Class JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgentWrapper

  extended by org.apache.batik.swing.svg.JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgentWrapper
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:

protected static class JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgentWrapper
extends Object
implements UserAgent

The user-agent wrapper, which call the methods in the event thread.

Field Summary
protected  UserAgent userAgent
          The wrapped user agent.
Constructor Summary
JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgentWrapper(UserAgent ua)
          Creates a new BridgeUserAgentWrapper.
Method Summary
 void checkLoadExternalResource(ParsedURL resourceURL, ParsedURL docURL)
          This method throws a SecurityException if the resource found at url and referenced from docURL should not be loaded.
 void checkLoadScript(String scriptType, ParsedURL scriptPURL, ParsedURL docPURL)
          This method throws a SecurityException if the script of given type, found at url and referenced from docURL should not be loaded.
 void deselectAll()
          Informs the user agent that the text should be deselected.
 void displayError(Exception ex)
          Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.
 void displayMessage(String message)
          Displays a message in the User Agent interface.
 String getAlternateStyleSheet()
          Returns this user agent's alternate style-sheet title.
 float getBolderFontWeight(float f)
          Returns a bolder font-weight.
 org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument getBrokenLinkDocument(Element e, String url, String msg)
          This Implementation simply forwards the request to the AWT thread.
 Point getClientAreaLocationOnScreen()
          Returns the location on the screen of the client area in the UserAgent.
 String getDefaultFontFamily()
          Returns the default font family.
 EventDispatcher getEventDispatcher()
          Returns the event dispatcher to use.
 ExternalResourceSecurity getExternalResourceSecurity(ParsedURL resourcePURL, ParsedURL docPURL)
          Returns the security settings for the given resource url and document url
 FontFamilyResolver getFontFamilyResolver()
          Returns the Font Family Resolver
 String getLanguages()
          Returns the language settings.
 float getLighterFontWeight(float f)
          Returns a lighter font-weight.
 String getMedia()
          Returns this user agent's CSS media.
 float getMediumFontSize()
          Returns the medium font size.
 float getPixelToMM()
          Returns the size of a px CSS unit in millimeters.
 float getPixelUnitToMillimeter()
          Returns the size of a px CSS unit in millimeters.
 ScriptSecurity getScriptSecurity(String scriptType, ParsedURL scriptPURL, ParsedURL docPURL)
          Returns the security settings for the given script type, script url and document url
 AffineTransform getTransform()
          Returns the AffineTransform currently applied to the drawing by the UserAgent.
 String getUserStyleSheetURI()
          Returns the user stylesheet uri.
 Dimension2D getViewportSize()
          Returns the default size of the viewport.
 String getXMLParserClassName()
          Returns the class name of the XML parser.
 void handleElement(Element elt, Object data)
          Notifies the UserAgent that the input element has been found in the document.
 boolean hasFeature(String s)
          Tells whether the given feature is supported by this user agent.
protected  void invokeAndWait(Runnable r)
          Invokes the given runnable from the event thread, and wait for the run method to terminate.
 boolean isXMLParserValidating()
          Returns true if the XML parser must be in validation mode, false otherwise.
 void loadDocument(String url)
          This method should load a new document described by the supplied URL.
 void openLink(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGAElement elt)
          Opens a link.
 void registerExtension(BridgeExtension ext)
          Lets the bridge tell the user agent that the following extension is supported by the bridge.
 void setSVGCursor(Cursor cursor)
          Informs the user agent to change the cursor.
 void setTextSelection(Mark start, Mark end)
          Informs the user agent that the text selection should be changed.
 void setTransform(AffineTransform at)
          Sets the AffineTransform to be applied to the drawing by the UserAgent.
 void showAlert(String message)
          Shows an alert dialog box.
 boolean showConfirm(String message)
          Shows a confirm dialog box.
 String showPrompt(String message)
          Shows a prompt dialog box.
 String showPrompt(String message, String defaultValue)
          Shows a prompt dialog box.
 boolean supportExtension(String s)
          Tells whether the given extension is supported by this user agent.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected UserAgent userAgent
The wrapped user agent.

Constructor Detail


public JSVGComponent.BridgeUserAgentWrapper(UserAgent ua)
Creates a new BridgeUserAgentWrapper.

Method Detail


public EventDispatcher getEventDispatcher()
Returns the event dispatcher to use.

Specified by:
getEventDispatcher in interface UserAgent


public Dimension2D getViewportSize()
Returns the default size of the viewport.

Specified by:
getViewportSize in interface UserAgent


public void displayError(Exception ex)
Displays an error resulting from the specified Exception.

Specified by:
displayError in interface UserAgent


public void displayMessage(String message)
Displays a message in the User Agent interface.

Specified by:
displayMessage in interface UserAgent


public void showAlert(String message)
Shows an alert dialog box.

Specified by:
showAlert in interface UserAgent


public String showPrompt(String message)
Shows a prompt dialog box.

Specified by:
showPrompt in interface UserAgent


public String showPrompt(String message,
                         String defaultValue)
Shows a prompt dialog box.

Specified by:
showPrompt in interface UserAgent


public boolean showConfirm(String message)
Shows a confirm dialog box.

Specified by:
showConfirm in interface UserAgent


public float getPixelUnitToMillimeter()
Returns the size of a px CSS unit in millimeters.

Specified by:
getPixelUnitToMillimeter in interface UserAgent


public float getPixelToMM()
Returns the size of a px CSS unit in millimeters. This will be removed after next release.

Specified by:
getPixelToMM in interface UserAgent
See Also:


public String getDefaultFontFamily()
Returns the default font family.

Specified by:
getDefaultFontFamily in interface UserAgent


public float getMediumFontSize()
Description copied from interface: UserAgent
Returns the medium font size.

Specified by:
getMediumFontSize in interface UserAgent


public float getLighterFontWeight(float f)
Description copied from interface: UserAgent
Returns a lighter font-weight.

Specified by:
getLighterFontWeight in interface UserAgent


public float getBolderFontWeight(float f)
Description copied from interface: UserAgent
Returns a bolder font-weight.

Specified by:
getBolderFontWeight in interface UserAgent


public String getLanguages()
Returns the language settings.

Specified by:
getLanguages in interface UserAgent


public String getUserStyleSheetURI()
Returns the user stylesheet uri.

Specified by:
getUserStyleSheetURI in interface UserAgent
null if no user style sheet was specified.


public void openLink(org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGAElement elt)
Opens a link.

Specified by:
openLink in interface UserAgent
elt - The activated link element.


public void setSVGCursor(Cursor cursor)
Informs the user agent to change the cursor.

Specified by:
setSVGCursor in interface UserAgent
cursor - the new cursor


public void setTextSelection(Mark start,
                             Mark end)
Informs the user agent that the text selection should be changed.

Specified by:
setTextSelection in interface UserAgent
start - The Mark for the start of the selection.
end - The Mark for the end of the selection.


public void deselectAll()
Informs the user agent that the text should be deselected.

Specified by:
deselectAll in interface UserAgent


public String getXMLParserClassName()
Returns the class name of the XML parser.

Specified by:
getXMLParserClassName in interface UserAgent


public boolean isXMLParserValidating()
Returns true if the XML parser must be in validation mode, false otherwise.

Specified by:
isXMLParserValidating in interface UserAgent


public AffineTransform getTransform()
Returns the AffineTransform currently applied to the drawing by the UserAgent.

Specified by:
getTransform in interface UserAgent


public void setTransform(AffineTransform at)
Sets the AffineTransform to be applied to the drawing by the UserAgent.

Specified by:
setTransform in interface UserAgent


public String getMedia()
Returns this user agent's CSS media.

Specified by:
getMedia in interface UserAgent


public String getAlternateStyleSheet()
Returns this user agent's alternate style-sheet title.

Specified by:
getAlternateStyleSheet in interface UserAgent


public Point getClientAreaLocationOnScreen()
Returns the location on the screen of the client area in the UserAgent.

Specified by:
getClientAreaLocationOnScreen in interface UserAgent


public boolean hasFeature(String s)
Tells whether the given feature is supported by this user agent.

Specified by:
hasFeature in interface UserAgent


public boolean supportExtension(String s)
Tells whether the given extension is supported by this user agent.

Specified by:
supportExtension in interface UserAgent


public void registerExtension(BridgeExtension ext)
Lets the bridge tell the user agent that the following extension is supported by the bridge.

Specified by:
registerExtension in interface UserAgent


public void handleElement(Element elt,
                          Object data)
Notifies the UserAgent that the input element has been found in the document. This is sometimes called, for example, to handle <a> or <title> elements in a UserAgent-dependant way.

Specified by:
handleElement in interface UserAgent


public ScriptSecurity getScriptSecurity(String scriptType,
                                        ParsedURL scriptPURL,
                                        ParsedURL docPURL)
Returns the security settings for the given script type, script url and document url

Specified by:
getScriptSecurity in interface UserAgent
scriptType - type of script, as found in the type attribute of the <script> element.
scriptPURL - url for the script, as defined in the script's xlink:href attribute. If that attribute was empty, then this parameter should be null
docPURL - url for the document into which the script was found.


public void checkLoadScript(String scriptType,
                            ParsedURL scriptPURL,
                            ParsedURL docPURL)
                     throws SecurityException
This method throws a SecurityException if the script of given type, found at url and referenced from docURL should not be loaded. This is a convenience method to call checkLoadScript on the ScriptSecurity strategy returned by getScriptSecurity.

Specified by:
checkLoadScript in interface UserAgent
scriptType - type of script, as found in the type attribute of the <script> element.
scriptPURL - url for the script, as defined in the script's xlink:href attribute. If that attribute was empty, then this parameter should be null
docPURL - url for the document into which the script was found.


public ExternalResourceSecurity getExternalResourceSecurity(ParsedURL resourcePURL,
                                                            ParsedURL docPURL)
Returns the security settings for the given resource url and document url

Specified by:
getExternalResourceSecurity in interface UserAgent
resourcePURL - url for the resource, as defined in the resource's xlink:href attribute. If that attribute was empty, then this parameter should be null
docPURL - url for the document into which the resource was found.


public void checkLoadExternalResource(ParsedURL resourceURL,
                                      ParsedURL docURL)
                               throws SecurityException
This method throws a SecurityException if the resource found at url and referenced from docURL should not be loaded. This is a convenience method to call checkLoadExternalResource on the ExternalResourceSecurity strategy returned by getExternalResourceSecurity.

Specified by:
checkLoadExternalResource in interface UserAgent
resourceURL - url for the resource, as defined in the resource's xlink:href attribute. If that attribute was empty, then this parameter should be null
docURL - url for the document into which the resource was found.


public org.w3c.dom.svg.SVGDocument getBrokenLinkDocument(Element e,
                                                         String url,
                                                         String msg)
This Implementation simply forwards the request to the AWT thread.

Specified by:
getBrokenLinkDocument in interface UserAgent
e - The element that can't be loaded.
url - The resolved url that can't be loaded.
msg - As best as can be determined the reason it can't be loaded (not available, corrupt, unknown format,...).


protected void invokeAndWait(Runnable r)
Invokes the given runnable from the event thread, and wait for the run method to terminate.


public void loadDocument(String url)
This method should load a new document described by the supplied URL.

Specified by:
loadDocument in interface UserAgent
url - The url to be loaded as a string.


public FontFamilyResolver getFontFamilyResolver()
Description copied from interface: UserAgent
Returns the Font Family Resolver

Specified by:
getFontFamilyResolver in interface UserAgent

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