:: com :: sun :: star ::

module sheet
Spreadsheet specific interfaces.

AccessibleCell The accessible view of a spreadsheet document
AccessibleCsvCell The accessible object of a cell in the CSV import dialog.
AccessibleCsvRuler The accessible object of the ruler in the CSV import dialog.
AccessibleCsvTable The accessible object of the data table in the CSV import dialog.
AccessiblePageHeaderFooterAreasView The accessible view of the Header/Footer in a spreadsheet page preview
AccessibleSpreadsheet The accessible view of a spreadsheet document
AccessibleSpreadsheetDocumentView The accessible view of a spreadsheet document
AccessibleSpreadsheetPageView The accessible view of a spreadsheet page preview
AddIn is the base for AddIn services that supply functions which can be called by other components.
CellAnnotation represents a cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell.
CellAnnotationShape represents the shape of a cell annotation object attached to a spreadsheet cell.
CellAnnotations represents a collection of cell annotations.
CellAnnotationsEnumeration represents an enumeration of cell annotations in a spreadsheet document.
CellAreaLink represents a linked cell range.
CellAreaLinks represents a collection of area links.
CellAreaLinksEnumeration represents an enumeration of cell area links.
CellFormatRanges represents a collection of equal-formatted cell ranges.
CellFormatRangesEnumeration represents an enumeration of equal-formatted cell ranges.
Cells represents a collection of used cells in a spreadsheet document.
CellsEnumeration represents an enumeration of spreadsheet cells.
ConsolidationDescriptor contains all settings of a data consolidation in a spreadsheet document.
DDELink represents a DDE link.
DDELinks represents a collection of DDE links.
DDELinksEnumeration represents an enumeration of DDE links.
DataPilotDescriptor represents the description of the layout of a data pilot table.
DataPilotField represents a single field in a data pilot table.
DataPilotFieldGroup represents a collection of members in a data pilot field group.
DataPilotFieldGroupEnumeration represents an enumeration of members in a DataPilot field group.
DataPilotFieldGroupItem represents the member in a data pilot field group.
DataPilotFieldGroups represents a collection of groups in a data pilot field.
DataPilotFieldGroupsEnumeration represents an enumeration of member groups in a DataPilot field.
DataPilotFields represents a collection of fields in a data pilot table.
DataPilotFieldsEnumeration represents an enumeration of data pilot fields.
DataPilotItem represents a single item in a data pilot field.
DataPilotItems represents a collection of items in a data pilot field.
DataPilotItemsEnumeration represents an enumeration of data pilot items.
DataPilotSource represents a data pilot source.
DataPilotSourceDimension represents a dimension in a data pilot source.
DataPilotSourceDimensions represents the collection of dimensions in a data pilot source.
DataPilotSourceHierarchies represents the collection of hierarchies in a data pilot source dimension.
DataPilotSourceHierarchy represents a hierarchy in a data pilot source dimension.
DataPilotSourceLevel represents a level in a data pilot source hierarchy.
DataPilotSourceLevels represents the collection of levels in a data pilot source hierarchy.
DataPilotSourceMember represents a member in a data pilot source level.
DataPilotSourceMembers represents the collection of members in a data pilot source level.
DataPilotTable represents a data pilot table on a spreadsheet.
DataPilotTables represents a collection of data pilot tables.
DataPilotTablesEnumeration represents an enumeration of data pilot tables.
DatabaseImportDescriptor represents a description of how data from an external database is imported.
DatabaseRange represents a database range in a spreadsheet document.
DatabaseRanges represents a collection of database ranges in a spreadsheet document.
DatabaseRangesEnumeration represents an enumeration of database ranges.
DocumentSettings describes properties that apply to the whole spreadsheet document.
ExternalDocLink Represents a single external document link.
ExternalDocLinks Represents a collection of external document links.
ExternalSheetCache A single sheet cache for an external document.
FilterFormulaParser A service used to implement parsing and printing formula strings in a specific formula language.
FunctionAccess allows generic access to all spreadsheet functions.
FunctionDescription collects all properties used to describe a function.
FunctionDescriptionEnumeration represents an enumeration of Function Descriptions.
FunctionDescriptions represents a collection of function descriptions for all built-in functions as well as add-in functions available in the spreadsheet application.
GlobalSheetSettings contributes properties to access the settings for all spreadsheets of a spreadsheet document.
HeaderFooterContent represents the contents of a header or footer line in a page style.
LabelRange represents a cell area that contains labels and values related to the labels.
LabelRanges represents a collection of label ranges in a spreadsheet document.
LabelRangesEnumeration represents an enumeration of label ranges.
NamedRange represents a named range in a spreadsheet document.
NamedRanges represents a collection of named ranges in a spreadsheet document.
NamedRangesEnumeration represents an enumeration of named ranges.
RangeSelectionArguments contains the arguments for starting the range selection.
RecentFunctions contains the list of recently used spreadsheet functions.
Scenario represents a scenario in a spreadsheet document.
Scenarios represents a collection of scenarios.
ScenariosEnumeration represents an enumeration of scenarios.
Shape specifies the service of shapes in a spreadsheet document
SheetCell represents a single addressable cell in a spreadsheet document.
SheetCellCursor represents a cursor in a spreadsheet.
SheetCellRange represents a rectangular range of cells in a spreadsheet document.
SheetCellRanges represents a collection of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document.
SheetCellRangesEnumeration represents an enumeration of cell ranges in a spreadsheet document.
SheetFilterDescriptor represents a description of how a cell range is to be filtered.
SheetLink represents a sheet link.
SheetLinks represents a collection of sheet links.
SheetLinksEnumeration represents an enumeration of sheet links.
SheetRangesQuery provides interfaces to find cells with specific properties.
SheetSortDescriptor a description of how a cell range is to be sorted.
SheetSortDescriptor2 a description of how a cell range is to be sorted.
Solver A solver for a model that is defined by spreadsheet cells.
Spreadsheet represents a complete spreadsheet in a spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetDocument represents a model component which consists of some settings and one or more spreadsheets.
SpreadsheetDocumentSettings [ DEPRECATED ]
contributes properties to control the configuration which is global for all views of a spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetDrawPage This abstract service is implemented by every page of a SpreadsheetDocument.
SpreadsheetView represents a view of a spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetViewPane represents a single pane in a view of a spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetViewPanesEnumeration represents an enumeration of spreadsheet view panes.
SpreadsheetViewSettings contains settings which are specific to each view of a spreadsheet
Spreadsheets represents the collection of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document.
SpreadsheetsEnumeration represents an enumeration of spreadsheets in a spreadsheet document.
SubTotalDescriptor represents a description of how subtotals are created.
SubTotalField represents a single field in a subtotal descriptor.
SubTotalFieldsEnumeration represents an enumeration of sub total fields.
TableAutoFormat represents an AutoFormat, containing exactly 16 AutoFormat fields.
TableAutoFormatEnumeration represents an enumeration of AutoFormat fields in an AutoFormat.
TableAutoFormatField represents a field in an AutoFormat. A field contains all cell properties for a specific position in an AutoFormat.
TableAutoFormats represents the collection of AutoFormats.
TableAutoFormatsEnumeration represents an enumeration of AutoFormats.
TableCellStyle contains the properties of a table cell style.
TableConditionalEntry represents a single condition in a conditional format.
TableConditionalEntryEnumeration represents an enumeration of conditional entries.
TableConditionalFormat represents a collection of conditional formatting settings for a cell or cell range.
TablePageStyle represents a page style for a spreadsheet.
TableValidation represents the data validation settings for a cell or cell range.
UniqueCellFormatRanges represents a collection of equal-formatted cell range collections.
UniqueCellFormatRangesEnumeration represents an enumeration of equal-formatted cell range collections.
VolatileResult represents a volatile function result.
XActivationBroadcaster provides methods to add and remove XActivationEventListener
XActivationEventListener makes it possible to receive events when the active spreadsheet changes.
XAddIn gives access to function descriptions and user-visible names.
XAreaLink provides methods to change the settings of a linked cell range.
XAreaLinks provides access via index to a collection of area links and inserting and removing area links.
XArrayFormulaRange provides handling of array formulas in a cell range.
XArrayFormulaTokens gives access to an array formula as token sequence.
XCalculatable represents something that can recalculate.
XCellAddressable represents a cell which can be addressed with a ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress.
XCellFormatRangesSupplier provides access to a collection of equal-formatted cell ranges.
XCellRangeAddressable represents a cell which can be addressed with a ::com::sun::star::table::CellRangeAddress.
XCellRangeData allows to get and set an array of data from a cell range.
XCellRangeFormula allows to get and set cell contents (values, text or formulas) for a cell range.
XCellRangeMovement provides methods for moving ranges of cells in a sheet.
XCellRangeReferrer allows direct access to the cells in a named range or to the cells which are visible in a view, without the need to get the document object first.
XCellRangesAccess provides access to the cells or to sub-ranges of all sheets.
XCellRangesQuery provides methods to query for cell ranges with specific contents.
XCellSeries provides methods to fill out a cell range automatically with values based on a start value, step count and fill mode.
XCompatibilityNames gives access to the sequence of compatibility names for an Addin function.
XConsolidatable [ DEPRECATED ]
provides methods to consolidate ranges in a spreadsheet document.
XConsolidationDescriptor [ DEPRECATED ]
provides access to the settings of a consolidation descriptor.
provides methods to change the settings of a DDE link.
XDDELinkResults provides access to the DDE link results.
XDDELinks provides a method to add a DDE link to a spreadsheet.
XDataPilotDataLayoutFieldSupplier Provides access to the DataPilotField used to layout multiple data fields.
XDataPilotDescriptor provides access to the layout settings of a data pilot table.
XDataPilotField provides methods to control a data pilot field which has already been created.
XDataPilotFieldGrouping Provides methods to create new DataPilot fields where some or all items of this DataPilot field are grouped in some way.
XDataPilotMemberResults provides access to a sequence of results of a data pilot source level.
XDataPilotResults provides access to a table of results of a data pilot source.
XDataPilotTable provides methods to control a data pilot table which has already been created.
XDataPilotTable2 additional methods to extend XDataPilotTable. XDataPilotTable2 extends the old XDataPilotTable interface with additional methods.
XDataPilotTables provides access to the data pilot tables via name and inserting and removing data pilot tables.
XDataPilotTablesSupplier grants access to a collection of data pilot tables.
XDatabaseRange provides access to the settings and options of a database range.
XDatabaseRanges provides functions to manage a collection of database ranges.
XDimensionsSupplier provides access to the collection of dimensions of a data pilot source.
XDocumentAuditing provides auditing functions of a document.
XDrillDownDataSupplier supplies a filtered subset of the original data source based on filtering criteria. A service that acts as a DataPilot data source can optionally implement this interface to allow drill-down of result data. The method this interface provides is used internally when calling XDataPilotTable2::getDrillDownData or XDataPilotTable2::insertDrillDownSheet. If the data source service does not implement this interface, then the aformentioned two methods will have no effect.
XEnhancedMouseClickBroadcaster provides methods to add and remove EnhancedMouseClickHandler
XExternalDocLink Primary interface for the ExternalDocLink service.
XExternalDocLinks Primary interface for the ExternalDocLinks service.
XExternalSheetCache Primary interface for the ExternalSheetCache service.
XExternalSheetName provides a method to set an external name at the sheet.
XFillAcrossSheet [ DEPRECATED ]
XFilterFormulaParser Extends the interface XFormulaParser by an attribute that specifies the namespace URL of the supported formula language.
XFormulaOpCodeMapper gives access to spreadsheet compiler token interns.
XFormulaParser converts between text and token representations of formulas.
XFormulaQuery provides methods to query cells for dependencies in formulas.
XFormulaTokens gives access to a formula as token sequence.
XFunctionAccess allows generic access to all spreadsheet functions.
XFunctionDescriptions provides access to the property sequence of a function description via function index or identifier.
XGoalSeek provides seeking a goal value for a cell.
XHeaderFooterContent provides access to the text contents of a header or footer on a page.
XHierarchiesSupplier provides access to the collection of hierarchies of a data pilot source dimension.
XLabelRange provides access to the settings of a label range in a spreadsheet document.
XLabelRanges provides methods to access the members of a label range collection and to insert and remove them.
XLevelsSupplier provides access to the collection of levels of a data pilot source hierarchy.
XMembersSupplier provides access to the collection of members of a data pilot source level.
XMultiFormulaTokens gives access to multiple sets of formula tokens. A service implementing this interface can internally set an arbitrary number of formula token sequences. The number of allowed formula token sequences must be returned by the XMultiFormulaTokens::getCount method. When the client code tries to access formula tokens at index that is outside the allowed index range, the implementation shall return an IndexOutOfBoundsException.
XMultipleOperation provides a method to apply a Multiple Operations Table to the cell range.
XNamedRange provides access to the settings of a named range in a spreadsheet document.
XNamedRanges provides access to the members in a collection of named ranges and to insert and remove them.
XPrintAreas represents a sheet which has print areas.
XRangeSelection allows to let the user to select a cell range.
XRangeSelectionChangeListener allows notification when the selected range is changed.
XRangeSelectionListener allows notification when range selection is completed or aborted.
XRecentFunctions provides access to a list of recently used functions.
XResultListener allows notification when a new volatile function result is available.
XScenario provides access to the settings of a scenario sheet.
XScenarioEnhanced provides enhanced access to the settings of a scenario sheet.
XScenarios provides access via name to the scenarios in a collection and inserting and removing scenarios.
XScenariosSupplier provides access to a collection of scenarios.
XSheetAnnotation provides methods to query data of the annotation and to show and hide it.
XSheetAnnotationAnchor provides access to a cell annotation attached to a spreadsheet cell.
XSheetAnnotationShapeSupplier provides methods to get the shape of o annotation
XSheetAnnotations provides methods to access cell annotations via index and to insert and remove annotations.
XSheetAnnotationsSupplier provides access to a collection of cell annotations.
XSheetAuditing provides methods to access auditing (detective) features in a spreadsheet.
XSheetCellCursor provides advanced methods to control the position of a cursor in a spreadsheet.
XSheetCellRange provides access to the spreadsheet that contains a cell range.
XSheetCellRangeContainer provides methods to access cell ranges in a collection via index and to add and remove cell ranges.
XSheetCellRanges provides methods to access cell ranges in a collection via index and other helper methods.
XSheetCondition provides methods to access the settings of a condition in a conditional format or data validation.
XSheetConditionalEntries provides methods to add and remove conditions of a conditional format.
XSheetConditionalEntry provides methods to access the cell style name for a condition in a conditional format.
XSheetFilterDescriptor provides access to a collection of filter conditions (filter fields).
XSheetFilterDescriptor2 provides access to a collection of filter conditions (filter fields).
XSheetFilterable represents something that can be filtered using an XSheetFilterDesriptor.
XSheetFilterableEx represents something from which criteria for filtering can be read.
XSheetLinkable [ DEPRECATED ]
enables a sheet to refer to another sheet in a different document.
XSheetOperation provides methods to execute operations on a cell range or ranges.
XSheetOutline provides methods to access the outlines of a sheet.
XSheetPageBreak [ DEPRECATED ]
provides access to page breaks in a sheet.
XSheetPastable [ DEPRECATED ]
represents a sheet into which contents of the clipboard can be pasted.
XSolver allows to call a solver for a model that is defined by spreadsheet cells.
XSolverDescription gives access to user-visible strings for a solver.
XSpreadsheet provides methods to create a cell range cursor.
XSpreadsheetDocument provides access to a collection of spreadsheets.
XSpreadsheetView is the main interface of a SpreadsheetView. It manages the active sheet within this view.
XSpreadsheets provides methods to access the spreadsheets by name and to insert, copy, remove and rearrange spreadsheets.
XSubTotalCalculatable contains methods to handle a subtotal descriptor.
XSubTotalDescriptor provides access to the collection of subtotal fields in a subtotal descriptor.
XSubTotalField provides access to the settings of a field in a subtotal descriptor.
XUniqueCellFormatRangesSupplier provides access to a collection of collections of equal-formatted cell ranges.
XUsedAreaCursor provides methods to find the used area of the entire sheet.
XViewFreezable enables a SpreadsheetView to freeze columns and rows of the view.
XViewPane represents a pane in a view of a spreadsheet document.
XViewPanesSupplier [ DEPRECATED ]
enables access to the panes in a view.
XViewSplitable [ DEPRECATED ]
enables a SpreadsheetView to split the view.
XVolatileResult provides methods to handle a volatile function result.
ActivationEvent describes a change of the active sheet. The new active sheet is given with this event.
ComplexReference contains a reference to a cell range.
DDEItemInfo describes an item of a DDE connection. A DDE connection consists of the DDE service name, the DDE topic and a list of DDE items which may contain cached result sets.
DDELinkInfo describes all items of a DDE connection used in formulas.
DataPilotFieldAutoShowInfo contains the auto show information of a DataPilotField.
DataPilotFieldGroupInfo contains the grouping information of a DataPilotField.
DataPilotFieldLayoutInfo contains the layout information of a DataPilotField.
DataPilotFieldReference controls how a data pilot field's results are shown in relation to a selected reference result.
DataPilotFieldSortInfo describes how to sort a single DataPilotField
DataPilotTableHeaderData information about a cell within the column or row header area of a DataPilot table. This struct contains information about a particular cell located within the column or row header area of a DataPilot table. This is the type that is contained in DataPilotTablePositionData::PositionData when the value of DataPilotTablePositionData::PositionType is either DataPilotTablePositionType::ROW_HEADER or DataPilotTablePositionType::COLUMN_HEADER.
DataPilotTablePositionData This structure contains information on a cell within a DataPilot table.
DataPilotTableResultData information about a cell positioned within the result area of a DataPilot table.
DataResult contains the result of one element in the data pilot data array.
ExternalLinkInfo describes an external link in a formula.
ExternalReference Data structure to store information about an external reference. An external reference can be either a single cell reference, a cell range reference, or a named range.
FormulaOpCodeMapEntry contains a mapping from a formula name (function name, operator, ...) to the OpCode used by the formula compiler.
FormulaToken contains a single token within a formula.
FunctionArgument contains the description of a single argument within a spreadsheet function.
GoalResult is the result of a goal seek operation.
LocalizedName A name that is valid for a specified locale.
MemberResult describes a result of a DataPilot member.
RangeSelectionEvent specifies an event from range selection.
ResultEvent contains the new value of a volatile function result.
SingleReference contains a reference to a single cell.
SolverConstraint is used to specify a constraint for a solver model.
SubTotalColumn describes how a single data column is treated when creating subtotals.
TableFilterField describes a single condition in a filter descriptor.
TableFilterField2 describes a single condition in a filter descriptor.
TablePageBreakData describes a page break in a spreadsheet.
NoConvergenceException Thrown by a Calc Add-In function this exception indicates the function's algorithm did not converge to a meaningful result.
Border is used to select one of the four borders of a cell range.
CellDeleteMode is used to specify how remaining cells are moved when cells are deleted.
CellInsertMode is used to specify how cells are moved when new cells are inserted.
ConditionOperator is used to specify the type of XSheetCondition.
DDELinkMode used to specify how the DDE server application converts its data into numbers.
DataImportMode used to specify which database contents are imported.
DataPilotFieldOrientation used to specify where a field in a data pilot table is laid out.
FillDateMode used to specify how an arithmetic date series is calculated.
FillDirection used to specify the direction of filling cells, for example, with a series.
FillMode used to specify the series type used to fill cells.
FilterConnection used to specify how two conditions in a filter descriptor are connected.
FilterOperator specifies the type of a single condition in a filter descriptor.
GeneralFunction used to specify a function to be calculated from values.
PasteOperation used to specify which operations are carried out when pasting cell values into a cell range.
SheetLinkMode used to specify how a sheet is linked to another sheet.
SolverConstraintOperator is used to specify the type of SolverConstraint.
TableOperationMode used to specify if a table operation is applied to columns, rows, or both columns and rows.
ValidationAlertStyle used to specify how invalid cell contents are treated.
ValidationType used to specify which cell contents are treated as valid.
Constant Groups
AddressConvention These constants specify which address convention to use in the formula parser. Each variation specifies a different cell and cell range address syntax.
CellFlags These constants select different types of cell contents.
DataPilotFieldGroupBy These constants select different types for grouping members of a DataPilot field by date or time.
DataPilotFieldLayoutMode describes the layout mode of the data field
DataPilotFieldReferenceItemType is used to select the reference item
DataPilotFieldReferenceType These constants select different types of References to calculate the data fields.
DataPilotFieldShowItemsMode These constants select different types of showing a selection of items.
DataPilotFieldSortMode describes the sort mode of the data field
DataPilotOutputRangeType specifies region type of DataPilot table range
DataPilotTablePositionType specifies in which sub-area a cell is positioned within a DataPilot table.
DataResultFlags used to specify the result type of one element in the data pilot data array.
DimensionFlags used to specify flags for a dimension in a data pilot source.
ExternalLinkType Constants designating the link type in ExternalLinkInfo, used with FormulaParser::ExternalLinks.
FilterOperator2 specifies the type of a single condition in a filter descriptor.
FormulaLanguage Constants designating the formula language used with XFormulaOpCodeMapper methods.
FormulaMapGroup Constants of bit masks used with ::XFormurmulaOpCodeMapper::getAvailableMappings to specify for which group of symbols the mappings are to be obtained. If no bit is set, a sequence of special mappings is returned in the order that is defined by FormulaMapGroupSpecialOffset. Note that the special group and other groups are mutual exclusive.
FormulaMapGroupSpecialOffset Constants designating the offsets within the sequence returned by XFormulaOpCodeMapper::getAvailableMappings when called for group FormulaMapGroup::SPECIAL.
FormulaResult used to select different result types of cell formulas.
FunctionCategory used to specify the category of a spreadsheet function.
MemberResultFlags used to give information about elements in data pilot member results.
MoveDirection used to specify the direction of moving the current selection i.e. after a cell has been left with Enter.
NamedRangeFlag used to specify the purpose of a named range.
ReferenceFlags defines flags for references.
SpreadsheetViewObjectsMode Constants that control how embedded objects are shown in the view.
StatusBarFunction used to specify the function used to calculate a result in the spreadsheet's status bar.
TableValidationVisibility These constants specify whether and how a list of possible values of a cell should be shown.
_NamedRange [ DEPRECATED ]
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