apache > lenya

site: Protocol

The site: protocol allows to access the source of a Lenya document by its sitetree path without knowing the underlying storage structure. If the relative syntax is used, only the language and the path of the document in the site structure are needed. If the absolute syntax is used, the publication id and the area has to be specified additionally.

Relative Syntax

The relative syntax is used to access Lenya documents in the current context, i.e. the current publication and area is used to resolve the document's location.

Syntax: site:/<language><path>


<!-- match authoring/{path}_{language}.html -->
<map:match pattern="authoring/**_*.html">
  <map:generate src="site:/{2}/{1}"/>

Absolute Syntax

The absolute syntax allows to specify the document's publication and the area.

Syntax: site://<publication>/<area>/<language><path>


<!-- match {pubId}/{area}/{path}_{language}.html -->
<map:match pattern="*/*/**_*.html">
  <map:generate src="site://{1}/{2}/{4}/{3}"/>