Uses of Interface

Packages that use ObservationResource
org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation Contains interfaces and classes related to observation, which is not covered by the WebDAV protocol. 

Uses of ObservationResource in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.observation with parameters of type ObservationResource
 SubscriptionDiscovery SubscriptionManager.getSubscriptionDiscovery(ObservationResource resource)
          Retrieve the SubscriptionDiscovery object for the given resource.
 Subscription SubscriptionManager.subscribe(SubscriptionInfo info, String subscriptionId, ObservationResource resource)
          Create a new Subscription or update an existing Subscription..
 void SubscriptionManager.unsubscribe(String subscriptionId, ObservationResource resource)
          Unsubscribe the Subscription with the given id.
 EventDiscovery SubscriptionManager.poll(String subscriptionId, ObservationResource resource)
          Retrieve the list of events that occured since the last poll.

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