Package org.apache.maven.index

Interface Summary
ArtifactContextProducer A producer that creates ArtifactContext from POM and from other available files.
ArtifactDiscoveryListener A listener notified upon artifact discovery.
ArtifactInfoFilter ArtifactInfoFilter is used to filter out components before they are handed over to searcher (and well before paging is implemented).
ArtifactInfoPostprocessor ArtifactInfoPostprocessor is used to postprocess the ArtifactInfo, after it passed filtering and paging but before it is handed over to client performing search.
ArtifactScanningListener A listener notified during repository scan process to track progress, collect results, etc.
Grouping A grouping criteria for grouped searches.
IndexerEngine An indexer engine used to index, update and remote artifacts to the indexing context.
IteratorResultSet IteratorResultSet, that returns the result hit's in "iterator-like fashion", instead lifting all the hits into memory (and bashing IO and RAM consumption).
MAVEN Maven ontology.
NEXUS Ontology of Nexus.
NexusIndexer The Nexus indexer is a statefull facade that maintains state of indexing contexts.
OSGI OSGI ontology.
QueryCreator A component the creates Lucene Queries from "human written" queries, but also helps client applications to assemble proper queries for fields they want to search.
Scanner An abstraction for scanning content of the artifact repositories
SearchEngine A search engine used to perform searches trough repository indexes.

Class Summary
AbstractMultiArtifactInfoFilter An abstract helper class for implementing ArtifactInfoFilter that actually aggregates multiple filters into one.
AbstractSearchPageableRequest Pageable search request.
AndMultiArtifactInfoFilter This is a aggregated artifact info filter that performs AND operation (all filter has to accept the artifact info, if one rejects, results is reject).
ArtifactContext An artifact context used to provide information about artifact during scanning.
ArtifactInfo ArtifactInfo holds the values known about an repository artifact.
ArtifactInfoGroup An object that holds grouped sets of ArtifactInfos in case of grouped search.
ArtifactInfoRecord Pulling out ArtifactInfo, clearing up.
DefaultArtifactContextProducer A default implementation of the ArtifactContextProducer.
DefaultIndexerEngine A default IndexerEngine implementation.
DefaultIteratorResultSet Default implementation of IteratorResultSet.
DefaultNexusIndexer A default NexusIndexer implementation.
DefaultQueryCreator A default QueryCreator constructs Lucene query for provided query text.
DefaultScanner A default repository scanner for Maven 2 repository.
DefaultSearchEngine A default search engine implementation
FlatSearchRequest A flat search request.
FlatSearchResponse A flat search response.
GroupedSearchRequest A grouped search request.
GroupedSearchResponse A grouped search response.
IndexerField Holds basic information about Indexer field, how it is stored.
IteratorSearchRequest A Search Request that will perform the new "iterator-like" type of search.
IteratorSearchResponse A Search Response for the "iterator-like" search request.
ScanningRequest A scanning request provides various input parameters for repository scan
ScanningResult A scanning result holds result of repository scan
UniqueArtifactFilterPostprocessor A special reusable filter, that filters the result set to unique Repository-GroupId-ArtifactId combination, leaving out Version.
UniqueGAArtifactFilterPostprocessor Deprecated. Use UniqueArtifactFilterPostprocessor instead.

Enum Summary
ArtifactAvailablility Enumeration provides values indicating artifact availability
SearchType Designated search types that NexusIndexer supports.

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