Package org.apache.maven.index.locator

Interface Summary
GavHelpedLocator An artifact locator used to locate repository "elements" relative to some file with given Gav.
Locator An artifact locator used to locate repository "elements" relative to some file.

Class Summary
ArtifactLocator Artifact locator.
JavadocLocator A JavaDoc locator to locate the JavaDoc bundle relative to POM.
Md5Locator An md5 locator to locate the md5 file relative to POM.
MetadataLocator A metadata locator to locate the Maven 2 artifact metadata relative to its POM.
PomLocator A POM locator to locate POM artifact.
Sha1Locator An sha1 locator to locate the sha1 file relative to POM.
SignatureLocator A signature locator to locate the signature file relative to POM.
SourcesLocator A sources locator to locate the sources bundle relative to POM.

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