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Persistence Broker Tutorial

The PersistenceBroker API


The PersistenceBroker API provides the lowest level access to OJB's persistence engine. While it is a low-level API compared to the OTM, ODMG, or JDO API's it is still very straightforward to use.

The core class in the PersistenceBroker API is the org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker class. This class provides the point of access for all persistence operations in this API.

More detailed information can be found in the PB-guide and in the other reference guides.

This tutorial operates on a simple example class:

package org.apache.ojb.tutorials;

public class Product
    /* Instance Properties */

    private Double price;
    private Integer stock;
    private String name;lean

    /* artificial property used as primary key */

    private Integer id;

    /* Getters and Setters */

The metadata descriptor for mapping this class is described in the mapping tutorial

The source code for all tutorials is available in the seperate tutorials-src.jar which you can download here. If you're eager to try them out, you can use them with the ojb-blank project which can be downloaded from the same place. It is described in the Getting started section.

Further information about the OJB PB-api implementation can be found in the PB guide.

A First Look - Persisting New Objects

The most basic operation is to persist an object. This is handled very easily by just

  1. obtaining a PersistenceBroker
  2. begin the PB-transaction
  3. storing the object via the PersistenceBroker
  4. commit transaction
  5. closing the PersistenceBroker

For example, the following function stores a single object of type Product.

public static void storeProduct(Product product)
    PersistenceBroker broker = null;
        broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
    catch(PersistenceBrokerException e)
        if(broker != null) broker.abortTransaction();
        // do more exception handling
        if (broker != null) broker.close();

Two OJB classes are used here, the PersistenceBrokerFactory and the PersistenceBroker. The PersistenceBrokerFactory class manages the lifecycles of PersistenceBroker instances: it creates them, pools them, and destroys them as needed. The exact behavior is very configurable.

In this case we used the static PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker() method to obtain an instance of a PersistenceBroker to the default data source. This is most often how it is used if there is only one database for an application. If there are multiple data sources, a broker may be obtained by name (using a PBKey instance as argument in PersistenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(pbKey)).

It is worth noting that the broker.close() call is made within a finally {...} block. This ensures that the broker will be closed, and returned to the broker pool, even if the function throws an exception.

To use this function, we just create a Product and pass it to the function:

Product product = new Product();

Once a PersistenceBroker has been obtained, its PersistenceBroker.store(Object) method is used to make an object persistent.

Maybe you have noticed that there has not been an assignment to product.id, the primary-key attribute. Upon storing product OJB detects that the attribute is not properly set and assigns a unique id. This automatic assignment of unique Ids for the attribute id has been explicitly declared in the XML repository file, as we discussed in the .

If several objects need to be stored, this can be done within a transaction, as follows.

public static void storeProducts(Product[] products)
    PersistenceBroker broker = null;
        broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
        for (int i = 0; i < products.length; i++)
    catch(PersistenceBrokerException e)
        if(broker != null) broker.abortTransaction();
        // do more exception handling
        if (broker != null) broker.close();

This contrived example stores all of the passed Product instances within a single transaction via the PersistenceBroker.beginTransaction() and PersistenceBroker.commitTransaction(). These are database level transactions, not object level transactions.

Querying Persistent Objects

Once objects have been stored to the database, it is important to be able to get them back. The PersistenceBroker API provides two mechanisms for building queries, by using a template object, or by using specific criteria.

public static Product findByTemplate(Product template)
    PersistenceBroker broker = null;
    Product result = null;
        broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
        QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(template);
        result = (Product) broker.getObjectByQuery(query);
        if (broker != null) broker.close();
    return result;

This function finds a Product by building a query against a template Product. The template should have any properties set which should be matched by the query. Building on the previous example where a product was stored, we can now query for that same product:

Product product = new Product();
product.setPrice(new Double(1.99));
product.setStock(new Integer(10));

Product template = new Product();
Product sameProduct = findByTemplate(template);

In the above code snippet, product and sameProduct will reference the same object (assuming there are no additional products in the database with the name "Sprocket").

The template Product has only one of its properties set, the name property. The others are all null. Properties with null values are not used to match.

An alternate, and more flexible, way to have specified a query via the PersistenceBroker API is by constructing the criteria on the query by hand. The following function does this.

public static Collection getExpensiveLowStockProducts()
    PersistenceBroker broker = null;
    Collection results = null;
        broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();

        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
        criteria.addLessOrEqualThan("stock", new Integer(20));
        criteria.addGreaterOrEqualThan("price", new Double(100000.0));

        QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(Product.class, criteria);
        results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(query);
        if (broker != null) broker.close();
    return results;

This function builds a Criteria object and uses it to set more complex query parameters - in this case greater-than and less-than contraints. Looking at the first constraint put on the criteria, criteria.addLessOrEqualThan("stock", new Integer(10)); notice the arguments. The first is the property name on the object being queried for. The second is an Integer instance to be used for the comparison.

After the Criteria has been built, the QueryByCriteria constructor used is also different from the previous example. In this case the criteria does not know the type of the object it is being used against, so the Class must be specified to the query.

Finally, notice that this example uses the PersistenceBroker.getCollectionByQuery(...) method instead of the PersistenceBroker.getObjectByQuery(...) method used previously. This is used because we want all of the results. Either form can be used with either method of constructing queries. In the case of the PersistenceBroker.getObjectByQuery(...) style query, the first matching object is returned, even if there are multiple matching objects.

Updating Persistent Objects

The same mechanism, and method, is used for updating persistent objects as for inserting persistent objects. The same PersistenceBroker.store(Object) method is used to store a modified object as to insert a new one - the difference between new and modified objects is irrelevent to OJB.

This can cause some confusion for people who are very used to working in the stricter confines of SQL inserts and updates. Basically, OJB will insert a new object into the relational store if the primary key, as specified in the O/R metadata is not in use. If it is in use, it will update the existing object rather than create a new one.

This allows programmers to treat every object the same way in an object model, whether it has been newly created and made persistent, or materialized from the database.

Typically, making changes to a peristent object first requires retrieving a reference to the object, so the typical update cycle, unless the application caches objects, is to query for the object to modify, modify the object, and then store the object. The following function demonstrates this behavior by "selling" a Product.

public static boolean sellOneProduct(Product template)
    PersistenceBroker broker = null;
    boolean isSold = false;
        broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
        QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(template);
        Product result = (Product) broker.getObjectByQuery(query);

        if (result != null)
            result.setStock(new Integer(result.getStock().intValue() - 1));
            // alternative, more performant
            // broker.store(result, ObjectModificationDefaultImpl.UPDATE);
            isSold = true;
    catch(PersistenceBrokerException e)
        if(broker != null) broker.abortTransaction();
        // do more exception handling
        if (broker != null) broker.close();
    return isSold;

This function uses the same query-by-template and PersistenceBroker.store() API's examined previously, but it uses the store method to store changes to the object it retrieved. It is worth noting that the entire operation took place within a transaction.

Deleting Persistent Objects

Deleting persistent objects from the repository is accomplished via the PersistenceBroker.delete() method. This removes the persistent object from the repository, but does not affect any change on the object itself. For example:

public static void deleteProduct(Product product)
    PersistenceBroker broker = null;
        broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();
    catch(PersistenceBrokerException e)
        if(broker != null) broker.abortTransaction();
        // do more exception handling
        if (broker != null) broker.close();

This method simply deletes an object from the database.

Find object by primary key

In some cases only the primary key values (single field or n-fields for composed primary keys) of an object are known. In OJB you have several ways to request the whole object. It is possible to build a query as shown above, but the smarter solution is to use PersistenceBroker#getObjectByIdentity(Identity oid). An Identity object is a unique representation of a persistence capable object based on the object primary key values and the top-level class (abstract class, interface or the class itself, depending on the extent metadata mapping).

For example, to find an Product with an single primary key of '23' do

Identity oid = broker.serviceIdentity().buildIdentity(Product.class, new Integer(23));
Product product = (Product) broker.getObjectByIdentity(oid);

Exception Handling

Most PersistenceBroker operations throw a org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBrokerException, which is derived from java.lang.RuntimeException if an error occurs. This means that no try/catch block is required but does not mean that it should not be used. This tutorial specifically does not catch exceptions all in order to focus more tightly on the specifics of the API, however, best usage would be to include a try/catch/finally block around persistence operations using the PeristenceBroker API.

Additionally, the closing of PersistenceBroker instances is best handled in finally blocks in order to guarantee that it is run, even if an exception occurs. If the PersistenceBroker.close() is not called then the application will leak broker instances. The best way to ensure that it is always called is to always retrieve and use PersistenceBroker instances within a try {...} block, and always close the broker in a finally {...} block attached to the try {...} block.

A better designed getExpensiveLowStockProducts() method is presented here.

public static Collection betterGetExpensiveLowStockProducts()
    PersistenceBroker broker = null;
    Collection results = null;
        broker = PersistenceBrokerFactory.defaultPersistenceBroker();

        Criteria criteria = new Criteria();
        criteria.addLessOrEqualThan("stock", new Integer(20));
        criteria.addGreaterOrEqualThan("price", new Double(100000.0));

        QueryByCriteria query = new QueryByCriteria(Product.class, criteria);
        results = broker.getCollectionByQuery(query);
    catch (PersistenceBrokerException e)
        // Handle exception
        if (broker != null) broker.close();
    return results;

Notice first that the PersistenceBroker is retrieved and used within the confines of a try {...} block. Assuming nothing goes wrong the entire operation will execute there, all the way to the return results; line. Java guarantees that finally {...} blocks will be called before a method returns, so the broker.close() method is only included once, in the finally block. As an exception may have occured while attempting to retrieve the broker, a not-null test is first performed before closing the broker.

by Brian McCallister