apache > lenya

Creating a Resource Type, Part 1: Prerequisites and Declaration

This section explains how to create a new resource type. For more information on resource types, refer to the resource types reference. For the sake of simplicity, we'll test the resource type with the default publication.

Our resource type will support storing details (name, address, etc.) of people. We'll call it person. Since we're too lazy (and too smart) to invent our own XML schema, we'll just use the one provided by the FoaF project.

You can checkout the source code of this example from the Subversion repository at the URL http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/lenya/sandbox/modules/person.


We'll use the following directory layout:

    lenya-2.0/             The Lenya installation directory, we'll call it $LENYA_HOME.
    lenya/                 The home directory of your Lenya-related sources.
      modules/             Our modules.
        person/            Our "person" resource type module ($MODULE_HOME).

Adding a Module

We'll add a module which will contain the resource type. This makes it self-contained, and it will be very easy to re-use our resource type in different publications. Create the person directory (see section Prerequisites) with the following directory layout:

  config/                        Configuration of the module.
    menu.xsp                     The resource type menu items.
    module.xml                   Module descriptor.
    cocoon-xconf/                Patch files for cocoon.xconf.
      resourcetype-person.xconf  The declaration of our resource type.
    i18n/                        The internationalization catalogues.
      person.gif                 The icon for the sitetree.
  samples/                       Samples to create person documents.
    foaf.xml                     The default sample document.
    foaf2xhtml.xml               Transform FoaF documents to XHTML.
  menus.xmap                     The sitemap generating the menu.

Each module needs a module descriptor file $MODULE_HOME/config/module.xml. In our case it looks like this (replace org.yourproject with your own package name):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<module xmlns="http://apache.org/lenya/module/1.0">
  <description>Resource type to store person details</description>

Now we have to let Lenya know that we've added a new module. Edit the file $LENYA_HOME/local.build.properties and add the path to your modules directory (the parent of $MODULE_HOME) at the end of the modules.root.dirs declaration:


Finally, we'll have to declare the module in the publications which use it (in our case, the default publication). Edit $PUB_HOME/config/publication.xml and add the entry

<module name="person"/>

to the <modules/> section. Additionally, you can assign a workflow to the resource type in the <resource-types> section of publication.xml:

<resource-type name="person" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>

Declaring the Resource Type

To let Lenya know that a new resource type exists, we'll add the resource type declaration file resourcetype-person.xconf. This is a patch for the cocoon.xconf file and therefore located in $MODULE_HOME/config/cocoon-xconf.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xconf xpath="/cocoon/resource-types"
       unless="/cocoon/resource-types/component-instance[@name = 'person']">
  <component-instance name="person" logger="lenya.resourcetypes"
    <!-- Default time cache time in seconds for this resource type -->  
    <expires seconds="3600" />
       name="Basic FOAF sample"
    <format name="xhtml" uri="cocoon://modules/person/xhtml.xml"/>
    <format name="xhtml-include" uri="cocoon://modules/person/xhtml-include.xml"/>
    <format name="icon" uri="cocoon://modules/person/icon"/>

According to this declaration, the Lenya web application creates a new ResourceTypeImpl service on startup which makes the resource type details available to other objects.

In the next section we'll setup the creation of person documents.

Adding I18n Messages for the Resource Type Name

Now we'll provide i18n messages for each language to show the resource type name in a human-readable form. There is a convention that the message key resourceType-{name} is used.

Create the file $MODULE_HOME/resources/i18n/cmsui.xml with the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<catalogue xml:lang="en" xmlns:xhtml="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  <message key="resourceType-person">Person</message>

For other languages, use the language code as suffix (cmsui_de.xhml etc.) and don't forget to set the xml:lang attribute of the <catalogue> element.