Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core.persistence.util

Interface Summary
BLOBStore Deprecated. the DataStore should be used instead
ResourceBasedBLOBStore Deprecated. the DataStore should be used instead

Class Summary
BundleBinding This Class implements efficient serialization methods for item states.
BundleCache This Class implements a simple cache for nodeprop bundles
ErrorHandling ErrorHandling configuration abstraction class
FileSystemBLOBStore Deprecated. the FileDataStore should be used instead
HashMapIndex Implements a StringIndex that is based on a hashmap and persists the names as property file.
ItemStateBinding This Class implements relatively efficient serialization methods for item states.
LRUNodeIdCache Implements a LRU NodeId cache.
NodePropBundle This Class provides a simple structure to hold the nodestate and related propertystate data.
NodePropBundle.ChildNodeEntry Helper class for a child node entry
NodePropBundle.PropertyEntry Helper class for a property enrty
Serializer Serializer is a utility class that provides static methods for serializing & deserializing ItemState and NodeReferences objects using a simple binary serialization format.

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