Class ParsedURL

  extended by org.apache.batik.util.ParsedURL

public class ParsedURL
extends Object

A URL-like class that supports custom URI schemes and GZIP encoding.

This class is used as a replacement for URL. This is done for several reasons. First, unlike URL this class will accept and parse as much of a URL as possible, without throwing a MalformedURLException. This makes it useful for simply parsing a URL string (hence its name).

Second, it allows for extension of the URI schemes supported by the parser. Batik uses this to support the data: URL scheme (RFC2397).

Third, by default it checks the streams that it opens to see if they are GZIP compressed, and if so it automatically uncompresses them (avoiding opening the stream twice in the process).

It is worth noting that most real work is defered to the ParsedURLData class to which most methods are forwarded. This is done because it allows a constructor interface to ParsedURL (mostly for compatability with core URL), in spite of the fact that the real implemenation uses the protocol handlers as factories for protocol specific instances of the ParsedURLData class.

Constructor Summary
ParsedURL(ParsedURL baseURL, String urlStr)
          Construct a sub URL from a base ParsedURL and a string for the sub url.
ParsedURL(String urlStr)
          Construct a ParsedURL from the given url string.
ParsedURL(String baseStr, String urlStr)
          Construct a sub URL from two strings.
ParsedURL(URL url)
          Construct a ParsedURL from the given instance.
ParsedURL(URL baseURL, String urlStr)
          Construct a sub URL from a base URL and a string for the sub url.
Method Summary
static InputStream checkGZIP(InputStream is)
          This is a utility function others can call that checks if is is a GZIP stream if so it returns a GZIPInputStream that will decode the contents, otherwise it returns (or a buffered version of is) untouched.
 boolean complete()
          Returns true if the URL looks well formed and complete.
 boolean equals(Object obj)
          Implement Object.equals.
 String getContentEncoding()
          Returns the content encoding if available.
 String getContentType()
          Returns the content type if available.
 String getContentTypeCharset()
          Returns the content type's charset parameter, if available.
 String getContentTypeMediaType()
          Returns the content type's type/subtype, if available.
static String getGlobalUserAgent()
static ParsedURLProtocolHandler getHandler(String protocol)
          Returns the handler for a particular protocol.
 String getHost()
          Returns the host for this URL, if any, null if there isn't one or it doesn't make sense for the protocol.
 String getPath()
          Returns the path for this URL, if any (where appropriate for the protocol this also includes the file, not just directory).
 int getPort()
          Returns the port on the host to connect to, if it was specified in the url that was parsed, otherwise returns -1.
 String getPortStr()
          Returns the URL up to and include the port number on the host.
 String getPostConnectionURL()
          Returns the URL that was ultimately used to fetch the resource represented by this ParsedURL.
 String getProtocol()
          Returns the protocol for this URL.
protected static String getProtocol(String urlStr)
          Parse out the protocol from a url string.
 String getRef()
          Returns the 'fragment' reference in the URL.
 String getUserAgent()
          Return the user agent current associated with this url (or null if none).
 boolean hasContentTypeParameter(String param)
          Returns whether the Content-Type header has the given parameter.
 int hashCode()
          Implement Object.hashCode.
 InputStream openStream()
          Attempt to open the stream checking for common compression types, and automatically decompressing them if found.
 InputStream openStream(Iterator mimeTypes)
          Attempt to open the stream checking for common compression types, and automatically decompressing them if found.
 InputStream openStream(String mimeType)
          Attempt to open the stream checking for common compression types, and automatically decompressing them if found.
 InputStream openStream(String[] mimeTypes)
          Attempt to open the stream checking for common compression types, and automatically decompressing them if found.
 InputStream openStreamRaw()
          Attempt to open the stream, does no checking for compression types.
 InputStream openStreamRaw(Iterator mimeTypes)
          Attempt to open the stream, does no checking for comression types.
 InputStream openStreamRaw(String mimeType)
          Attempt to open the stream, does no checking for compression types.
 InputStream openStreamRaw(String[] mimeTypes)
          Attempt to open the stream, does no checking for comression types.
static ParsedURLData parseURL(ParsedURL baseURL, String urlStr)
          Factory method to construct an appropriate subclass of ParsedURLData, for a sub url.
static ParsedURLData parseURL(String urlStr)
          Factory method to construct an appropriate subclass of ParsedURLData
static ParsedURLData parseURL(String baseStr, String urlStr)
          Factory method to construct an appropriate subclass of ParsedURLData, for a sub url.
static void registerHandler(ParsedURLProtocolHandler handler)
          Registers a Protocol handler by adding it to the handlers map.
 boolean sameFile(ParsedURL other)
static void setGlobalUserAgent(String userAgent)
 void setUserAgent(String userAgent)
          Sets the user agent associated with this url (null clears any associated user agent).
 String toString()
          Return a string rep of the URL (can be passed back into the constructor if desired).
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ParsedURL(String urlStr)
Construct a ParsedURL from the given url string.

urlStr - The string to try and parse as a URL


public ParsedURL(URL url)
Construct a ParsedURL from the given instance. This is useful if you already have a valid instance. This bypasses most of the parsing and hence is quicker and less prone to reinterpretation than converting the URL to a string before construction.

url - The URL to "mimic".


public ParsedURL(String baseStr,
                 String urlStr)
Construct a sub URL from two strings.

baseStr - The 'parent' URL. Should be complete.
urlStr - The 'sub' URL may be complete or partial. the missing pieces will be taken from the baseStr.


public ParsedURL(URL baseURL,
                 String urlStr)
Construct a sub URL from a base URL and a string for the sub url.

baseURL - The 'parent' URL.
urlStr - The 'sub' URL may be complete or partial. the missing pieces will be taken from the baseURL.


public ParsedURL(ParsedURL baseURL,
                 String urlStr)
Construct a sub URL from a base ParsedURL and a string for the sub url.

baseURL - The 'parent' URL.
urlStr - The 'sub' URL may be complete or partial. the missing pieces will be taken from the baseURL.
Method Detail


public static String getGlobalUserAgent()


public static void setGlobalUserAgent(String userAgent)


public static ParsedURLProtocolHandler getHandler(String protocol)
Returns the handler for a particular protocol. If protocol is null or no match is found in the handlers map it returns the default protocol handler.

protocol - The protocol to get a handler for.


public static void registerHandler(ParsedURLProtocolHandler handler)
Registers a Protocol handler by adding it to the handlers map. If the given protocol handler returns null as it's supported protocol then it is registered as the default protocol handler.

handler - the new Protocol Handler to register


public static InputStream checkGZIP(InputStream is)
                             throws IOException
This is a utility function others can call that checks if is is a GZIP stream if so it returns a GZIPInputStream that will decode the contents, otherwise it returns (or a buffered version of is) untouched.

is - Stream that may potentially be a GZIP stream.


public String toString()
Return a string rep of the URL (can be passed back into the constructor if desired).

toString in class Object


public String getPostConnectionURL()
Returns the URL that was ultimately used to fetch the resource represented by this ParsedURL. For HTTP URLs, this will result in the post-redirect URL being returned. If there was no redirect, or if this isn't an HTTP URL, the original URL is returned (the same string as toString()).


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Implement Object.equals. Relies heavily on the contained ParsedURLData's implementation of equals.

equals in class Object


public int hashCode()
Implement Object.hashCode. Relies on the contained ParsedURLData's implementation of hashCode.

hashCode in class Object


public boolean complete()
Returns true if the URL looks well formed and complete. This does not guarantee that the stream can be opened but is a good indication that things aren't totally messed up.


public String getUserAgent()
Return the user agent current associated with this url (or null if none).


public void setUserAgent(String userAgent)
Sets the user agent associated with this url (null clears any associated user agent).


public String getProtocol()
Returns the protocol for this URL. The protocol is everything upto the first ':'.


public String getHost()
Returns the host for this URL, if any, null if there isn't one or it doesn't make sense for the protocol.


public int getPort()
Returns the port on the host to connect to, if it was specified in the url that was parsed, otherwise returns -1.


public String getPath()
Returns the path for this URL, if any (where appropriate for the protocol this also includes the file, not just directory). Note that getPath appears in JDK 1.3 as a synonym for getFile from JDK 1.2.


public String getRef()
Returns the 'fragment' reference in the URL.


public String getPortStr()
Returns the URL up to and include the port number on the host. Does not include the path or fragment pieces.


public String getContentType()
Returns the content type if available. This is only available for some protocols.


public String getContentTypeMediaType()
Returns the content type's type/subtype, if available. This is only available for some protocols.


public String getContentTypeCharset()
Returns the content type's charset parameter, if available. This is only available for some protocols.


public boolean hasContentTypeParameter(String param)
Returns whether the Content-Type header has the given parameter.


public String getContentEncoding()
Returns the content encoding if available. This is only available for some protocols.


public InputStream openStream()
                       throws IOException
Attempt to open the stream checking for common compression types, and automatically decompressing them if found.



public InputStream openStream(String mimeType)
                       throws IOException
Attempt to open the stream checking for common compression types, and automatically decompressing them if found.

mimeType - The expected mime type of the content in the returned InputStream (mapped to Http accept header among other possibilities).


public InputStream openStream(String[] mimeTypes)
                       throws IOException
Attempt to open the stream checking for common compression types, and automatically decompressing them if found.

mimeTypes - The expected mime types of the content in the returned InputStream (mapped to Http accept header among other possabilities).


public InputStream openStream(Iterator mimeTypes)
                       throws IOException
Attempt to open the stream checking for common compression types, and automatically decompressing them if found.

mimeTypes - The expected mime types of the content in the returned InputStream (mapped to Http accept header among other possabilities). The elements of the iterator must be strings.


public InputStream openStreamRaw()
                          throws IOException
Attempt to open the stream, does no checking for compression types.



public InputStream openStreamRaw(String mimeType)
                          throws IOException
Attempt to open the stream, does no checking for compression types.

mimeType - The expected mime type of the content in the returned InputStream (mapped to Http accept header among other possabilities).


public InputStream openStreamRaw(String[] mimeTypes)
                          throws IOException
Attempt to open the stream, does no checking for comression types.

mimeTypes - The expected mime types of the content in the returned InputStream (mapped to Http accept header among other possabilities).


public InputStream openStreamRaw(Iterator mimeTypes)
                          throws IOException
Attempt to open the stream, does no checking for comression types.

mimeTypes - The expected mime types of the content in the returned InputStream (mapped to Http accept header among other possabilities). The elements of the iterator must be strings.


public boolean sameFile(ParsedURL other)


protected static String getProtocol(String urlStr)
Parse out the protocol from a url string. Used internally to select the proper handler, all other parsing is done by the selected protocol handler.


public static ParsedURLData parseURL(String urlStr)
Factory method to construct an appropriate subclass of ParsedURLData

urlStr - the string to parse.


public static ParsedURLData parseURL(String baseStr,
                                     String urlStr)
Factory method to construct an appropriate subclass of ParsedURLData, for a sub url.

baseStr - The base URL string to parse.
urlStr - the sub URL string to parse.


public static ParsedURLData parseURL(ParsedURL baseURL,
                                     String urlStr)
Factory method to construct an appropriate subclass of ParsedURLData, for a sub url.

baseURL - The base ParsedURL to parse.
urlStr - the sub URL string to parse.

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