Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractConcurrentEventManager
org.apache.openjpa.datacache OpenJPA Data Cache OpenJPA's data and query caching frameworks. 
org.apache.openjpa.event OpenJPA Events This package provides some interfaces and useful implementations for OpenJPA's event notification framework. 
org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc Database Connectivity Includes an implementation of the DataSource APIs around a normal JDBC 1.x driver. 

Uses of AbstractConcurrentEventManager in org.apache.openjpa.datacache

Subclasses of AbstractConcurrentEventManager in org.apache.openjpa.datacache
 class AbstractDataCache
          Abstract DataCache implementation that provides various statistics, logging, and timeout functionality common across cache implementations.
 class AbstractQueryCache
          Abstract QueryCache implementation that provides various statistics, logging, and timeout functionality common across cache implementations.
 class ConcurrentDataCache
          A DataCache implementation that is optimized for concurrent access.
 class ConcurrentQueryCache
          A QueryCache implementation that is optimized for concurrent access.
 class PartitionedDataCache
          A partitioned data cache maintains a set of partitions that are DataCache themselves.

Uses of AbstractConcurrentEventManager in org.apache.openjpa.event

Subclasses of AbstractConcurrentEventManager in org.apache.openjpa.event
 class BrokerFactoryEventManager
          EventManager responsible for notifying listeners of BrokerFactoryEvents.
 class RemoteCommitEventManager
          Manager that can be used to track and notify RemoteCommitListeners on remote commit events.
 class TransactionEventManager
          Manager that can be used to track and notify transaction listeners of transaction-related events.

Uses of AbstractConcurrentEventManager in org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc

Subclasses of AbstractConcurrentEventManager in org.apache.openjpa.lib.jdbc
 class JDBCEventConnectionDecorator
          Manages the firing of JDBCEvents.

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