Uses of Interface

Packages that use DavResourceLocator

Uses of DavResourceLocator in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav that return DavResourceLocator
 DavResourceLocator DavServletRequest.getRequestLocator()
          Return the locator of the requested resource.
 DavResourceLocator DavServletRequest.getDestinationLocator()
          Parse the Destination header and return the locator of the corresponding resource.
 DavResourceLocator DavResource.getLocator()
          Returns the locator object for this webdav resource, which encapsulates the information for building the complete 'href'.
 DavResourceLocator DavLocatorFactory.createResourceLocator(String prefix, String href)
          Create a new DavResourceLocator.
 DavResourceLocator DavLocatorFactory.createResourceLocator(String prefix, String workspacePath, String resourcePath)
          Create a new DavResourceLocator.
 DavResourceLocator DavLocatorFactory.createResourceLocator(String prefix, String workspacePath, String path, boolean isResourcePath)
 DavResourceLocator WebdavRequestImpl.getRequestLocator()
          Return a DavResourceLocator representing the request handle.
 DavResourceLocator WebdavRequestImpl.getDestinationLocator()
          Parse the destination header field and return the path of the destination resource.

Methods in org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav with parameters of type DavResourceLocator
 DavResource DavResourceFactory.createResource(DavResourceLocator locator, DavServletRequest request, DavServletResponse response)
          Create a DavResource object from the given locator, request and response objects.
 DavResource DavResourceFactory.createResource(DavResourceLocator locator, DavSession session)
          Create a new DavResource object from the given locator and session.
 boolean DavResourceLocator.isSameWorkspace(DavResourceLocator locator)
          Returns true if the specified locator refers to a resource within the same workspace.

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