Uses of Interface

Packages that use InternalVersion
org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version The versioning framework in jackrabbit consists of 3 layers. 

Uses of InternalVersion in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version

Subinterfaces of InternalVersion in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version
 interface InternalBaseline
          This interface defines the internal baseline.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return InternalVersion
 InternalVersion InternalXAVersionManager.checkin(Session session, NodeStateEx node, Calendar created)
          invokes the checkin() on the persistent version manager and remaps the newly created version objects.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManagerImpl.checkin(Session session, NodeStateEx node, Calendar created)
          invokes the checkin() on the persistent version manager and remaps the newly created version objects.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManager.checkin(Session session, NodeStateEx node, Calendar created)
          invokes the checkin() on the persistent version manager and remaps the newly created version objects.
protected  InternalVersion VersionManagerImplBase.getBaseVersion(NodeStateEx state)
          Returns the internal base version for the underlying node.
 InternalVersion InternalFrozenVersionHistory.getBaseVesion()
          Returns the base version that was assigned to the node at the time it was versioned.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManager.getHeadVersionOfNode(NodeId id)
          Returns the head version of the node with the given id. this is always the last of all versions. this only works correctly for liner version graphs (i.e. simple versioning)
protected  InternalVersion VersionImpl.getInternalVersion()
          Returns the internal version.
 InternalVersion InternalActivity.getLatestVersion(InternalVersionHistory history)
          Returns the latest version of the given history that is referenced in this activity.
 InternalVersion InternalVersion.getLinearPredecessor()
          Equivalent to Version.getLinearPredecessor()
 InternalVersion InternalVersion.getLinearSuccessor(InternalVersion baseVersion)
          Equivalent to Version.getLinearSuccessor().
 InternalVersion[] InternalVersion.getPredecessors()
          Equivalent to Version.getPredecessors()}
 InternalVersion InternalVersionHistory.getRootVersion()
          Equivalalent to VersionHistory.getRootVersion().
 InternalVersion InternalVersionHistory.getVersion(Name versionName)
          Equivalent to VersionHistory.getVersion(java.lang.String).
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManager.getVersion(NodeId id)
          Returns the version with the given id
 InternalVersion InternalVersionHistory.getVersion(NodeId id)
          Returns the version with the given uuid or null if the respective version does not exist.
protected  InternalVersion VersionManagerImplBase.getVersion(Version v)
          helper class that returns the internal version for a JCR one.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionHistory.getVersionByLabel(Name label)
          Equivalalent to VersionHistory.getVersionByLabel(java.lang.String) but returns null if the version does not exists.
protected  InternalVersion InternalXAVersionManager.internalCheckin(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionHistoryImpl history, NodeStateEx node, boolean simple, Calendar created)
          Checks in a node
 InternalVersion versionHistory)
          Selects a version of the given version history.
 InternalVersion versionHistory)
          Selects a version of the given version history.
 InternalVersion versionHistory)
          Selects a version of the given version history.
 InternalVersion versionHistory)
          Selects a version of the given version history.
static InternalVersion DateVersionSelector.selectByDate(InternalVersionHistory history, Calendar date)
          Selects a version by date.
static InternalVersion LabelVersionSelector.selectByLabel(InternalVersionHistory history, Name label)
          Selects a version by label
protected  InternalVersion InternalXAVersionManager.setVersionLabel(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionHistoryImpl history, Name version, Name label, boolean move)
          Set version label on the specified version.
 InternalVersion InternalXAVersionManager.setVersionLabel(Session session, InternalVersionHistory history, Name version, Name label, boolean move)
          Sets the version label to the given version.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManagerImpl.setVersionLabel(Session session, InternalVersionHistory history, Name version, Name label, boolean move)
          Sets the version label to the given version.
 InternalVersion InternalVersionManager.setVersionLabel(Session session, InternalVersionHistory history, Name version, Name label, boolean move)
          Sets the version label to the given version.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version that return types with arguments of type InternalVersion
 List<InternalVersion> InternalVersion.getSuccessors()
          Equivalent to Version.getSuccessors()}
protected  Set<InternalVersion> VersionManagerImplRestore.internalRestore(NodeStateEx state, InternalVersion version, VersionSelector vsel, boolean removeExisting)
          Internal method to restore a version.
 Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> VersionSet.versions()
          Returns the (modifiable) changeset of this selector. the keys of the map are the node ids of the version histories.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with parameters of type InternalVersion
 InternalVersion InternalVersion.getLinearSuccessor(InternalVersion baseVersion)
          Equivalent to Version.getLinearSuccessor().
protected  Set<InternalVersion> VersionManagerImplRestore.internalRestore(NodeStateEx state, InternalVersion version, VersionSelector vsel, boolean removeExisting)
          Internal method to restore a version.
 boolean InternalVersion.isMoreRecent(InternalVersion v)
          Checks if this version is more recent than the given version v.
protected  void VersionManagerImplRestore.restore(NodeStateEx state, InternalVersion v, boolean removeExisting)
protected  void VersionManagerImplRestore.restore(NodeStateEx parent, Name name, InternalVersion v, boolean removeExisting)
          Restores the version below the parent node using the indicated name
protected  void InternalXAVersionManager.versionCreated(InternalVersion version)
          Invoked when a new internal item has been created.
protected  void InternalXAVersionManager.versionDestroyed(InternalVersion version)
          Invoked when a new internal item has been destroyed.

Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with type arguments of type InternalVersion
protected  void VersionManagerImplRestore.internalRestoreFrozen(NodeStateEx state, InternalFrozenNode freeze, VersionSelector vsel, Set<InternalVersion> restored, boolean removeExisting, boolean copy)
          Restores the properties and child nodes from the frozen state.

Constructor parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version with type arguments of type InternalVersion
VersionSet(Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions)
          Creates a ChangeSetVersionSelector that will try to select a version within the given set of versions.
VersionSet(Map<NodeId,InternalVersion> versions, boolean dateFallback)
          Creates a ChangeSetVersionSelector that will try to select a version in the given set.

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