Package org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.concurrent

Concurrent Utilities


Interface Summary
ConcurrentMap A highly concurrent map.

Class Summary
AbstractConcurrentEventManager Base event manager that handles adding/removing listeners and firing events.
ConcurrentHashMap This class implements a HashMap which has limited synchronization.
ConcurrentReferenceHashMap This class implements a HashMap which has limited synchronization and reference keys or values(but not both).
ConcurrentReferenceHashSet<E> A concurrent set whose values may be stored as weak or soft references.
NullSafeConcurrentHashMap Deprecated. In Java 8, java.util.ConcurrentHashMap received an overhauled and this extension was not updated.
SizedConcurrentHashMap Deprecated. In Java 8, java.util.ConcurrentHashMap received an overhauled and this extension was not updated.

Package org.apache.openjpa.lib.util.concurrent Description

Concurrent Utilities

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