Class Field

  extended by
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractNumberField, BooleanField, ComboKeyField, DateStringField, FileItemField, IntegerField, LongField, ShortField, StringField, StringKeyField

public abstract class Field
extends java.lang.Object

Base class for Intake generated input processing classes.

$Id: 538811 2007-05-17 05:55:42Z seade $
John McNally, Henning P. Schmiedehausen, Quinton McCombs, Jürgen Hoffmann, Thomas Vandahl

Field Summary
protected  boolean alwaysRequired
          Is this field always required? This is only set through the XML file
static java.lang.String defaultFieldPackage
          Default Field Package
static java.lang.String defaultValidatorPackage
          Default Validator Package
protected  java.lang.Object defaultValue
          Default value of the field
protected  java.lang.String displayName
          Display name of the field to be used on data entry forms...
protected  java.lang.Object emptyValue
          Value of the field to use if the mapped parameter is empty or non-existant
protected  java.lang.reflect.Method getter
          Getter method in the mapped object used to populate the field
protected  Group group
          Group to which the field belongs
protected  java.lang.String ifRequiredMessage
          Error message set on the field if required and not set by parser
protected  boolean initialized
          Has the field has been set from the parser?
protected  boolean isDebugEnabled
protected  boolean isMultiValued
          Does this field accept multiple values?
protected  java.lang.String key
          Key used to identify the field in the parser
protected  org.apache.commons.logging.Log log
protected  java.lang.String mapToObject
          Class name of the object to which the field is mapped
protected  java.lang.String message
          Error message, is any, resulting from validation
protected  java.lang.String name
          Name of the field.
protected  java.lang.Object onError
          Value of the field if an error occurs while getting the value from the mapped object
protected  ValueParser parser
          The object containing the field data.
protected  boolean required
          Does the field require a value?
protected  Retrievable retrievable
          Mapped object used to set the initial field value
protected  boolean setFlag
          Has the field has been set from the parser?
protected  java.lang.reflect.Method setter
          Setter method in the mapped object used to store the value of field
protected  boolean validated
          Has the field been validated?
protected  Validator validator
          Used to validate the contents of the field
protected  boolean validFlag
          Has the field passed the validation test?
Constructor Summary
Field(XmlField field, Group group)
          Constructs a field based on data in the xml specification and assigns it to a Group.
Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Disposes the object after use.
protected abstract  void doSetValue()
          Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.
protected  void doSetValue(ValueParser pp)
          Deprecated. Use doSetValue() instead (with no parameters).
 void getDefault()
          Loads the default value from the object
protected  java.lang.String getDefaultValidator()
          Produces the fully qualified class name of the default validator.
 java.lang.Object getDefaultValue()
          Get the default Value
 java.lang.String getDisplayName()
          Get the display name of the field.
 java.lang.String getDisplaySize()
          Gets the diplay size of the field.
 java.lang.Object getEmptyValue()
          Get the Value to use if the field is empty
 Group getGroup()
          Returns the Group this field belongs to or null if unknown.
 java.lang.String getHTMLString()
          Calls toString() on the object returned by getValue(), unless null; and then it returns "", the empty String.
 java.lang.Object getInitialValue()
          Get the value used as a default.
 java.lang.String getKey()
          Get the key used to identify the field.
 java.util.Locale getLocale()
          Returns the Locale used when localizing data for this field, or null if unknown.
 java.lang.String getMaxSize()
          Gets the maximum size of the field.
 java.lang.String getMessage()
          Get any error message resulting from invalid input.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Gets the name of the field.
 void getProperty(java.lang.Object obj)
          Loads the valid value from a bean
protected  java.lang.Object getSafeEmptyValue()
          Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke.
 java.lang.String getStringValue()
          Gets the String representation of the Value.
 java.lang.Object getTestValue()
          Get the value input by a user that will be validated.
 Validator getValidator()
          Gets the Validator object for this field.
 java.lang.Object getValue()
          Get the value of the field.
 java.lang.String getValueIfAbsent()
          Use in a hidden field assign a default value in the event the field is absent from the query parameters.
 Field init(Retrievable obj)
          Method called when this field or the group it belongs to is pulled from the pool.
 Field init(ValueParser pp)
          Method called when this field (the group it belongs to) is pulled from the pool.
 boolean isMultiValued()
          Flag to determine whether the field has been declared as multi-valued.
 boolean isRequired()
          Flag to determine whether the field has been declared as required.
 boolean isSet()
          Flag set to true, if the test value has been set by the parser (even to an empty value, so don't used this to determine if the field contains a non-empty value).
 boolean isValid()
          Flag set to true, if the test value met the constraints.
 boolean isValidated()
          Flag to determine whether the field has been validated.
 void removeFromRequest()
          Removes references to this group and its fields from the query parameters
abstract  void setDefaultValue(java.lang.String prop)
          Set the default Value.
 void setDisplayName(java.lang.String newDisplayName)
          Set the display name of the field.
abstract  void setEmptyValue(java.lang.String prop)
          Set the empty Value.
 void setMessage(java.lang.String message)
          Sets an error message.
 void setProperty(java.lang.Object obj)
          Calls a setter method on obj, if this field has been set.
 void setRequired(boolean v)
          Set whether this field is required to have a value.
 void setRequired(boolean v, java.lang.String message)
          Set the value of required.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Calls toString() on the object returned by getValue(), unless null; and then it returns "", the empty String.
 boolean validate()
          Compares request data with constraints and sets the valid flag.
protected  boolean validate(ValueParser pp)
          Deprecated. Call validate() instead (with no parameters).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String defaultValidatorPackage
Default Validator Package

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String defaultFieldPackage
Default Field Package

See Also:
Constant Field Values


protected final java.lang.String name
Name of the field.


protected final java.lang.String key
Key used to identify the field in the parser


protected java.lang.String displayName
Display name of the field to be used on data entry forms...


protected final java.lang.String mapToObject
Class name of the object to which the field is mapped


protected Validator validator
Used to validate the contents of the field


protected final java.lang.reflect.Method getter
Getter method in the mapped object used to populate the field


protected final java.lang.reflect.Method setter
Setter method in the mapped object used to store the value of field


protected java.lang.String ifRequiredMessage
Error message set on the field if required and not set by parser


protected final boolean isMultiValued
Does this field accept multiple values?


protected final Group group
Group to which the field belongs


protected boolean alwaysRequired
Is this field always required? This is only set through the XML file


protected java.lang.Object onError
Value of the field if an error occurs while getting the value from the mapped object


protected java.lang.Object defaultValue
Default value of the field


protected java.lang.Object emptyValue
Value of the field to use if the mapped parameter is empty or non-existant


protected boolean setFlag
Has the field has been set from the parser?


protected boolean validFlag
Has the field passed the validation test?


protected boolean validated
Has the field been validated?


protected boolean required
Does the field require a value?


protected boolean initialized
Has the field has been set from the parser?


protected java.lang.String message
Error message, is any, resulting from validation


protected Retrievable retrievable
Mapped object used to set the initial field value


protected ValueParser parser
The object containing the field data.


protected org.apache.commons.logging.Log log


protected boolean isDebugEnabled
Constructor Detail


public Field(XmlField field,
             Group group)
      throws IntakeException
Constructs a field based on data in the xml specification and assigns it to a Group.

field - a XmlField value
group - a Group value
IntakeException - indicates the validator was not valid or could not be loaded.
SystemError - only occurs is the Validation object does not extend InitableByConstraintMap
Method Detail


public Field init(ValueParser pp)
           throws IntakeException
Method called when this field (the group it belongs to) is pulled from the pool. The request data is searched to determine if a value has been supplied for this field. If so, the value is validated.

pp - a ValueParser value
a Field value
IntakeException - this exception is only thrown by subclasses overriding this implementation.


public Field init(Retrievable obj)
Method called when this field or the group it belongs to is pulled from the pool. The retrievable object can provide a default value for the field, or using setProperty the field's value can be transferred to the retrievable.

obj - a Retrievable value
a Field value


public Group getGroup()
Returns the Group this field belongs to or null if unknown.

The group this field belongs to.


public java.util.Locale getLocale()
Returns the Locale used when localizing data for this field, or null if unknown.

Where to localize for.


protected java.lang.String getDefaultValidator()
Produces the fully qualified class name of the default validator.

class name of the default validator


public Validator getValidator()
Gets the Validator object for this field.

a Validator object


public boolean isMultiValued()
Flag to determine whether the field has been declared as multi-valued.

value of isMultiValued.


public boolean isRequired()
Flag to determine whether the field has been declared as required.

value of required.


public void setRequired(boolean v)
Set whether this field is required to have a value. If the field is already required due to a setting in the XML file, this method can not set it to false.

v - Value to assign to required.


public void setRequired(boolean v,
                        java.lang.String message)
Set the value of required.

v - a boolean value
message - override the value from intake.xml


public void removeFromRequest()
Removes references to this group and its fields from the query parameters


public void dispose()
Disposes the object after use. The method is called when the Group is returned to its pool. if overridden, super.dispose() should be called.


public java.lang.String getKey()
Get the key used to identify the field.

the query data key.


public java.lang.String getValueIfAbsent()
Use in a hidden field assign a default value in the event the field is absent from the query parameters. Used to track checkboxes, since they only show up if checked.


public boolean isValid()
Flag set to true, if the test value met the constraints. Is also true, in the case the test value was not set, unless this field has been marked as required.

a boolean value


public boolean isValidated()
Flag to determine whether the field has been validated.

value of validated.


public boolean isSet()
Flag set to true, if the test value has been set by the parser (even to an empty value, so don't used this to determine if the field contains a non-empty value). Validation will only be executed for fields that have been set in this manner.

a boolean value


public java.lang.String getDisplayName()
Get the display name of the field. Useful for building data entry forms. Returns name of field if no display name has been assigned to the field by xml input file.

a String value


public void setDisplayName(java.lang.String newDisplayName)
Set the display name of the field. Display names are used in building data entry forms and serve as a user friendly description of the data contained in the field.


public java.lang.String getMessage()
Get any error message resulting from invalid input.

a String value


public void setMessage(java.lang.String message)
Sets an error message. The field is also marked as invalid.


protected boolean validate(ValueParser pp)
Deprecated. Call validate() instead (with no parameters).


public boolean validate()
Compares request data with constraints and sets the valid flag.


public abstract void setDefaultValue(java.lang.String prop)
Set the default Value. This value is used if Intake should map this field to a new object.

prop - The value to use if the field is mapped to a new object.


public abstract void setEmptyValue(java.lang.String prop)
Set the empty Value. This value is used if Intake maps a field to a parameter returned by the user and the corresponding field is either empty (empty string) or non-existant.

prop - The value to use if the field is empty.


protected void doSetValue(ValueParser pp)
Deprecated. Use doSetValue() instead (with no parameters).


protected abstract void doSetValue()
Sets the value of the field from data in the parser.


public java.lang.Object getInitialValue()
                                 throws IntakeException
Get the value used as a default. If the initial value has not been set and a Retrievable object has been associated with this field, the objects property will be used as the initial value.

an Object value
IntakeException - indicates the value could not be returned from the mapped object


public java.lang.Object getTestValue()
Get the value input by a user that will be validated.

an Object value


public java.lang.Object getValue()
Get the value of the field. if a test value has been set, it will be returned as is, unless it is so badly formed that the validation could not parse it. In most cases the test value is returned even though invalid, so that it can be returned to the user to make modifications. If the test value is not set the initial value is returned.

an Object value


public java.lang.String toString()
Calls toString() on the object returned by getValue(), unless null; and then it returns "", the empty String.

toString in class java.lang.Object
a String value


public java.lang.String getHTMLString()
Calls toString() on the object returned by getValue(), unless null; and then it returns "", the empty String. Escapes " characters to be able to display these in HTML form fields.

a String value


public void getProperty(java.lang.Object obj)
                 throws IntakeException
Loads the valid value from a bean

IntakeException - indicates a problem during the execution of the object's getter method


public void getDefault()
Loads the default value from the object


public void setProperty(java.lang.Object obj)
                 throws IntakeException
Calls a setter method on obj, if this field has been set.

IntakeException - indicates a problem during the execution of the object's setter method


public java.lang.Object getDefaultValue()
Get the default Value

the default value


public java.lang.Object getEmptyValue()
Get the Value to use if the field is empty

the value to use if the field is empty.


protected java.lang.Object getSafeEmptyValue()
Provides access to emptyValue such that the value returned will be acceptable as an argument parameter to Method.invoke. Subclasses that deal with primitive types should ensure that they return an appropriate value wrapped in the object wrapper class for the primitive type.

the value to use when the field is empty or an Object that wraps the empty value for primitive types.


public java.lang.String getName()
Gets the name of the field.

name of the field as specified in the XML file.


public java.lang.String getDisplaySize()
Gets the diplay size of the field. This is useful when building the HTML input tag. If no displaySize was set, an empty string is returned.


public java.lang.String getMaxSize()
Gets the maximum size of the field. This is useful when building the HTML input tag. The maxSize is set with the maxLength rule. If this rul was not set, an enmpty string is returned.


public java.lang.String getStringValue()
Gets the String representation of the Value. This is basically a wrapper method for the toString method which doesn't seem to show anything on screen if accessed from Template. Name is also more in line with getValue method which returns the actual Object. This is useful for displaying correctly formatted data such as dates, such as 18/11/1968 instead of the toString dump of a Date Object.

the String Value

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