Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.bundle

Interface Summary
BundleDbPersistenceManager.CloseableBLOBStore Helper interface for closeable stores
BundleFsPersistenceManager.CloseableBLOBStore Helper interface for closeable stores

Class Summary
AbstractBundlePersistenceManager The AbstractBundlePersistenceManager acts as base for all persistence managers that store the state in a NodePropBundle.
BundleDbPersistenceManager This is a generic persistence manager that stores the NodePropBundles in a database.
BundleFsPersistenceManager This is a generic persistence manager that stores the NodePropBundles in a filesystem.
ConnectionFactory A factory for new database connections.
ConnectionRecoveryManager This class provides methods to get a database connection and to execute SQL statements.
ConnectionRecoveryManager.StreamWrapper A wrapper for a binary stream that includes the size of the stream.
DbNameIndex Implements a StringIndex that stores and retrieves the names from a table in a database.
DerbyPersistenceManager Extends the BundleDbPersistenceManager by derby specific code.
H2PersistenceManager Extends the BundleDbPersistenceManager by H2 specific code.
MSSqlPersistenceManager Extends the BundleDbPersistenceManager by MS-SQL specific code.
MySqlPersistenceManager Extends the BundleDbPersistenceManager by mysql specific code.
NGKDbNameIndex Same as DbNameIndex but does not make use of the Statement#RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS feature as it might not be provided by the underlying database (e.g.
Oracle9PersistenceManager OracleLegacyPersistenceManager provides support for Oracle jdbc drivers prior to version 10 which require special handling of BLOB data.
OraclePersistenceManager Extends the BundleDbPersistenceManager by Oracle specific code.
PostgreSQLNameIndex Same as DbNameIndex but does not make use of the Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS feature as it is not provided by the underlying database driver for PostgreSQL.
PostgreSQLPersistenceManager Extends the BundleDbPersistenceManager by PostgreSQL specific code.

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