turbine-2 2.3.3-dev API

org.apache.turbine Turbine Servlet and Constants.
org.apache.turbine.modules Modules (Action, Screen, Layout, Navigation, Page) classes for the Turbine view.
org.apache.turbine.modules.actions Action class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.actions.sessionvalidator Session validator classes to be used with Turbine apps that use security.
org.apache.turbine.modules.layouts Layout class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.navigations Navigation class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.pages Page class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.screens Screen class implementations.
org.apache.turbine.modules.screens.error Error Screen classes.
org.apache.turbine.om.security Security object definitions for the Security Service.
org.apache.turbine.om.security.peer Hand rolled peers for the DB Security Service.
org.apache.turbine.services Contains the Service framework for Turbine.
org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker Assemblerbroker Service looks for action, screen, page, layout classes based on class fragments.
org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util The various lookup factories for the Assemblerbroker service.
org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.java Factories for the java class based view (all template views).
org.apache.turbine.services.assemblerbroker.util.python Factory for the python / jython based view.
org.apache.turbine.services.avaloncomponent Avalon based component service to provide access to avalon components for Turbine applications.
org.apache.turbine.services.cache Global caching service for java objects.
org.apache.turbine.services.crypto Contains the Crypto Service providing you with a variety of Crypto algorithms.
org.apache.turbine.services.crypto.provider Algorithm providers for the Crypto Service.
org.apache.turbine.services.factory Contains a generic factory for generating new objects.
org.apache.turbine.services.intake The intake service can validate user input from HTML forms.
org.apache.turbine.services.intake.validator Validators for the various intake field types.
org.apache.turbine.services.jsonrpc The JSON-RPC Service supports JavaScript to Java AJAX communications between browsers and Turbine applications.
org.apache.turbine.services.jsp JSP Service is used to provide Turbine with a Java Server page (JSP) based view.
org.apache.turbine.services.localization This service provides access and tools for multilingual applications in Turbine.
org.apache.turbine.services.mimetype Provides mapping between MIME types and their corresponding file extensions.
org.apache.turbine.services.naming Naming Service provides access to JNDI naming contexts.
org.apache.turbine.services.pool The pool service can keep a stock of objects and recycle them.
org.apache.turbine.services.pull Provides application tools that are put into the context of a template view.
org.apache.turbine.services.pull.tools Pull Tools to be used in a template based view.
org.apache.turbine.services.rundata Rundata Service provides a factory for the request cycle data objects.
org.apache.turbine.services.schedule The scheduler service can run tasks in the background.
org.apache.turbine.services.security The security service can be used to authenticate users based on database information.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.db A security service implementation that used an SQL database for authentication.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.ldap An LDAP based security service implementation.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.passive Dummy Service to be used if no security is required.
org.apache.turbine.services.security.torque A security service implementation based on Torque generated peer classes.
org.apache.turbine.services.servlet Provides access to various resources from the web container.
org.apache.turbine.services.session The session service allows you to access session information of the servlet container.
org.apache.turbine.services.template Template Service maps template references to a view service and a template name.
org.apache.turbine.services.template.mapper The various mappers used by the Template service.
org.apache.turbine.services.ui Provides skinning facilities for a Turbine web application.
org.apache.turbine.services.uniqueid Returns unique identifiers for session tracking, cookies etc.
org.apache.turbine.services.upload The upload service processes data uploaded by the user from the browser.
org.apache.turbine.services.velocity Velocity Service is used to provide Turbine with a Velocity based view.
org.apache.turbine.services.xmlrpc The XML-RPC Service can be used to communicate with a remote application.
org.apache.turbine.services.xslt The XSLT Service can be used to translate XML documents into various output formats.
org.apache.turbine.util Various utilities used in Turbine and for Turbine based applications.
org.apache.turbine.util.parser Parser for CGI parameters and path info data.
org.apache.turbine.util.pool Some helper classes and interfaces for the Pool Service.
org.apache.turbine.util.security Some helper classes and interfaces for the Security Service.
org.apache.turbine.util.template Template related utilities.
org.apache.turbine.util.uri URI generation and processing from Turbine based applications.
org.apache.turbine.util.velocity Velocity related utility code.


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