:: com :: sun :: star :: sheet ::

interface XGoalSeek
provides seeking a goal value for a cell.

Methods' Summary
seekGoal calculates a value which gives a specified result in a formula.  
Methods' Details
seekGoal( [in] ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress  aFormulaPosition,
[in] ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress  aVariablePosition,
[in] string  aGoalValue );

calculates a value which gives a specified result in a formula.
Parameter aFormulaPosition
is the address of the formula cell used for the calculation.
Parameter aVariablePosition
is the address of the cell that is used in the formula as variable.
Parameter aGoalValue
is the value which should be reached during the goal seek.
the result of the goal seek, including the value that results in the specified goal, using the specified formula.
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