Package org.apache.openjpa.event

OpenJPA Events This package provides some interfaces and useful implementations for OpenJPA's event notification framework.


Interface Summary
AttachListener Listener for when a detached instance is attached.
BeginTransactionListener Notified when transactions begin.
BrokerFactoryListener Interface for listening to BrokerFactoryEvent objects.
CallbackModes Callback handling constants.
ClearListener Listener for when persistent state is cleared from an instance.
DeleteListener Listener for when a persistent instance is deleted.
DetachListener Listener for when a persistent instance is detached.
DirtyListener Listener for when a persistent instance becomes dirty.
EndTransactionListener Notified when transactions end.
FlushTransactionListener Notified on transaction flush.
LifecycleCallbacks A lifecycle listener that responds to callbacks rather than events.
LifecycleEventManager.ListenerAdapter Interface that facades to other lifecycle listener interfaces can implement to choose which events to respond to based on their delegate.
LifecycleListener Interface for listening to all LifecycleEvents.
LoadListener Listener for when state is loaded into a persistent instnace.
OrphanedKeyAction Perform an action when OpenJPA detects an orphaned key in the database.
PersistListener Listener for newly-persisted instances.
RemoteCommitListener An entity that wishes to be notified when Brokers associated with remote BrokerFactories commit.
RemoteCommitProvider An entity that is responsible for communicating commit notification to other RemoteCommitEventManagers.
StoreListener Listener for when persistent instances are stored to the database.
TransactionListener Interface for listening to all TransactionEvents.

Class Summary
AbstractLifecycleListener Abstract implementation of the LifecycleListener interface which delegates events to a single method.
AbstractRemoteCommitProvider Abstract implementation of RemoteCommitProvider.
AbstractTransactionListener Abstract implementation of the TransactionListener interface that provides no-op implementations of all methods.
BeanLifecycleCallbacks Performs a callback method on a cached bean instance.
BrokerFactoryEvent Event fired when a BrokerFactory is created.
BrokerFactoryEventManager EventManager responsible for notifying listeners of BrokerFactoryEvents.
ExceptionOrphanedKeyAction Throw a ObjectNotFoundException when an orphaned key is discovered.
JMSRemoteCommitProvider JMS-based implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to other RemoteCommitProviders over a JMS topic.
LifecycleEvent Lifecycle event on a persistent instance.
LifecycleEventManager Manager that can be used to track and notify listeners on lifecycle events.
LifecycleEventManager.ListenerList Extended list that tracks what event types its elements care about.
LogOrphanedKeyAction Log a message when an orphaned key is discovered.
MethodLifecycleCallbacks Callback adapter that invokes a callback method via reflection.
NoneOrphanedKeyAction Does nothing when an orphaned key is discovered.
RemoteCommitEvent Event type to hold the IDs of additions, updates, and deletes.
RemoteCommitEventManager Manager that can be used to track and notify RemoteCommitListeners on remote commit events.
SingleJVMRemoteCommitProvider Single-JVM-only implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to other SingleJVMRemoteCommitProviders in the same JVM.
TCPRemoteCommitProvider TCP-based implementation of RemoteCommitProvider that listens for object modifications and propagates those changes to other RemoteCommitProviders over TCP sockets.
TransactionEvent A transactional event.
TransactionEventManager Manager that can be used to track and notify transaction listeners of transaction-related events.

Package org.apache.openjpa.event Description

OpenJPA Events

This package provides some interfaces and useful implementations for OpenJPA's event notification framework. This framework allows efficient notification of object modifications and transaction changes.

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