Interface PaintRable

All Known Implementing Classes:
AffineRable8Bit, CompositeRable8Bit, FilterChainRable8Bit, FilterResRable8Bit, GraphicsNodeRable8Bit, PadRable8Bit

public interface PaintRable

Interface for Rable's that can more efficently represent there action as a paint method instead of a RenderedImage when going to a Graphics2D anyways.

Method Summary
 boolean paintRable(Graphics2D g2d)
          Should perform the equivilent action as createRendering followed by drawing the RenderedImage.

Method Detail


public boolean paintRable(Graphics2D g2d)
Should perform the equivilent action as createRendering followed by drawing the RenderedImage.

g2d - The Graphics2D to draw to.
true if the paint call succeeded, false if for some reason the paint failed (in which case a createRendering should be used).

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