Object[], Object[], int, boolean[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
Primary constructor for everything.
send(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
send(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
send(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
send(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
send(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileHandler
Deprecated. The client has indicated that it would like to send a file to the server and have it stored in a certain location on the server.
send(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileTransfer
Deprecated. Method to allow a client to send a file to a server.
send(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileTransfer
Deprecated. Method to allow a client to send a file to a server that requires a user name and password.
send(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
send(String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Deprecated. This is not scope of the Service itself but of an application which uses the service.
send() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
This method sends the email.
send() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Actually send the mail.
separator - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
The separator used to concatenate the result parts for this mapper.
SERIAL_XML - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
The property specifying the location where a serialized version of the xml specification can be written for faster restarts..
SERIAL_XML_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
The default location where a serialized version of the xml specification can be written for faster restarts..
serializeHashtable(Hashtable) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ObjectUtils
Converts a hashtable to a byte array for storage/serialization.
server - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
The encapsulated xmlrpc server.
ServerData - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
Holds basic server information under which Turbine is running.
ServerData(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
ServerData(ServerData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
ServerData(HttpServletRequest) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
A C'tor that takes a HTTP Request object and builds the server data from its contents
Service - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services
Services are Initables that have a name, and a set of properties.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.AssemblerBrokerService
Name of the Service
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
The publically visible name of the service
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.AvalonComponentService
The publically visible name of the service
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.cache.GlobalCacheService
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.CryptoService
The name of the service
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.factory.FactoryService
The key under which this service is stored in TurbineServices.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
The key under which this service is stored in TurbineServices.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.JsonRpcService
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
The name used to specify this service in Turbine.properties
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
The name of this service.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
The name of the service.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.naming.NamingService
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
The key under which this service is stored in TurbineServices.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
The key under which this service is stored in TurbineServices.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.RunDataService
The key under which this service is stored in TurbineServices.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
Name of service
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
The name of the service
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Service
The name of this service.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.ServletService
The service identifier
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionService
The key under which this service is stored in TurbineServices.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
The key under which this service is stored in TurbineServices.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ui.UIService
The service identifier.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.UniqueIdService
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The key in the TurbineResources.properties that references this service.
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
The Service Name
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Service name
SERVICE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
SERVICE_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
A prefix for Service properties in TurbineResource.properties.
serviceBroker - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
A reference to the ServiceBroker that instantiated this object.
ServiceBroker - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services
Classes that implement this interface can act as a broker for Service classes.
ServiceManager - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services
Classes that implement this interface can act as a manager for Service classes.
serviceObjects - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
These are objects that the parent application can provide so that application specific services have a mechanism to retrieve specialized information.
services - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
A repository of Service instances.
ServletService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.servlet
This interface exposes methods of the runner context in order resolve or get access to external resources
ServletUtils - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
This is where common Servlet manipulation routines should go.
ServletUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.ServletUtils
SESSION_ACCESS_COUNTER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'temp storage' key name for the session access counter
SESSION_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The session key for the User object.
SESSION_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.security.AccessControlList
The default Session key for the Access Control List
SESSION_TIMEOUT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Session Timeout Default Value
SESSION_TIMEOUT_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Session Timeout
SESSION_TOOL - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Property Key for the session tools
SESSION_TOOLS_ATTRIBUTE_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
prefix for key used in the session to store session scope pull tools
sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionListener
Called by the servlet container when a new session is created
SessionData - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util
Pull tool designed to be used in the session scope for storage of temporary data.
SessionData() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.SessionData
sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionListener
Called by the servlet container when a session is destroyed
sessionDidActivate(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionListener
Called by the servlet container when an existing session is (re-)activated.
SessionListener - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.session
This class is a listener for both session creation and destruction, and for session activation and passivation.
SessionListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionListener
SessionService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.session
The SessionService allows access to the current sessions of the current context.
SessionTool - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.session
A pull tool for accessing the SessionService from a velocity template.
SessionTool() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionTool
SessionValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator
The SessionValidator attempts to retrive the User object from the Servlet API session that is associated with the request.
SessionValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.SessionValidator
sessionWillPassivate(HttpSessionEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.SessionListener
Called by the servlet container when a an existing session is passivated.
set(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Set a cookie that will be stored on the client for the duration of the session.
set(String, String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Set a persisten cookie on the client that will expire after a maximum age (given in seconds).
set(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Set a cookie that will be stored on the client for the duration of the session.
set(String, String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Set a persisten cookie on the client that will expire after a maximum age (given in seconds).
setAccessCounter(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the access counter for a user, saved in perm storage.
setAccessCounter(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Sets the access counter for a user, saved in perm storage.
setAccessCounter(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Sets the access counter for a user, saved in perm storage.
setAccessCounter(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the access counter for a user, saved in perm storage.
setAccessCounterForSession(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the session access counter for a user, saved in temp storage.
setAccessCounterForSession(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Sets the session access counter for a user, saved in temp storage.
setAccessCounterForSession(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Sets the session access counter for a user, saved in temp storage.
setAccessCounterForSession(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the session access counter for a user, saved in temp storage.
setACL(AccessControlList) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the access control list.
setACL(AccessControlList) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the access control list.
setAction(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Sets the action= value for this URL.
setAction(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the action for the request.
setAction(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the action= value for this URL.
setAction(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the action for the request.
setAction(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Sets the action= value for this URL.
setActionEvent(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Sets the action= and eventSubmit= values for this URL.
setActionEvent(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the action= value for this URL and added eventSubmit_[eventName] to the path_info.
setActionEvent(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Sets the action= and eventSubmit= values for this URL.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobEntry
Sets whether the job is running.
setAlinkColor(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Set the active link color for the BODY tag.
setAppData(AppData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Set the parent of the group
setApplicationRoot(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Set the application root.
setApplicationRoot(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceManager
Set the application root.
setApplicationRoot(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Set the application root for the webapp.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Sets the value of specific attribute of this object.
setAttribute(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Not implemented.
setAttributes(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Replaces this object's attributes with the specified Map.
setBackground(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Set the background image for the BODY tag.
setBasePackage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Set the base package String that will be appended to any mapToObjects
setBgColor(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Set the background color for the BODY tag.
setBundle(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.Localization
This method sets the name of the default bundle.
setBundle(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.localization.LocalizationService
This method sets the name of the defaultBundle.
setBundle(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
This method sets the name of the first bundle in the search list (the "default" bundle).
setCacheHeaders(RunData, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.HttpUtils
This method sets the required expiration headers in the response for a given RunData object.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Set the CacheSize value.
setCacheSize(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Set the CacheSize value.
setCapacity(String, int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pool.PoolService
Sets the capacity of the pool for a named class.
setCapacity(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Sets the capacity of the pool for a named class.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Set the character encoding that will be used by this ValueParser.
setCharacterEncoding(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Set the character encoding that will be used by this ValueParser.
setCharSet(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Sets a locale-charset mapping.
setCharSet(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Sets a locale-charset mapping.
setCharSet(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Sets a locale-charset mapping.
setCharSet(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the charset.
setCharSet(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the charset.
setCipher(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.CryptoAlgorithm
Algorithms that perform multiple ciphers get told with setCipher, which cipher to use.
setCipher(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.ClearCrypt
This class never uses an algorithm, so this is just a dummy.
setCipher(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.JavaCrypt
Setting the actual cipher requested.
setCipher(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.OldJavaCrypt
Setting the actual cipher requested.
setCipher(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.UnixCrypt
This class never uses anything but UnixCrypt, so it is just a dummy (Fixme: Should we throw an exception if something is requested that we don't support?
setColumnNames(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
Set the list of column names explicitly.
setCommonCharSet(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.CharSetMap
Sets a common locale-charset mapping.
setCommonContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Sets a common MIME content type mapping to extensions.
setCompare(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Set the configuration object for the services broker.
setConfiguration(Configuration) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceManager
Set the configuration object for the services broker.
setConfirmed(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the confirmation value.
setConfirmed(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Sets the confirmation value.
setConfirmed(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Set the users confirmed variable
setConfirmed(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of Confirmed
setConfirmed(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the new confirm value of the user
setContentType(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.MimeTypeService
Sets a MIME content type mapping to extensions to the map.
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Sets a MIME content type mapping to extensions to the map.
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMap
Sets a MIME content type mapping to extensions.
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeTypeMapper
Sets a MIME content type mapping to extensions.
setContentType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the HTTP content type to return.
setContentType(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the HTTP content type to return.
setContext(Context) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
Set the context object that will be merged with the template.
setContextPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the cached context path that is stored in the server data.
setContextPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the context path
setContextPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Set the context path.
setContextPath(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Sets the context path.
setCookieParser(CookieParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the cookie parser.
setCookieParser(CookieParser) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Sets the cookie parser.
setCookiePath(URI) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Set the path for cookie storage
setCookiePath(URI) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Set the path for cookie storage
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the create date for this User.
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Sets the creation date for this user.
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Sets the create date for this User.
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of CreateDate
setCreateDate(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the new creation date of the user
setData(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Sets Request and Response to be parsed.
setData(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Sets Request and Response to be parsed.
setDateFormatMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Only sets the message if the new message has some information.
setDateFormats(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Set the value of dateFormats.
setDay(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Select the day to be selected if the showDays(false) behavior is used.
setDayOfMonth(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of DayOfMonth
setDebugVariable(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets a name/value pair in an internal Map that is accessible from the Error screen.
setDebugVariable(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets a name/value pair in an internal Map that is accessible from the Error screen.
setDefaultProperty(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Set the DefaultProperty value.
setDefaultProperty(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Set the DefaultProperty value.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BigDecimalField
Sets the default value for a BigDecimal field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BooleanField
Sets the default value for a Boolean field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ComboKeyField
Sets the default value for a ComboKey field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DateStringField
Sets the default value for a DateString field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DoubleField
Sets the default value for a Double Field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Set the default Value.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FileItemField
It is not possible to set the default value for this field type.
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FloatField
Sets the default value for an Float Field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.IntegerField
Sets the default value for an Integer Field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.LongField
Sets the default value for an Long Field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.NumberKeyField
Sets the default value for a NumberKey field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ShortField
Sets the default value for an Short Field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringField
Sets the default value for a String field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringKeyField
Deprecated. Sets the default value for a String field
setDefaultValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the default Value.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Add a description META tag to the HEAD of the page.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Set the display name of the field.
setDisplayName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the display name of the property
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the email address.
setEmail(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Sets the email address.
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of Email
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Set the users Email
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of Email
setEmail(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the new email address of the user
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BigDecimalField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.BooleanField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ComboKeyField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DateStringField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DoubleField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FileItemField
It is not possible to set the empty value for this field type.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FloatField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.IntegerField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.LongField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ShortField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringField
Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringKeyField
Deprecated. Set the empty Value.
setEmptyValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the empty Value.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Sets the enabled status of the scheduler
setEncodeURLOff() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
This will turn off the execution of res.encodeURL() by making res == null.
setEvent(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Sets the eventSubmit_= value for this URL.
setEvent(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Sets the fired eventSubmit= value for this URL.
setExpires(long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Set the expiration interval for the object.
setFailScreen(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Set the value of failScreen.
setFailTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Set the value of failTemplate.
setField(XmlField) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Set the parent Field of the rule
setFieldClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the value of fieldClass.
setFieldName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
setFieldName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
Adds one field name.
setFieldSeparator(char) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DataStreamParser
This method must be called to setup the field seperator
setFirstName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the first name for this user.
setFirstName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Sets the first name for this user.
setFirstName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Set the users First Name
setFirstName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of FirstName
setFirstName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the first name of the User
setFlag - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Has the field has been set from the parser?
setFlexible(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DateStringValidator
Set the value of flexible.
setFormName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
Set the form name.
setGroup(XmlGroup) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the parent XmlGroup of the property
setGroupId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Set the value of GroupId
setGroupId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Set the value of GroupId
setGroupName(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Invokes setName(String s) on the supplied base object
setGroupPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Set the prefix String that will be used to qualify intake groups when using multiple XML files
setHasLoggedIn(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. This sets whether or not someone has logged in.
setHasLoggedIn(Boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
This sets whether or not someone has logged in.
setHasLoggedIn(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
This sets whether or not someone has logged in.
setHasLoggedIn(Boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
This sets whether or not someone has logged in.
setHour(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of Hour
setHtmlTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Set the HTML template for the mail.
setHttpEquiv(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Sets a HttpEquiv META tag in the HEAD of the page, usage:
setHttpEquiv("refresh", "5; URL=http://localhost/nextpage.html")
setHttpEquiv("Expires", "Tue, 20 Aug 1996 14:25:27 GMT")
setId(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityEntity
Sets the Id of the SecurityEntity.
setId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Unused.
setId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Not implemented.
setId(Persistent, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.GroupPeerManager
Invokes setId(int n) on the supplied base object
setId(Persistent, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Invokes setId(int n) on the supplied base object
setId(Persistent, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Invokes setId(int n) on the supplied base object
setId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Sets the Id of this object
setId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Sets the Id of this object
setId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Sets the Id of this object
setId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the Id of this object
setId(Persistent, int) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setId(int n) on the supplied base object
setIfRequiredMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the value of ifRequiredMessage.
setInit(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Sets initailization status.
setInit(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
setInitableBroker(InitableBroker) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Saves InitableBroker reference for later use.
setInitableBroker(InitableBroker) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
setInitableBroker(InitableBroker) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Initable
Provides an Initable with a reference to the InitableBroker that instantiated this object, so that it can access other Initables.
setJNDIContexts(Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets JNDI Contexts.
setJNDIContexts(Map) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets JNDI Contexts.
setJobId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of JobId
setKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool.PullHelper
Calls setKey(key,true)
setKey(String, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeTool.PullHelper
setKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the parameter key of the property
setKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Set the key used to reference this group in input (form)
setKeywords(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Set a keywords META tag in the HEAD of the page.
setLastAccessDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the last access date for this User.
setLastAccessDate() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Sets the last access date for this User.
setLastAccessDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Sets the last access date for this User.
setLastAccessDate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the last access date for this User.
setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Set last login date/time.
setLastLogin(Date) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Set last login date/time.
setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Set last login date/time.
setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of LastLogin
setLastLogin(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the new date of the last login of the user
setLastName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the last name for this user.
setLastName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Sets the last name for this user.
setLastName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Set the users Last Name Sets the last name for this user.
setLastName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of LastName
setLastName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the last name of User
setLayout(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.Screen
Set the layout for a Screen.
setLayout(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Set the layout for the request.
setLayout(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Set the layout for the request.
setLayoutTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Modifies the layout template for the screen.
setLayoutTemplate(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Modifies the layout template for the screen.
setLayoutTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Set the value of layout.
setLDAPAttributes(Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Populates the user with values obtained from the LDAP Service.
setLinkColor(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Set the link color for the BODY tag.
setLoader(Loader) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.ClassMapper
Set the Loader value.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the locale.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the locale.
setMailServer(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
Sets the address of the outgoing mail server.
setMailServer(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Sets the address of the outgoing mail server.
setManager(ServiceManager) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineServices
The method through which to change the default manager.
setMapToObject(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the name of the object that takes this input
setMapToProperty(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the property method that takes this input
setMask(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
Set the value of mask.
setMaskMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
Set the value of maskMessage.
setMaxLength(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Set the value of maxLength.
setMaxLengthMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Set the value of maxLengthMessage.
setMaxValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Set the value of maxValue.
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Set the value of maxValue.
setMaxValue(float) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Set the value of maxValue.
setMaxValue(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerValidator
Set the value of maxValue.
setMaxValue(long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.LongValidator
Set the value of maxValue.
setMaxValue(NumberKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
Deprecated. Set the value of maxValue.
setMaxValue(short) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ShortValidator
Set the value of maxValue.
setMedia(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Sets the media for which the stylesheet should be applied.
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Sets an error message.
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FieldReference
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Set the error message
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the message for the request as a string.
setMessage(Element) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the message for the request as an ECS element.
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
Set the message.
setMessage(String, String, long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessages
Sets a message for a field of a form.
setMessage(String, String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessages
Sets a message for a field of a form.
setMessage(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the message for the request as a string.
setMessage(Element) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the message for the request as an ECS element.
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Set the message that should be displayed.
setMessages(FormMessages) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the FormMessages object for the request.
setMessages(FormMessages) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the FormMessages object for the request.
setMinLength(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Set the value of minLength.
setMinLengthMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Set the value of minLengthMessage.
setMinute(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of Minute
setMinuteInterval(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Set the interval between options in the minute select box.
setMinValue(BigDecimal) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.BigDecimalValidator
Set the value of minValue.
setMinValue(double) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DoubleValidator
Set the value of minValue.
setMinValue(float) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.FloatValidator
Set the value of minValue.
setMinValue(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.IntegerValidator
Set the value of minValue.
setMinValue(long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.LongValidator
Set the value of minValue.
setMinValue(NumberKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.NumberKeyValidator
Deprecated. Set the value of minValue.
setMinValue(short) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ShortValidator
Set the value of minValue.
setModified(Date) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of Modified
setModified(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Sets the modified state for the object.
setMultiple(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
This allows you to set the multiple attribute to the select element.
setMultiValued(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set whether this class can have multiple values
setName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityEntity
Sets the Name of the SecurityEntity.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Sets the name of this object.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Sets the name of this user.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
ServiceBroker uses this method to pass a Service its name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Set the name of the parameter
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the name of the property
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Set the name that handles this group
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Not implemented.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Set the value of Name
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Set the value of Name
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Set the value of Name
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Sets the name of this object.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Sets the name of this object
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Sets the name of this object.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Sets the name of this Role
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the name of this object
setName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Service
ServiceBroker uses this method to pass a Service its name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Sets the name of this ACL.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
This allows one to set the name= attribute to the select element.
setNavigationTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Set the value of navigationTemplate.
setNew(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Setter for the isNew attribute.
setObjectdata(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of Objectdata
setObjectdata(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the value of the objectdata for the user
setOnChange(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Adds the onChange to all of <SELECT> tags.
setOnChange(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
This allows one to set an onChange attribute on the select tag
setOnChange(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Adds the onChange to all of <SELECT> tags.
setOut(PrintWriter) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Deprecated. no replacement planned, response writer will not be cached
setPage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util.JspLink
Deprecated. Sets the template variable used by the WebMacroSite Service
setPage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Sets the template variable used by the Template Service.
setParameter(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Sets the value of a MIME type parameter replacing the old one.
setParameterParser(ParameterParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the parameter parser.
setParameterParser(ParameterParser) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Sets the parameter parser.
setParanoid(boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Switch client filtering on/off.
setParanoid(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Switch client filtering on/off.
setParanoid(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Switch client filtering on/off.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Set password.
setPassword(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Set password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Set password.
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of Password
setPassword(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the password of the User
setPathInfo(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Sets the Query Data List.
setPerm(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Put an object into permanent storage.
setPerm(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Put an object into permanent storage.
setPerm(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Put an object into permanent storage.
setPerm(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Put an object into permanent storage.
setPermissionId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Set the value of PermissionId
setPermissionId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Set the value of PermissionId
setPermissionName(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.PermissionPeerManager
Invokes setName(String s) on the supplied base object
setPermissions(PermissionSet) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.Role
Sets the Permissions associated with this Role.
setPermissions(PermissionSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Sets the Permissions associated with this Role.
setPermissions(PermissionSet) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Sets the Permissions associated with this Role.
setPermStorage(Hashtable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
setPermStorage(Hashtable) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
setPermStorage(Hashtable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
setPermStorage(Hashtable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
setPrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseTemplateMapper
Set the Prefix value.
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the PrimaryKey using ObjectKey.
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Set the PrimaryKey using ObjectKey.
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Set the PrimaryKey using ObjectKey.
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Set the PrimaryKey using ObjectKey.
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Set the PrimaryKey with an ObjectKey
setPrimaryKey(int, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Set the PrimaryKey using SimpleKeys.
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the PrimaryKey using ObjectKey.
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Set the PrimaryKey with an ObjectKey
setPrimaryKey(int, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Set the PrimaryKey using SimpleKeys.
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Set the PrimaryKey using a String.
setPrimaryKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Sets the PrimaryKey for the object.
setPrimaryKey(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Sets the PrimaryKey for the object.
setProperties(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Calls a setter methods on obj, for fields which have been set.
setProperties(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Uses bean introspection to set writable properties of bean from the parameters, where a (case-insensitive) name match between the bean property and the parameter is looked for.
setProperties(Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Uses bean introspection to set writable properties of bean from the parameters, where a (case-insensitive) name match between the bean property and the parameter is looked for.
setProperty(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Calls a setter method on obj, if this field has been set.
setProperty(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of Property
setProperty(Object, PropertyDescriptor) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Set the property 'prop' in the bean to the value of the corresponding parameters.
setQueryData(List) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Sets the Query Data List.
setQueryKey(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.Retrievable
set an id that differentiates this object from others of its class.
setRedirect(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Set the redirect Flag
setRedirectURI(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the redirect uri.
setRedirectURI(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the redirect uri.
setReference(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Sets a reference anchor (#ref).
setReference(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the reference (#ref).
setReference(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Sets a reference anchor (#ref).
setRelation(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Sets the relation type of the tag.
setReload(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.GenericLoader
Sets whether or not this external action is reload itself.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the servlet request.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Sets the servlet request.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Sets the servlet request to the parser.
setRequest(HttpServletRequest) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParameterParser
Sets the servlet request to be parser.
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Set whether this field is required to have a value.
setRequired(boolean, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Set the value of required.
setRequired(boolean, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringField
Set the value of required.
setRequired(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Set the value of required.
setRequiredMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.DefaultValidator
Set the value of requiredMessage.
setResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the servlet response.
setResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Sets the servlet response.
setResponse(HttpServletResponse) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Set a Response Object to use when creating the response string.
setRoleId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
Set the value of RoleId
setRoleId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Set the value of RoleId
setRoleId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Set the value of RoleId
setRoleName(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.RolePeerManager
Invokes setName(String s) on the supplied base object
setRunData(RunData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Sets the RunData to be parsed.
setRunData(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Sets the RunData to be parsed.
setScreen(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Sets the screen= value for this URL.
setScreen(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the screen for the request.
setScreen(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the screen= value for this URL.
setScreen(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the screen for the request.
setScreen(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateScreen
Set the screen.
setScreen(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Sets the screen= value for this URL.
setScreenTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the screen template for the request.
setScreenTemplate(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the screen template for the request.
setScreenTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Set the value of screen.
setScript(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Deprecated. Use addScript instead
setScriptName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the cached script name that is stored in the server data.
setScriptName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the script name (/servlets/Turbine).
setScriptName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Set the script name.
setScriptName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Sets the script name (/servlets/Turbine).
setSecond(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of Second
setSecondInterval(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Set the interval between options in the second select box.
setSeconds(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Select the second to be selected if the showSeconds(false) behavior is used.
setSecure() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Method to specify that a URI should use SSL.
setSecure(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Method to specify that a URI should use SSL.
setSecure() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Method to specify that a URI should use SSL.
setSecure(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Method to specify that a URI should use SSL.
setSeed(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.CryptoAlgorithm
Allows the user to set a salt value whenever the algorithm is used.
setSeed(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.ClearCrypt
This class never uses a seed, so this is just a dummy.
setSeed(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.JavaCrypt
This class never uses a seed, so this is just a dummy.
setSeed(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.OldJavaCrypt
This class never uses a seed, so this is just a dummy.
setSeed(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.UnixCrypt
Setting the seed for the UnixCrypt algorithm.
setSelected(boolean[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
This allows one to set the array of selected booleans.
setSelected(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
This will set all elements as unselected, except for the element(s) with the given name.
setSelName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Set the selector name prefix.
setSelName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Set the selector name prefix.
setSeparator(char) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Set the Separator value.
setSeparator(char) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Set the Separator value.
setServerData(ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the server data of the request.
setServerData(ServerData) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Sets the server data of the request.
setServerData(ServerData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. no replacement. This value is set during initialization and should not be changed.
setServerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the cached server same that is stored in the server data.
setServerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the server name.
setServerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Sets the cached serverName.
setServerName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Sets the server name.
setServerPort(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the cached server port that is stored in the server data.
setServerPort(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the server port.
setServerPort(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Sets the cached serverPort.
setServerPort(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Sets the server port.
setServerScheme(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the cached server scheme that is stored in the server data.
setServerScheme(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Sets the scheme (HTTP or HTTPS).
setServerScheme(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Sets the cached serverScheme.
setServerScheme(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.BaseURI
Sets the scheme (HTTP or HTTPS).
setService(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Set the value of service.
setServiceBroker(ServiceBroker) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseService
Saves a reference to the ServiceBroker that instantiated this object, so that it can ask for its properties and access other Services.
setServiceBroker(ServiceBroker) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
setServiceBroker(ServiceBroker) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Service
Provides a Service with a reference to the ServiceBroker that instantiated this object, so that it can ask for its properties and access other Services.
setServiceObject(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Set an application specific service object that can be used by application specific services.
setServletConfig(ServletConfig) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the servlet configuration used during servlet init.
setServletConfig(ServletConfig) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Sets the servlet configuration used during servlet init.
setSession(HttpSession) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Deprecated. No replacement. This method no longer does anything.
setSession(HttpSession) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunData
Deprecated. No replacement. This method no longer does anything.
setShowDay(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Whether or not to show the days as a popup menu.
setShowSeconds(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Whether or not to show the seconds as a popup menu.
setSize(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
This allows one to set the size of the select element.
setSkin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Set the skin name to the skin from the TurbineResources.properties file.
setSkin(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Set the skin name to the specified skin.
setSkin(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Set the skin name when the tool is configured to be loaded on a per-request basis.
setSkin(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Set the skin name when the tool is configured to be loaded on a per-session basis.
setSkin(User, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Set the skin name in the user's temp hashmap for the current session.
setSkin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.setSkin() instead.
setSkin(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.setSkin(String skinName) instead.
setSkin(RunData) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.setSkin(RunData data) instead.
setSkin(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.setSkin(User user) instead.
setSkin(User, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
Deprecated. Use UITool.setSkin(User user, String skin) instead.
setStackTrace(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the stack trace.
setStackTrace(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the stack trace.
setStale(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.CachedObject
Set the stale status for the object.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the HTTP status code to return.
setStatusCode(int) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the HTTP status code to return.
setString(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Set a parameter to a specific value.
setString(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Set a parameter to a specific value.
setStrings(String, String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Set a parameter to a specific value.
setStrings(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Set a parameter to a specific value.
setStyle(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Deprecated. use addStyle instead
setStyleSheet(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Deprecated. use addStyleSheet instead
setStyleSheet(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Deprecated. use addStyleSheet instead
setSystemError(SystemError) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Adds a critical system error.
setSystemError(SystemError) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Adds a critical system error.
setTask(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of Task
setTemp(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Put an object into temporary storage.
setTemp(String, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Put an object into temporary storage.
setTemp(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Put an object into temporary storage.
setTemp(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Put an object into temporary storage.
setTemp(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Put an object into temporary storage.
setTemplate(RunData, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocityAction
This method is used when you want to short circuit an Action and change the template that will be executed next.
setTemplate(RunData, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
This method is used when you want to short circuit a Screen and change the template that will be executed next.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util.JspNavigation
builds the output of the navigation template
setTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateNavigation
Set the template.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Sets the template= value for this URL.
setTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
Velocity template to execute.
setTemplateContext(String, Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
Set the value of context.
setTemplateEncoding(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the character encoding to use for reading template files.
setTemplateEncoding(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the character encoding to use for reading template files.
setTempStorage(Hashtable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
setTempStorage(Hashtable) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
setTempStorage(Hashtable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
setTempStorage(Hashtable) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
This should only be used in the case where we want to save the data to the database.
setter - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Setter method in the mapped object used to store the value of field
setTextColor(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Set the text color for the BODY tag.
setTextTemplate(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Set the text template for the mail.
setTimeFormat(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Set the time format to 12 or 24 hour.
setTimeout(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
A User object can have a variable Timeout which is defined in minutes.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the title of the page.
setTitle(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the title of the page.
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Sets the title of the stylesheet
setTitle(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Set the title in the page.
setTo(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
Deprecated. use addTo(email,name) instead
setTTL(long) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.RefreshableCachedObject
Sets the timeToLive value
setTurbineGroup(TurbineGroup) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Declares an association between this object and a TurbineGroup object
setTurbineGroupKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Provides convenient way to set a relationship based on a ObjectKey, for example bar.setFooKey(foo.getPrimaryKey())
setTurbinePermission(TurbinePermission) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Declares an association between this object and a TurbinePermission object
setTurbinePermissionKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Provides convenient way to set a relationship based on a ObjectKey, for example bar.setFooKey(foo.getPrimaryKey())
setTurbineRole(TurbineRole) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Declares an association between this object and a TurbineRole object
setTurbineRole(TurbineRole) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Declares an association between this object and a TurbineRole object
setTurbineRoleKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
Provides convenient way to set a relationship based on a ObjectKey, for example bar.setFooKey(foo.getPrimaryKey())
setTurbineRoleKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Provides convenient way to set a relationship based on a ObjectKey, for example bar.setFooKey(foo.getPrimaryKey())
setTurbineServletConfig(ServletConfig) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Set the servlet config for this turbine webapp.
setTurbineServletContext(ServletContext) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
Set the servlet context for this turbine webapp.
setTurbineUser(TurbineUser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Declares an association between this object and a TurbineUser object
setTurbineUserKey(ObjectKey) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Provides convenient way to set a relationship based on a ObjectKey, for example bar.setFooKey(foo.getPrimaryKey())
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the type of the property
setType(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes.LinkTag
Sets the content type of the style sheet
setUploadData(byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultParameterParser
Sets the uploadData byte[]
setUploadData(byte[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParameterParser
Sets the uploadData byte[]
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.BaseMapper
Set the UseCache value.
setUseCache(boolean) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper.Mapper
Set the UseCache value.
setUser(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Sets the user.
setUser(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Sets the user.
setUserConfirmed(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setConfirmed(String s) on the supplied base object
setUserCreateDate(Persistent, Date) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setCreateDate(java.util.Date date) on the supplied base object
setUserEmail(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setEmail(String s) on the supplied base object
setUserFirstName(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setFirstName(String s) on the supplied base object
setUserId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of UserId
setUserId(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
Set the value of UserId
setUserLastLogin(Persistent, Date) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setLastLogin(java.util.Date date) on the supplied base object
setUserLastName(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setLastName(String s) on the supplied base object
setUserManager(UserManager) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Configure a new user Manager.
setUserManager(UserManager) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
Configure a new user Manager.
setUserManager(UserManager) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
Configure a new user Manager.
setUserName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. use TurbineUser.setName(java.lang.String) instead
setUserName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Deprecated. This is the same as setName(), so use this.
setUserName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Sets the username for this user.
setUserName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
Set the value of UserName
setUserName(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Sets the name of this user.
setUserName(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setName(String s) on the supplied base object
setUserObjectdata(Persistent, byte[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setObjectdata(byte [] date) on the supplied base object
setUserPassword(Persistent, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
Invokes setPassword(String s) on the supplied base object
setValidator(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Set the class name of the validator
setValidProperties(Object) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Group
Calls a setter methods on obj, for fields which pass validity tests.
setValue(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
Set the value of the parameter
setVlinkColor(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
Set the visited link color for the BODY tag.
setWeekDay(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
Set the value of WeekDay
setWordWrap(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
Set the column at which long lines of text should be word- wrapped.
setYear(int, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Select the day to be selected if the showDays(false) behavior is used.
ShortField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Processor for short fields.
ShortField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.ShortField
ShortValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validates Shorts with the following constraints in addition to those listed in NumberValidator and DefaultValidator.
ShortValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ShortValidator
Constructor to use when initialising Object
ShortValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ShortValidator
Default Constructor
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.ACSYaafiComponentService
Shuts the Component Service down, calls dispose on the components that implement this interface
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.TurbineAvalonComponentService
Shuts the Component Service down, calls dispose on the components that implement this interface
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitable
Returns an Initable to uninitialized state.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseUnicastRemoteService
Shuts down this service.
shutdown() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.Initable
Returns an Initable to an uninitialized state.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Shutdowns the service.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
Returns to uninitialized state.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineBaseService
Returns to uninitialized state.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Returns to uninitialized state.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
Writes a message to the log upon system shutdown.
shutdown() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Shuts down this service, stopping running threads.
shutdownClass(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitableBroker
Shuts down an Initable.
shutdownClass(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.InitableBroker
Shutdowns an Initable class.
shutdownService(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Shuts down a Service, releasing resources allocated by an Service, and returns it to its initial (uninitialized) state.
shutdownService(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceBroker
Shutdowns a Service.
shutdownServices() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseServiceBroker
Shuts down all Turbine services, releasing allocated resources and returning them to their initial (uninitialized) state.
shutdownServices() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.ServiceBroker
Shutdowns all Services.
size() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
Returns the number of elements in the buffer.
size() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
Returns size (cardinality) of this set.
SIZE_MAX_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The default value of 'size.max' property (1 megabyte = 1048576 bytes).
SIZE_MAX_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The key in UploadService properties in TurbineResources.properties 'size.max' property.
SIZE_THRESHOLD_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The default value of 'size.threshold' property (10 kilobytes = 10240 bytes).
SIZE_THRESHOLD_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.upload.UploadService
The key in UploadService properties in TurbineResources.properties 'size.threshold' property.
SKIN_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
Attribute name of skinName value in User's temp hashmap.
SKIN_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
Default skin name.
stack - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.BaseInitableBroker
Names of classes being early-initialized are pushed onto this stack.
STACK_TRACE_PLACEHOLDER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Context Key for the Stack Trace
startElement(String, String, String, Attributes) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
Handles opening elements of the xml file.
startScheduler() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
Starts the scheduler if not already running.
startScheduler() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
Starts the scheduler if not already running.
startScheduler() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Starts or restarts the scheduler if not already running.
stopScheduler() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
Stops the scheduler if ti is currently running.
stopScheduler() - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
Stops the scheduler if ti is currently running.
stopScheduler() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Stops the scheduler if it is currently running.
store(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBUserManager
Deprecated. Save an User object to persistent storage.
store(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUserManager
Save a User object to persistent storage.
store(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive.PassiveUserManager
Save an User object to persistent storage.
store(User) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
Save an User object to persistent storage.
store(User) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.UserManager
Save an User object to persistent storage.
StringField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Text field.
StringField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringField
StringKeyField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model
Deprecated. Use String instead
StringKeyField(XmlField, Group) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.StringKeyField
Deprecated. Constructor.
StringValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
A validator that will compare a testValue against the following constraints: NameValid ValuesDefault Value requiredtrue|falsefalse maskregexp  minLengthinteger0 maxLengthinteger  This validator can serve as the base class for more specific validators
StringValidator(Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
StringValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.StringValidator
Default constructor
STYLESHEET_CACHING - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Property for caching the stylesheets
STYLESHEET_CACHING_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Default for caching the stylesheets
STYLESHEET_PATH - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Name of the Style sheet path property
STYLESHEET_PATH_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Default value of the Style sheet path
switchObjectContext(Object, ClassLoader) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Switches an object into the context of a different class loader.
SystemError - Error in org.apache.turbine.util
Used for wrapping system errors (exceptions) that may occur in the application.
SystemError(Throwable) - Constructor for error org.apache.turbine.util.SystemError
SystemError(String) - Constructor for error org.apache.turbine.util.SystemError
SystemError(Throwable, String) - Constructor for error org.apache.turbine.util.SystemError
Deprecated. Use SystemError(String,Throwable) instead.
SystemError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error org.apache.turbine.util.SystemError
SystemError(Throwable, long) - Constructor for error org.apache.turbine.util.SystemError
Deprecated. No replacement


TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.RolePermissionPeer
Deprecated. The table name for this peer.
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserGroupRolePeer
Deprecated. The table name for this peer.
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the table name for this class
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroupPeer
the table name for this class
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermissionPeer
the table name for this class
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePeer
the table name for this class
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermissionPeer
the table name for this class
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
the table name for this class
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the table name for this class
takePtr - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
TASK - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the TASK field
TEMPLATE_ERROR_JSP - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Template error default for JSP
TEMPLATE_ERROR_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Template error template Property.
TEMPLATE_ERROR_VM - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Template error default for Velocity
TEMPLATE_EXTENSIONS - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
TEMPLATE_HOMEPAGE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Home page template.
TEMPLATE_INVALID_STATE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Report Template for invalid state in the application
TEMPLATE_LINK_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Prefix for Parameters for this tool
TEMPLATE_LINK_RELATIVE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
TEMPLATE_LINK_RELATIVE_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Should this tool return relative URIs or absolute? Default: Absolute.
TEMPLATE_LOGIN - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Login template.
TEMPLATE_PARTS_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Character that separates the various Template Parts
TEMPLATE_PATH_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.JspService
Property key for Template Pathes
TEMPLATE_TYPES - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Number of different Template Types that we know of
TemplateEngineService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.template
This is the interface that all template engine services must adhere to.
templateExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
Determine whether a given template is available on the configured template pathes.
templateExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.BaseTemplateEngineService
templateExists(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateEngineService
Use the specific template engine to determine whether a given template exists.
templateExists(String, String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Deprecated. Use templateExists from the various Templating Engines
templateExists(String, String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Deprecated. Use templateExists from the various Templating Engines
templateExists(String, String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Deprecated. Use templateExists from the various Templating Engines
templateExists(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
Find out if a given template exists.
TemplateInfo - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.template
This is a wrapper for Template specific information.
TemplateInfo(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateInfo
TemplateLink - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools
This is a pull to to be used in Templates to convert links in Templates into the correct references.
TemplateLink() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Default constructor
TemplateNavigation - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations
Base Template Navigation.
TemplateNavigation() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.TemplateNavigation
TemplateNavigation - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.template
Returns output of a Navigation module.
TemplateNavigation(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateNavigation
TemplatePage - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.pages
When building sites using templates, Screens need only be defined for templates which require dynamic (database or object) data.
TemplatePage() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.TemplatePage
TemplateScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
Template Screen.
TemplateScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.TemplateScreen
TemplateScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.template
Returns output of a Screen module.
TemplateScreen(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateScreen
TemplateSecureSessionValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator
SessionValidator that requires login for use with Template Services like Velocity or WebMacro.
TemplateSecureSessionValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSecureSessionValidator
TemplateSecurityCheck - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.template
Utility class to help check for proper authorization when using template screens.
TemplateSecurityCheck(RunData, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
TemplateSecurityCheck(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateSecurityCheck
Generic Constructor.
TemplateService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.template
This service provides a method for mapping templates to their appropriate Screens or Navigations.
TemplateSessionValidator - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator
SessionValidator for use with the Template Service, the TemplateSessionValidator is virtually identical to the TemplateSecureValidator except that it does not transfer to the login page when it detects a null user (or a user not logged in).
TemplateSessionValidator() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator.TemplateSessionValidator
templateURI - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
TemplateURI used as backend for this object
TemplateURI - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.uri
This class allows you to keep all the information needed for a single link at one place.
TemplateURI() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Empty C'tor.
TemplateURI(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor with a RunData object
TemplateURI(RunData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set explicit redirection
TemplateURI(RunData, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set Template
TemplateURI(RunData, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set Template, set explicit redirection
TemplateURI(RunData, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set Template and Action
TemplateURI(RunData, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set Template and Action, set explicit redirection
TemplateURI(ServerData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor with a ServerData object
TemplateURI(ServerData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set explicit redirection
TemplateURI(ServerData, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set Template
TemplateURI(ServerData, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set Template, set explicit redirection
TemplateURI(ServerData, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set Template and Action
TemplateURI(ServerData, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, set Template and Action, set explicit redirection
TemplateURI(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TemplateURI
Constructor, user Turbine.getDefaultServerData(), set Template and Action
TEXT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
TEXT_CHTML - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
TEXT_CSS - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
TEXT_HDML - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
TEXT_HTML - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
A list of well known MIME types.
TEXT_PLAIN - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
TEXT_WML - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
thread - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
The thread used to process commands.
ticDifference - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.GenerateUniqueId
TimeSelector - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
TimeSelector is a utility class to handle the creation of a set of time drop-down menus.
TimeSelector() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Constructor defaults to current date/time and uses the default prefix:
TimeSelector(String, Calendar) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Constructor, uses the date/time set in the calendar passed in (with the date/time set correctly).
TimeSelector(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Constructor defaults to current date/time.
TOOL_RESOURCES_DIR_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Default value for the application tool resources.
TOOL_RESOURCES_DIR_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Property tag for application tool resources directory
TOOLS_PER_REQUEST_REFRESH_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Default value for per request tool refreshing
TOOLS_PER_REQUEST_REFRESH_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.pull.PullService
Property tag for per request tool refreshing (for obvious reasons has no effect for per-request tools)
TorqueGroup - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
This class represents a Group of Users in the system that are associated with specific entity or resource.
TorqueGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Constructs a new Group.
TorqueGroup(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
Constructs a new Group with the specified name.
TorqueGroup(Persistent) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueGroup
The package private Constructor is used when the GroupPeerManager has retrieved a list of Database Objects from the peer and must 'wrap' them into TorqueGroup Objects.
TorqueObject - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
All the Torque Security objects (User, Group, Role, Permission) are derived from this class which contains the base compare and management methods for all security objects.
TorqueObject() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Constructs a new TorqueObject
TorqueObject(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
Constructs a new Object with the specified name.
TorqueObject(Persistent) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueObject
This Constructor is used when a Manager has retrieved a list of Database Objects from the peer and must 'wrap' them into TorqueObjects.
TorquePermission - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
This class represents a permission given to a Role associated with the current Session.
TorquePermission() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Constructs a Permission
TorquePermission(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
Constructs a new Permission with the sepcified name.
TorquePermission(Persistent) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorquePermission
The package private Constructor is used when the PermissionPeerManager has retrieved a list of Database Objects from the peer and must 'wrap' them into TorquePermission Objects.
TorqueRole - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
This class represents a role played by the User associated with the current Session.
TorqueRole() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Constructs a new Role
TorqueRole(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
Constructs a new Role with the specified name.
TorqueRole(Persistent) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueRole
The package private Constructor is used when the RolePeerManager has retrieved a list of Database Objects from the peer and must 'wrap' them into TorqueRole Objects.
TorqueSecurityService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
An implementation of SecurityService that uses torque objects.
TorqueSecurityService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueSecurityService
TorqueUser - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
This is the User class used by the TorqueSecurity Service.
TorqueUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
TorqueUser(Persistent) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
This Constructor is used when the UserPeerManager has retrieved a list of Database Objects from the peer and must 'wrap' them into TorqueRole Objects.
TorqueUserManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
An UserManager performs User objects related tasks on behalf of the BaseSecurityService.
TorqueUserManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUserManager
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.SecurityObject
Deprecated. Returns a textual representation of this object, consisted by it's name and attributes.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.DateStringField
returns a String representation
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Calls toString() on the object returned by getValue(), unless null; and then it returns "", the empty String.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.AppData
Creats a string representation of this AppData.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.Rule
String representation of the column.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
String representation of the column.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Creates a string representation of this input group.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.util.JspLink
Deprecated. Returns the URI
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.util.MimeType
Converts the MIME type into a string.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.TemplateLink
Same as getLink().
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntry
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineGroup
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbinePermission
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRole
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineRolePermission
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUser
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRole
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Used to build the popupmenu in HTML.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Builds the URL with all of the data URL-encoded as well as encoded using HttpServletResponse.encodeUrl().
toString(RunData) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.util.DynamicURI
Deprecated. Given a RunData object, get a URI for the request.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.FormMessage
Write out the contents of the message in a friendly manner.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.BaseValueParser
Simple method that attempts to get a textual representation of this object's name/value pairs.
toString() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Simple method that attempts to get a toString() representation of this object.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.GroupSet
Print out a GroupSet as a String
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.PermissionSet
Print out a PermissionSet as a String
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.RoleSet
Print out a RoleSet as a String
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.security.SecuritySet
list of role names in this set
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServerData
Returns this object as an URL.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.HtmlPageAttributes
A dummy toString method that returns an empty string.
toString(int) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
This builds out the select box at a certain size.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.SelectorBox
This builds out the select box at a certain size.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateNavigation
Builds the output of the navigation template.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.template.TemplateScreen
Builds the output of the navigation template.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Used to build the popupmenu in HTML.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.DataURI
toString() simply calls getAbsoluteLink.
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Simply calls getAbsoluteLink().
toString() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
The method toString() calls send() for ease of use within a Velocity template (see example usage above).
touch() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.RefreshableCachedObject
Sets the last acccess time to the current time.
transform(String, Reader, Writer) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
transform(String, Reader) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
transform(String, Node, Writer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
transform(String, Node) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
transform(String, Reader, Writer, Map) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
transform(String, Reader, Map) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
transform(String, Node, Writer, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
transform(String, Node, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
transform(String, Source, Result, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Transform the input source into the output source using the given style
transform(String, Reader, Writer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Execute an xslt
transform(String, Reader) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Execute an xslt
transform(String, Node, Writer) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Execute an xslt
transform(String, Node) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Execute an xslt
transform(String, Reader, Writer, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Execute an xslt
transform(String, Reader, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Execute an xslt
transform(String, Node, Writer, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Execute an xslt
transform(String, Node, Map) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
Execute an xslt
transform(String, Reader, Writer) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Uses an xsl file to transform xml input from a reader and writes the output to a writer.
transform(String, Reader) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Uses an xsl file to transform xml input from a reader and returns a string containing the transformed output.
transform(String, Node, Writer) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Uses an xsl file to transform xml input from a DOM note and writes the output to a writer.
transform(String, Node) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Uses an xsl file to transform xml input from a DOM note and returns a string containing the transformed output.
transform(String, Reader, Writer, Map) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Uses an xsl file to transform xml input from a reader and writes the output to a writer.
transform(String, Reader, Map) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Uses an xsl file to transform xml input from a reader and returns a string containing the transformed output.
transform(String, Node, Writer, Map) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Uses an xsl file to transform xml input from a DOM note and writes the output to a writer.
transform(String, Node, Map) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.XSLTService
Uses an xsl file to transform xml input from a DOM note and returns a string containing the transformed output.
translateTemplatePaths(String[]) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.template.TemplateService
Deprecated. Each template engine service should know how to translate a request onto a file.
translateTemplatePaths(String[]) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
Deprecated. Each template engine service should know how to translate a request onto a file.
translateTemplatePaths(String[]) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
Deprecated. Each template engine service should know how to translate a request onto a file.
TSVParser - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
TSVParser is used to parse a stream with tab-separated values and generate ParameterParser objects which can be used to extract the values in the desired type.
TSVParser(Reader) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.TSVParser
Create a new TSVParser instance.
TSVParser(Reader, List) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.TSVParser
Create a new TSVParser instance.
TSVParser(Reader, List, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.TSVParser
Create a new TSVParser instance.
Turbine - Class in org.apache.turbine
Turbine is the main servlet for the entire system.
Turbine() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.Turbine
TurbineAccessControlList - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.security
This is a control class that makes it easy to find out if a particular User has a given Permission.
TurbineAccessControlList(Map, Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineAccessControlList
Constructs a new AccessControlList.
TurbineAssemblerBroker - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker
An interface the Turbine Assembler service.
TurbineAssemblerBroker() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBroker
TurbineAssemblerBrokerService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker
TurbineAssemblerBrokerService allows assemblers (like screens, actions and layouts) to be loaded from one or more AssemblerFactory classes.
TurbineAssemblerBrokerService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.TurbineAssemblerBrokerService
TurbineAvalonComponentService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent
An implementation of AvalonComponentService which loads all the components given in the TurbineResources.properties File.
TurbineAvalonComponentService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent.TurbineAvalonComponentService
TurbineBaseService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services
This class provides a Service implementation that Services used in Turbine are required to extend.
TurbineBaseService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineBaseService
TurbineConfig - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.
TurbineConfig(String, Map, Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Constructs a new TurbineConfig.
TurbineConfig(String, Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
TurbineConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineConfig
Constructs a TurbineConfig.
TurbineConstants - Interface in org.apache.turbine
This interface contains all the constants used throughout the Turbine code base.
TurbineCrypto - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.crypto
This is a facade class for the CryptoService.
TurbineCrypto() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.TurbineCrypto
TurbineCryptoService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.crypto
An implementation of CryptoService that uses either supplied crypto Algorithms (provided in Turbine.Services.properties) or tries to get them via the normal java mechanisms if this fails.
TurbineCryptoService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.TurbineCryptoService
TurbineException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util
The base class of all exceptions thrown by Turbine.
TurbineException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException
Constructs a new TurbineException without specified detail message.
TurbineException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException
Constructs a new TurbineException with specified detail message.
TurbineException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException
Constructs a new TurbineException with specified nested Throwable.
TurbineException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineException
Constructs a new TurbineException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
TurbineFactory - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.factory
The Factory Service instantiates objects using either default class loaders or a specified one.
TurbineFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactory
TurbineFactoryService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.factory
The Factory Service instantiates objects using specified class loaders.
TurbineFactoryService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.factory.TurbineFactoryService
Constructs a Factory Service.
TurbineGlobalCache - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.cache
This is a Facade class for GlobalCacheService.
TurbineGlobalCache() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCache
TurbineGlobalCacheService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.cache
This Service functions as a Global Cache.
TurbineGlobalCacheService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.cache.TurbineGlobalCacheService
TurbineGroup - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security
Deprecated. Use TorqueGroup instead.
TurbineGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Constructs a new Group.
TurbineGroup(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineGroup
Deprecated. Constructs a new Group with the specified name.
TurbineGroup - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineGroup
TurbineGroupMapBuilder - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
TurbineGroupMapBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineGroupMapBuilder
TurbineGroupPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineGroupPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineGroupPeer
turbineId - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
The identifier of this instance of turbine.
TurbineIntake - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake
This is a Facade class for IntakeService.
TurbineIntake() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntake
TurbineIntakeService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake
This service provides access to input processing objects based on an XML specification.
TurbineIntakeService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.TurbineIntakeService
TurbineJsonRpc - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc
This is a static accessor class for JsonRpcService.
TurbineJsonRpc() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpc
TurbineJsonRpcService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc
This is a service that will respond to JSON-RPC calls.
TurbineJsonRpcService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc.TurbineJsonRpcService
TurbineJsp - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.jsp
Facade class for the Jsp Service.
TurbineJsp() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJsp
TurbineJspService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.jsp
This is a Service that can process JSP templates from within a Turbine screen.
TurbineJspService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.jsp.TurbineJspService
TurbineLocalizationService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.localization
This class is the single point of access to all localization resources.
TurbineLocalizationService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.localization.TurbineLocalizationService
TurbineMapBuilder - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.db.map
Default Builder for Database/Table/Column Maps within the Turbine System.
TurbineMapBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.db.map.TurbineMapBuilder
TurbineMimeTypes - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype
This is a static accessor to MIME types and charsets.
TurbineMimeTypes() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypes
TurbineMimeTypeService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype
The MimeType Service maintains mappings between MIME types and the corresponding file name extensions, and between locales and character encodings.
TurbineMimeTypeService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype.TurbineMimeTypeService
Constructs a new service.
TurbineNamingService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.naming
This class is the default implementation of NamingService, which provides JNDI naming contexts.
TurbineNamingService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.naming.TurbineNamingService
TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
Service for a cron like scheduler that uses the TurbineResources.properties file instead of the database.
TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService
TurbinePermission - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security
Deprecated. Use TorquePermission instead.
TurbinePermission() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbinePermission
Deprecated. Constructs a new TurbinePermission.
TurbinePermission(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbinePermission
Deprecated. Constructs a new TurbinePermission with the sepcified name.
TurbinePermission - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbinePermission() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbinePermission
TurbinePermissionMapBuilder - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
TurbinePermissionMapBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbinePermissionMapBuilder
TurbinePermissionPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbinePermissionPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbinePermissionPeer
TurbinePool - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pool
This is a static accessor to common pooling tasks.
TurbinePool() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePool
TurbinePoolService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pool
The Pool Service extends the Factory Service by adding support for pooling instantiated objects.
TurbinePoolService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pool.TurbinePoolService
Constructs a Pool Service.
TurbinePull - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pull
This is a Facade class for PullService.
TurbinePull() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePull
TurbinePullService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pull
This is the concrete implementation of the Turbine Pull Service.
TurbinePullService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.TurbinePullService
TurbineRole - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security
Deprecated. Use TorqueRole instead.
TurbineRole() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Constructs a new Role
TurbineRole(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineRole
Deprecated. Constructs a new Role with the sepcified name.
TurbineRole - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineRole() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineRole
TurbineRoleMapBuilder - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
TurbineRoleMapBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRoleMapBuilder
TurbineRolePeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineRolePeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineRolePeer
TurbineRolePermission - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineRolePermission() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineRolePermission
TurbineRolePermissionMapBuilder - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
TurbineRolePermissionMapBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineRolePermissionMapBuilder
TurbineRolePermissionPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineRolePermissionPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineRolePermissionPeer
TurbineRunData - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.rundata
TurbineRunData is an extension to the RunData interface to be implemented by RunData implementations to be distributed by the Turbine RunData Service.
TurbineRunDataFacade - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.rundata
Static wrapper for the RunData service.
TurbineRunDataFacade() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataFacade
TurbineRunDataService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.rundata
The RunData Service provides the implementations for RunData and related interfaces required by request processing.
TurbineRunDataService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.TurbineRunDataService
Constructs a RunData Service.
TurbineRuntimeException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util
This is a base class of runtime exeptions thrown by Turbine.
TurbineRuntimeException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineRuntimeException
Constructs a new TurbineRuntimeException without specified detail message.
TurbineRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineRuntimeException
Constructs a new TurbineRuntimeException with specified detail message.
TurbineRuntimeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineRuntimeException
Constructs a new TurbineRuntimeException with specified nested Throwable.
TurbineRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineRuntimeException
Constructs a new TurbineRuntimeException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
TurbineScheduler - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
This is a fascade class to provide easy access to the Scheduler service.
TurbineScheduler() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
TurbineSchedulerService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
Service for a cron like scheduler.
TurbineSchedulerService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Creates a new instance.
TurbineSchedulerService.MainLoop - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
Inner class.
TurbineSchedulerService.MainLoop() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService.MainLoop
TurbineSecurity - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security
This is a Facade class for SecurityService.
TurbineSecurity() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.TurbineSecurity
TurbineSecurityException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util.security
Thrown by SecurityService methods to indicate various problems.
TurbineSecurityException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineSecurityException
Construct an SecurityException with specified detail message.
TurbineSecurityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.TurbineSecurityException
Construct an SecurityException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
TurbineServices - Class in org.apache.turbine.services
This is a singleton utility class that acts as a Services broker.
TurbineServices() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.TurbineServices
This constructor is protected to force clients to use getInstance() to access this class.
TurbineServlet - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.servlet
Simple static accessor to the EngineContextService
TurbineServlet() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServlet
TurbineServletService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.servlet
This class provides a context service when the application is run in a ServletContainer.
TurbineServletService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.servlet.TurbineServletService
TurbineSession - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.session
This is a conveience class provided to allow access to the SessionService through static methods.
TurbineSession() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSession
TurbineSessionService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.session
The SessionService allows thread-safe access to the current sessions of the current context.
TurbineSessionService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.session.TurbineSessionService
TurbineTemplate - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template
This is a simple static accessor to common TemplateService tasks such as getting a Screen that is associated with a screen template.
TurbineTemplate() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplate
TurbineTemplateService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.template
This service provides a method for mapping templates to their appropriate Screens or Navigations.
TurbineTemplateService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.template.TurbineTemplateService
TurbineUI - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.ui
This is a convenience class provided to allow access to the UIService through static methods.
TurbineUI() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUI
TurbineUIService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.ui
The UI service provides for shared access to User Interface (skin) files, as well as the ability for non-default skin files to inherit properties from a default skin.
TurbineUIService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.ui.TurbineUIService
TurbineUniqueId - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid
This is a facade class for UniqueIdService.
TurbineUniqueId() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueId
TurbineUniqueIdService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid
This is an implementation of UniqueIdService.
TurbineUniqueIdService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
TurbineUpload - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.upload
This is a facade class for UploadService.
TurbineUpload() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUpload
TurbineUploadService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.upload
This class is an implementation of UploadService.
TurbineUploadService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.upload.TurbineUploadService
TurbineURI - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.uri
This class allows you to keep all the information needed for a single link at one place.
TurbineURI() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Empty C'tor.
TurbineURI(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor with a RunData object.
TurbineURI(RunData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set explicit redirection.
TurbineURI(RunData, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set Screen.
TurbineURI(RunData, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set Screen, set explicit redirection.
TurbineURI(RunData, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set Screen and Action.
TurbineURI(RunData, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set Screen and Action, set explicit redirection.
TurbineURI(ServerData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor with a ServerData object.
TurbineURI(ServerData, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set explicit redirection.
TurbineURI(ServerData, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set Screen.
TurbineURI(ServerData, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set Screen, set explicit redirection.
TurbineURI(ServerData, String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set Screen and Action.
TurbineURI(ServerData, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, set Screen and Action, set explicit redirection.
TurbineURI(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.TurbineURI
Constructor, user Turbine.getDefaultServerData(), set Screen and Action.
turbineURL - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid.TurbineUniqueIdService
TurbineUser - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security
Deprecated. Use TorqueUser instead.
TurbineUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Constructor.
TurbineUser - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineUser() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineUser
TurbineUserGroupRole - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineUserGroupRole() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineUserGroupRole
TurbineUserGroupRoleMapBuilder - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
TurbineUserGroupRoleMapBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserGroupRoleMapBuilder
TurbineUserGroupRolePeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineUserGroupRolePeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineUserGroupRolePeer
TurbineUserMapBuilder - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map
This class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007]
TurbineUserMapBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.map.TurbineUserMapBuilder
TurbineUserPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
TurbineUserPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
TurbineUserPeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om
The skeleton for this class was autogenerated by Torque on: [Mon May 28 10:17:20 EST 2007] You should add additional methods to this class to meet the application requirements.
TurbineUserPeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.TurbineUserPeer
TurbineVelocity - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.velocity
This is a simple static accessor to common Velocity tasks such as getting an instance of a context as well as handling a request for processing a template.
TurbineVelocity() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocity
TurbineVelocityService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.velocity
This is a Service that can process Velocity templates from within a Turbine Screen.
TurbineVelocityService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.TurbineVelocityService
TurbineXmlConfig - Class in org.apache.turbine.util
A class used for initialization of Turbine without a servlet container.
TurbineXmlConfig(String, Map, Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineXmlConfig
Constructs a new TurbineXmlConfig.
TurbineXmlConfig(String, Map) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineXmlConfig
TurbineXmlConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.TurbineXmlConfig
Constructs a TurbineXmlConfig.
TurbineXmlRpc - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc
This is a static accesor class for XmlRpcService.
TurbineXmlRpc() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
TurbineXmlRpcService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc
This is a service which will make an xml-rpc call to a remote server.
TurbineXmlRpcService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
TurbineXSLT - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.xslt
This is a static accesor class for XSLTService.
TurbineXSLT() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLT
TurbineXSLTService - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.xslt
Implementation of the Turbine XSLT Service.
TurbineXSLTService() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.xslt.TurbineXSLTService
TWELVE_HOUR - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Constant for 12hr format
TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.TimeSelector
Constant for 24hr format


UIManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util
Deprecated. Use UITool instead.
UIManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.util.UIManager
UIService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.ui
The UI service provides for shared access to User Interface (skin) files, as well as the ability for non-default skin files to inherit properties from a default skin.
UITool - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools
Manages all UI elements for a Turbine Application.
UITool() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools.UITool
UniqueIdService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid
This service provides unique identifiers for the instance of Turbine, and for objects it creates.
UNIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
UnixCrypt - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider
Implements Standard Unix crypt(3) for use with the Crypto Service.
UnixCrypt() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider.UnixCrypt
UnknownEntityException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util.security
Thrown to indicate that the User,Role,Group or Permission that was requested does not exist.
UnknownEntityException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.UnknownEntityException
Construct an UnknownEntityException with specified detail message.
UnknownEntityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.security.UnknownEntityException
Construct an UnknownEntityException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
unlockExclusive() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Release an exclusive lock on the security information repository.
unlockShared() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.BaseSecurityService
Release a shared lock on the security information repository.
unregisterHandler(String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpc
Unregister a handler.
unregisterHandler(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
Unregister a handler.
unregisterHandler(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.XmlRpcService
Unregister a handler.
unset(String) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.CookieParser
Remove a previously set cookie from the client machine.
unset(String) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.DefaultCookieParser
Remove a previously set cookie from the client machine.
unsetMessage() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Unsets the message for the request.
unsetMessage() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Unsets the message for the request.
updateJob(JobEntry) - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.ScheduleService
Modify a Job.
updateJob(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineNonPersistentSchedulerService
Add/update a job
updateJob(JobEntry) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineScheduler
Add or update a job
updateJob(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.TurbineSchedulerService
Add or update a job.
updateLastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Updates the last login date in the database.
updateLastLogin() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
Updates the last login date in the database.
updateLastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Updates the last login date in the database.
updateLastLogin() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Updates the last login date in the database.
updateQueue(JobEntry) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.JobQueue
Update the job for its next run time.
UploadService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.upload
This service handles parsing multipart/form-data POST requests and turing them into form fields and uploaded files.
URI - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.uri
An interface class which describes the absolute minimum of methods that a Turbine URI class must implement.
URI_SCHEME_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.ServletUtils
Deprecated. use URIConstants.URI_SCHEME_SEPARATOR;
URI_SCHEME_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIConstants
The part of the URI which separates the protocol indicator (i.e.
URIConstants - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.uri
This interface contains all the constants that are always needed when working with URIs.
URIParam - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.uri
Helper Class to keep a key and a value together in one object.
URIParam(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIParam
Creates a new Object from Key and Value
URIUtils - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.uri
Bundles a few static routines concerning URIs, that you will need all the time.
URIUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.uri.URIUtils
URL_CASE_FOLDING - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. Use ParserUtils.URL_CASE_FOLDING_KEY
URL_CASE_FOLDING_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
Property for setting the URL folding value
URL_CASE_FOLDING_LOWER - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
Folding set to "lowercase"
URL_CASE_FOLDING_LOWER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. Use ParserUtils.URL_CASE_FOLDING_LOWER_VALUE
URL_CASE_FOLDING_LOWER_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
Fold to lower case
URL_CASE_FOLDING_NONE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
Folding set to "no folding"
URL_CASE_FOLDING_NONE - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. Use ParserUtils.URL_CASE_FOLDING_NONE_VALUE
URL_CASE_FOLDING_NONE_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
No folding
URL_CASE_FOLDING_UPPER - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
Folding set to "uppercase"
URL_CASE_FOLDING_UPPER - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ValueParser
Deprecated. Use ParserUtils.URL_CASE_FOLDING_UPPER_VALUE
URL_CASE_FOLDING_UPPER_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.parser.ParserUtils
Fold to upper case
USE_SSL_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Default value for the SSL key
USE_SSL_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Indicate whether this Turbine application is using SSL.
usedSlots - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.pool.BoundedBuffer
User - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om.security
This interface represents functionality that all users of the Turbine system require.
USER_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
the default implementation of User interface (org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser)
USER_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
the key within services's properties for user implementation classname (user.class)
USER_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The key within the security service properties for the user class implementation
USER_CONFIRM_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the confirm field.
USER_CONFIRM_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the confirm field.
USER_CONFIRM_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the confirm field.
USER_CONFIRM_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the confirm field.
USER_CREATE_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the create date field.
USER_CREATE_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the create date field.
USER_CREATE_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the create date field.
USER_CREATE_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the create date field.
USER_EMAIL_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the email field.
USER_EMAIL_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the email field.
USER_EMAIL_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the email field.
USER_EMAIL_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the email field.
USER_FIRST_NAME_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the first name field.
USER_FIRST_NAME_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the first name field.
USER_FIRST_NAME_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the first name field.
USER_FIRST_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the first name field.
USER_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the visitor id field.
USER_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserGroupRolePeer
Deprecated. The column name for the visitor id field.
USER_ID - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the username field.
USER_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserGroupRolePeer
the column name for the USER_ID field
USER_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.om.BaseTurbineUserPeer
the column name for the USER_ID field
USER_ID_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the id field.
USER_ID_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the id field.
USER_ID_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the id field.
USER_ID_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the id field.
USER_LAST_LOGIN_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the last login field.
USER_LAST_LOGIN_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the last login field.
USER_LAST_LOGIN_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the last login field.
USER_LAST_LOGIN_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the last login field.
USER_LAST_NAME_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the last name field.
USER_LAST_NAME_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the last name field.
USER_LAST_NAME_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the last name field.
USER_LAST_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the last name field.
USER_MANAGER_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
the default implementation of UserManager interface (org.apache.turbine.services.security.DBUserManager)
USER_MANAGER_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.SecurityService
the key within services's properties for user implementation classname (user.manager)
USER_NAME_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the login name field.
USER_NAME_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the login name field.
USER_NAME_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the login name field.
USER_NAME_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the login name field.
USER_OBJECTDATA_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the objectdata field.
USER_OBJECTDATA_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the objectdata field.
USER_OBJECTDATA_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the objectdata field.
USER_OBJECTDATA_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the last login field.
USER_PASSWORD_COLUMN_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value for the column name constant for the password field.
USER_PASSWORD_COLUMN_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The column name for the password field.
USER_PASSWORD_PROPERTY_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The default value of the bean property for the password field.
USER_PASSWORD_PROPERTY_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The property name of the bean property for the password field.
USER_PEER_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. The default implementation of User interface (org.apache.turbine.om.security.DBUser)
USER_PEER_CLASS_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
User peer default class
USER_PEER_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.db.DBSecurityService
Deprecated. The key within services's properties for user implementation classname (user.class) - Leandro
USER_PEER_CLASS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManagerConstants
The key within the security service properties for the user peer class implementation
userExists() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.rundata.DefaultTurbineRunData
Checks if a user exists in this session.
userExists() - Method in interface org.apache.turbine.util.RunData
Checks if a user exists in this session.
UserGroupRolePeer - Class in org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
UserGroupRolePeer() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserGroupRolePeer
UserManager - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.security
An UserManager performs User objects related tasks on behalf of the BaseSecurityService.
USERNAME - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.TurbineUserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the username field.
USERNAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer.UserPeer
Deprecated. The key name for the visitor id field.
USERNAME - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.om.security.User
The 'perm storage' key name for the username field.
UserPeer - Interface in org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer
Deprecated. Use TorqueSecurityService instead.
UserPeerManager - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
This class capsulates all direct Peer access for the User entities.
UserPeerManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.UserPeerManager
UserPeerManagerConstants - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque
Constants for configuring the various columns and bean properties for the used peer.
UUID_ADDRESS_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
Key for loading the UUID Generator with a constant value


validate(ValueParser) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Deprecated. Call validate() instead (with no parameters).
validate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Compares request data with constraints and sets the valid flag.
validate() - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.FileItemField
Compares request data with constraints and sets the valid flag.
validated - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Has the field been validated?
ValidationException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
An Exception to mark a failed validation
ValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator.ValidationException
Creates a new ValidationException instance.
validator - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Used to validate the contents of the field
Validator - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator
Validator api.
validFlag - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.model.Field
Has the field passed the validation test?
valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User has been Bound to the session.
valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User has been Bound to the session.
valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User has been Bound to the session.
ValueParser - Interface in org.apache.turbine.util.parser
ValueParser is a base interface for classes that need to parse name/value Parameters, for example GET/POST data or Cookies (ParameterParser and CookieParser)
valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.om.security.TurbineUser
Deprecated. Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User has been Unbound from the session.
valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap.LDAPUser
Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User has been Unbound from the session.
valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque.TorqueUser
Implement this method if you wish to be notified when the User has been Unbound from the session.
VELOCITY_EXTENSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.velocity.VelocityService
The default extension of Velocity Pages
VelocityAction - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions
This class provides a convenience methods for Velocity Actions to use.
VelocityAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocityAction
VelocityActionEvent - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.velocity
If you are using VelocitySite stuff, then your Action's should extend this class instead of extending the ActionEvent class.
VelocityActionEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityActionEvent
VelocityDirectLayout - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts
This Layout module allows Velocity templates to be used as layouts.
VelocityDirectLayout() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityDirectLayout
VelocityDirectScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
VelocityDirectScreen is a screen class which returns its output directly to the output stream.
VelocityDirectScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityDirectScreen
VelocityECSLayout - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts
Deprecated. you should use VelocityOnlyLayout
VelocityECSLayout() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityECSLayout
Deprecated. C'tor warns once about deprecation.
VelocityEmail - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.velocity
This is a simple class for sending email from within Velocity.
VelocityEmail() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
VelocityEmail(Context) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmail
VelocityEmailException - Exception in org.apache.turbine.util.velocity
This exception is thrown if a VelocityEmail/VelocityHtmlEmail can not be sent using JavaMail.
VelocityEmailException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmailException
Constructs a new VelocityEmailException without specified detail message.
VelocityEmailException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmailException
Constructs a new VelocityEmailException with specified detail message.
VelocityEmailException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmailException
Constructs a new VelocityEmailException with specified nested Throwable.
VelocityEmailException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityEmailException
Constructs a new VelocityEmailException with specified detail message and nested Throwable.
VelocityErrorScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
VelocityErrorScreen screen - directs errors at the velocity error template defined in template.error.
VelocityErrorScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityErrorScreen
VelocityHtmlEmail - Class in org.apache.turbine.util.velocity
This is a simple class for sending html email from within Velocity.
VelocityHtmlEmail(RunData) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Constructor, sets the context object from the passed RunData object
VelocityHtmlEmail(Context) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.util.velocity.VelocityHtmlEmail
Constructor, sets the context object.
VelocityNavigation - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations
VelocityNavigation() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations.VelocityNavigation
VelocityOnlyLayout - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts
This Layout module allows Velocity templates to be used as layouts.
VelocityOnlyLayout() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityOnlyLayout
VelocityPage - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.pages
Extends TemplatePage to set the template Context.
VelocityPage() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.pages.VelocityPage
VelocityScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
Base Velocity Screen.
VelocityScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocityScreen
VelocitySecureAction - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.actions
VelocitySecure action.
VelocitySecureAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.VelocitySecureAction
VelocitySecureScreen - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.screens
VelocitySecureScreen Always performs a Security Check that you've defined before executing the doBuildTemplate().
VelocitySecureScreen() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.VelocitySecureScreen
VelocityService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.velocity
Implementations of the VelocityService interface.
VelocityXslLayout - Class in org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts
This Layout module allows Velocity XML templates to be used as layouts.
VelocityXslLayout() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts.VelocityXslLayout


warning(SAXParseException) - Method in class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
Callback function for the xml parser to give warnings.
WEB_CONTEXT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
If this value is set as applicationRoot, then the webContext is used as application root
WEBAPP_ROOT_KEY - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.TurbineConstants
This is the key used in the Turbine.properties to access resources relative to the Web Application root.
webserver - Variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.TurbineXmlRpcService
The standalone xmlrpc server.
WEEK_DAY - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.BaseJobEntryPeer
the column name for the WEEK_DAY field
WINDOWS - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.BrowserDetector
WorkerThread - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.schedule
Wrapper for a JobEntry to actually perform the job's action.
WorkerThread(JobEntry) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.schedule.WorkerThread
Creates a new worker to run the specified JobEntry.
writeFileContents(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc.util.FileHandler


XML_PATH - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
The property specifying the location of the xml specification.
XML_PATH_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.turbine.services.intake.IntakeService
The default location of the xml specification.
XmlField - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel
A Class for holding data about a property used in an Application.
XmlField() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Default Constructor
XmlField(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlField
Creates a new column and set the name
XmlGroup - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel
A Class for holding data about a grouping of inputs used in an Application.
XmlGroup() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.xmlmodel.XmlGroup
Constructs a input group object
XmlRpcService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc
The interface an XmlRpcService implements.
XmlToAppData - Class in org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform
A Class that is used to parse an input xml schema file and creates and AppData java structure.
XmlToAppData() - Constructor for class org.apache.turbine.services.intake.transform.XmlToAppData
Creates a new instance of the Intake XML Parser
XSLTService - Interface in org.apache.turbine.services.xslt
The Turbine XSLT Service is used to transform xml with a xsl stylesheet.


YEAR_SUFFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.turbine.util.DateSelector
Suffix for year parameter.


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