apache > lenya


Setup E-Mail Notification

  • To enable notification by e-mail, you have to download the JavaMail and JavaBeans Activation Framework libraries and place them in the <lenya-webapp>/WEB-INF/lib directory.
  • Edit cocoon.xconf, look for the component with the role org.apache.lenya.notification.Notifier, change the class to org.apache.lenya.notification.EmailNotifier and add the <smtp> element as shown in the example below. The user and password attributes are optional.
    <component logger="lenya.notification"
      <smtp host="localhost" username="john" password="swordfish" />
  • If you test the functionality with the default users lenya and alice, don't forget to configure their e-mail addresses.
  • To check if the notification works, go to your Inbox and send a message.

How to Send Notification Messages

There are two ways to send notification messages - either immediately, or by attaching a notification event to the current session. In the latter case, the notification is sent only if the transaction has been successfully completed.

To send notification messages, use the Notifier component which is provided by the notification module. A shortcut to the Notifier functionality is offered by the NotificationUtil utility class. Here's an example how to send a notification message immediately:

protected void notify(User sender, User recipient, document) {

    Identifiable[] recipients = { recipient };
    // compose message, using parameters for i18n
    String subject = "publish-notification";
    String[] subjectParams = {};
    String body = "document-was-published"
    String[] bodyParams = { document.getId() };
    Message message = new Message(subject, subjectParams, body, bodyParams,
                                  sender, recipients);
    // send message
    NotificationUtil.notify(this.manager, message);

The following example shows how to attach a notification event to the session, for instance inside a usecase handler:

    NotificationEventDescriptor descriptor = new NotificationEventDescriptor(message);
    RepositoryEvent event = RepositoryEventFactory
        .createEvent(this.manager, authoringDocument, getLogger(), descriptor);

The message is sent to each particular recipient, translated using the recipient's locale.

The default implementation, EmailNotifier, sends an email to each recipient and adds the message to their inboxes. Future implementations could include a message list which is managed by the CMS and is presented to a user after she logs in.