Maven 1.1 Released

The Apache Maven team is pleased to announce the release of Maven 1.1!

Download Maven 1.1 and read the Installation Instructions.

Maven is a project management and project comprehension tool. Maven is based on the concept of a project object model: builds, documentation creation, site publication, and distribution publication are all controlled from the project object model. Maven also provides tools to create source metrics, change logs based directly on source repository, and source cross-references.

Compared to Maven 1.0.2, this release features several enhancements:

  • Integration of Maven 2 technologies such as Maven Wagon, Maven SCM and the new model code
  • Ant 1.6.5 support
  • Upgrade dependencies, in particular Jelly, Dom4j, Jaxen, Commons-Jexl, and many others.
  • Upgraded versions of almost all the bundled plugins,
  • Improved error handling and reporting.
  • Improved POM layout
  • Significant improvements in memory usage and general performance.
  • Documentation updates.

For a full list of changes, please see JIRA.

With just a few exceptions, Maven 1.1 is backwards compatible with Maven 1.0.

Please note: Maven 2.0.6 is the latest stable release of Maven and is recommended for all new projects, but it is not compatible with Maven 1.x. Maven 1.1 is meant to improve the performance and stability for those using Maven 1.0 for their builds.

We hope you enjoy using Maven! If you have any questions, please consult:

- The Apache Maven Team