apache > lenya

WebDAV quick start


The WebDAV module is right now in rapid development to overcome some limitations. More documentation in progress can be found at the Lenya wiki webDAV page


To get started with WebDAV editing under linux you need to install a WebDAV client such as cadaver.

Cadaver - command line

Most distributions offer a packaged version of cadaver.

After having cadaver installed open a shell of your choice and type the following

cadaver http://localhost:8888/default/webdav

You will be asked for your username and password:

Username: lenya
Password: levi

Optional (if you do not like "vi") you can change the default editor:

dav:/default/webdav/> set editor emacs

Now you can edit and save your first file via webdav.

dav:/default/webdav/> edit tutorial_en.html