A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


d - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMPathElement
The 'd' attribute value.
damagedAreas - Variable in class org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.MacRenderer
DARKBLUE_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkblue' RGB color.
DARKBLUE_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkblue' color name.
DARKCYAN_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkcyan' RGB color.
DARKCYAN_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkcyan' color name.
DARKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.CompositeRule
FeBlend Darken rule.
DARKEN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.SVGComposite
DARKGOLDENROD_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkgoldenrod' RGB color.
DARKGOLDENROD_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkgoldenrod' color name.
DARKGRAY_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkgray' RGB color.
DARKGRAY_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkgray' color name.
DARKGREEN_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkgreen' RGB color.
DARKGREEN_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkgreen' color name.
DARKGREY_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkgrey' RGB color.
DARKGREY_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkgrey' color name.
DARKKHAKI_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkkhaki' RGB color.
DARKKHAKI_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkkhaki' color name.
DARKMAGENTA_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkmagenta' RGB color.
DARKMAGENTA_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkmagenta' color name.
DARKOLIVEGREEN_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkolivegreen' RGB color.
DARKOLIVEGREEN_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkolivegreen' color name.
DARKORANGE_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkorange' RGB color.
DARKORANGE_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkorange' color name.
DARKORCHID_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkorchid' RGB color.
DARKORCHID_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkorchid' color name.
DARKRED_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkred' RGB color.
DARKRED_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkred' color name.
DARKSALMON_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darksalmon' RGB color.
DARKSALMON_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darksalmon' color name.
DARKSEAGREEN_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkseagreen' RGB color.
DARKSEAGREEN_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkseagreen' color name.
DARKSLATEBLUE_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkslateblue' RGB color.
DARKSLATEBLUE_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkslateblue' color name.
DARKSLATEGRAY_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkslategray' RGB color.
DARKSLATEGRAY_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkslategray' color name.
DARKSLATEGREY_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkslategrey' RGB color.
DARKSLATEGREY_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkslategrey' color name.
DARKTURQUOISE_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkturquoise' RGB color.
DARKTURQUOISE_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkturquoise' color name.
DARKVIOLET_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkviolet' RGB color.
DARKVIOLET_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'darkviolet' color name.
DASHMATCH - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.parser.LexicalUnits
Represents the '|=' lexical unit.
data - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TransferableTreeNode
The data being transfered.
data - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractProcessingInstruction
The data.
data - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMTextEvent
The text data.
data - Variable in class org.apache.batik.util.gui.MemoryMonitor.History
The data.
DATA_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.DefaultExternalResourceSecurity
DATA_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.DefaultScriptSecurity
DATA_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.EmbededExternalResourceSecurity
DATA_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.EmbededScriptSecurity
DATA_PROTOCOL_PNG_PREFIX - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGSyntax
debug - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
The debug flag.
debugger - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
The debugger object.
debuggerClass - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger
The Rhino debugger class.
debuggerConstructor - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger
Rhino debugger class constructor.
debuggerInstance - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger
The Rhino debugger instance.
debuggerMethods - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger
Rhino debugger class methods.
dec(Object) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.util.IntTable
Decrements the value associated with the given key.
decimalFormat - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableValue
A formatting object to get CSS compatible float strings.
decimalFormat - Variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGeneratorContext
Current double value formatter
decimalFormats - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGeneratorContext
declaration - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.dom.CSSOMStoredStyleDeclaration
The object storing the properties.
declaration - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine.CSSNavigableDocumentHandler
The StyleDeclaration to use from the MainPropertyReceiver.
decodeAsRaster() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageDecoder
Returns a Raster that contains the decoded contents of the SeekableStream associated with this ImageDecoder.
decodeAsRaster(int) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageDecoder
Returns a Raster that contains the decoded contents of the SeekableStream associated with this ImageDecoder.
decodeAsRaster() - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageDecoderImpl
Returns a Raster that contains the decoded contents of the SeekableStream associated with this ImageDecoder.
decodeAsRaster(int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageDecoderImpl
Returns a Raster that contains the decoded contents of the SeekableStream associated with this ImageDecoder.
decodeAsRenderedImage(int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.png.PNGImageDecoder
decodeAsRenderedImage() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageDecoder
Returns a RenderedImage that contains the decoded contents of the SeekableStream associated with this ImageDecoder.
decodeAsRenderedImage(int) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageDecoder
Returns a RenderedImage that contains the decoded contents of the SeekableStream associated with this ImageDecoder.
decodeAsRenderedImage() - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageDecoderImpl
Returns a RenderedImage that contains the decoded contents of the SeekableStream associated with this ImageDecoder.
decodeAsRenderedImage(int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.util.ImageDecoderImpl
Returns a RenderedImage that contains the decoded contents of the SeekableStream associated with this ImageDecoder.
decodeString(WMFFont, byte[]) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.tosvg.WMFUtilities
Decode a byte array in a string, using the charset of the given font.
DECORATION_ALL - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.TextSpanLayout
DECORATION_OVERLINE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.TextSpanLayout
DECORATION_STRIKETHROUGH - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.TextSpanLayout
DECORATION_UNDERLINE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.TextSpanLayout
deepCloneDocument(Document, DOMImplementation) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.dom.util.DOMUtilities
Deep clones a document using the given DOM implementation.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMDocument
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMElement
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMToBeImplementedElement
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLOMElement
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractAttr
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractAttrNS
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractCharacterData
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractElement
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractElementNS
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractEntity
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractEntityReference
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNotation
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractParentNode
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractProcessingInstruction
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.GenericElement
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.GenericElementNS
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepCopyInto(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.GenericProcessingInstruction
Deeply copy the fields of the current node into the given node.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AbstractElement
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMElement
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMToBeImplementedElement
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLOMElement
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractAttr
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractAttrNS
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractCharacterData
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, Document) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractElement
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractElementNS
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractEntity
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractEntityReference
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNotation
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractParentNode
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractProcessingInstruction
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.GenericElement
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.GenericElementNS
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
deepExport(Node, AbstractDocument) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.GenericProcessingInstruction
Deeply exports this node to the given document.
DEEPPINK_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'deeppink' RGB color.
DEEPPINK_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'deeppink' color name.
DEEPSKYBLUE_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'deepskyblue' RGB color.
DEEPSKYBLUE_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'deepskyblue' color name.
defAttrListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.ImportRecord
The DOM attribute mutation listener for definitions accessed through this import.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.i18n.LocaleGroup
The default group.
DEFAULT_ALLOWED_SCRIPT_TYPES - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.SVGAbstractTranscoder
Default value for the KEY_ALLOWED_SCRIPT_TYPES key
DEFAULT_CHARSET - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants
DEFAULT_CHROMA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.image.PNGTranscoder
The default Primary Chromaticities for sRGB imagery.
DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.util.gui.xmleditor.XMLScanner
DEFAULT_CURSOR - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
The default cursor.
DEFAULT_CURSOR - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.CursorManager
Default cursor when value is not found
DEFAULT_DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.Main
Default font-family value.
DEFAULT_DEFAULT_FONT_FAMILY - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.SVGAbstractTranscoder
Value used as a default for the default font-family hint
DEFAULT_ERROR_HANDLER - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg.SVGTranscoder
The default error handler.
DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.SVGConverter
Default height
DEFAULT_INCH_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants
number of inches default values
DEFAULT_INSETS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.ext.swing.JGridBagPanel
An InsetsManager that uses padding for inside cells
DEFAULT_MAX_GC_OVERRIDES - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Controls the policy for grouping nodes.
DEFAULT_PITCH - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants
DEFAULT_PREFERRED_HEIGHT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.CursorManager
DEFAULT_PREFERRED_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.CursorManager
Default preferred cursor size, used for SVG images
DEFAULT_QUALITY - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.SVGConverter
Default quality value.
DEFAULT_QUALITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants
DEFAULT_RESULT_TYPE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.SVGConverter
Default result type
DEFAULT_SHAPE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGPathElementBridge
default shape for the update of 'd' when the value is the empty string.
DEFAULT_SHAPE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGPolygonElementBridge
default shape for the update of 'points' when the value is the empty string.
DEFAULT_SHAPE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGPolylineElementBridge
default shape for the update of 'points' when the value is the empty string.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.css2.FontFamilyManager
The default value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.ColorManager
The default color value.
DEFAULT_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.ValueConstants
The 'default' keyword.
DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.SVGConverter
Default width
DEFAULT_XML_ENCODING - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
defaultActions - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.AbstractEvent
List of default Actionables to run at the end of bubble phase.
DefaultAndCondition - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the CombinatorCondition interface.
DefaultAndCondition(Condition, Condition) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultAndCondition
Creates a new CombinatorCondition object.
DefaultAngleHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
This class provides an adapter for AngleHandler
DefaultAngleHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultAngleHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultAttributeCondition - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the AttributeCondition interface.
DefaultAttributeCondition(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultAttributeCondition
Creates a new DefaultAttributeCondition object.
DefaultBeginHyphenAttributeCondition - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the AttributeCondition interface.
DefaultBeginHyphenAttributeCondition(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultBeginHyphenAttributeCondition
Creates a new DefaultAttributeCondition object.
defaultBridge - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
Default bridge.
DefaultBrokenLinkProvider - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.spi
DefaultBrokenLinkProvider() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.spi.DefaultBrokenLinkProvider
DefaultCachedImageHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen
This class is a default implementation of the GenericImageHandler for handlers implementing a caching strategy.
DefaultCachedImageHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.DefaultCachedImageHandler
DefaultChildSelector - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the DescendantSelector interface.
DefaultChildSelector(Selector, SimpleSelector) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultChildSelector
Creates a new DefaultChildSelector object.
DefaultClassCondition - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the AttributeCondition interface.
DefaultClassCondition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultClassCondition
Creates a new DefaultAttributeCondition object.
DefaultConditionalSelector - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the ConditionalSelector interface.
DefaultConditionalSelector(SimpleSelector, Condition) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultConditionalSelector
Creates a new ConditionalSelector object.
DefaultConditionFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the ConditionFactory interface.
DefaultConditionFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultConditionFactory
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultContentSelector - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
A class to handle content selection when the includes attribute is not present.
DefaultContentSelector(ContentManager, XBLOMContentElement, Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultContentSelector
Creates a new XPathSubsetContentSelector object.
DefaultContentSelector.SelectedNodes - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
Implementation of NodeList that contains the nodes that matched this selector.
DefaultContentSelector.SelectedNodes() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultContentSelector.SelectedNodes
Creates a new SelectedNodes object.
defaultContext - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.RhinoInterpreter
Default Context for scripts.
DefaultDescendantSelector - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation for the DescendantSelector interface.
DefaultDescendantSelector(Selector, SimpleSelector) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultDescendantSelector
Creates a new DefaultDescendantSelector object.
DefaultDirectAdjacentSelector - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation for the DescendantSelector interface.
DefaultDirectAdjacentSelector(short, Selector, SimpleSelector) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultDirectAdjacentSelector
Creates a new DefaultDirectAdjacentSelector object.
DefaultDocumentHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides a default implementation of the SAC DocumentHandler.
DefaultDocumentHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultDocumentHandler
Creates a new DefaultDocumentHandler.
DefaultElementSelector - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class implements the ElementSelector interface.
DefaultElementSelector(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultElementSelector
Creates a new ElementSelector object.
DefaultErrorHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides a default implementation of the ErrorHandler interface.
DefaultErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultErrorHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultErrorHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
This class provides a default implementation of ErrorHandler.
DefaultErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultErrorHandler
DefaultErrorHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen
The ErrorHandler interface allows you to specialize how the error will be set on an SVG Element.
DefaultErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.DefaultErrorHandler
DefaultErrorHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.transcoder
A default ErrorHandler that throws a TranscoderException when a fatal error occured and display a message when a warning or an error occured.
DefaultErrorHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.transcoder.DefaultErrorHandler
DefaultExtensionHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen
This implementation of the ExtensionHandler interface always returns null Nodes.
DefaultExtensionHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.DefaultExtensionHandler
DefaultExternalResourceSecurity - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge
Default implementation for the ExternalResourceSecurity interface.
DefaultExternalResourceSecurity(ParsedURL, ParsedURL) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.DefaultExternalResourceSecurity
defaultFactories - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.script.InterpreterPool
The default InterpreterFactory map.
defaultFontFamily - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.SVGConverter
Default value for the font-family when it is unspecified
DefaultFontFamilyResolver - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge
The is a utility class that is used for resolving UnresolvedFontFamilies.
DefaultFragmentIdentifierHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
This class provides an adapter for FragmentIdentifierHandler.
DefaultFragmentIdentifierHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultFragmentIdentifierHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultGraphics2D - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d
This concrete implementation of AbstractGraphics2D is a simple help to programmers to get started with their own implementation of Graphics2D.
DefaultGraphics2D(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Default constructor
DefaultGraphics2D(DefaultGraphics2D) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
This constructor supports the create method
defaultHandler - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
The default input handler
DefaultIdCondition - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the AttributeCondition interface.
DefaultIdCondition(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultIdCondition
Creates a new DefaultAttributeCondition object.
DefaultImageHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen
This class provides a default implementation of the ImageHandler interface simply puts a place holder in the xlink:href attribute and sets the width and height of the element.
DefaultImageHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.DefaultImageHandler
Build a DefaultImageHandler.
DefaultLangCondition - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the LangCondition interface.
DefaultLangCondition(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultLangCondition
Creates a new LangCondition object.
DefaultLengthHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
This class provides an adapter for LengthHandler
DefaultLengthHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultLengthHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultLengthListHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
This class provides an adapter for LengthListHandler
DefaultLengthListHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultLengthListHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultNumberListHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
DefaultNumberListHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultNumberListHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultOneOfAttributeCondition - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the AttributeCondition interface.
DefaultOneOfAttributeCondition(String, String, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultOneOfAttributeCondition
Creates a new DefaultAttributeCondition object.
DefaultPathHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
The class provides an adapter for PathHandler.
DefaultPathHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultPathHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultPointsHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
This class provides an adapter for PointsHandler.
DefaultPointsHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultPointsHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultPreserveAspectRatioHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
This class provides an adapter for PreserveAspectRatioHandler.
DefaultPreserveAspectRatioHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultPreserveAspectRatioHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
DefaultPseudoClassCondition - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class provides an implementation of the AttributeCondition interface.
DefaultPseudoClassCondition(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultPseudoClassCondition
Creates a new DefaultAttributeCondition object.
DefaultPseudoElementSelector - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class implements the ElementSelector interface.
DefaultPseudoElementSelector(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultPseudoElementSelector
Creates a new ElementSelector object.
defaultRenderingHints - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.MacRenderer
defaultRenderingHints - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.StaticRenderer
defaults - Variable in class org.apache.batik.util.PreferenceManager
DefaultScriptSecurity - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge
Default implementation for the ScriptSecurity interface.
DefaultScriptSecurity(String, ParsedURL, ParsedURL) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.DefaultScriptSecurity
DefaultSelectorFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.css.parser
This class implements the SelectorFactory interface.
DefaultSelectorFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.parser.DefaultSelectorFactory
This class does not need to be instantiated.
defaultStr - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.util.HashTableStack.Link
The default namespace for this part of the stack.
DefaultStyleHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen
The DefaultStyleHandler class provides the default way to style an SVG Element.
DefaultStyleHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.DefaultStyleHandler
DefaultSVGConverterController - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer
Default controller for the SVGConverter operation.
DefaultSVGConverterController() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.DefaultSVGConverterController
DefaultTimingSpecifierHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
An adapter class for TimingSpecifierHandler.
DefaultTimingSpecifierHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultTimingSpecifierHandler
DefaultTimingSpecifierListHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
An adapter class for TimingSpecifierListHandler.
DefaultTimingSpecifierListHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultTimingSpecifierListHandler
defaultTransform - Variable in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.GraphicContext
Default Transform to be used for creating FontRenderContext.
DefaultTransformListHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.parser
This class provides an adapter for TransformListHandler.
DefaultTransformListHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultTransformListHandler
This class does not need to be instantiated.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedBoolean
The default value.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedEnumeration
The default value, if the attribute is not specified.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedInteger
The default value.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedLength
The default value if the attribute is not specified.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedLengthList
Default value for the length list.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedNumber
The default value.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedNumberList
Default value for the number list.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedPathData
Default value for the 'd' attribute.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedPoints
Default value for the point list.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedRect
Default value.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedTransformList
Default value for the 'transform' attribute.
defaultValue - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGColorManager
The default value.
defaultView - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractStylableDocument
The default view.
DefaultXBLManager - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
A full featured sXBL manager.
DefaultXBLManager(Document, BridgeContext) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager
Creates a new DefaultXBLManager for the given document.
DefaultXBLManager.DefAttrListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM attribute mutation listener for definition elements.
DefaultXBLManager.DefAttrListener(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DefAttrListener
Creates a new DefAttrListener.
DefaultXBLManager.DefinitionRecord - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
Record class for storing information about an XBL definition.
DefaultXBLManager.DefinitionRecord(String, String, XBLOMDefinitionElement, XBLOMTemplateElement, Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DefinitionRecord
Creates a new DefinitionRecord.
DefaultXBLManager.DefNodeInsertedListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM node inserted listener for definition elements.
DefaultXBLManager.DefNodeInsertedListener(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DefNodeInsertedListener
Creates a new DefNodeInsertedListener.
DefaultXBLManager.DefNodeRemovedListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM node removed listener for definition elements.
DefaultXBLManager.DefNodeRemovedListener(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DefNodeRemovedListener
Creates a new DefNodeRemovedListener.
DefaultXBLManager.DocInsertedListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM node inserted listener for the document.
DefaultXBLManager.DocInsertedListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DocInsertedListener
DefaultXBLManager.DocRemovedListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM node removed listener for the document.
DefaultXBLManager.DocRemovedListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DocRemovedListener
DefaultXBLManager.DocSubtreeListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM subtree mutation listener for the document.
DefaultXBLManager.DocSubtreeListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DocSubtreeListener
DefaultXBLManager.ImportAttrListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM attribute mutation listener for import elements.
DefaultXBLManager.ImportAttrListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.ImportAttrListener
DefaultXBLManager.ImportInsertedListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM node inserted listener for imported XBL trees.
DefaultXBLManager.ImportInsertedListener(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.ImportInsertedListener
Creates a new ImportInsertedListener.
DefaultXBLManager.ImportRecord - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
Record class for storing information about an XBL import.
DefaultXBLManager.ImportRecord(Element, Node) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.ImportRecord
Creates a new ImportRecord.
DefaultXBLManager.ImportRemovedListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM node removed listener for imported XBL trees.
DefaultXBLManager.ImportRemovedListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.ImportRemovedListener
DefaultXBLManager.ImportSubtreeListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM subtree listener for imported XBL trees.
DefaultXBLManager.ImportSubtreeListener(Element, DefaultXBLManager.ImportRemovedListener) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.ImportSubtreeListener
Creates a new ImportSubtreeListener.
DefaultXBLManager.RefAttrListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM attribute mutation listener for referencing definition elements.
DefaultXBLManager.RefAttrListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.RefAttrListener
DefaultXBLManager.TemplateMutationListener - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
DOM mutation listener for template elements.
DefaultXBLManager.TemplateMutationListener(Element) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.TemplateMutationListener
Creates a new TemplateMutationListener.
DefaultXBLManager.XblChildNodes - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
To iterate over the XBL child nodes.
DefaultXBLManager.XblChildNodes(DefaultXBLManager.XBLRecord) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.XblChildNodes
Creates a new XblChildNodes.
DefaultXBLManager.XBLRecord - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
XBL record.
DefaultXBLManager.XBLRecord() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.XBLRecord
DefaultXBLManager.XblScopedChildNodes - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12
To iterate over the scoped XBL child nodes.
DefaultXBLManager.XblScopedChildNodes(DefaultXBLManager.XBLRecord) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.XblScopedChildNodes
Creates a new XblScopedChildNodes object.
defaultXMLSpace(String) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.dom.util.XMLSupport
Strips the white spaces in the given string according to the xml:space attribute recommended behaviour when it has the 'default' value.
DeferRable - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable
This class allows for the return of a proxy object quickly, while a heavy weight object is constrcuted in a background Thread.
DeferRable() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.DeferRable
Constructor takes nothing
defineClass(String, byte[]) - Method in class org.apache.batik.script.rhino.RhinoClassLoader
Define and load a Java class
defineGlobalWrapperClass(Scriptable) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.RhinoInterpreter
Defines the class for the global object.
defineGlobalWrapperClass(Scriptable) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVG12RhinoInterpreter
Defines the class for the global object.
definition - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DefinitionRecord
The definition element.
definitionElement - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.XBLRecord
The definition element that applies to this element.
definitionLists - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager
Map of namespace URI/local name pairs to ordered sets of definition records.
definitions - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager
Map of definition element/import element pairs to definition records.
definitionSrcElementCategory - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
definitionSrcElementDescription - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
definitionSrcElementMemberName - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
definitionSrcElementName - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
definitionSrcElementType - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
definitionSrcElementValue - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
defNodeInsertedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.ImportRecord
The DOM node inserted listener for definitions accessed through this import.
defNodeRemovedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.ImportRecord
The DOM node removed listener for definitions accessed through this import.
defsElementCategory - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
defsElementDescription - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
defsElementMemberName - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
defsElementName - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
defsElementType - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
defsElementValue - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
defSet - Variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.AbstractSVGConverter
Set of definitions to interpret the values of the attributes generated by this converter since its creation
defSet - Variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.AbstractSVGFilterConverter
Set of definitions to interpret the values of the attributes generated by this converter since its creation
defsToBeRemoved - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager.DocRemovedListener
List of definition elements to be removed from the document.
DEG - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.parser.LexicalUnits
Represents a deg lexical unit.
deg() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.parser.AngleHandler
Invoked when 'deg' has been parsed.
deg() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.DefaultAngleHandler
Implements AngleHandler.deg().
DEG_TO_RAD - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.ext.swing.JAffineTransformChooser
deinitialize() - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.timing.AccesskeyTimingSpecifier
Deinitializes this timing specifier by removing any event listeners.
deinitialize() - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.timing.EventbaseTimingSpecifier
Deinitializes this timing specifier by removing any event listeners.
deinitialize() - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.timing.TimedElement
Deinitializes this timed element.
deinitialize() - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.timing.TimingSpecifier
Deinitializes this timing specifier by removing any event listeners.
deleteData(int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractCharacterData
DOM: Implements CharacterData.deleteData(int,int).
delimiter - Variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg.OutputManager.AttributeInfo
The attribute value delimiter.
deltaX - Variable in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.TranslateRed
deltaY - Variable in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.TranslateRed
DEMIBOLD - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGFont
DEMILIGHT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGFont
deps - Variable in class org.apache.batik.util.ClassFileUtilities.ClassFile
deps - Variable in class org.apache.batik.util.ClassFileUtilities.Jar
depth - Variable in class org.apache.batik.xml.XMLScanner
The depth in the xml tree.
deriveFont(float, AttributedCharacterIterator) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGFontFamily
Derives a GVTFont object of the correct size.
deriveFont(float, Map) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGFontFamily
Derives a GVTFont object of the correct size from an attribute Map.
deriveFont(float) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGGVTFont
Creates a new GVTFont object by replicating this font object and applying a new size to it.
deriveFont(float, AttributedCharacterIterator) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.AWTFontFamily
Derives a GVTFont object of the correct size.
deriveFont(float, Map) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.AWTFontFamily
Derives a GVTFont object of the correct size from an attribute Map.
deriveFont(float) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.AWTGVTFont
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object and applying a new size to it.
deriveFont(float) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFont
Creates a new Font object by replicating the current Font object and applying a new size to it.
deriveFont(float, AttributedCharacterIterator) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily
Derives a GVTFont object of the correct size.
deriveFont(float, Map) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFamily
Derives a GVTFont object of the correct size from an attribute Map.
deriveFont(float, AttributedCharacterIterator) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.UnresolvedFontFamily
Derives a GVTFont object of the correct size.
deriveFont(float, Map) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.UnresolvedFontFamily
Derives a GVTFont object of the correct size from an attribute Map.
descElementCategory - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
descElementDescription - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
descElementMemberName - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
descElementName - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
descElementType - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
descElementValue - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
descendantSelected(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.XPathPatternContentSelector.SelectedNodes
descent - Variable in class org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.BlockInfo
descent - Variable in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTFontFace
descent - Variable in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTLineMetrics
descMap - Variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.AbstractSVGConverter
Map of descriptions already processed by this converter.
descMap - Variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.AbstractSVGFilterConverter
Map of descriptions already processed by this converter.
DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
deselectAll() - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMSVGElement
DOM: Implements SVGSVGElement.deselectAll().
deselectAll() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGSVGElementBridge
deselectAll() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.UserAgent
Informs the user agent that the text selection should be cleared.
deselectAll() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UserAgentAdapter
This user agent doesn't display text selections so nothing to clear.
deselectAll() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.dom.svg.SVGSVGContext
Used to inform the user agent that the text selection should be cleared.
deselectAll() - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent
Deselects all.
deselectAll() - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgent
Informs the user agent that the text selection should be cleared.
deselectAll() - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgentWrapper
Informs the user agent that the text should be deselected.
deselectInteractor() - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Deselects an interactor, if the interaction has finished.
DestinationType - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer
Describes the type of destination for an SVGConverter operation.
destinationType - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.SVGConverter
Result type
detach() - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger
Calls detach on JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger.debuggerInstance.
detach() - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.traversal.DOMNodeIterator
DOM: Implements NodeIterator.detach().
DETACH_METHOD - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger
detachNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument
Detaches the given node iterator from this document.
detachNodeIterator(NodeIterator) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.traversal.TraversalSupport
Detaches the given node iterator.
detail - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMCustomEvent
The custom detail associated with this event.
detail - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMTimeEvent
For repeat events this is the repeat iteration.
detailsArea - Variable in class org.apache.batik.util.gui.JErrorPane
The text area used to show the stack trace.
Device - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen.font.table
Device(RandomAccessFile) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.font.table.Device
Creates new Device
DEVICE_CMYK_COLOR_FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg12.DeviceColor
DEVICE_GRAY_COLOR_FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg12.DeviceColor
DEVICE_NCHANNEL_COLOR_FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg12.DeviceColor
DEVICE_RGB_COLOR_FUNCTION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg12.DeviceColor
DeviceColor - Class in org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg12
This class represents an device-specific color value.
DeviceColor(boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg12.DeviceColor
Creates a new DeviceColor.
DIB_PAL_COLORS - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants
DIB_RGB_COLORS - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants
diffuseConstant - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMFEDiffuseLightingElement
The 'diffuseConstant' attribute value.
DiffuseLightingRable - Interface in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable
This filter primitive lights an image using the alpha channel as a bump map.
DiffuseLightingRable8Bit - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable
Implementation of the DiffuseLightRable interface.
DiffuseLightingRable8Bit(Filter, Rectangle2D, Light, double, double, double[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.DiffuseLightingRable8Bit
DiffuseLightingRed - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered
DiffuseLightingRed(double, Light, BumpMap, Rectangle, double, double, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.DiffuseLightingRed
dimension - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.parser.CSSLexicalUnit.DimensionLexicalUnit
The dimension.
DIMENSION - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.parser.LexicalUnits
Represents a dimension lexical unit.
dimension(boolean, LexicalUnit) - Method in class org.apache.batik.css.parser.Parser
Converts the current lexical unit to a dimension.
DIMGRAY_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'dimgray' RGB color.
DIMGRAY_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'dimgray' color name.
DIMGREY_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'dimgrey' RGB color.
DIMGREY_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'dimgrey' color name.
direction - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AbstractSVGAnimatedLength
This length's direction.
direction - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AbstractSVGLength
This length's direction.
direction - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AbstractSVGLengthList
This length list's direction.
direction - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMAnimatedLengthList
The direction of the lengths in this list.
DIRECTION_INDEX - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.SVGCSSEngine
DirectionManager - Class in org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.css2
This class provides a manager for the 'direction' property values.
DirectionManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.css2.DirectionManager
DirectoryEntry - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen.font.table
DirectoryEntry(RandomAccessFile) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.font.table.DirectoryEntry
dirtyAreas - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UpdateManagerEvent
The dirty areas, as a List of Rectangles.
disableInteractions - Variable in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent
Whether to unconditionally disable interactions.
DISCRETE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.ComponentTransferFunction
DiscreteTransfer - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image
This class defines the Discrete type transfer function for the feComponentTransfer filter, as defined in chapter 15, section 11 of the SVG specification.
DiscreteTransfer(int[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.DiscreteTransfer
The input is an int array which will be used later to construct the lut data
dispatch(Object, Object) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.util.EventDispatcher.Dispatcher
DISPATCH_REQUEST_ERR - Static variable in exception org.w3c.dom.events.EventException
If the Event object is already dispatched in the tree.
dispatchBindingChangedEvent(Element, Element) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager
Dispatches a BindingEvent the registered listeners.
dispatchContentSelectionChangedEvent(XBLOMContentElement) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.ContentManager
Dispatches the ContentSelectionChangedEvent to the registered listeners.
dispatcher - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeEventSupport.GVTUnloadListener
dispatchEvent(NodeEventTarget, Event) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.XBLEventSupport
This method allows the dispatch of events into the implementations event model.
dispatchEvent(Event) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
DOM: Implements EventTarget.dispatchEvent(Event).
dispatchEvent(NodeEventTarget, Event) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.EventSupport
This method allows the dispatch of events into the implementations event model.
dispatchEvent(Event) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.dom.events.NodeEventTarget
This method allows the dispatch of events into the implementation's event model.
dispatchEvent(EventObject) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.event.AWTEventDispatcher
Dispatches the specified AWT event.
dispatchEvent(EventObject) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.gvt.event.EventDispatcher
Dispatched the specified event object.
dispatchEvent(EventDispatcher.Dispatcher, Object[], Object) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.util.EventDispatcher
dispatchEvent(Event) - Method in interface org.w3c.dom.events.EventTarget
This method allows the dispatch of events into the implementation's event model.
dispatchKeyboardEvent(String, GraphicsNodeKeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.SVG12BridgeEventSupport.Listener
Dispatch a DOM 3 Keyboard event.
dispatchKeyEvent(String, GraphicsNodeKeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeEventSupport.Listener
Dispatch a DOM 2 Draft Key event.
dispatchKeyEvent(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.event.AWTEventDispatcher
Dispatches the specified AWT key event.
dispatchKeyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchKeyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchKeyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchKeyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchKeyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchKeyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseEvent(String, GraphicsNodeMouseEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeEventSupport.Listener
Dispatches a DOM MouseEvent according to the specified parameters.
dispatchMouseEvent(String, Element, Element, Point, GraphicsNodeMouseEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeEventSupport.Listener
Dispatches a DOM MouseEvent according to the specified parameters.
dispatchMouseEvent(String, Element, Element, Point, GraphicsNodeMouseEvent, boolean) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.SVG12BridgeEventSupport.Listener
Dispatches a DOM MouseEvent according to the specified parameters.
dispatchMouseEvent(String, Element, Element, Point, GraphicsNodeMouseEvent, boolean, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.SVG12BridgeEventSupport.Listener
Dispatches a DOM MouseEvent according to the specified parameters.
dispatchMouseEvent(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.event.AWTEventDispatcher
Dispatches the specified AWT mouse event.
dispatchMouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseWheelEvent(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.event.AWTEventDispatcher
Dispatches the specified AWT mouse wheel event.
dispatchMouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent.Listener
Dispatches the mouse event to the GVT tree.
dispatchMouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Dispatches the event to the GVT tree.
dispatchSelectionEvent(SelectionEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.ConcreteTextSelector
Reports whether the current selection contains any objects.
dispatchSVGDocEvent(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BaseScriptingEnvironment
dispatchSVGLoad(Element, boolean, String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BaseScriptingEnvironment
Auxiliary method for dispatchSVGLoad.
dispatchSVGLoadEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BaseScriptingEnvironment
Recursively dispatch the SVG 'onload' event.
dispatchSVGLoadEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UpdateManager
Dispatches an 'SVGLoad' event to the document.
dispatchSVGLoadEvent(BridgeContext, ScriptingEnvironment) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UpdateManager
Dispatches an 'SVGLoad' event to the document.
dispatchSVGResizeEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BaseScriptingEnvironment
Method to dispatch SVG Resize event.
dispatchSVGResizeEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UpdateManager
Dispatches an "SVGZoom" event to the document.
dispatchSVGScrollEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BaseScriptingEnvironment
Method to dispatch SVG Scroll event.
dispatchSVGScrollEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UpdateManager
Dispatches an "SVGZoom" event to the document.
dispatchSVGUnLoadEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UpdateManager
Dispatches an 'SVGUnLoad' event to the document.
dispatchSVGZoomEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BaseScriptingEnvironment
Method to dispatch SVG Zoom event.
dispatchSVGZoomEvent() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UpdateManager
Dispatches an "SVGZoom" event to the document.
dispatchTextEvent(GraphicsNodeKeyEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.SVG12BridgeEventSupport.Listener
Dispatch a DOM 3 Text event.
DisplacementMapRable - Interface in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable
Implements a DisplacementMap operation, which takes pixel values from another image to spatially displace the input image
DisplacementMapRable8Bit - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable
Implements a DisplacementMap operation, which takes pixel values from another image to spatially displace the input image
DisplacementMapRable8Bit(List, double, ARGBChannel, ARGBChannel) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.DisplacementMapRable8Bit
DisplacementMapRed - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered
This implementation of RenderableImage will render its input GraphicsNode on demand for tiles.
DisplacementMapRed(CachableRed, CachableRed, ARGBChannel, ARGBChannel, float, float, RenderingHints) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.DisplacementMapRed
DISPLAY_INDEX - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.SVGCSSEngine
displayError(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.UserAgent
Displays an error message.
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.UserAgent
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext.CSSEngineUserAgentWrapper
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(Exception) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.UserAgent
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UserAgentAdapter
Display the specified error message (forwards call to displayMessage).
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UserAgentAdapter
Display the specified error (forwards call to displayError(String))
displayError(Exception) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngineUserAgent
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.JSVGCanvas.CanvasUserAgent
Displays an error message in the User Agent interface.
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.JSVGCanvas.CanvasUserAgent
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgent
Displays an error message in the User Agent interface.
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgent
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgentWrapper
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(String) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgent
Displays an error message.
displayError(Exception) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgent
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgentAdapter
Displays an error message.
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgentAdapter
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgentGUIAdapter
Displays an error message.
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgentGUIAdapter
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
displayError(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.SVGAbstractTranscoder.SVGAbstractTranscoderUserAgent
Displays the specified error message using the ErrorHandler.
displayError(Exception) - Method in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.SVGAbstractTranscoder.SVGAbstractTranscoderUserAgent
Displays the specified error using the ErrorHandler.
DisplayManager - Class in org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.css2
This class provides a manager for the 'display' property values.
DisplayManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.css2.DisplayManager
displayMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.UserAgent
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext.CSSEngineUserAgentWrapper
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.UserAgent
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UserAgentAdapter
Display the specified message.
displayMessage(String) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngineUserAgent
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgent
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgentWrapper
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgent
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgentAdapter
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGUserAgentGUIAdapter
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
displayMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.SVGAbstractTranscoder.SVGAbstractTranscoderUserAgent
Displays the specified message using the ErrorHandler.
displayThread - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.StatusBar
The current display thread.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.AnimationEngine
Disposes this animation engine.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger
Calls dispose on JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger.debuggerInstance.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
Call dispose on canvas as well.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.AbstractGraphicsNodeBridge
Disposes this BridgeUpdateHandler and releases all resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.AnimatableGenericSVGBridge
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
Disposes this BridgeContext.
dispose() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeUpdateHandler
Disposes this BridgeUpdateHandler and releases all resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.DocumentLoader
Disposes and releases all resources allocated by this document loader.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.FocusManager
Removes all listeners attached to the document and that manage focus.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.RhinoInterpreter
For RhinoInterpreter this method flushes the Rhino caches to avoid memory leaks.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.BindableElementBridge
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.ContentManager
Disposes this ContentManager.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.SVG12BridgeContext
Disposes this BridgeContext.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.SVGMultiImageElementBridge
Disposes this BridgeUpdateHandler and releases all resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.XBLContentElementBridge
Dispose this bridge by removing the ContentSelectionChangedListener object.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGAElementBridge
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGAnimationElementBridge
Disposes this BridgeUpdateHandler and releases all resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGAnimationEngine
Disposes this animation engine.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGDescriptiveElementBridge
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGDocumentBridge
Disposes this BridgeUpdateHandler and releases all resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGImageElementBridge
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGSVGElementBridge
Disposes this BridgeUpdateHandler and releases all resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGSwitchElementBridge
Disposes this BridgeUpdateHandler and releases all resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGTextElementBridge.AbstractTextChildBridgeUpdateHandler
Disposes this BridgeUpdateHandler and releases all resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGTextElementBridge
Disposes this text element bridge by removing the text event listeners that were added in SVGTextElementBridge.initializeDynamicSupport(org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext, org.w3c.dom.Element, org.apache.batik.gvt.GraphicsNode).
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGUseElementBridge
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
Disposes the CSSEngine and all the attached resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Disposes of this graphics context and releases any system resources that it is using.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.SVGComposite.AlphaPreCompositeContext
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.PatternPaintContext
dispose() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.ImageRenderer
release resources associated with this object.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.MacRenderer
dispose() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.Renderer
Cause the renderer to ask to be removed from external reference lists, de-register as a listener to events, etc.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.StaticRenderer
Disposes all resources of this renderer.
dispose() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.script.Interpreter
This method can dispose resources used by the interpreter when it is no longer used.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Disposes of this graphics context and releases any system resources that it is using.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.util.io.AbstractCharDecoder
Disposes the associated resources.
dispose() - Method in interface org.apache.batik.util.io.CharDecoder
Disposes the associated resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.util.io.GenericDecoder
Disposes the associated resources.
dispose() - Method in class org.apache.batik.util.io.StringDecoder
Disposes the associated resources.
DISPOSE_METHOD - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame.Debugger
disposeStyleMaps(Node) - Method in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
Removes the style maps from each CSSStylableElement in the document.
disposeTree(Node) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.AbstractGraphicsNodeBridge
Disposes all resources related to the specified node and its subtree.
disposeTree(Node, boolean) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.AbstractGraphicsNodeBridge
Disposes all resources related to the specified node and its subtree, and optionally removes the nodes' SVGContext.
distanceBetweenRun(SVGTextElementBridge.CharacterInformation, SVGTextElementBridge.CharacterInformation) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGTextElementBridge
distanceFirstLastCharacterInRun(SVGTextElementBridge.CharacterInformation, SVGTextElementBridge.CharacterInformation) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGTextElementBridge
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableAngleOrIdentValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableAngleValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableBooleanValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableColorValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableIntegerValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableLengthListValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableLengthOrIdentValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableLengthValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableMotionPointValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableNumberListValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableNumberOptionalNumberValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableNumberOrIdentValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableNumberOrPercentageValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableNumberValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatablePaintValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatablePathDataValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatablePointListValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatablePreserveAspectRatioValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableRectValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableStringValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableTransformListValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableValue
Returns the absolute distance between this value and the specified other value.
distanceTo1(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableTransformListValue
Returns the distance between this value's first component and the specified other value's first component.
distanceTo2(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableTransformListValue
Returns the distance between this value's second component and the specified other value's second component.
distanceTo3(AnimatableValue) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.values.AnimatableTransformListValue
Returns the distance between this value's third component and the specified other value's third component.
DistantLight - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image
A light source placed at the infinity, such that the light angle is constant over the whole surface.
DistantLight(double, double, Color) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.DistantLight
distributeAcross(RenderableImage, Graphics2D) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.renderable.FilterResRable8Bit
This function attempts to distribute the filterRes operation across src.
DIVIDE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.parser.LexicalUnits
Represents the '/' lexical unit.
divide_BYTE_COMP_Data(WritableRaster) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil
divide_INT_PACK_Data(WritableRaster) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil
divideAlpha(WritableRaster) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil
docInsertedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager
DOM node inserted listener for the document.
doCompoundEdit(HistoryBrowser.HistoryBrowserEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.HistoryBrowser.HistoryBrowserAdapter
doCompoundEdit(HistoryBrowser.HistoryBrowserEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.HistoryBrowser.HistoryBrowserListener
The the atom command that should be wrapped with the compound command has been executed.
docPURL - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BaseScriptingEnvironment
The URL of the document ot manage
docRemovedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager
DOM node removed listener for the document.
docSubtreeListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager
DOM subtree mutation listener for the document.
doctype - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.util.SAXDocumentFactory
The DTD to use when the document is created.
DOCTYPE_CHANGE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg.PrettyPrinter
DOCTYPE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.util.gui.xmleditor.XMLScanner
DOCTYPE_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.xml.XMLScanner
The doctype context.
DOCTYPE_KEEP_UNCHANGED - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg.PrettyPrinter
DOCTYPE_REMOVE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg.PrettyPrinter
DOCTYPE_START - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.xml.LexicalUnits
Represents a doctype start lexical unit, i.e. <!DOCTYPE.
DOCTYPE_STYLE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.util.gui.xmleditor.XMLContext
doctypeOption - Variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg.PrettyPrinter
The doctype option.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.AnimationEngine
The document this AnimationEngine is managing animation for.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel
The DOM document.
DOCUMENT - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.ResourceOrigin
Same as document
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BaseScriptingEnvironment
The document to manage.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
The document is bridge context is dedicated to.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.FocusManager
The document.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.DefaultXBLManager
The document.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGDocumentBridge
The document node this bridge is associated with.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.UpdateManager
The document to manage.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.URIResolver
The reference document.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
The associated document.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.traversal.DOMNodeIterator
The document which created the iterator.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.util.SAXDocumentFactory
The created document.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderInput
The optional input as XML Document.
document - Variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.TranscoderOutput
The optional output as XML Document.
DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
DOCUMENT_POSITION_DISCONNECTED - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
DOCUMENT_POSITION_FOLLOWING - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
DOCUMENT_POSITION_IMPLEMENTATION_SPECIFIC - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
DOCUMENT_POSITION_PRECEDING - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractNode
DOCUMENT_START_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.xml.XMLScanner
The document start context.
DOCUMENT_STRUCTURE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.NodeTemplates
documentBeginTime - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.timing.TimedDocumentRoot
The wallclock time that the document began.
DocumentBridge - Interface in org.apache.batik.bridge
Interface for bridge classes that operate on Document nodes.
documentChanged - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.ThumbnailDialog
A flag bit that indicates a document has been loaded.
documentCodeSource - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.DocumentJarClassLoader
CodeSource for the Document which referenced the Jar file
DocumentDescriptor - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.util
This class contains informations about a document.
DocumentDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.util.DocumentDescriptor
Creates a new table.
documentDescriptor - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.util.SAXDocumentFactory
The created document descriptor.
DocumentDescriptor.Entry - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.util
To manage collisions
DocumentDescriptor.Entry(int, Element, int, int, DocumentDescriptor.Entry) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.util.DocumentDescriptor.Entry
Creates a new entry
DocumentEvent - Interface in org.w3c.dom.events
The DocumentEvent interface provides a mechanism by which the user can create an Event object of a type supported by the implementation.
documentEventSupport - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument
The DocumentEventSupport.
DocumentEventSupport - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
This class implements the behavior of DocumentEvent.
DocumentEventSupport() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport
DocumentEventSupport.CustomEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a Custom event.
DocumentEventSupport.CustomEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.CustomEventFactory
DocumentEventSupport.EventFactory - Interface in org.apache.batik.dom.events
This interface represents an event factory.
DocumentEventSupport.KeyboardEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a keyboard event.
DocumentEventSupport.KeyboardEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.KeyboardEventFactory
DocumentEventSupport.KeyEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a key event.
DocumentEventSupport.KeyEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.KeyEventFactory
DocumentEventSupport.MouseEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a mouse event.
DocumentEventSupport.MouseEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.MouseEventFactory
DocumentEventSupport.MutationEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a mutation event.
DocumentEventSupport.MutationEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.MutationEventFactory
DocumentEventSupport.MutationNameEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a mutation name event.
DocumentEventSupport.MutationNameEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.MutationNameEventFactory
DocumentEventSupport.SimpleEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a simple event.
DocumentEventSupport.SimpleEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.SimpleEventFactory
DocumentEventSupport.TextEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a Text event.
DocumentEventSupport.TextEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.TextEventFactory
DocumentEventSupport.UIEventFactory - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
To create a UI event.
DocumentEventSupport.UIEventFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DocumentEventSupport.UIEventFactory
documentFactory - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.DocumentLoader
The document factory used to create the document according a DOM implementation.
DocumentFactory - Interface in org.apache.batik.dom.util
This interface represents an object which can build a Document.
documentHandler - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.parser.Parser
The document handler.
documentInfo - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel
The documentInfo panel text area.
documentInfoPanel - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel
The documentInfo node panel.
DocumentJarClassLoader - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge
This ClassLoader implementation only grants permission to connect back to the server from where the document referencing the jar file was loaded.
DocumentJarClassLoader(URL, URL) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.DocumentJarClassLoader
documentLoader - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
The document loader used to load/create Document.
DocumentLoader - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge
This class is responsible on loading an SVG document and maintaining a cache.
DocumentLoader() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.DocumentLoader
Constructs a new DocumentLoader.
DocumentLoader(UserAgent) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.DocumentLoader
Constructs a new DocumentLoader with the specified XML parser.
documentLoader - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.URIResolver
The document loader.
documentLoader - Variable in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent
The document loader.
documentLoadingCancelled(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
Called when the loading of a document was cancelled.
documentLoadingCancelled(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Called when the loading of a document was cancelled.
documentLoadingCancelled(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGDocumentLoaderAdapter
Called when the loading of a document was cancelled.
documentLoadingCancelled(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGDocumentLoaderListener
Called when the loading of a document was cancelled.
documentLoadingCompleted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
Called when the loading of a document was completed.
documentLoadingCompleted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Called when the loading of a document was completed.
documentLoadingCompleted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGDocumentLoaderAdapter
Called when the loading of a document was completed.
documentLoadingCompleted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGDocumentLoaderListener
Called when the loading of a document was completed.
documentLoadingFailed(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
Called when the loading of a document has failed.
documentLoadingFailed(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Called when the loading of a document has failed.
documentLoadingFailed(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGDocumentLoaderAdapter
Called when the loading of a document has failed.
documentLoadingFailed(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGDocumentLoaderListener
Called when the loading of a document has failed.
documentLoadingStarted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
Called when the loading of a document was started.
documentLoadingStarted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.ThumbnailDialog.ThumbnailDocumentListener
documentLoadingStarted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.JSVGCanvas.CanvasSVGListener
Called when the loading of a document was started.
documentLoadingStarted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.SVGListener
Called when the loading of a document was started.
documentLoadingStarted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGDocumentLoaderAdapter
Called when the loading of a document was started.
documentLoadingStarted(SVGDocumentLoaderEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.swing.svg.SVGDocumentLoaderListener
Called when the loading of a document was started.
documentSize - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
The size of the document.
documentState - Variable in class org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent
The document state.
documentURI - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.URIResolver
The document URI.
documentURI - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
The document URI.
documentURI - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.parser.Parser
The document URI.
documentURI - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument
The document URI.
documentURL - Variable in class org.apache.batik.script.rhino.RhinoClassLoader
URL for the document referencing the script.
documentWidth - Variable in class org.apache.batik.transcoder.svg2svg.PrettyPrinter
The document width.
DODGERBLUE_RGB_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'dodgerblue' RGB color.
DODGERBLUE_VALUE - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.SVGValueConstants
The 'dodgerblue' color name.
doExplicitGlyphLayout() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.GlyphLayout
Explicitly lays out each of the glyphs in the glyph vector.
DOM_CANONICAL_FORM_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_CDATA_SECTIONS_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_CDATA_SECTIONS_SPLITTED_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_CHECK_CHARACTER_NORMALIZATION_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_COMMENTS_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_DATATYPE_NORMALIZATION_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_ELEMENT_CONTENT_WHITESPACE_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_ENTITIES_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_ERROR_HANDLER_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_IMPLEMENTATION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVG12DOMImplementation
The default instance of this class.
DOM_IMPLEMENTATION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGDOMImplementation
The default instance of this class.
DOM_IMPLEMENTATION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.GenericDOMImplementation
The default instance of this class.
DOM_INFOSET_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_NODE_NAME_ERROR - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_KEY_LOCATION_LEFT - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.events.KeyboardEvent
The key activated is in the left key location (there is more than one possible location for this key).
DOM_KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.events.KeyboardEvent
The key activation originated on the numeric keypad or with a virtual key corresponding to the numeric keypad.
DOM_KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.events.KeyboardEvent
The key activation is in the right key location (there is more than one possible location for this key).
DOM_KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD - Static variable in interface org.w3c.dom.events.KeyboardEvent
The key activation is not distinguished as the left or right version of the key, and did not originate from the numeric keypad (or did not originate with a virtual key corresponding to the numeric keypad).
DOM_NAMESPACE_DECLARATIONS_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_NAMESPACES_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_NORMALIZE_CHARACTERS_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_SPLIT_CDATA_SECTIONS_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_VALIDATE_IF_SCHEMA_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_VALIDATE_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
DOM_VIEWER_ACTION - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
DOM_VK_0 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_1 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_2 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_3 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_4 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_5 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_6 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_7 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_8 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_9 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_A - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ACCEPT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ADD - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_AGAIN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ALL_CANDIDATES - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ALPHANUMERIC - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ALT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ALT_GRAPH - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_AMPERSAND - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ASTERISK - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_AT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_B - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_BACK_QUOTE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_BACK_SLASH - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_BACK_SPACE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_BRACELEFT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_BRACERIGHT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_C - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CANCEL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CAPS_LOCK - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CIRCUMFLEX - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CLEAR - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CLOSE_BRACKET - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CODE_INPUT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_COLON - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_COMMA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_COMPOSE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CONTROL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CONVERT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_COPY - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_CUT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_D - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_ABOVEDOT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_ABOVERING - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_ACUTE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_BREVE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_CARON - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_CEDILLA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_DIAERESIS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_DOUBLEACUTE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_GRAVE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_IOTA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_MACRON - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_OGONEK - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_SEMIVOICED_SOUND - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_TILDE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DEAD_VOICED_SOUND - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DECIMAL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DELETE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DIVIDE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DOLLAR - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_DOWN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_E - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_END - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ENTER - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_EQUALS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ESCAPE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_EURO_SIGN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_EXCLAMATION_MARK - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F1 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F10 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F11 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F12 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F13 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F14 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F15 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F16 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F17 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F18 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F19 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F2 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F20 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F21 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F22 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F23 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F24 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F3 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F4 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F5 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F6 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F7 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F8 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_F9 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_FINAL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_FIND - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_FULL_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_G - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_GREATER - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_H - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_HALF_WIDTH - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_HELP - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_HIRAGANA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_HOME - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_I - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_INSERT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_INVERTED_EXCLAMATION_MARK - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_J - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_JAPANESE_HIRAGANA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_JAPANESE_KATAKANA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_JAPANESE_ROMAN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_K - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_KANA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_KANJI - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_KATAKANA - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_KP_DOWN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_KP_LEFT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_KP_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_KP_UP - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_L - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_LEFT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_LESS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_M - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_META - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_MINUS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_MODECHANGE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_MULTIPLY - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_N - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NONCONVERT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUM_LOCK - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMBER_SIGN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD0 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD1 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD2 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD3 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD4 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD5 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD6 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD7 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD8 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_NUMPAD9 - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_O - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_OPEN_BRACKET - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_P - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PAGE_DOWN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PAGE_UP - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PASTE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PAUSE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PERIOD - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PLUS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PRINTSCREEN - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_PROPS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_Q - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_QUOTE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_QUOTEDBL - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_R - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_RIGHT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_ROMAN_CHARACTERS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_S - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_SCROLL_LOCK - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_SEMICOLON - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_SEPARATER - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_SHIFT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_SLASH - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_SPACE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_STOP - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_SUBTRACT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_T - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_TAB - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_U - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_UNDERSCORE - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_UNDO - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_UP - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_V - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_W - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_X - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_Y - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_VK_Z - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
DOM_WELL_FORMED_PARAM - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.util.DOMConstants
domAttrModifiedEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
The DOM EventListener to receive 'DOMAttrModified' event.
domAttrModifiedEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.ContentManager
DOMAttrModified listener for bound element children.
domAttrModifiedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.ScriptingEnvironment
The DOMAttrModified event listener.
domAttrModifiedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
The DOMAttrModified event listener.
domCharacterDataModifiedEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
The DOM EventListener to receive 'DOMCharacterDataModified' event.
domCharacterDataModifiedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMStyleElement
The listener used to track the content changes.
domCharacterDataModifiedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
The DOMCharacterDataModified event listener.
domConfig - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument
The DOMConfiguration object for this document.
DOMConstants - Interface in org.apache.batik.util
String constants used by the DOM classes.
DOMCustomEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
A custom event object.
DOMCustomEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMCustomEvent
DOMDocumentTree - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
A swing tree to represent DOM Document.
DOMDocumentTree(TreeNode, DOMDocumentTreeController) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree
Creates the DOMDocumentTree.
DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeAdapter - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The adapter for the DOMDocumentTreeListener.
DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeAdapter
DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Event to pass to listener.
DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeEvent(Object) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeEvent
DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeListener - Interface in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The DOMDocumentTreeListener.
DOMDocumentTree.DropCompletedInfo - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Contains the info for the 'dropCompleted' Event.
DOMDocumentTree.DropCompletedInfo(Node, Node, ArrayList) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.DropCompletedInfo
DOMDocumentTree.TransferableTreeNode - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Transferable tree node.
DOMDocumentTree.TransferableTreeNode(DOMDocumentTree.TransferData) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TransferableTreeNode
DOMDocumentTree.TransferData - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The data being transfered on dnd.
DOMDocumentTree.TransferData(ArrayList) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TransferData
Creates the TransferData.
DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The JTree drag source wrapper.
DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource(DOMDocumentTree, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource
DOMDocumentTree.TreeDropTargetListener - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Tree as a drop target listener.
DOMDocumentTree.TreeDropTargetListener(DOMDocumentTree) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDropTargetListener
DOMDocumentTreeController - Interface in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Provides the information to control the DOMDocumentTree behaviour.
DOMEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
A simple event.
DOMEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMEvent
DomExtension - Interface in org.apache.batik.dom
This is a Service interface for classes that want to extend the functionality of the AbstractDocument, to support new tags in the DOM tree.
domFocusInListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.FocusManager
The EventListener that tracks 'DOMFocusIn' events.
domFocusOutListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.FocusManager
The EventListener that tracks 'DOMFocusOut' events.
DOMGroupManager - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen
This class is used by the Graphics2D SVG Generator to manage a group of Nodes that can later be added to the SVG DOM Tree managed by the DOMTreeManager.
DOMGroupManager(GraphicContext, DOMTreeManager) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.DOMGroupManager
domGroupManager - Variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
The DOMGroupManager manages additions to the current group node associated for this Graphics2D object.
DOMImplementationKey - Class in org.apache.batik.transcoder.keys
A transcoding Key represented as a DOMImplementation.
DOMImplementationKey() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.transcoder.keys.DOMImplementationKey
DOMINANT_BASELINE_INDEX - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.SVGCSSEngine
DominantBaselineManager - Class in org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg
This class provides a manager for the 'alignment-baseline' property values.
DominantBaselineManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.css.engine.value.svg.DominantBaselineManager
DOMKeyboardEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
DOM 3 Keyboard event class.
DOMKeyboardEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyboardEvent
DOMKeyEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
The KeyEvent interface provides specific contextual information associated with Key events.
DOMKeyEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMKeyEvent
domLocator - Variable in class org.apache.batik.dom.AbstractDocument.DocumentError
The DOMLocator for this error.
DOMMouseEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
The MouseEvent class provides specific contextual information associated with Mouse events.
DOMMouseEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMMouseEvent
DOMMutationEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
The MutationEvent class provides specific contextual information associated with Mutation events.
DOMMutationEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMMutationEvent
DOMMutationNameEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
Class to implement DOM 3 MutationName events.
DOMMutationNameEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMMutationNameEvent
domNodeInsertedEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
The DOM EventListener to receive 'DOMNodeInserted' event.
domNodeInsertedEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.ContentManager
DOMNodeInserted listener for bound element children.
domNodeInsertedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.ScriptingEnvironment
The DOMNodeInserted event listener.
domNodeInsertedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
The DOMNodeInserted event listener.
DOMNodeIterator - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.traversal
This class implements the NodeIterator interface.
DOMNodeIterator(AbstractDocument, Node, int, NodeFilter, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.traversal.DOMNodeIterator
Creates a new NodeIterator object.
domNodeRemovedEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
The DOM EventListener to receive 'DOMNodeRemoved' event.
domNodeRemovedEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.ContentManager
DOMNodeRemoved listener for bound element children.
domNodeRemovedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.ScriptingEnvironment
The DOMNodeRemoved event listener.
domNodeRemovedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
The DOMNodeRemoved event listener.
domSubtreeModifiedEventListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.ContentManager
DOMSubtreeModified listener for shadow tree nodes.
domSubtreeModifiedListener - Variable in class org.apache.batik.css.engine.CSSEngine
The DOMSubtreeModified event listener.
DOMTextEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
Class to implement DOM 3 Text events.
DOMTextEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMTextEvent
DOMTimeEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
An event class for SMIL timing events.
DOMTimeEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMTimeEvent
domTreeManager - Variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.DOMGroupManager
DOMTreeManager that this group manager cooperates with
DOMTreeManager - Class in org.apache.batik.svggen
This class is used by the SVGGraphics2D SVG Generator to manage addition of new Nodes to the SVG DOM Tree.
DOMTreeManager(GraphicContext, SVGGeneratorContext, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.svggen.DOMTreeManager
domTreeManager - Variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
The DOMTreeManager manages the process of creating and growing the SVG tree.
DOMTreeWalker - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.traversal
This class implements the NodeIterator interface.
DOMTreeWalker(Node, int, NodeFilter, boolean) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.traversal.DOMTreeWalker
Creates a new TreeWalker object.
DOMUIEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.events
The UIEvent class provides specific contextual information associated with User Interface events.
DOMUIEvent() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.events.DOMUIEvent
DOMUtilities - Class in org.apache.batik.dom.util
A collection of utility functions for the DOM.
DOMUtilities() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.dom.util.DOMUtilities
Does not need to be instantiated.
DOMViewer - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The components of this class are used to view a DOM tree.
DOMViewer(DOMViewerController) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer
Creates a new DOMViewer panel.
domViewer - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.JSVGViewerFrame
The DOM viewer.
DOMViewer.CapturingClickButtonAction - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The action associated with the 'Capturing-click' toggle button of the viewer panel.
DOMViewer.CapturingClickButtonAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.CapturingClickButtonAction
DOMViewer.CloseButtonAction - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The action associated with the 'Close' button of the viewer panel
DOMViewer.CloseButtonAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.CloseButtonAction
DOMViewer.ContentNodeInfo - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
To store the node information for an xbl:content node's selected content.
DOMViewer.ContentNodeInfo(Node) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.ContentNodeInfo
Creates a new ContentNodeInfo object.
DOMViewer.DOMViewerDOMDocumentTreeController - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
DOMDocumentTreeController implementation.
DOMViewer.DOMViewerDOMDocumentTreeController() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.DOMViewerDOMDocumentTreeController
DOMViewer.DOMViewerElementOverlayController - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
ElementOverlayController implementation.
DOMViewer.DOMViewerElementOverlayController() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.DOMViewerElementOverlayController
DOMViewer.DOMViewerNodePickerController - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
NodePickerController implementation.
DOMViewer.DOMViewerNodePickerController() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.DOMViewerNodePickerController
DOMViewer.NodeInfo - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
To store the nodes informations
DOMViewer.NodeInfo(Node) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.NodeInfo
Creates a new NodeInfo object.
DOMViewer.OverlayButtonAction - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The action associated with the 'overlay' toggle button of the viewer panel.
DOMViewer.OverlayButtonAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.OverlayButtonAction
DOMViewer.Panel - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The panel that contains the viewer.
DOMViewer.Panel() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel
Creates a new Panel object.
DOMViewer.Panel.AttributeModificationHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Handles "DOMAttrModified" event.
DOMViewer.Panel.AttributeModificationHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.AttributeModificationHandler
DOMViewer.Panel.CapturingClickHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Handles the capturing "mouseclick" event.
DOMViewer.Panel.CapturingClickHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.CapturingClickHandler
DOMViewer.Panel.CharacterPanel - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The CharacterData panel text area.
DOMViewer.Panel.CharacterPanel(BorderLayout) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.CharacterPanel
DOMViewer.Panel.CharDataModificationHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Handles "DOMCharacterDataModified" event.
DOMViewer.Panel.CharDataModificationHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.CharDataModificationHandler
DOMViewer.Panel.DOMTreeSelectionListener - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
To listen to the tree selection.
DOMViewer.Panel.DOMTreeSelectionListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.DOMTreeSelectionListener
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeCSSValuesModel - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
To display the CSS properties of a DOM node in a table.
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeCSSValuesModel(Node) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.NodeCSSValuesModel
Creates a new NodeAttributesModel object.
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeInsertionHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Handles "DOMNodeInserted" event.
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeInsertionHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.NodeInsertionHandler
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeRemovalHandler - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Handles "DOMNodeRemoved" event.
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeRemovalHandler() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.NodeRemovalHandler
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeRenderer - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
To render the tree nodes.
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeRenderer() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.NodeRenderer
Creates a new NodeRenderer object.
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeTemplateParser - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Parser for the Element template.
DOMViewer.Panel.NodeTemplateParser(String, short) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.NodeTemplateParser
DOMViewer.Panel.TreeNodeAdder - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Handles tree pop-up menu action for adding new node.
DOMViewer.Panel.TreeNodeAdder() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.TreeNodeAdder
DOMViewer.Panel.TreeNodeRemover - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Handles tree pop-up menu action for removing nodes.
DOMViewer.Panel.TreeNodeRemover() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.TreeNodeRemover
DOMViewer.Panel.TreePopUpListener - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Tree popup listener.
DOMViewer.Panel.TreePopUpListener() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.Panel.TreePopUpListener
Creates new pop up listener.
DOMViewer.RedoButtonAction - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The action associated with the 'Redo' dropdown button of the viewer panel
DOMViewer.RedoButtonAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.RedoButtonAction
DOMViewer.ShadowNodeInfo - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
To store the node information for a shadow tree.
DOMViewer.ShadowNodeInfo(Node) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.ShadowNodeInfo
Creates a new ShadowNodeInfo object.
DOMViewer.UndoButtonAction - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The action associated with the 'Undo' dropdown button of the viewer panel
DOMViewer.UndoButtonAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer.UndoButtonAction
domViewerController - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMViewer
The DOMViewer controller.
DOMViewerController - Interface in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
Provides the information needed for the DOMViewer to show and edit the document.
done - Variable in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.geom.PathLength.SingleSegmentPathIterator
Whether the single segment has been passed.
done() - Method in class org.apache.batik.extension.svg.GlyphIterator
done() - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.flow.FlowRegions
doParse(String, ListHandler) - Method in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.AbstractSVGLengthList
Parses the attribute associated with this SVGLengthList.
doParse(String, ListHandler) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.svg.AbstractSVGList
Parses the given attribute value and informs the specified ListHandler of the parsed list items.
doParse(String, ListHandler) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.svg.AbstractSVGNormPathSegList
Parse the 'd' attribute.
doParse(String, ListHandler) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.svg.AbstractSVGNumberList
Parse the attribute associated with this SVGNumberList.
doParse(String, ListHandler) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.svg.AbstractSVGPathSegList
Parse the 'd' attribute.
doParse(String, ListHandler) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.svg.AbstractSVGPointList
Parses the 'points' attribute.
doParse(String, ListHandler) - Method in class org.apache.batik.dom.svg.AbstractSVGTransformList
Parse the attribute associated with this SVGTransformList.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.AbstractParser
Method responsible for actually parsing data after AbstractParser has initialized itself.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.AngleParser
Parses the current reader representing an angle.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.ClockParser
Parses a clock value.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.FragmentIdentifierParser
Parses the current reader.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.LengthListParser
Parses the given reader.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.LengthPairListParser
Parses the given reader.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.LengthParser
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.NumberListParser
Parses the given reader.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.PathParser
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.PointsParser
Parses the current stream.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.PreserveAspectRatioParser
Parses the current stream.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.TimingSpecifierListParser
Parses a timing specifier list.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.TimingSpecifierParser
Parses a timing specifier.
doParse() - Method in class org.apache.batik.parser.TransformListParser
Parses the current reader.
doPathLayout() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.GlyphLayout
If this layout is on a text path, positions the characters along the path.
doSpacing(Float, Float, Float) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.GlyphLayout
Performs any spacing adjustments required and returns the new advance value.
DOT - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.css.parser.LexicalUnits
Represents the '.' lexical unit.
dotNumber() - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.XPathSubsetContentSelector.Scanner
Scans the decimal part of a number.
dotNumber() - Method in class org.apache.batik.css.parser.Scanner
Scans the decimal part of a number.
doubleBufferedRendering - Variable in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.JGVTComponent
Whether the double buffering is enabled.
doubleBuffering - Variable in class org.apache.batik.swing.gvt.GVTTreeRenderer
Whether to enable the double buffering.
DoubleDocument - Class in org.apache.batik.ext.swing
Helper class.
DoubleDocument() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.ext.swing.DoubleDocument
doubleString(double) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.AbstractSVGConverter
Utility method for subclasses.
doubleString(double) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.AbstractSVGFilterConverter
Utility method for subclasses.
doubleString(double) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGeneratorContext
Converts the input double value to a string with a number of decimal places controlled by the precision attribute.
doubleString(double) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphicObjectConverter
Utility method for subclasses.
DoublyIndexedSet - Class in org.apache.batik.util
A set that uses two keys.
DoublyIndexedSet() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.DoublyIndexedSet
DoublyIndexedTable - Class in org.apache.batik.util
This class represents a doubly indexed hash table.
DoublyIndexedTable() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.DoublyIndexedTable
Creates a new DoublyIndexedTable.
DoublyIndexedTable(int) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.DoublyIndexedTable
Creates a new DoublyIndexedTable.
DoublyIndexedTable(DoublyIndexedTable) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.DoublyIndexedTable
Creates a new DoublyIndexedTable initialized to contain all of the entries of the specified other DoublyIndexedTable.
DoublyIndexedTable.Entry - Class in org.apache.batik.util
An entry in the DoublyIndexedTable.
DoublyIndexedTable.Entry(int, Object, Object, Object, DoublyIndexedTable.Entry) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.DoublyIndexedTable.Entry
Creates a new entry.
DoublyIndexedTable.TableIterator - Class in org.apache.batik.util
An Iterator class for a DoublyIndexedTable.
DoublyIndexedTable.TableIterator() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.DoublyIndexedTable.TableIterator
Creates a new TableIterator.
DoublyLinkedList - Class in org.apache.batik.util
A simple Doubly Linked list class, designed to avoid O(n) behaviour on insert and delete.
DoublyLinkedList() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.DoublyLinkedList
DoublyLinkedList.Node - Class in org.apache.batik.util
Basic doubly linked list node interface.
DoublyLinkedList.Node() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.DoublyLinkedList.Node
downLanguageButton - Variable in class org.apache.batik.util.gui.LanguageDialog.Panel
The DownLanguageButton.
DRAFT_QUALITY - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants
dragDropEnd(DragSourceDropEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource
dragEnter(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource
dragEnter(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDropTargetListener
dragExit(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource
dragExit(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDropTargetListener
dragGestureRecognized(DragGestureEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource
dragOver(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource
dragOver(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDropTargetListener
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.GlyphLayout
Paints the text layout using the specified Graphics2D and rendering context.
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.bridge.TextSpanLayout
Paints the specified text layout using the specified Graphics2D and rendering context.
draw(Shape) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Strokes the outline of a Shape using the settings of the current Graphics2D context.
draw(Graphics2D, AttributedCharacterIterator) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.AWTGVTGlyphVector
Draws this glyph vector.
draw(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.Glyph
Draws this glyph.
draw(Graphics2D, AttributedCharacterIterator) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.gvt.font.GVTGlyphVector
Draws the glyph vector.
draw(Graphics2D, AttributedCharacterIterator) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.MultiGlyphVector
Draws the glyph vector.
draw(Graphics2D, AttributedCharacterIterator) - Method in class org.apache.batik.gvt.font.SVGGVTGlyphVector
Draws this glyph vector.
DRAW - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.DOMGroupManager
draw(Shape) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Strokes the outline of a Shape using the settings of the current Graphics2D context.
drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws the outline of a circular or elliptical arc covering the specified rectangle.
drawBlock(TileBlock, WritableRaster) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.AbstractTiledRed
drawBlockAndCopy(TileBlock[], WritableRaster) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.AbstractTiledRed
drawBlockInPlace(TileBlock[], WritableRaster) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.rendered.AbstractTiledRed
drawGlyphVector(GlyphVector, float, float) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Renders the text of the specified GlyphVector using the Graphics2D context's rendering attributes.
drawImage(Image, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws as much of the specified image as has already been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws as much of the specified area of the specified image as is currently available, scaling it on the fly to fit inside the specified area of the destination drawable surface.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, Color, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws as much of the specified area of the specified image as is currently available, scaling it on the fly to fit inside the specified area of the destination drawable surface.
drawImage(Image, AffineTransform, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Renders an image, applying a transform from image space into user space before drawing.
drawImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImageOp, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Renders a BufferedImage that is filtered with a BufferedImageOp.
drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Draws as much of the specified image as has already been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Graphics2D, RenderedImage) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil
Draws ri into g2d.
drawImage(Graphics2D, CachableRed) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil
Draws cr into g2d.
drawImage(Graphics2D, RenderableImage, RenderContext) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil
Draws a Filter (RenderableImage) into a Graphics 2D after taking into account a particular RenderContext.
drawImage(Graphics2D, RenderableImage) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.GraphicsUtil
Draws a Filter (RenderableImage) into a Graphics 2D.
drawImage(Image, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Draws as much of the specified image as is currently available.
drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Draws as much of the specified image as has already been scaled to fit inside the specified rectangle.
drawImage(Image, AffineTransform, ImageObserver) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Renders an image, applying a transform from image space into user space before drawing.
drawImage(BufferedImage, BufferedImageOp, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Renders a BufferedImage that is filtered with a BufferedImageOp.
drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws a line, using the current color, between the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) in this graphics context's coordinate system.
drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws the outline of an oval.
drawPolygon(int[], int[], int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws a closed polygon defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawPolyline(int[], int[], int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws a sequence of connected lines defined by arrays of x and y coordinates.
drawRect(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage, AffineTransform) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Renders a RenderableImage, applying a transform from image space into user space before drawing.
drawRenderableImage(RenderableImage, AffineTransform) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Renders a RenderableImage, applying a transform from image space into user space before drawing.
drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Renders a RenderedImage, applying a transform from image space into user space before drawing.
drawRenderedImage(RenderedImage, AffineTransform) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Renders a RenderedImage, applying a transform from image space into user space before drawing.
drawRoundRect(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws an outlined round-cornered rectangle using this graphics context's current color.
drawString(String, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws the text given by the specified string, using this graphics context's current font and color.
drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.AbstractGraphics2D
Draws the text given by the specified iterator, using this graphics context's current color.
drawString(String, float, float) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Renders the text specified by the specified String, using the current Font and Paint attributes in the Graphics2D context.
drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, float, float) - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.g2d.DefaultGraphics2D
Renders the text of the specified iterator, using the Graphics2D context's current Paint.
drawString(String, float, float) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Renders the text specified by the specified String, using the current Font and Paint attributes in the Graphics2D context.
drawString(AttributedCharacterIterator, float, float) - Method in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGraphics2D
Renders the text of the specified iterator, using the Graphics2D context's current Paint.
drawUnselectedText(Graphics, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.apache.batik.util.gui.xmleditor.XMLView
drop(DropTargetDropEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDropTargetListener
dropActionChanged(DragSourceDragEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDragSource
dropActionChanged(DropTargetDragEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.TreeDropTargetListener
dropCompleted(DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeEvent) - Method in class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeAdapter
dropCompleted(DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeEvent) - Method in interface org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DOMDocumentTree.DOMDocumentTreeListener
Fired after successfully completed drop.
DropDownComponent - Class in org.apache.batik.util.gui
The drop down menu component.
DropDownComponent(JButton) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.gui.DropDownComponent
Creates the dropdown menu with the given main button.
DropDownComponent.DefaultScrollablePopupMenuItem - Class in org.apache.batik.util.gui
Default implementation of the scrollable popup menu item.
DropDownComponent.DefaultScrollablePopupMenuItem(DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenu, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.gui.DropDownComponent.DefaultScrollablePopupMenuItem
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenu - Class in org.apache.batik.util.gui
The Scrollable Popup Menu Component.
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenu(JComponent) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.gui.DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenu
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuAdapter - Class in org.apache.batik.util.gui
The adapter for the ScrollablePopupMenuListener.
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.gui.DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuAdapter
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuEvent - Class in org.apache.batik.util.gui
Event to pass to listener.
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuEvent(Object, int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.util.gui.DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuEvent
Creates the ScrollablePopupMenuEvent.
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuItem - Interface in org.apache.batik.util.gui
The scrollable pop up menu item.
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuListener - Interface in org.apache.batik.util.gui
The ScrollablePopupMenu listener.
DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenuModel - Interface in org.apache.batik.util.gui
The scrollable popup menu model.
DropDownHistoryModel - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The history scrollable popup menu model.
DropDownHistoryModel(DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenu, HistoryBrowserInterface) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DropDownHistoryModel
Creates the history pop up menu model.
DropDownHistoryModel.RedoPopUpMenuModel - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The redo pop up menu model.
DropDownHistoryModel.RedoPopUpMenuModel(DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenu, HistoryBrowserInterface) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DropDownHistoryModel.RedoPopUpMenuModel
Creates the redo pop up menu model
DropDownHistoryModel.UndoPopUpMenuModel - Class in org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser
The undo pop up menu model.
DropDownHistoryModel.UndoPopUpMenuModel(DropDownComponent.ScrollablePopupMenu, HistoryBrowserInterface) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.apps.svgbrowser.DropDownHistoryModel.UndoPopUpMenuModel
Creates the unod pop up menu model
dsf - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.svggen.SVGGeneratorContext
DSIG - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.svggen.font.table.Table
dst - Variable in class org.apache.batik.apps.rasterizer.SVGConverter
Destination image path.
DSTINVERT - Static variable in interface org.apache.batik.transcoder.wmf.WMFConstants
DTD_DECLARATIONS_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.xml.XMLScanner
The DTD declarations context.
DTDIDS - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SAXSVGDocumentFactory
The dtd public IDs resource bundle class name.
dtdids - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SAXSVGDocumentFactory
The accepted DTD public IDs.
dtdProps - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SAXSVGDocumentFactory
The ResourceBunder for the public and system ids
dummyStyleMap - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.SVGAnimationEngine
A StyleMap used by the SVGAnimationEngine.Factorys when computing CSS values.
dump() - Method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.geom.RectListManager
dumpACIWord(AttributedString) - Method in class org.apache.batik.bridge.svg12.SVGFlowRootElementBridge
dumpMetadata(IIOMetadata) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.imageio.ImageIODebugUtil
dumpNode(Node) - Static method in class org.apache.batik.ext.awt.image.codec.imageio.ImageIODebugUtil
durMedia - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.timing.TimedElement
Whether the simple duration of this element should be equal to the implicit duration.
dx - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMFEOffsetElement
The 'dx' attribute value.
dx - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMTextPositioningElement
The 'dx' attribute value.
DX - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.gvt.text.GVTAttributedCharacterIterator.TextAttribute
User-space relative X coordinate for character.
dy - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMFEOffsetElement
The 'dy' attribute value.
dy - Variable in class org.apache.batik.anim.dom.SVGOMTextPositioningElement
The 'dy' attribute value.
DY - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.gvt.text.GVTAttributedCharacterIterator.TextAttribute
User-space relative Y coordinate for character.
DYNAMIC - Static variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
Indicates that all DOM listeners should be registered.
DynamicGVTBuilder - Class in org.apache.batik.bridge
This class is responsible for creating a GVT tree using an SVG DOM tree.
DynamicGVTBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.bridge.DynamicGVTBuilder
Constructs a new builder.
DynamicRenderer - Class in org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer
Simple implementation of the Renderer that supports dynamic updates.
DynamicRenderer() - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.DynamicRenderer
Constructs a new dynamic renderer with the specified buffer image.
DynamicRenderer(RenderingHints, AffineTransform) - Constructor for class org.apache.batik.gvt.renderer.DynamicRenderer
dynamicStatus - Variable in class org.apache.batik.bridge.BridgeContext
Whether the bridge should support dynamic, or interactive features.

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