:: com :: sun :: star :: sheet ::

service DataPilotFieldGroup
represents a collection of members in a data pilot field group.

The members (also called items) of this collection are instances of DataPilotFieldGroupItem.

See also
DataPilotField, DataPilotFieldGroups, DataPilotFieldGroupItem

Exported Interfaces - Summary

provides access to the name of the data pilot field group. (details)


provides access to the data pilot field group members in the collection via index.


creates an enumeration of all data pilot field group members. (details)


provides access to the data pilot field group members in the collection via name.


provides read/write access to the data pilot field group members in the collection via name. (details)

Exported Interfaces - Details
provides access to the name of the data pilot field group.

It is possible to change the name of this field group as long as the new name is not used in the collection of groups in the field.

provides access to the data pilot field group members in the collection via index.
creates an enumeration of all data pilot field group members.
See also
provides access to the data pilot field group members in the collection via name.
Usage Restrictions
provides read/write access to the data pilot field group members in the collection via name.

The ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer and ::com::sun::star::container::XNameReplace interfaces can be used to manage the members that this group contains. It is possible to insert, remove, and replace members.

The method ::com::sun::star::container::XNameReplace::replaceByName can be used to rename the specified member. To do so, the new name has to be passed as second argument. An implementation should support the following data types:

  • a non-empty string specifying the new name of the group member.
  • an object supporting the ::com::sun::star::container::XNamed interface, for example an instance of DataPilotFieldGroupItem received from another group.

The method ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer::insertByName can be used to insert a new member into this field group. An implementation should ignore the second argument and insert the specified member name.

The method ::com::sun::star::container::XNameContainer::removeByName can be used to remove an existing member name.

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