:: com :: sun :: star :: sheet ::

unpublished struct DDELinkInfo
Usage Restrictions
not published
describes all items of a DDE connection used in formulas.

A DDE connection consists of the DDE service name, the DDE topic and a list of DDE items which may contain results cached from the last update.

The formula that would need this information for example would contain =[1]!'R1C1' or =[2]!'Sheet1.A1' where [1] is an external link with DDE service name "excel" and the topic "X:\PATH\[FILE.XLSX]Sheet1", and [2] contains service "soffice" and topic "file:///X:/PATH/FILE.ODS". The service name is stored in Service, the topic is stored in Topic. Note that if the DDE item contains single quotes they are escaped by doubling them, as usual, for example =[2]!'''Sheet name''.A1' in a "soffice" service.

OOo 3.1

Elements' Summary
Service The DDE service name.  
Topic The DDE topic.  
Items A list of DDE items. Each item may contain its results from the last update.  
Elements' Details
string Service;
The DDE service name.
string Topic;
The DDE topic.
sequence< DDEItemInfo > Items;
A list of DDE items. Each item may contain its results from the last update.
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