apache > lenya

Publication Configuration

The publication.xml file

The main configuration file of a publication is $PUB_HOME/config/publication.xml. The namespace of this XML file is http://apache.org/cocoon/lenya/publication/1.1.

<publication xmlns="http://apache.org/cocoon/lenya/publication/1.1" >

The first section contains some meta data about the publication which is displayed on overview pages etc.

  <name>Default Publication</name>
  <description>This publication is a best practice, getting started publication.</description>
  <!-- the @...@ macros are evaluated by ant at build time -->

In the languages section you define which content languages should be supported. Exactly one language has to be identified as the default language.

    <language default="true">en</language>

The following section declares service implementations which are used by the publication.

  • The template-instantiator element references an Instantiator declaration in cocoon.xconf.
  • The path-mapper element declares the DocumentIdToPathMapper implementation which is used by this publication.
  • The document-builder element references a DocumentBuilder declaration in cocoon.xconf.
  • The site-manager element references a SiteManager declaration in cocoon.xconf.
  <template-instantiator name="default"/>
  <document-builder name="default"/>
  <site-manager name="tree"/>

The resource-types section declares all resource types which are used by this publication and assigns them workflow schemas. When the "Create" usecase is invoked without a parameter denoting the resoure type, you can present a list of all these resource types to choose from (this is the default behaviour).

    <resource-type name="xhtml" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
    <resource-type name="homepage" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
    <resource-type name="links" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
    <resource-type name="cforms" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
    <resource-type name="opendocument" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
    <resource-type name="resource" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>
    <resource-type name="usecase" workflow="fallback://config/workflow/workflow.xml"/>

The modules section declares all modules which are used by this publication. This is necessary to generate the menus accordingly and to access the i18n messages from these modules.

    <module name="editors"/>
    <module name="xhtml"/>
    <module name="links"/>
    <module name="opendocument"/>
    <module name="cforms"/>
    <module name="homepage"/>
    <module name="resource"/>
    <module name="sitemanagement"/>
    <module name="sitetree"/>
    <module name="export"/>
    <module name="workflow"/>
    <module name="notification"/>
    <module name="svg"/>
    <module name="lucene"/>
    <module name="development"/>
    <module name="languageselector"/>
    <module name="administration"/>
    <module name="workflow"/>

The optional content-dir element points to the parent directory of the publications content directory. You can use either an absolute file system path, or a path relative to the web application context (e.g. lenya/pubs/default).

  <content-dir src="/home/USERNAME/data/default"/>

The optional proxies section contains the proxy configuration of this publication. For more information see Proxying and the turorial.

In short the idea of the following proxy snippet in the configuration is a rewrite of links. Using proxies will prefix all absolute links (starting with "/") to absoult urls (the proxy host).

    <proxy area="live" ssl="true" url="https://www.host.com/ssl/default"/>
    <proxy area="live" ssl="false" url="http://www.host.com/default"/>
    <proxy area="authoring" ssl="true" url="https://www.host.com/lenya/default/authoring"/>
    <proxy area="authoring" ssl="false" url="http://www.host.com/lenya/default/authoring"/>

Since we have the concept of areas we define the proxy per area and for the different types of pages (ssl protected or not). For example if a link points to a document in the live area and this document is ssl protected then it will be rewritten to "https://www.host.com/ssl/default{$link}". Where {$link} is the linked document.

For all links that are not pointing to a document the global proxy rule in cocoon.xconf/cocoon/component[@role = 'org.apache.lenya.cms.linking.GlobalProxies'] is applied (see $LENYA_HOME/src/modules-core/linking/config/cocoon-xconf/globalproxies.xconf):

<xconf xpath="/cocoon" unless="/cocoon/component[@role = 'org.apache.lenya.cms.linking.GlobalProxies']">
          <component logger="lenya.proxy"
                <proxy ssl="false" url="http://cms.host.com/foo"/>
                <proxy ssl="true" url="https://cms.host.com/foo"/>

For example a link such as /modules/myModule/somePath/some.thing will be rewritten to http://cms.host.com/foo/modules/myModule/somePath/some.thing . In short "/" will be replaced with {proxies/@root}.
