:: com :: sun :: star :: sheet ::

unpublished struct ExternalReference
Usage Restrictions
not published
Data structure to store information about an external reference. An external reference can be either a single cell reference, a cell range reference, or a named range.
OOo 3.1
See also

Elements' Summary
Index Index of an externally linked document. Each externally-linked document has a unique index value.  
SheetName Name of the sheet that the external reference points to.  
Reference Reference data.  
Elements' Details
long Index;
Index of an externally linked document. Each externally-linked document has a unique index value.

You can get the index value of an external document from the corresponding ExternalDocLink instance through its attribute com::sun::star::sheet::ExternalDocLink::TokenIndex.

See also
ExternalDocLink, ExternalDocLink::TokenIndex
string SheetName;
Name of the sheet that the external reference points to.

In case of a cell range reference that spans across multiple sheets, this is the name of the first sheet in that range.

Note that an external range name ignores this value at the moment, but it may make use of this data in the future when Calc supports a sheet-specific range name.

any Reference;
Reference data.

This can store either SingleReference for a single cell reference, ComplexReference for a cell range reference, or simply a ::string for a defined name.

The SingleReference::Sheet member shall contain the index of the external sheet cache containing the values of the externally referenced cells.

See also
SingleReference, ComplexReference
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