Powered By Maven

This page contains just a few of the many projects successfully using Maven. We would be very interested if you would Contact Us if you are using Maven with your project and would like to be added to this list.

Apache Software Foundation

Jakarta Commons Several reusable Java libraries from the Apache Jakarta community.
Jakarta BCEL Java Byte Code Engineering Library.
Jetspeed Portal Framework.
Torque An object-relational mapping and model generation tool that was originally developed as part of Turbine (and has long since been decoupled).
Turbine A collection of projects dedicated to the development of web applications using a model-view-controller model.
XMLRPC Java XMLRPC implementation.

Other Projects

DAO (Data Access Objects) Examples The daoexamples project provides example implementations of the Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern.
DisplayTag The display tag library is an open source suite of custom tags that provide high level web presentation patterns which will work in a MVC model, and provide a significant amount of functionality while still being simple and straight-forward to use.
Domingo A simple, consistent, object-oriented easy-to-use interface to the Lotus Notes/Domino Java-API.
fpsstats A J2EE application that analyzes logs from many popular first shooter games.
gsbase A collection of java utility classes
gui4j A framework for describing Java Swing GUIs completely in XML.
JAAD JAVA API for TIBCO/ActiveDatabase.
Jamecs Servlets-based Content Management Framework.
JAIMBot (Java AIM Bot) A modular architecture for providing services through an AIM client
Jaxen Universal Java XPath Engine.
JSMIME JSMIME is a Java library to sign and/or encrypt E-Mails using the SMIME standard using many different algorithms and key strengths.
JUNITPP This extension to the JUNIT framework allows a test data repository and load/stress test from the command line.
jWebUnit A testing framework for web applications.
Melati A framework for creating database backed websites
MessageForge Comprehensive messaging framework for TIBCO/RV, XML, SOAP, and JMS.
OpenJMS OpenJMS is an open source implementation of Sun Microsystems's Java Message Service API 1.0.2 Specification
PanEris All the current software output of the PanEris collabrative
PatternTesting A testing framework that allows to automatically verify that Architecture/Design/Best practices recommendations are implemented correctly in the code.
PMD PMD - a static code analyzer. Finds unused variables and whatnot.
Quilt Test coverage tool.
RVTEST An extension to JUnit that allows for server, integration, and load testing of TIBCO Rendezvous based applications.
Scope Scope is a framework built around an extensible implementation of the Hierarchical Model-View-Controller (HMVC) pattern similar to the pattern described in HMVC: The layered pattern for developing strong client tiers.
xsddoc A XML Schema documentation generator for W3C XML Schemas.