Package org.apache.batik.dom

Provides an implementation of the DOM level 2 core module.


Interface Summary
DomExtension This is a Service interface for classes that want to extend the functionality of the AbstractDocument, to support new tags in the DOM tree.
ExtendedNode This interface provides an access to the non DOM methods implemented by all the nodes in this implementation.
ExtensibleDOMImplementation.ElementFactory This interface represents a factory for elements.
StyleSheetFactory This interface represents a StyleSheet factory.

Class Summary
AbstractAttr This class implements the Attr interface.
AbstractAttrNS This class implements the Attr interface with support for namespaces.
AbstractCharacterData This class implements the CharacterData interface.
AbstractChildNode This class implements the Node interface with support for parent and siblings.
AbstractComment This class implements the Comment interface.
AbstractDocument This class implements the Document interface.
AbstractDocumentFragment This class implements DocumentFragment interface.
AbstractDOMImplementation This class implements the DOMImplementation, DOMImplementationCSS interfaces.
AbstractElement This class implements the Element interface.
AbstractElement.Entry To manage collisions in the attributes map.
AbstractElementNS This class implements the Element interface.
AbstractEntity This class implements the Entity interface.
AbstractEntityReference This class implements the EntityReference interface.
AbstractNode This class implements the Node interface.
AbstractNotation This class implements the Notation interface.
AbstractParentChildNode This class implements the Node interface with support for children, parent and siblings.
AbstractParentNode This class implements the Node interface with support for children.
AbstractProcessingInstruction This class implements the ProcessingInstruction interface.
AbstractStylableDocument A Document that supports CSS styling.
AbstractText This class implements the Text interface.
ExtensibleDOMImplementation This class implements the DOMImplementation interface.
GenericAttr This class implements the Attr interface.
GenericAttrNS This class implements the Attr interface with support for namespaces.
GenericCDATASection This class implements the CDATASection interface.
GenericComment This class implements the Comment interface.
GenericDocument This class implements the Document, DocumentEvent.
GenericDocumentFragment This class implements DocumentFragment interface.
GenericDocumentType This class implements the DocumentType interface.
GenericDOMImplementation This class implements the DOMImplementation.
GenericElement This class implements the Element interface.
GenericElementNS This class implements the Element interface.
GenericEntity This class implements the Entity interface.
GenericEntityReference This class implements the EntityReference interface.
GenericNotation This class implements the Notation interface.
GenericProcessingInstruction This class implements the ProcessingInstruction interface.
GenericText This class provides a generic implementation of the Text interface.
StyleSheetProcessingInstruction This class provides an implementation of the 'xml-stylesheet' processing instructions.

Package org.apache.batik.dom Description

Provides an implementation of the DOM level 2 core module.

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