Uses of Class

Packages that use Gav

Uses of Gav in org.apache.maven.index

Methods in org.apache.maven.index that return Gav
 Gav ArtifactInfo.calculateGav()
 Gav ArtifactContext.getGav()

Constructors in org.apache.maven.index with parameters of type Gav
ArtifactContext(File pom, File artifact, File metadata, ArtifactInfo artifactInfo, Gav gav)

Uses of Gav in org.apache.maven.index.artifact

Methods in org.apache.maven.index.artifact that return Gav
 Gav M2GavCalculator.pathToGav(String str)
 Gav M1GavCalculator.pathToGav(String str)
 Gav GavCalculator.pathToGav(String path)
          Calculates GAV from provided repository path.

Methods in org.apache.maven.index.artifact with parameters of type Gav
 String M2GavCalculator.calculateArtifactName(Gav gav)
 String M2GavCalculator.gavToPath(Gav gav)
 String M1GavCalculator.gavToPath(Gav gav)
          // XXX this is not accurate, m1 is using packaging as an artifact folder name.
 String GavCalculator.gavToPath(Gav gav)
          Reassembles the repository path from the supplied GAV.

Uses of Gav in org.apache.maven.index.locator

Methods in org.apache.maven.index.locator with parameters of type Gav
 File PomLocator.locate(File source, GavCalculator gavCalculator, Gav gav)
 File GavHelpedLocator.locate(File source, GavCalculator gavCalculator, Gav gav)
 File ArtifactLocator.locate(File source, GavCalculator gavCalculator, Gav gav)

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