Maven Plugins

This page contains a list of known plugins sites. We would be very interested if you would drop us a note if you are creating a Maven plugin and would like to be added to this list.

Maven Plugins Project @

The Maven Plugins Project at SourceForge develops a series of plugins.

Independant Plugins

Maven NBM plugin Plugin for creating Netbeans modules (both jars and NBMs) and autoupdate sites.
Weblogic EJBGen plugin Plugin for Weblogic EJBGen
Tomcat plugin Plugin for managing webapps with Tomcat Manager
Maven Validator Validates XHTML
XDoclet plugin Plugin for XDoclet
Maven Taglib plugin Taglib Plug-in is a maven plugin for jsp tag libraries developers
Maven xsddoc plugin Generates documentation of W3C XML Schema
Maven DocCheck Plugin Plugin for Doc Check Doclet
UCDD Document Use Cases using maven and xml.
Maven Historical Data Record user specified values from each maven build to a database.
Maven OSGi Plugin Create OSGi bundles
Maven EMMA Plugin Plugin using the EMMA code coverage tool

Projects With a Maven Plugin

Cactus plugin Plugin for Jakarta Cactus
Turbine plugin Plugin for Jakarta Turbine
JBlanket plugin Plugin for JBlanket test coverage tool
StatCvs-XML plugin Plugin for StatCvs-XML
Lint4j Lint4j, the static Java source and bytecode analyzer and bug pattern detector