Uses of Class

Packages that use NodePropBundle

Uses of NodePropBundle in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle that return NodePropBundle
protected  NodePropBundle BundleDbPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
protected abstract  NodePropBundle AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
protected  NodePropBundle BundleFsPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
protected  NodePropBundle PostgreSQLPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
protected  NodePropBundle BundleDbPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id, boolean checkBeforeLoading)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system and optionally performs a check on the bundle first.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle with parameters of type NodePropBundle
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.checkBundleConsistency(NodeId id, NodePropBundle bundle, boolean fix, Collection<NodePropBundle> modifications)
          Checks a single bundle for inconsistencies, ie.
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.destroyBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Deletes the bundle from the underlying system.
protected abstract  void AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.destroyBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Deletes the bundle from the underlying system.
protected  void BundleFsPersistenceManager.destroyBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Deletes the bundle from the underlying system.
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.storeBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Stores a bundle to the underlying system.
protected abstract  void AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.storeBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Stores a bundle to the underlying system.
protected  void Oracle9PersistenceManager.storeBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
protected  void BundleFsPersistenceManager.storeBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Stores a bundle to the underlying system.

Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle with type arguments of type NodePropBundle
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.checkBundleConsistency(NodeId id, NodePropBundle bundle, boolean fix, Collection<NodePropBundle> modifications)
          Checks a single bundle for inconsistencies, ie.

Uses of NodePropBundle in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool that return NodePropBundle
protected  NodePropBundle BundleDbPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
protected abstract  NodePropBundle AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
protected  NodePropBundle BundleFsPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system.
protected  NodePropBundle PostgreSQLPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id)
          PostgreSQL needs slightly different handling of the binary value that is received: rs.getBinaryStream vs rs.getBlob in the super class.
protected  NodePropBundle BundleDbPersistenceManager.loadBundle(NodeId id, boolean checkBeforeLoading)
          Loads a bundle from the underlying system and optionally performs a check on the bundle first.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool with parameters of type NodePropBundle
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.checkBundleConsistency(NodeId id, NodePropBundle bundle, boolean fix, Collection<NodePropBundle> modifications)
          Checks a single bundle for inconsistencies, ie.
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.destroyBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Deletes the bundle from the underlying system.
protected abstract  void AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.destroyBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Deletes the bundle from the underlying system.
protected  void BundleFsPersistenceManager.destroyBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Deletes the bundle from the underlying system.
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.storeBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Stores a bundle to the underlying system.
protected abstract  void AbstractBundlePersistenceManager.storeBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Stores a bundle to the underlying system.
protected  void BundleFsPersistenceManager.storeBundle(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Stores a bundle to the underlying system.

Method parameters in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.pool with type arguments of type NodePropBundle
protected  void BundleDbPersistenceManager.checkBundleConsistency(NodeId id, NodePropBundle bundle, boolean fix, Collection<NodePropBundle> modifications)
          Checks a single bundle for inconsistencies, ie.

Uses of NodePropBundle in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util that return NodePropBundle
 NodePropBundle BundleCache.get(NodeId id)
          Returns the bundle with the given id or null if the bundle is not cached.
 NodePropBundle BundleBinding.readBundle(DataInputStream in, NodeId id)
          Deserializes a NodePropBundle from a data input stream.
 NodePropBundle BundleCache.remove(NodeId id)
          Removes a bundle from this cache.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util with parameters of type NodePropBundle
 void BundleCache.put(NodePropBundle bundle)
          Puts a bunlde to the cache.
 void BundleBinding.writeBundle(DataOutputStream out, NodePropBundle bundle)
          Serializes a NodePropBundle to a data output stream

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