Interface Filter

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
AffineRable, BatikHistogramNormalizationFilter, ClipRable, ColorMatrixRable, ComponentTransferRable, CompositeRable, ConvolveMatrixRable, DiffuseLightingRable, DisplacementMapRable, FilterChainRable, FilterColorInterpolation, FilterResRable, FloodRable, GaussianBlurRable, GraphicsNodeRable, Mask, MorphologyRable, OffsetRable, PadRable, SpecularLightingRable, TileRable, TurbulenceRable
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractRable, AffineRable8Bit, BatikHistogramNormalizationFilter8Bit, ClipRable8Bit, ColorMatrixRable8Bit, ComponentTransferRable8Bit, CompositeRable8Bit, ConvolveMatrixRable8Bit, DeferRable, DiffuseLightingRable8Bit, DisplacementMapRable8Bit, FilterChainRable8Bit, FilterResRable8Bit, FloodRable8Bit, GaussianBlurRable8Bit, GraphicsNodeRable8Bit, MaskRable8Bit, MorphologyRable8Bit, PadRable8Bit, SpecularLightingRable8Bit, TileRable8Bit, TurbulenceRable8Bit

public interface Filter
extends RenderableImage

This is an extension of RenderableImage that adds some needed functionality for tracking dirty regions and determining image dependancies.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage
Method Summary
 Rectangle2D getBounds2D()
          Returns the bounds of the current image.
 Shape getDependencyRegion(int srcIndex, Rectangle2D outputRgn)
          Returns the region of input data is is required to generate outputRgn.
 Shape getDirtyRegion(int srcIndex, Rectangle2D inputRgn)
          This calculates the region of output that is affected by a change in a region of input.
 long getTimeStamp()
          Returns the current modification timestamp on this Renderable node.
Methods inherited from interface java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage
createDefaultRendering, createRendering, createScaledRendering, getHeight, getMinX, getMinY, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getSources, getWidth, isDynamic

Method Detail


public Rectangle2D getBounds2D()
Returns the bounds of the current image. This should be 'in sync' with getMinX, getMinY, getWidth, getHeight


public long getTimeStamp()
Returns the current modification timestamp on this Renderable node. This value will change whenever cached output data becomes invalid.

Current modification timestamp value.


public Shape getDependencyRegion(int srcIndex,
                                 Rectangle2D outputRgn)
Returns the region of input data is is required to generate outputRgn.

srcIndex - The source to do the dependency calculation for.
outputRgn - The region of output you are interested in generating dependencies for. The is given in the user coordiate system for this node.
The region of input required. This is in the user coordinate system for the source indicated by srcIndex.


public Shape getDirtyRegion(int srcIndex,
                            Rectangle2D inputRgn)
This calculates the region of output that is affected by a change in a region of input.

srcIndex - The input that inputRgn reflects changes in.
inputRgn - the region of input that has changed, used to calculate the returned shape. This is given in the user coordinate system of the source indicated by srcIndex.
The region of output that would be invalid given a change to inputRgn of the source selected by srcIndex. this is in the user coordinate system of this node.

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