Package org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable

Interface Summary
AffineRable Adjusts the input images coordinate system by a general Affine transform
ClipRable Implements a clip operation.
ColorMatrixRable Defines the interface expected from a color matrix operation
ComponentTransferRable Defines the interface expected from a component transfer operation.
CompositeRable Composites a list of images according to a single composite rule.
ConvolveMatrixRable Convolves an image with a convolution matrix.
DiffuseLightingRable This filter primitive lights an image using the alpha channel as a bump map.
DisplacementMapRable Implements a DisplacementMap operation, which takes pixel values from another image to spatially displace the input image
Filter This is an extension of RenderableImage that adds some needed functionality for tracking dirty regions and determining image dependancies.
FilterChainRable Implements a filter operation.
FilterColorInterpolation This is an extension of our Filter interface that adds support for a color-interpolation specification which indicates what colorspace the operation should take place in.
FilterResRable Interface for implementing filter resolution.
FloodRable Fills the input image with a given paint
GaussianBlurRable Implements a GaussianBlur operation, where the blur size is defined by standard deviations along the x and y axis.
MorphologyRable Implements a Morphology operation, where the kernel size is defined by radius along the x and y axis.
OffsetRable Adjusts the input images coordinate system by dx, dy.
PadRable Pads image to the given Rectangle (the rect may be smaller than the image in which case this is actually a crop).
PaintRable Interface for Rable's that can more efficently represent there action as a paint method instead of a RenderedImage when going to a Graphics2D anyways.
SpecularLightingRable This filter follows the specification of the feSpecularLighting filter in the SVG 1.0 specification.
TileRable A renderable that can tile its source into the tile region.
TurbulenceRable Creates a sourceless image from a turbulence function.

Class Summary
AbstractColorInterpolationRable This is an abstract base class that adds the ability to specify the Color Space that the operation should take place in (linear sRGB or gamma corrected sRBG).
AbstractRable This is an abstract base class that takes care of most of the normal issues surrounding the implementation of the RenderableImage interface.
AffineRable8Bit Concrete implementation of the AffineRable interface.
ClipRable8Bit ClipRable implementation
ColorMatrixRable8Bit Implements the interface expected from a color matrix operation
ComponentTransferRable8Bit This class implements the interface expected from a component transfer operation.
CompositeRable8Bit Composites a list of images according to a single composite rule.
ConvolveMatrixRable8Bit Convolves an image with a convolution matrix.
DeferRable This class allows for the return of a proxy object quickly, while a heavy weight object is constrcuted in a background Thread.
DiffuseLightingRable8Bit Implementation of the DiffuseLightRable interface.
DisplacementMapRable8Bit Implements a DisplacementMap operation, which takes pixel values from another image to spatially displace the input image
FilterAlphaRable FilterAlphaRable implementation.
FilterAsAlphaRable FilterAsAlphaRable implementation.
FilterChainRable8Bit Implements a filter chain.
FilterResRable8Bit Interface for implementing filter resolution.
FloodRable8Bit Concrete implementation of the FloodRable interface.
GaussianBlurRable8Bit GaussianBlurRable implementation
MorphologyRable8Bit Implements a Morphology operation, where the kernel size is defined by radius along the x and y axis.
PadRable8Bit Concrete implementation of the PadRable interface.
ProfileRable Implements the interface expected from a color matrix operation
RedRable RasterRable This is used to wrap a Rendered Image back into the RenderableImage world.
SpecularLightingRable8Bit Implementation of the SpecularLightRable interface.
TileRable8Bit 8 bit TileRable implementation
TurbulenceRable8Bit Creates a sourceless image from a turbulence function.

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