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PB-api Guide


The PersistenceBroker API (PB-api) provides the lowest level access to OJB's persistence engine. While it is a low-level API compared to the standardised ODMG or JDO API's it is still very straightforward to use.

The core class in the PersistenceBroker API is the org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBroker class. This class provides the point of access for all persistence operations in this API.

This document is not a PB tutorial (newbies please read the tutorial first) rather than a guide showing the specific usage and possible pitfalls in handling the PB-api.

If you don't find an answer for a specific question, please have a look at the FAQ and the other reference guides.

How to access the PB-api?

The org.apache.ojb.broker.PersistenceBrokerFactory make several methods available:

public PersistenceBroker createPersistenceBroker(PBKey key) throws PBFactoryException;

public PersistenceBroker createPersistenceBroker(String jcdAlias, String user, String password)
    throws PBFactoryException;

public PersistenceBroker defaultPersistenceBroker() throws PBFactoryException;

Method defaultPersistenceBroker() can be used if the attribute default-connection is set true in jdbc-connection-descriptor. It's a convenience method, useful when only one database is used.

The standard way to lookup a broker instance is via org.apache.ojb.broker.PBKey by specify jcdAlias (defined in the jdbc-connection-descriptor of the repository file or sub file), user and passwd. If the user and password is already set in jdbc-connection-descriptor it is possible to lookup the broker instance only be specify the jcdAlias in PBKey:

PBKey pbKey = new PBKey("myJcdAliasName", "user", "password");
// alternative if user/passwd set in configuration file
PBKey pbKey = new PBKey("myJcdAliasName");
PersistenceBroker broker = PersitenceBrokerFactory.createPersistenceBroker(pbKey);

See further in FAQ "Needed to put user/password of database connection in repository file?".

Notes on Using the PersistenceBroker API

Exception Handling

The exception handling is described in the PB-tutorial exception handling section.

Management of PersistenceBroker instances

There is no need to cache or pool the used PersistenceBroker instances, because OJB itself use a PB-pool. The configuration of the PB-pool is adjustable in the OJB.properties file.

Using the PersistenceBroker.close() method releases the broker back to the pool under the default implementation. For this reason the examples in the PB tutorial all retrieve, use, and close a new broker for each logical transaction.

Apart from the pooling management PersistenceBroker.close() force the internal cleanup of the used broker instance - e.g. removing of temporary PersistenceBrokerListener instances, release of used connection if needed, internal used object registration lists, ...
Therefore it's not recommended always refer to the same PB instance without closing it.


Transactions in the PeristenceBroker API are database level transactions. This differs from object level transactions used by e.g. the odmg-api. The broker does not maintain a collection of modified, created, or deleted objects until a commit is called -- it operates on the database using the databases transaction mechanism. If object level transactions are required, one of the higher level API's (ODMG, JDO, or OTM) should be used.


How to use multiple Databases

For each database define a jdbc-connection-descriptor same way as described in the FAQ.

Now each database will be accessible via the PersistenceBrokerFactory using a PBKey matching the defined jcdAliase name as shown in section How to access the PB-api?.

Hook into OJB - PB-Listener and Instance Callbacks

All Listener and instance callback interfaces supported by the PB-api can be used in the top-level API (like ODMG-api) as well.

The OJB Kernel supports three types of "hook" into OJB:

To add a PBListener use one of the following PersistenceBroker methods:

public void addListener(PBListener listener) throws PersistenceBrokerException;

public void addListener(PBListener listener, boolean permanent) throws PersistenceBrokerException;

The first method adds a temporary org.apache.ojb.broker.PBListener to the current PersistenceBroker instance - on PersistenceBroker.close() call the listener was removed.

The second one allows to add permanent org.apache.ojb.broker.PBListener when the method argument is set true. If set false the listener only be temporary added.


Be carefully when adding permanent listener, keep in mind you don't know which instance was returned next time from the pool, with a permanent listener or without!
To guarantee that any pooled broker instance use the permanent listener, best way is to extend the used org.apache.ojb.broker.core.PersistenceBrokerFactoryIF implementation and add the listener at creation of the PersistenceBroker instances.

Or add each time you lookup a PersistenceBroker instance the listener as a temporary listener.

by Armin Waibel