Interface ConvolveMatrixRable

All Superinterfaces:
Filter, FilterColorInterpolation, RenderableImage
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ConvolveMatrixRable
extends FilterColorInterpolation

Convolves an image with a convolution matrix.

Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage
Method Summary
 double getBias()
          Returns the shift value to apply to the result of convolution
 PadMode getEdgeMode()
          Returns the current edge handling mode.
 Kernel getKernel()
          Returns the Convolution Kernel in use
 double[] getKernelUnitLength()
          Returns the [x,y] distance in user space between kernel values
 boolean getPreserveAlpha()
          Returns false if the convolution should affect the Alpha channel
 Filter getSource()
          Returns the source to be Convolved
 Point getTarget()
          Returns the target point of the kernel (what pixel under the kernel should be set to the result of convolution).
 void setBias(double bias)
          Sets the shift value to apply to the result of convolution
 void setEdgeMode(PadMode edgeMode)
          Sets the current edge handling mode.
 void setKernel(Kernel k)
          Sets the Convolution Kernel to use.
 void setKernelUnitLength(double[] kernelUnitLength)
          Sets the [x,y] distance in user space between kernel values If set to zero then one pixel in device space will be used.
 void setPreserveAlpha(boolean preserveAlpha)
          Sets Alpha channel handling.
 void setSource(Filter src)
          Sets the source to be Convolved
 void setTarget(Point pt)
          Sets the target point of the kernel (what pixel under the kernel should be set to the result of the convolution).
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.FilterColorInterpolation
getOperationColorSpace, isColorSpaceLinear, setColorSpaceLinear
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.Filter
getBounds2D, getDependencyRegion, getDirtyRegion, getTimeStamp
Methods inherited from interface java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage
createDefaultRendering, createRendering, createScaledRendering, getHeight, getMinX, getMinY, getProperty, getPropertyNames, getSources, getWidth, isDynamic

Method Detail


public Filter getSource()
Returns the source to be Convolved


public void setSource(Filter src)
Sets the source to be Convolved

src - image to Convolved.


public Kernel getKernel()
Returns the Convolution Kernel in use


public void setKernel(Kernel k)
Sets the Convolution Kernel to use.

k - Kernel to use for convolution.


public Point getTarget()
Returns the target point of the kernel (what pixel under the kernel should be set to the result of convolution).


public void setTarget(Point pt)
Sets the target point of the kernel (what pixel under the kernel should be set to the result of the convolution).


public double getBias()
Returns the shift value to apply to the result of convolution


public void setBias(double bias)
Sets the shift value to apply to the result of convolution


public PadMode getEdgeMode()
Returns the current edge handling mode.


public void setEdgeMode(PadMode edgeMode)
Sets the current edge handling mode.


public double[] getKernelUnitLength()
Returns the [x,y] distance in user space between kernel values


public void setKernelUnitLength(double[] kernelUnitLength)
Sets the [x,y] distance in user space between kernel values If set to zero then one pixel in device space will be used.


public boolean getPreserveAlpha()
Returns false if the convolution should affect the Alpha channel


public void setPreserveAlpha(boolean preserveAlpha)
Sets Alpha channel handling. A value of False indicates that the convolution should apply to the Alpha Channel

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