Interface UIService

All Superinterfaces:
Initable, Service
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface UIService
extends Service

The UI service provides for shared access to User Interface (skin) files, as well as the ability for non-default skin files to inherit properties from a default skin. Use TurbineUI to access skin properties from your screen classes and action code. UITool is provided as a pull tool for accessing skin properties from your templates.

Skins are lazy loaded in that they are not loaded until first used.

Scott Eade
See Also:
UIService, UITool

Field Summary
static java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
          The service identifier.
Method Summary
 java.lang.String get(java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve a skin property from the default skin for the webapp.
 java.lang.String get(java.lang.String skinName, java.lang.String key)
          Retrieve a skin property from the named skin.
 java.lang.String getScript(java.lang.String skinName, java.lang.String filename)
          Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of a skin.
 java.lang.String getScript(java.lang.String skinName, java.lang.String filename, ServerData serverData)
          Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of a skin.
 java.lang.String[] getSkinNames()
          Provide access to the list of available skin names.
 java.lang.String getStylecss(java.lang.String skinName)
          Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin.
 java.lang.String getStylecss(java.lang.String skinName, ServerData serverData)
          Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin.
 java.lang.String getWebappSkinName()
          Get the name of the default skin name for the web application from the file.
 java.lang.String image(java.lang.String skinName, java.lang.String imageId)
          Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin.
 java.lang.String image(java.lang.String skinName, java.lang.String imageId, ServerData serverData)
          Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin.
 void refresh()
          Refresh all skins.
 void refresh(java.lang.String skinName)
          Refresh a particular skin.
Methods inherited from interface
getConfiguration, getName, getProperties, setName, setServiceBroker
Methods inherited from interface
getInit, init, init, setInitableBroker, shutdown

Field Detail


static final java.lang.String SERVICE_NAME
The service identifier.

See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void refresh()
Refresh all skins.


void refresh(java.lang.String skinName)
Refresh a particular skin.

skinName - the name of the skin to clear.


java.lang.String[] getSkinNames()
Provide access to the list of available skin names.

the available skin names.


java.lang.String getWebappSkinName()
Get the name of the default skin name for the web application from the file. If the property is not present the name of the default skin will be returned. Note that the web application skin name may be something other than default, in which case its properties will default to the skin with the name "default".

the name of the default skin for the web application.


java.lang.String get(java.lang.String skinName,
                     java.lang.String key)
Retrieve a skin property from the named skin. If the property is not defined in the named skin the value for the default skin will be provided. If the named skin does not exist then the skin configured for the webapp will be used. If the webapp skin does not exist the default skin will be used. If the default skin does not exist then null will be returned.

skinName - the name of the skin to retrieve the property from.
key - the key to retrieve from the skin.
the value of the property for the named skin (defaulting to the default skin), the webapp skin, the default skin or null, depending on whether or not the property or skins exist.


java.lang.String get(java.lang.String key)
Retrieve a skin property from the default skin for the webapp. If the property is not defined in the webapp skin the value for the default skin will be provided. If the webapp skin does not exist the default skin will be used. If the default skin does not exist then null will be returned.

key - the key to retrieve.
the value of the property for the webapp skin (defaulting to the default skin), the default skin or null, depending on whether or not the property or skins exist.


java.lang.String image(java.lang.String skinName,
                       java.lang.String imageId,
                       ServerData serverData)
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin. The images are stored in the WEBAPP/resources/ui/skins/[SKIN]/images directory.

Use this if for some reason your server name, server scheme, or server port change on a per request basis. I'm not sure if this would happen in a load balanced situation. I think in most cases the image(String image) method would probably be enough, but I'm not absolutely positive.

skinName - the name of the skin to retrieve the image from.
imageId - the id of the image whose URL will be generated.
serverData - the serverData to use as the basis for the URL.


java.lang.String image(java.lang.String skinName,
                       java.lang.String imageId)
Retrieve the URL for an image that is part of a skin. The images are stored in the WEBAPP/resources/ui/skins/[SKIN]/images directory.

skinName - the name of the skin to retrieve the image from.
imageId - the id of the image whose URL will be generated.


java.lang.String getStylecss(java.lang.String skinName,
                             ServerData serverData)
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin. The style is stored in the WEBAPP/resources/ui/skins/[SKIN] directory with the filename skin.css

Use this if for some reason your server name, server scheme, or server port change on a per request basis. I'm not sure if this would happen in a load balanced situation. I think in most cases the style() method would probably be enough, but I'm not absolutely positive.

skinName - the name of the skin to retrieve the style sheet from.
serverData - the serverData to use as the basis for the URL.


java.lang.String getStylecss(java.lang.String skinName)
Retrieve the URL for the style sheet that is part of a skin. The style is stored in the WEBAPP/resources/ui/skins/[SKIN] directory with the filename skin.css

skinName - the name of the skin to retrieve the style sheet from.


java.lang.String getScript(java.lang.String skinName,
                           java.lang.String filename,
                           ServerData serverData)
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of a skin. The script is stored in the WEBAPP/resources/ui/skins/[SKIN] directory.

Use this if for some reason your server name, server scheme, or server port change on a per request basis. I'm not sure if this would happen in a load balanced situation. I think in most cases the style() method would probably be enough, but I'm not absolutely positive.

skinName - the name of the skin to retrieve the image from.
filename - the name of the script file.
serverData - the serverData to use as the basis for the URL.


java.lang.String getScript(java.lang.String skinName,
                           java.lang.String filename)
Retrieve the URL for a given script that is part of a skin. The script is stored in the WEBAPP/resources/ui/skins/[SKIN] directory.

skinName - the name of the skin to retrieve the image from.
filename - the name of the script file.

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